[爆卦]Improper proper是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Improper proper鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Improper proper這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 improper產品中有131篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,787的網紅官逼民反_人民當家,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Bitter Winter has reported about the efforts of CAP-LC, the ECOSOC-accredited NGO Coordination des associations et des particuliers pour la liberté de...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#不倫 #亂倫 #不倫戀 #Improper relationship #Incest...

improper 在 Daphne Iking Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-22 02:41:42

The answer is fear and centuries of misogyny and misunderstanding. A study found that 65% of women are uncomfortable with using words like vagina and...

improper 在 Aya Chen Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 09:38:49

♻️「 永續經營 Sustainable development 」♻️ 臺灣約六成面積被森林覆蓋。🌳 北回歸線橫越,加上近4,000公尺的垂直落差,造就季風林、闊葉林、針闊葉混合林、針葉林等豐富的森林景觀。 About 60% of Taiwan's area is covered by for...

  • improper 在 官逼民反_人民當家 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-28 21:50:46
    有 12 人按讚

    Bitter Winter has reported about the efforts of CAP-LC, the ECOSOC-accredited NGO Coordination des associations et des particuliers pour la liberté de conscience, to bring the Tai Ji Men case to the attention of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, together with other similar cases of limitation of freedom of religion or belief (FORB) in different countries through the improper and illegal use of taxes.
    2010: The First Tai Ji Men Report at the UN’s Human Rights Council

  • improper 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 20:03:34
    有 218 人按讚

    What is the stigma with the word VAGINA?

    The answer is fear and centuries of misogyny and misunderstanding.

    A study found that 65% of women are uncomfortable with using words like vagina and vulva, instead referring to it as “down there”. 45% of women don’t talk about their vaginal health with friends or family (I am the 65% stats), let alone their doctor. 50% of young women can’t correctly label a vagina on a medical diagram.

    I teach my children the scientific words to describe their genitals after attending a talk on Sexual Harassment. The reason why most parents fail to see that their child was being sexually abused is due to this stigma as well as the improper usage of the word to describe their privates.

    “Karipap” “Berbird” were words taught to these children as tots and so when an “Uncle” touched their genitals, they tried telling their parents but it didn’t really register.

    “Ibu..haritu ada orang pegang Karipap adik”

    Let’s try it differently.

    “Ibu … Uncle tu pegang kemaluan/ faraj / vulva/ zakar/ vagina / penis saya!”

    I am pretty sure there would be an immediate reaction, right?

    A healthy vagina is paramount to a women’s physical, mental and emotional health. It is INCREDIBLY important that we talk about them and normalise the language. How are we to know what’s normal and what’s not if everyone is so vague about it? Some of the teens I speak to don’t even know that they could pregnant in their first sexual encounter!

    Thank you to the naysayers who ‘tsk tsk tsk-ed” sanitary producers @libresse_my which resulted in them withdrawing their ad. This naturally riled up netizens!

    Well, good news is Libresse has gained more advertorial exposure and more people are talking about Vaginal health - which was the main objective of their campaign. 😏

    Am I offended by the artwork?

    People see and interpret things accordingly.

    I’ve learnt, that our backgrounds, education and the circle of people that surrounds us makes up our beliefs, our values in life and the personality we breed.

    We can’t please everyone can we?

    Iklan jap. Use @bobble.it with my code: DAPHNE. They take vaginal health seriously. Stalk them to know more.

  • improper 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-17 19:09:16
    有 94 人按讚



    ✈️ 香港人習慣喝湯養生,移民後怎樣煲湯?人在異鄉煲湯材料可能不易買,其實只要留意食材屬性,尋常食材亦能煲碗靚湯,有助強身防病!💪🏻



    1. 所有材料洗淨,南瓜去皮去籽切塊;紅蘿蔔去皮切塊備用。
    2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Making soup in a foreign country
    Pumpkin cinnamon soup can dispel cold and keep warm

    ✈️ Hong Kong citizens are used to drinking soup to maintain our health, but how do we make soup when we have immigrated to another country? It might not be easy to get our hands on the ingredients, but as long as we pay attention to the nature of the ingredients, we will still be able to make healthy and tasty soups! 💪🏻

    Individuals with a weak body may experience discomfort if they stay in a cold climate or areas where winter days are shorte. This is due to the lack of the yang energy in the natural environment.

    Hence, they would always be afraid of the wind and cold. The improper circulation of the blood and the qi would cause a headache and muscle soreness on the neck. The cold pathogenic factor would also attack the spleen and stomach, causing individuals to vomit and experience diarrhea.

    The cold weather might even cause them to experience winter depression. To improve the condition, carry out outdoor activities during the day and consume soup that can dispel cold and warm the body. You can also add ingredients like pumpkin, onion, cinnamon, pepper, chicken and mutton that are warm in nature, alongside raw ginger.

    Tips on ingredient:
    Cinnamon - hot in nature, dispels cold and relieves pain, warms meridians and channels, warms the spleen and stomach, Suitable for those with aversion to cold, cold stomach, stomach pain, decrease in appetite. Note it is not suitable for those with yin deficiency with excess fire and heat related symptoms, hemorrhoid, dry stool and pregnant.

    Pumpkin and red bean soup with cinnamon
    Effects: Dispels cold and keeps warm, relieves symptoms of aversion to cold, cold limbs caused by cold weather.
    Ingredients: 400g pumpkin, 1 carrot, 30g red bean, 30g red kidney bean, 30g pearl barley, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 slices of ginger
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut into pieces. Peel the carrot and cut into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #陽虛

  • improper 在 許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-04-30 14:06:00

    #不倫 #亂倫 #不倫戀 #Improper relationship #Incest

  • improper 在 副頻道【谷阿莫】 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-04 18:06:13

    《非分熟女 / 非分熟女 / The Lady Improper》我是谷阿莫的副頻道,一段時間後會把主頻道沒有的影片發佈到這邊。想看跟我生活有關的影片,也可以訂閱我的生活頻道唷。
    |主 頻 道:https://goo.gl/5TpPdd

    我是谷阿莫,very good的阿莫,科科,來這邊只是聽我說一個我喜歡的故事,我不評論原始故事背後的含意或導演拍攝的用意,因為那些東西每個人都有不同的看法,有空還是要自己去看原創故事喔,謝謝。



  • improper 在 Jing Jing Beh 妗妗 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-02 20:30:02

    #penanghokkien #alterseat

    Alot of you not realise.
    Your sudden backpain, shoulder pain, ass pain are actually cause by the same reason.
    Improper sitting position!
    Many don't care.
    Is not about how beautiful or expensive of a chair.
    Is about how comfort it is.
    For those who work from home and start experience body pain.
    Especially back pain, shoulder pain, ass pain.
    Majority are causes by sitting on the wrong office chair.
    A good office chair should have a few features that
    can adjust according to your body height.

    Alterseat has the basic needs and affordable price.

    Dare Dare Press ⬇️ 敢敢按下去

    蛤? 怎样才算好的椅子呢? 不会选?
    其实一个好椅子是能让你调整最适合你的高度, 不明白? 看影片解说吧!

    不用想了,Alterseat 就是你的最佳选择, 敢敢按下去!

    Talent 演员:
    Jing Jing 妗妗

    How to speak Penang Hokkien? 如画讲槟城福建话?

    Jing Jing Challenge 挑战