

在 increment產品中有44篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 最近,我在「TIME時代」雜志的專欄文章裡,向全球的讀者介紹了大陸「世界工廠」的+AI自動化升級。隨著勞動力成本的上漲,工業自動化、智慧化勢必是大陸製造業的一劑特效藥。自動化能讓運營成本下降,但仍能讓中國大陸保持生產品質、流程、供應鏈維度的優勢。AI賦能產業升級的願景或許還需多年才能實現,但當下的大...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#'96年にメロディが開発、発売した、98用ACT作品。 軍事組織"スレイブ・ドッグ"の出現により4カ国に別れた世界はその均衡を崩したが、政府は国に属さない戦闘集団"スティール・フォックス"を編成し反撃を開始。 星間戦争を題材にしたロボットACTであり、そのキャラクターの微細なアクションやスクロー...

increment 在 時空の歪み?韓国コスメ図鑑 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 18:17:35

belif [ Best-seller trial kit ] ⁡(@belifjapan ) ⁡ ⁡ 知る人ぞ知る、韓国優秀スキンケアブランドといった感じでしょうか“belif(ビリーフ)” ⁡ 気になるものはあるけれど現品サイズを買うのは抵抗があるなぁ...そんな方多いですよね。 ⁡ ⁡ 楽天...

increment 在 Abe L Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-05 16:31:44

Posting this chart that we made in the beginning of the process up in conjunction of @plasticfreejuly just to show you guys how much of a process we h...

  • increment 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-17 11:34:50
    有 1,036 人按讚



    「中國世界工廠 + AI 的未來」











    China Is Still the World's Factory — And It's Designing the Future With AI


    For many years now, China has been the world’s factory. Even in 2020, as other economies struggled with the effects of the pandemic, China’s manufacturing output was $3.854 trillion, up from the previous year, accounting for nearly a third of the global market.

    But if you are still thinking of China’s factories as sweatshops, it’s probably time to change your perception. The Chinese economic recovery from its short-lived pandemic blip has been boosted by its world-beating adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). After overtaking the U.S. in 2014, China now has a significant lead over the rest of the world in AI patent applications. In academia, China recently surpassed the U.S. in the number of both AI research publications and journal citations. Commercial applications are flourishing: a new wave of automation and AI infusion is crashing across a swath of sectors, combining software, hardware and robotics.

    As a society, we have experienced three distinct industrial revolutions: steam power, electricity and information technology. I believe AI is the engine fueling the fourth industrial revolution globally, digitizing and automating everywhere. China is at the forefront in manifesting this unprecedented change.

    Chinese traditional industries are confronting rising labor costs thanks to a declining working population and slowing population growth. The answer is AI, which reduces operational costs, enhances efficiency and productivity, and generates revenue growth.

    For example, Guangzhou-based agricultural-technology company XAG, a Sinovation Ventures portfolio company, is sending drones, robots and sensors to rice, wheat and cotton fields, automating seeding, pesticide spraying, crop development and weather monitoring. XAG’s R150 autonomous vehicle, which sprays crops, has recently been deployed in the U.K. to be used on apples, strawberries and blackberries.

    Some companies are rolling out robots in new and unexpected sectors. MegaRobo, a Beijing-based life-science automation company also backed by Sinovation Ventures, designs AI and robots to safely perform repetitive and precise laboratory work in universities, pharmaceutical companies and more, reducing to zero the infection risk to lab workers.

    It’s not just startups; established market leaders are also leaning into AI. EP Equipment, a manufacturer of lithium-powered warehouse forklifts founded in Hangzhou 28 years ago, has with Sinovation Ventures’ backing launched autonomous models that are able to maneuver themselves in factories and on warehouse floors. Additionally Yutong Group, a leading bus manufacturer with over 50 years’ history, already has a driverless Mini Robobus on the streets of three cities in partnership with autonomous vehicle unicorn WeRide.

    Where is all this headed? I can foresee a time when robots and AI will take over the manufacturing, design, delivery and even marketing of most goods—potentially reducing costs to a small increment over the cost of materials. Robots will become self-replicating, self-repairing and even partially self-designing. Houses and apartment buildings will be designed by AI and use prefabricated modules that robots put together like toy blocks. And just-in-time autonomous public transportation, from robo-buses to robo-scooters, will take us anywhere we want to go.

    It will be years before these visions of the future enter the mainstream. But China is laying the groundwork right now, setting itself up to be a leader not only in how much it manufactures, but also in how intelligently it does it.


  • increment 在 BorntoDev Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-16 21:08:26
    有 423 人按讚

    ❓ เพื่อน ๆ เคยสงสัยกันมั้ยว่า i++ กับ ++i นั้นต่างกันอย่างไร ..
    🌈 ซึ่งทั้งสองนั้นก็คือการ +1 เพิ่มเข้าไปเหมือนกันทั้งคู่เลย ส่วนมากที่เราจะเคยเห็นนั้นคือ i++ ที่ใช้ตอนเราทำลูปนั่นเอง
    👉 วันนี้แอดจะมาอธิบายสั้น ๆ ง่าย ๆ เห็นเห็นถึงความแตกต่างกันระหว่างเจ้า 2 ตัวนี้ จะเป็นอย่างไรนั้น ไปดูกันเลย !!
    🔴 Pre-increment คือการ +1 ก่อนที่จะส่งค่ากลับออกมานั่นเอง
    i = 10, a = 0;
    a = ++i; // ทำ i + 1 ก่อนแล้วค่อย return i ออกมา
    // ผลลัพธ์คือ a = 11 และ i = 11
    🔴 Post-increment คือการส่งค่าออกมาก่อนแล้วค่อย + 1 นั่นเอง
    i = 10, a = 0;
    a = i++; // return i ออกมาก่อนแล้วค่อยทำ i + 1
    // ผลลัพธ์คือ a = 10 และ i = 11
    😁 พอจะเข้าใจความแตกต่างของเจ้า 2 ตัวนี้กันบ้างแล้วเนอะ หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับเพื่อน ๆ นะค้าบบ
    borntoDev - 🦖 สร้างการเรียนรู้ที่ดีสำหรับสายไอทีในทุกวัน

  • increment 在 91 敏捷開發之路 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-08 19:06:42
    有 59 人按讚

    Ron Jeffries 的提醒,大家在以 scrum 進行軟體產品開發時,要避免本末倒置、倒行逆施。

    “When a team does not have the necessary and less than obvious technical skills to produce a shippable Scrum Increment week in and week out, the Scrum process almost inevitably goes dark.”

    如果你是工程人員,更建議你先從 極限編程(extreme programming) 著手。

    事實上我們看過這麼多的客戶,極少看到 agile/scrum 落實內化很好,但極限編程跟人員的工程技能低落的。

    大部分順利的路,是從極限編程做得不錯,再引入 scrum 的。可以參考我自己的 scrum 序章:https://tdd.best/blog/my-beginning-of-scrum/

    也有一種很特別的例子,是 agile/scrum + XP 併行推進的,這個比較考驗大家對目標的認同,對相同方向上的施力,而且一開始就認知自己組織內可能各方面能力都需要提升,才能在這持續改善的路上持續學習,知道這條路本來就充滿荊棘挫折,但只要我們能越來越好,就總比之前好上不少。

    Ron Jeffries 是誰:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Jeffries

    極限編程 三大頭之一,敏捷宣言 17個簽署人之一,同時也是 Scrum Alliance 的 CST 培訓師。

    在我們多天的 scrum 相關培訓中,通常就會有一半以上是實際的開發協作過程。


    「學 scrum 比較容易,還是學單元測試、重構、TDD 比較容易?」

    最直接的方式,做個調查,多少公司以 scrum 方式進行開發,而多少公司內有落實 unit test 與持續重構。這個比例拉出來,就不意外為什麼大部分看到的都是 Dark Scrum 了。

    開發人員總是訕笑著 PM 永遠都給著不合理的時程,然而他們也總是以「沒有時間」當藉口來掩飾自己技能上的不足。

    如果你是在開發軟體產品,那整體就是 領域(產品) x 協作(溝通) x 開發 (交付) ,而且真正做東西出來的核心,還是開發交付的部份。


  • increment 在 translation Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 14:00:08





    manufacturer: 1996.03 Melody
    Computer: PC-9801VX after series
    Hardware: YM2203
    Composer: PANDA
    00:00 01.MELODY (LOGO)
    03:09 03.HARD RUSHING (STG2)
    06:41 04.STORMY EDGE (STG3A)
    09:41 05.INCREMENT (BOSS)
    12:43 06.LAYERED NIGHT (STG5)
    15:08 07.BOTTOM SWWP (STG6)
    18:29 08.TRAP CELLAR (STG7)
    20:39 09.MISSING SPACE (STG8)
    23:25 10.FROSTY BOUND (STG4A)
    26:14 12.TURN OVER (STG4B)
    29:17 13.EMERGENCY!! (EMERGENCY)
    29:39 14.RISKY TUNE (BOSS)
    32:01 15.CONFUSION! (BOSS)
    34:04 16.FLARE-UP (BOSS)
    36:27 17.PRETENDER (BOSS)
    40:16 19.GET AWAY (BOSS)
    44:10 21.DEPTH (LAST_BOSS2)
    47:38 22.COCKPIT (COCKPIT)
    49:58 23.GO AHEAD! (STAGE CLEAR)
    50:08 24.SO BAD! (MISSION FAILED)
    50:18 25.NEVER MIND! (GAME OVER)
    51:54 27.NEXT! (MISSION END)
    52:48 28.OVERBLOW (TITLE)
    53:13 29.NIGHT SLAVE (DEMO)
    59:15 31.STEEL FOX (STANDARD1)
    01:01:25 32.STEADY NOTE
    01:04:14 33.WAR OF NERVES
    01:06:57 34.SHAKEDOWN
    01:07:53 35.SLAVE DOG
    01:08:27 36.RELAXATION
    01:10:13 37.ASSIGNMENT (STANDARD2)
    01:12:31 38.TO TOUR HEART (CHIHO)
    01:14:37 39.DESTINY
    01:16:05 40.BESIDE ME
    01:18:13 41.UNITY
    01:19:18 42.SO FAR AWAY (ENDING)
    01:23:59 43.SE

  • increment 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-12-04 05:15:00

    How Do You Get Started In Sales And Business? With The Right Mindset. Click Here To Get Dan's Book, F.U. Money For Free: http://improvesalesandbusiness.danlok.link

    How do you improve your sales process and increase business? In this video, Dan Lok reveals some of the most important methods to making more money, getting more leads, and scaling your business. Watch this video now to discover how to improve your sales process and increase business.


    Check out these Top Trending Playlists -
    1.) Boss In The Bentley: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46OWsrbWGPnPW8mvDtjge_6-

    2.) Sales Tips That Get People To Buy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Csz_hvXzw&list=PLEmTTOfet46PvAsPpWByNgUWZ5dLJd_I4

    3.) Dan Lok’s Best Secrets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNmFJUuTRs&list=PLEmTTOfet46N3NIYsBQ9wku8UBNhtT9QQ

    Dan Lok is a Chinese-Canadian business magnate and global educator. Mr. Lok is leading a global education movement spanning across 120+ countries where Mr. Lok has taught millions of men and women to develop high income skills, unlock true financial confidence and master their financial destinies.

    Beyond his success in business, Mr. Lok was also a two times TEDx opening speaker. An international best-selling author of over a dozen books. And the host of The Dan Lok Show – a series featuring billionaire tycoons and millionaire entrepreneurs.

    Today, Mr. Lok continues to be featured in hundreds of media channels and publications every year and is widely seen as one of the top business leaders by millions around the world.

    Podcast: http://thedanlokshow.danlok.link
    Instagram: http://instagram.danlok.link
    YouTube: http://youtube.danlok.link
    Linkedin: http://mylinkedin.danlok.link

    #DanLok #SalesProcess #IncreaseBusiness

    This video is about How To Improve Your Sales Process And Increase Business

  • increment 在 KoKo Beauty Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-07-21 19:02:31

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