

在 impulsiveness產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Focus Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [PHOTO] Dance majors at the National Taiwan University of Arts perform Saturday in the first of their four graduation performances. The show, titled "...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過483的網紅Boris Foong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,IMPULSE (Full Continuous Mix) Mixed by Boris Foong - Recorded on February 2017 DJ Commentary Can't stress enough to state that "Saving Light", by Gar...

  • impulsiveness 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-14 19:00:47
    有 15 人按讚

    [PHOTO] Dance majors at the National Taiwan University of Arts perform Saturday in the first of their four graduation performances. The show, titled "Before Dropping Impulsiveness," features ballet, contemporary dance and folk dancing.

  • impulsiveness 在 雲文子 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-16 09:59:17
    有 13 人按讚

    《South China Morning Post》
    Which Chinese zodiac sign will have the best 2021? Year of the Ox predictions for love, health, career and wealth
    • Those born in the year of the tiger and rabbit will prosper this year and Hong Kong’s luck will improve overall, a feng shui expert says
    • But those born in the year of the ox, horse, sheep and dog can expect a difficult and challenging year
    • Those who feel beaten down by the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn that plagued the Year of the Rat, take heart.
    • Starting on Friday, which marks the first day of the Year of the Ox, Hong Kong’s collective fortune is about to change – for the better.
    • According to feng shui expert Yunwenzi, or Master Cloud, the new year will be one of nourishment and healing. However, while the city’s overall luck is expected to improve, what the Year of the Ox has in store for us individually will largely depend on the Chinese zodiac sign we were born under.
    • To help you navigate through the coming year, here are some tips on the dos and don’ts from Yunwenzi that promise to help each animal sign find health, love and prosperity.
    For those born in the Year of Ox, take heed. This is also a year in which your zodiac sign is at odds with the guardian god Tai Sui (or Fan Tai Shui), who determines the fortunes and setbacks of mortals.
    Oxen will face a number of issues in their career in the coming year. Beware of back-stabbing colleagues or getting into disputes. Focus on your work to avoid unnecessary mistakes at work.
    “The ox should beware of the risk of getting fired in the coming year. They’ll lack luck and it may be hard for them to get a new job,” warns Yunwenzi. “It is also difficult for them to accumulate wealth this year as they may make bad investment decisions. They should not invest in projects which they are unfamiliar with.”
    Oxen will not enjoy much romance either over the next 12 months; try not to look for partners in clubs or at parties. Illnesses will be a problem too, owing to their weak immune system, so they need to take extra care of themselves.
    Contrary to those born in the Year of the Ox, the tiger is the luckiest of all the 12 zodiac animals this year. They will encounter plenty of gui ren – helpful people – who will help them realise their plans. Tigers should take advantage of the momentum and explore different possibilities. It will be a good time to start a business.
    They are also lucky in love this year. For those seeking a relationship, seize the opportunities and enjoy the many pleasant romantic encounters.
    “Widening their social circle not only brings them unexpected rewards but also boosts their overall luck in the year,” Yunwenzi explains.
    But she reminds the tigers not to be arrogant and opinionated, as having good fortune does not necessarily mean all their actions are without consequences. For those who frequently attend social events, try not to overeat or else risk suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
    The Year of the Ox is good for those born under the Rabbit sign. Everything will be quite rosy and they will be able to bounce back from rock bottom. Filled with positivity and optimism, this is a good year for them to set goals and go in new directions.
    However, unlike the tigers, there are not many gui ren around for the rabbits and they pretty much have to rely on themselves to get things done. At work, their effort will be recognised by their superior and there might be a chance of promotion.
    Romance is also in the air for the rabbits – but mind that large age gap. Patience and mutual understanding are needed if they want to establish a strong relationship.
    The rabbit should avoid strenuous exercise to prevent injuries to the limbs.
    A stable and average year ahead for those born in the Year of the Dragon: their career will come to a standstill, which will make them doubt their working abilities. Yet, a twist of fate is expected after mid-autumn so it’s worth waiting for the opportunity to present itself.
    Although dragons will have many romantic encounters this year, they may still end up unsatisfied as they are not devoting much time to nurture their relationship(s). Their impulsiveness also means they easily fall in love with the wrong person.
    The dragon will have a weak lung this year, associated with respiratory diseases. They may also be prone to bad skin.
    It will be a year filled with both fortune and risk for snakes. Since you will be surrounded by people, unexpected opportunities will arise from your growing social network.
    “Their rising popularity may also attract people who speak with a ‘forked tongue’. They should work more and talk less. Their hard work will pay off,” says Yunwenzi.
    Unmarried snakes will stay single this year because they are too picky. They are advised to lower their requirements when looking for a partner.
    Beware of health problems such as spinal disc hernia, frozen shoulder and bony spur.
    This will be a roller coaster year for those born in the Year of the Horse. Their long-awaited plans will be postponed or even halted due to unexpected variables, but as the saying goes, “amid every crisis lies a great opportunity”, and career opportunities will arise during the winter.
    They should stay calm and sincerely tackle difficulties faced by their colleagues and company. This will gain their boss’s trust and confidence in them.
    Apart from work, sincerity is also key to success in relationships. Just be true to yourself and the right person will be attracted by your charisma. Beware of eye and head problems; headaches and dizziness may occur frequently throughout the year.
    Those born in the Year of the Sheep should expect a difficult and challenging year. They will face a lot of obstacles in all aspects of life. The Year of the Ox is not one for them to make any important decisions such as starting a business or changing jobs as their mind might be clouded with confusion.
    The sheep should stop finding excuses and acting like an otaku. Actively expanding and engaging in their social circles will bring them romantic luck.
    “This is a Xing Tai Sui year for sheep, which means that they should also care for their safety as it is foreseen that they may have traffic accidents within the year,” warns Yunwenzi.
    The monkey foresees a flourishing year full of opportunities and good fortune. They should be receptive to new ideas and seize golden opportunities. They will get help from a female gui ren which will help them get better results.
    They will also have a breakthrough in their career. They will easily get approval from their boss and promotion is on the horizon. For those who wish to start their own business, it is a good year to test the water by setting up a low-cost online business.
    Monkeys will also have a fruitful social life this year. They will have opportunities to make new friends who have charming personalities. Thanks to the monkey’s attractiveness and social popularity, sparks may fly. It is wise for monkeys to make their intentions clear from the start to avoid ambiguous signals that could damage their reputation and friendships.
    Kidney deficiency is likely to emerge in the Year of the Ox. They should also be aware of lower back pain.
    Roosters will have better fortune this year. This will be a “learning year” for them so they should stop being passive and start actively fighting for opportunities. Although the outcome may be unexpected or unsatisfying, each challenge is a golden learning opportunity.
    The rooster also receives blessings from Wen Chang, the god that oversees the intelligence and wisdom of mortals. They should use their time for further studies.
    People born under the sign of the rooster will not have much luck in love this year. They may feel tired and lose interest in searching for love. The rooster will not suffer from any major health problems this year, though they are prone to catching minor infections.
    The dog is looking at a troubling year ahead as, like those born in the Year of the Sheep, they will go through a Xing Tai Sui year. It will result in an unstable year filled with trouble and difficulties in relationships. Brace yourselves for the worst during the middle of the year.
    Accumulated stress means dogs may lose their temper. Bad fortune will come knocking with all that pent-up negativity.
    They will also not have any luck in relationships this year. They should choose their partner wisely and only start a relationship when they have a better understanding of their lover. Dogs should also look after their mental health. Poor stress-induced sleep quality will increase the risk of developing mental illness such as depression.
    Fortune shines on the pigs this year. They are always at their best and are quick-witted. They should attend more social gatherings to broaden their network and develop new job and business opportunities. Pigs could also set a more ambitious goal this year.
    Those born in the Year of the Pig may be attracted to a number of people simultaneously, and this could even develop into multiple affairs. The complicated relationships will harm their hopes for romance in the long run.
    Their health is hugely improved this year, and there is no major health problem predicted.
    After experiencing a terrible Year of the Rat, those born under this animal zodiac sign will see a boost in their fortunes. But they must be persistent and persevere as their luck will remain average for the first half of the year.
    They are advised not to set their goals too high but keep their feet on the ground and be prepared to face any challenges. They will be able to achieve their goals in the second half of 2021.
    The rat tends to be indecisive in relationships. They lack security when it comes to love, especially when potential new partners emerge on the horizon. It will make them passive and unable to devote themselves to maintaining the relationship, which will not last.
    They have a weak reproductive system this year. A regular check-up is advised.

    #雲文子 #奇門遁甲 #風水 #玄學天后

  • impulsiveness 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-23 19:42:07
    有 170 人按讚

    Legalism Withholds God’s Goodness From You

    “How sweet are your promises to my taste, more than honey to my mouth!” (Psalms‬ ‭119:103‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Hi dear reader, under the New Covenant of Grace, God’s promises to us are very sweet. We don’t even need to earn His goodness because Jesus already paid the price for us to enjoy it to the fullest.

    Sadly, there are still many legalistic preachers who preach to the level of their experience. They pray and don’t see people healed, so they say that healing isn’t guaranteed—that it’s not always God’s will to heal.

    They pray and don’t see provision in their own lives, so they say that God doesn’t want you to prosper.

    Have they considered that it’s because they are trying to earn and deserve these things by their own efforts instead of simply receiving through faith in Jesus?
    So they aren’t actually in faith, but in unbelief, and depending on their own works.

    Out of his own selfish impulsiveness, Saul declared a curse upon anyone in his army who eats any food until evening comes and he had defeated his enemies.

    “The men of Israel were distressed that day; for Saul had adjured the people, saying, “Cursed is the man who eats any food until it is evening, and I am avenged of my enemies.” So none of the people tasted food. All the people came into the forest; and there was honey on the ground. When the people had come to the forest, behold, honey was dripping, but no one put his hand to his mouth; for the people feared the oath. But Jonathan didn’t hear when his father commanded the people with the oath. Therefore he put out the end of the rod who was in his hand, and dipped it in the honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes brightened. Then one of the people answered, and said, “Your father directly commanded the people with an oath, saying, ‘Cursed is the man who eats food today.’” The people were faint. Then Jonathan said, “My father has troubled the land. Please look how my eyes have brightened, because I tasted a little of this honey. How much more, if perhaps the people had eaten freely today of the plunder of their enemies which they found? For now has there been no great slaughter among the Philistines.”” (1 Samuel‬ ‭14:24-30‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    There was honey on the ground which would have refreshed the soldiers, but they didn’t eat because they feared Saul and the oath.

    As a result, they were exhausted and faint. Such is the life of a believer who tries to keep the Law of Moses.

    This is like how legalistic preachers say that health and wealth isn’t for a believer, and that sometimes God makes you sick and poor to train your toughness.

    The Bible is filled with God’s promises to heal His people, keep them healthy, young, strong and prosper them in all things.

    “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even as your soul prospers.” (3 John‬ ‭1:2‬ ‭WEB‬)

    However, legalistic preachers have managed to rob believers from having faith in these promises.

    Those who haven’t heard such legalistic preaching are blessed. They are like Jonathan who wasn’t around when Saul declared the oath.
    In blissful ignorance, Jonathan enjoyed the refreshing honey and was satisfied.

    He wasn’t told that he couldn’t eat, so he freely ate!

    One of the most harmful things that can happen to you is to be under a ministry whereby sin-consciousness, condemnation upon believers and works-based justification are taught.
    You will struggle in life if you believe in such teachings.

    Dear brethren, if you have fallen victim to legalistic preaching, I pray that you do what Jonathan said—eat freely today of the plunder that Jesus won for you at the cross.

    Drink up the sweet honey of God’s promises in abundance, even in the presence of your enemies, and you’ll see the goodness of God.

    “He will be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that produces its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not wither. Whatever he does shall prosper.” (Psalms‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Simply believe and confess God’s promises to prosper you in all things and for you to be healthy even as your soul prospers through His word.
    As you continue feeding on His goodness towards you, you will experience it as a reality in your life!

    Thanks for reading this devotional! If the Holy Spirit has put it in your heart to sow a love gift to this ministry, you can do so on Ko-Fi, vía this link: http://ko-fi.com/miltongohblog

    For a gift of $10 and above, you will receive my new eBook “Messiah’s Miracles: The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ” which expounds on all the 37 recorded miracles of Jesus in the four gospels.
    See God’s love and grace for you demonstrated through the miracles and receive the faith to see miraculous breakthroughs in your own life!

    Thanks for your gift! Our God will richly multiply a harvest of blessings back to you so you can be well provided for every good work!

  • impulsiveness 在 Boris Foong Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-02-10 00:11:05

    IMPULSE (Full Continuous Mix)
    Mixed by Boris Foong - Recorded on February 2017

    DJ Commentary
    Can't stress enough to state that "Saving Light", by Gareth Emery & Standerwick with Haliene's vocals, inspired me to compile #IMPULSE. It is tracks like these that reaches out to my heart and soul through difficult times, each of those words in that song is so impactful that it manifested in me. "The Night is Ours" and "Destiny" are also tracks to look out for, it projects instrumentally what this compilation #IMPULSE meant to me.
    When I was in the moment of self-reflection one night, it came to me that in order to love who I am, I cannot hate the experiences that shaped me. At that moment, I realised that I must embrace my impulsiveness, thus the name of this compilation mix; IMPULSE.
    I want none of these tracks to be anything really familiar/bangers, but yet sustain my trance/progressive music flavour and mixing style as a DJ. Many of times, we got so caught up with the big hitters that we overlooked at what's currently present. To me, whatever I believe on the inside, is what manifest on the outside. The simplicity of things is actually enough to create the bigger picture. Abundance.
    -Boris Foong

    P/S: Our homeboy Gautam Khaw's latest ID sees fit in #IMPULSE, gotta give it to him for the clean solid mixdown, his taste and talent deserves some recognition.

    #IMPULSE DJ Tracklist
    1. Circulatory Disturbance (Ghoeyash Remix) - Robert R. Hardy
    2. The Night Is Ours - Alpha 9
    3. Tears Of The Sun - Alan Morris & Marco Cera
    4. In And Out Of Love feat. Sharon Den Adel (Diversion Remix) - Armin van Buuren, Sharon Den Adel
    5. Lonely Time - L.O.M.
    6. Destiny - Andrew Bayer & Ilan Bluestone
    7. Returning - Maor Levi
    8. Daylily - Axis
    9. Gravity - Marcus Santoro
    10. Valor - Jason Ross
    11. Zero Gravity - Dis Play & Max Meyer
    12. Higher Love - Seven Lions & Jason Ross feat. Paul Meany
    13. Balearic Balls - Above & Beyond
    14. One More Time (Alexander Popov Remix) - Christian Burns, Alexander Popov
    15. Alpha Shear - SCHALA
    16. Take it All feat. Hansen Tomas - Jochen Miller, Andrew Rayel, Hansen Tomas
    17. Asphalt - Protoculture
    18. ID - Gautam Khaw
    19. Rebirth - Mark Sixma Pres. M6 & Standerwick
    20. Saving Light feat. HALIENE - Gareth Emery & Standerwick

    Mixcloud: mixcloud.com/borisfoongdj/boris-foong-warm-up-set-2016-marlo-david-gravell-zouk-mainroom/
    Facebook: facebook.com/borizbenji
    Instagram: borisfoong

  • impulsiveness 在 Meimeiwawa Multimedia 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-09-23 17:22:16


    In the new year, it's time for Meiwa to take some time to reflect on where we can go in the future! Please help us to fill out our survey and to show our thanks we'll be sending you a limited edition autographed Meiwa photo print!




    Moving backwards from one of 2016's most popular hits, JJ Lin's 'Twilight' to the classic 'Little love song' and 'What I miss' by Sodagreen and Stefanie Sun respectively, Lara's mashup coalesces concepts from the three to tell a story that is uniquely hers.

    Everyone experiences certain periods in their life that shine brighter than others; vivid memories that bring back muted emotions of joy, impulsiveness-perhaps that long-forgotten feeling of adrenaline coursing through your veins. "Nostalgia Mashup" is one of the first musical works Lara has recorded upon returning from her soul-searching journey; and is a song rich with her experiences during that period. When putting these three songs together, it was found that by matching the lyrics a certain way, the words organically came together to tell a story of reminiscence in order to find oneself again, and to have the courage to move on. In the age of information where opportunities are endless and time zooms by, this song is a reflection on the concept of nostalgia, not as an excuse to lock oneself in a closet of memories refusing to face the world, but as a tool to help one reflect upon their past experiences from a new perspective, learning more about oneself from it, and growing as a person.

    編曲:Martin 'Musa' Musaubach

    原諒我這一首 不為誰而作的歌
    曾經有那一刻 回頭竟然認不得
    需要 從記憶再摸索 的人 和他們關心的
    的地方 和那些走過的 請等一等

    我懷念的是無話不說 我懷念的是一起做夢
    我懷念的是爭吵以後 還是想要愛你的衝動
    我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌
    記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口

    受不了 看見你背影來到
    寫下我 度秒如年難捱的離騷
    寫下我 時間和琴聲交錯的城堡

    夢為努力澆了水 愛在背後往前推
    當我抬起頭才發覺 我是不是忘了誰
    累到整夜不能睡 夜色哪裡都是美
    一定有個人 她 躲過 避過 閃過 瞞過
    她是誰 她是誰 是誰

    我懷念的是無言感動 我懷念的是絕對熾熱
    我懷念的是你很激動 求我原諒抱得我都痛
    我記得你在背後 也記得我顫抖著
    記得感覺洶湧 最美的煙火 最長的相擁
    我放手 我讓座 假灑脫 誰懂我多麼不捨得
    太愛了 所以我 沒有哭 沒有說


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