

在 incarcerated產品中有32篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,950的網紅台灣佛朗明哥情報誌 TW Flamenco,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 西班牙導演Jaime Dezcallar與佛朗明哥舞者Marco Flores合作之影像作品,向二十世紀初、西班牙內戰時被監禁處決而早夭之作曲家Antonio José Martínez Palacios致敬之作...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,930的網紅Indrani Kopal,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Incarcerated Rhythm (1hr 20m) Directed by Indrani Kopal Produced by Indrani Kopal and Derek Burrows. Country: United States Filmed in the United Sta...

incarcerated 在 國際內世鏡|Insight Into Issues Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-28 06:06:44

美國南卡羅來納州(以下簡稱「南卡州」)共和黨籍州長麥馬斯特(Henry McMaster)14日簽署有關死刑新法,若無法執行注射死亡,則電椅會成為內定選項,另外也新增槍決供死刑犯選擇。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 由於製藥公司拒絕提供藥品給監獄以避免涉及與死刑相關的負面觀感,導致注射死亡所用的藥品嚴重不...

  • incarcerated 在 台灣佛朗明哥情報誌 TW Flamenco Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-19 17:52:31
    有 15 人按讚

    西班牙導演Jaime Dezcallar與佛朗明哥舞者Marco Flores合作之影像作品,向二十世紀初、西班牙內戰時被監禁處決而早夭之作曲家Antonio José Martínez Palacios致敬之作

  • incarcerated 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-08 11:30:26
    有 834 人按讚


    #隨著美國各地接種疫苗的速度放緩,冠狀病毒病例在幾個州呈上升趨勢,包括內華達州,那裡有近 40% 的成年人沒有接種疫苗。
    CDC 估計,正如預期的那樣,Delta 現在是美國的主要病毒變種,佔感染的 51.7% 。但總體而言,全國新病毒病例和死亡人數以及住院人數的平均數量,與之前全國性激增期間的毀滅性高峰相比顯著下降。
    #斐濟幾乎未受影響地度過了大流行的第一年,現在正在與世界上增長最快的 Covid-19 疫情之一作鬥爭。
    #美國將送出百萬劑量的嬌生疫苗至玻利維亞,另外也有一百萬劑將被送往巴拉圭。週二,薩琪也曾表示,美國將向瓜地馬拉運送150萬劑Moderna疫苗,向越南運送200 萬劑 Moderna 疫苗。
    #路透社援引官方數據報導,經過兩個多月的穩步下降,週三德國的冠狀病毒病例數再次上升。聯邦衛生機構羅伯特科赫研究所表示,截至6月底,德國59%的病例都是Delta變體。但根據《紐約時報》的數據庫,德國的每日死亡人數在過去兩週內下降了42%。德國61% 的人口沒有完全接種疫苗。


    據報導,有超過 2,700 人死於與美國監獄、監獄和移民拘留中心有關的 Covid-19,但新增的病例表明,人數可能比報告多出許多。


    Jovenel Moïse週三在首都太子港郊區的私人住宅中被暗殺,其妻子也遭到槍擊。附近居民稱,他們從淩晨一點多開始聽到槍聲,持續了大約一小時。關於是誰可能實施了暗殺,目前尚待調查。Moïse此前一直尋求延長任期,公眾對此感到憤怒。分析認為,這場危機將加深海地過去幾個月來的動盪。



    *【Eric Adams曾經的政治局外人,征服了內部遊戲】
    Eric Adams在民主黨紐約市長初選中獲勝,他把自己描繪成一個工人階級政治家,瞭解普通紐約人的擔憂。


    *【南非前總統Jacob Zuma前往監獄服刑】
    上周,該國憲法法院裁定Jacob Zuma因未出庭接受腐敗調查而犯有藐視法庭罪,刑期為15個月。


    *【蓋茲基金會表示Melinda French Gates兩年後可能離開】

  • incarcerated 在 Kai Chi Leung 梁啟智 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-14 16:51:42
    有 51 人按讚

    今集 Last Week Tonight 討論美國監獄的炎夏中暑問題,情況如同酷刑。

  • incarcerated 在 Indrani Kopal Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-07-08 00:08:33

    Incarcerated Rhythm (1hr 20m)
    Directed by Indrani Kopal
    Produced by Indrani Kopal and Derek Burrows.

    Country: United States
    Filmed in the United States
    Year of completion: April 2018
    Running Time: 1 Hour 20 Minutes

    “Incarcerated Rhythm” follows the lives of these brave and courageous men as they struggle everyday to escape the societal stigma as ex-offenders; they thrive to regain their identity and pride through a form of art… their path to freedom in fact, has just barely begun.

  • incarcerated 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-09-07 12:53:02

    The mission was clear: Go to the NBA. Take over. Do so in a way that told the basketball world a new era had arrived.

    If you were not a part of his inner circle, Allen Iverson didn't give a damn about you. The thing is, he was atypical in that he wanted you to know it, specifically because it was his way of saying he knew you would never give a damn about him anyway, no matter how much you smiled in his face.

    His talent would make you care.

    His performance would make you salivate.

    His achievements would make you kneel.

    All the way to the Hall of Fame, someday.

    Iverson's story is not foreign, of course. It's similar to that of many players in today's NBA. Most are African-Americans. Most come from impoverished backgrounds. Almost all strive to elevate themselves to a level of greatness that has forced a global audience to pay attention, to emulate, then join.

    Yet very few have ever impacted basketball like Iverson. No matter how hard they try.

    "I always tell folks I played every game like it's my last," Iverson said earlier this week, in advance of his Hall of Fame induction on Friday. "And I meant that. But sometimes I don't think people realize what I mean when I say that. It's not just about playing so hard; it's why I played so hard. You know what I mean? It's what I wondered would happen to me if I didn't do it.

    "You've got to know my history and how I truly feel to realize where I'm coming from."

    But few will ever know. No matter how hard they try.

    During to a career that would culminate with Iverson averaging 26.7 points per game, winning four scoring titles and one MVP -- at 6 feet, 165 pounds -- folks witnessed his heroics but barely knew the intimate challenges he faced.

    Iverson knew being incarcerated, then granted clemency, wasn't a likable trait for Madison Avenue; that he wasn't the ideal spokesman for the NBA. Iverson knew a visibly polished Kobe Bryant was preferable to the tattoos, cornrows and street persona proudly worn on the sleeves, neck and elsewhere on this former All-American out of Georgetown.

    But Iverson also knew everyone couldn't be Bryant or Michael Jordan. He knew that if MJ and Kobe -- and no one else -- were the standard, society wouldn't have a true depiction of NBA stars to come.

    "I was 6 feet, so folks could relate to that," he once told me. "I was 165 pounds, so folks could relate to that. But I was also someone who wanted to be me, judged for what I do and who I am, instead of what you say I'm suppose to be. It's true that some [people] don't want to play the game, but a lot of dudes don't know how to. And even the ones that do, most ain't going to be accepted. So what about them?"

    Even today that is still a legitimate question.

    LeBron James has helped provide answers by showing you he can be a champion, pre-eminent role model and global icon, even if tattoos are draped all over his body. Steph Curry has proven as much, as well, by being a baby-faced, long-range assassin who, at 6-foot-3, looks like a regular dude instead of a Goliath of a man.

    From Carmelo Anthony to Chris Paul to Dwyane Wade and beyond, players are speaking not just with their play on the court, but with their willingness to address issues off the court. And although Iverson is no innovator in that department, his willingness to express himself certainly made it easier for athletes to open up more in a day and age that's demanding it, not asking.

  • incarcerated 在 Jackz Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-02-23 15:13:14

    Watch Common Talks About Hong Kong After Winning Best Original Song | Oscars 2015:

    Common started off the moving speech:

    First off, I’d like to thank God that lives in us all. Recently, John and I got to go to Selma and perform “Glory” on the same bridge that Dr. King and the people of the civil rights movement marched on 50 years ago. This bridge was once a landmark of a divided nation, but now is a symbol for change. The spirit of this bridge transcends race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and social status. The spirit of this bridge connects the kid from the South side of Chicago, dreaming of a better life to those in France standing up for their freedom of expression to the people in Hong Kong protesting for democracy. This bridge was built on hope. Welded with compassion. And elevated by love for all human beings.

    Then Legend took to the microphone, building off those sentiments:

    Thank you. Nina Simone said it’s an artist’s duty to reflect the times in which we live. We wrote this song for a film that was based on events that were 50 years ago, but we say Selma is now, because the struggle for justice is right now. We know that the voting rights, the act that they fought for 50 years ago is being compromised right now in this country today. We know that right now the struggle for freedom and justice is real. We live in the most incarcerated country in the world. There are more black men under correctional control today than were under slavery in 1850. When people are marching with our song, we want to tell you that we are with you, we see you, we love you, and march on.

    Transcript Of John Legend & Common's Oscar Acceptance Speech Proves "Glory" Has A Timeless Message

    Source: http://www.bustle.com/articles/65840-transcript-of-john-legend-commons-oscar-acceptance-speech-proves-glory-has-a-timeless-message-video

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