

在 implementation產品中有479篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅91 敏捷開發之路,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【從學員練習影片觀察到一個關於 TDD 的有趣現象】 極速開發的課後練習作業,雖說重點是放在極速開發要學習的技巧與刻意練習的模型,但開發的方式、順序也是刻意安排成類似 TDD 的進行方式,來讓生產力最大化(TDD 本來就是幫助開發的,不是幫助測試的) 我從2位第一次上我課的學員(當然就是 #極速...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Sugar Melon 衰哥霉人,也在其Youtube影片中提到,等了四个月,你们的愿望终于实现了!当上@Ryan Sylvia 老板娘Sylvia的工具人会发生什么悲惨事件? 如果这个视频有8000赞,我们下一集就做4个人的工具人!任您挑选! 8000 likes and we will do a 4 person slaves for the next ep...

implementation 在 Charles Mok Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 12:53:14

[7th Hong Kong Internet Governance Forum] (HKIGF) Fake News Law: Effective to combat online disinformation? Date: 15th Sep, 2021 (WED) Time: 19:00...

  • implementation 在 91 敏捷開發之路 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-26 14:17:31
    有 57 人按讚

    【從學員練習影片觀察到一個關於 TDD 的有趣現象】

    極速開發的課後練習作業,雖說重點是放在極速開發要學習的技巧與刻意練習的模型,但開發的方式、順序也是刻意安排成類似 TDD 的進行方式,來讓生產力最大化(TDD 本來就是幫助開發的,不是幫助測試的)

    我從2位第一次上我課的學員(當然就是 #極速開發,代表他們沒上過#單元測試 跟 #TDD與持續重構),雖然他們是照著示範影片、上課教學用 TDD 在寫整個 tennis 的過程,但從他們執行測試的時間點就可以發現:

    「他是用測試來驗證 production code 的正確性」,即使他先寫了測試,也不先執行,沒有看到紅燈,每次都等到 production code 寫完了,應該要綠燈時,才執行測試。

    而其他上過 TDD 課的同學 ,或是上過單元測試的同學,知道測試是用來描述情境,如果現在「加入的這個情境是新的需求或需求異動,代表目前 production code 還不支援這個情境,執行測試跑出的紅燈,就是等等 production code 要完成的 #目標」

    test-frist 從來都只是 TDD 其中一個小小的衍生產物,而不是全貌。TDD, 測試驅動開發 從來都是一種開發方法,而不是測試方法。

    總有些人老愛把 TDD 拿來跟測試相提並論,就總是喜歡把 test-first 當作靶子打,覺得違反人性跟直覺,覺得先寫測試在很多情況下是浪費時間或是不 work,可能拿來跟一堆測試的方法論相提並論,或總是只拿回歸測試的效益來當作 TDD 的整體。抑或是陷入 isolation unit test 與 integration test (其實就是非 isolation 等級、有實際依賴的自動測試)之爭。

    註:TDD 事實上是可以不是單元測試等級的。

    要比較正確看待 TDD 的角度,首先要知道它是幫助開發的、它是一種開發方式(當然不是唯一一種,甚至也不會是最好的一種,因為根本沒有最好,只有剛好)

    接著要了解 TDD 可能用 IPO 模型還比較貼切,input-process-output,在你開發任何功能之前,你總要先想過這件事。而先想這件事,才是 TDD 的最基本精神。

    接著是怎麼把你想好的東西,變成可執行的 spec,我們只是用測試程式來「描述」你腦袋中的「IPO模型」,把 process 的過程當作一個黑箱子。

    而這個 IPO 模型在結合成「使用情境」,就會帶來「高易用性 API 的好處」,只有在一開始就先想好怎麼給別人用,最後才會好用。所謂的一開始想好,指的不是預先設計一堆 class,而是 input/output 想清楚期待(一般會結合實例化需求,搭配 Given/When/Then 的 gherkin style 來把前置條件、資料、前提想好,當發生什麼事,應該是怎樣的結果),然後描述它。在紅燈定義清楚目標,綠燈完成 input/output 關係且沒弄壞前面的所有情境後,來針對 process 進行重構(事實上 Kent Beck 的 TDD by Example 更多是用 refactor 來 #完成 process。

    註:所謂的 output 不一定只有回傳值,包含外部依賴狀態、資料的改變,甚至顆粒度小一點,針對物件導向設計的話,物件內部狀態的改變也算,只是物件內部狀態改變,驗證點要嘛是拿得到內部狀態,要嘛就是要驗證物件哪個行為會因這個內部狀態而有所不同。

    ## 戰 TDD 之前該先做好的功課
    要戰 TDD,是不是至少要把 Kent Beck 的 TDD by Example 看完?

    要戰 TDD,請不要拿它跟測試方法論來比,那只是一下就被人看破手腳。因為它是個開發方法論。

    要戰 TDD,請不要把它的好處只限縮在跟回歸測試、自動測試的比較,因為那只是它的衍生好處,當你試過在白海報紙上 TDD 就懂,TDD 是在釐清你的思緒的同時,又可以以終為始,確保你在 production code 的每一個動作都是為了滿足某個期待的情境。

    要戰 TDD,請不要去把 單元測試、整合測試捲進來,那是測試的顆粒度,那是測試的分類,TDD 從來都不是只能限於單元測試。

    要戰 TDD,請不要在那邊戰他是 bottom-up ,是直接從程式/class 的角度出發,事實上 TDD 既不是 bottom-up, 也不是 top-down, (書裡面就有講這件事咩),實務上的 TDD 結合倫敦派(GOOS)跟芝加哥派(Classic TDD),會更像 Outside-In 的進行方式,先定義好驗收情境,接著從最外部(也就是使用者看得到的部份)一路把依賴往另一邊的系統邊界推,直到推到系統以外的依賴資源(persistence 或 external API/service)

    註: ATDD by Example 中 ATDD by Example, Kent Beck 寫的序最後的一段話。

    Kent Beck:

    要戰 TDD,請不要只關注在 test-frist,因為他只是用 test 來幫助你 think-first,不要邊寫邊想。然後不要過份依賴或相信你腦袋的能力,把你想好的東西具體化出來,最好可以被直接執行,最好除了你以外每個人執行出來的結果都會一樣(不管是對的,還是錯的)

    要戰 TDD, 請不要把論點放在見樹不見林,如果你有看 TDD by Example 的 Part 1, Part 2 那兩個加起來共 24 個章節,就知道一開始就得把當下想到的全貌紀錄在一個「紙本」的 backlog (所謂的紙本,只是要講這並不依賴於任何工具)


    但不代表 TDD 就是先想到一個測試案例,就直接先幹下去了,那根本是亂搞。

    以上這些,都還不是在列 TDD 的好處,而是針對那些從來沒搞懂 TDD 但又愛戰 TDD 的人一點提醒,你戰的很可能是「你誤解的 TDD」。

    TDD 還有許多實務上的用途,列上我在譯者序中的一小段:

    >> 測試驅動開發(Test-Driven Development, TDD)!一種以測試為開發輔助、以測試來描述需求情境、以測試來當作目標、以測試來表達期望、以測試來驗證疑問、以測試來實驗學習、以測試來溝通協作、以測試來協助設計高易用性 API 的「開發方法」。


    拜託,要戰之前去看一下祖師爺 Kent Beck 對 TDD 的原始見解:https://www.tenlong.com.tw/products/9789864345618?list_name=srh

    如果你想正確的使用 TDD 來幫助你在實務上產生許多的價值,帶來許多的好處,尤其是需求釐清、持續重構、小步快跑的部份,最好理解的培訓課就在這:https://tdd.best/courses/classic-tdd-by-example-video-training/

    TDD 從來都不該被導入到團隊中,但它是一種很好的自我鍛鍊與學習的方式,也是一種能用很低的成本來帶來很多好處的開發方法(見下方註腳),然而它也不是適用所有的情況,但它可以讓『完美』變成一個動詞,而非不變的形容詞。

    Kent Beck 在 DHH 靠腰:《TDD is Dead》 之後寫的一篇反串文:《RIP TDD》

    我幾年前的簡易翻譯,通常也是 TDD 可以幫助你解決的問題,如下:

    - Over-engineering (過度設計)
    - API feedback (改善API的設計與可用性)
    - Logic errors (想的跟寫的不一樣,寫的跟需求不一樣)
    - Documentation (寫跟維護文件是痛苦的)
    - Feeling overwhelmed (找不到切入點)
    - Separate interface from implementation thinking (抽象設計)
    - Agreement (確保已修正問題的證據)
    - Anxiety (改東壞西的擔心受怕)


    很久沒對 TDD 發表這種長篇大論了,因為不理解、不想理解、不同角度理解的人居多,能真的到各自的塔上用不同角度來看原義,以及實務上用它來幫助解決的問題有哪些的人,真的太少。



    導入敏捷不該是目標,導入 TDD 也不該是目標,目標永遠都是在實務上產生價值、解決問題、滿足需求。

  • implementation 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-24 19:00:35
    有 1,462 人按讚

    聯合國大會開議第三天,#諾魯 總統安格明呼籲聯合國接納台灣



    _ _

    We’d like to thank President Lionel Rouwen Aingimea of #Nauru for the speech he gave on the third day of the #UNGA76 General Debate, praising Taiwan’s efforts to help our partners around the world during the pandemic and calling for our inclusion in the UN, as follows:

    “Our efforts to respond to COVID-19 and vaccinate our people would not have been possible without the valuable support provided by our partners. We are truly grateful to our genuine friends Australia, India, Japan and the Republic of China (Taiwan), for their ongoing assistance.

    Mr. President, we call on the United Nations to embrace willing and able partners like Taiwan who share common global challenges and to ensure that the people of the Republic of China (Taiwan) enjoy the same rights as the peoples of other nations. The United Nations must live up to its ideals of universality and equality, respecting the worth of every individual. Taiwan is an important partner in the global response to this pandemic, and its exemplary response to the global pandemic should not be ignored. Taiwan is ready to share its experience and aspire to do so by joining the World Health Assembly. Taiwan should have the right to participate as an equal partner in the implementation of the SDGs as they have demonstrated their ability and supported many in the SDG fields. They should also be part of our ‘Our Common Agenda’ vision.”

    #SDG17 #PartnershipForTheGoals #HearTaiwan

  • implementation 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-23 21:53:53
    有 6 人按讚

    📜 [專欄新文章] Gas Efficient Card Drawing in Solidity

    ✍️ Ping Chen

    📥 歡迎投稿: https://medium.com/taipei-ethereum-meetup #徵技術分享文 #使用心得 #教學文 #medium

    Assign random numbers as the index of newly minted NFTs


    The fun of generative art NFT projects depends on randomness. The industry standard is “blind box”, where both the images’ serial number and the NFTs’ index are predetermined but will be shifted randomly when the selling period ends. (They call it “reveal”) This approach effectively solves the randomness issue. However, it also requires buyers to wait until the campaign terminates. What if buyers want to know the exact card right away? We’ll need a reliable onchain card drawing solution.

    The creator of Astrogator🐊 isn’t a fan of blind boxes; instead, it thinks unpacking cards right after purchase is more interesting.


    When initializing this NFT contract, the creator will determine the total supply of it. And there will be an iterable function that is randomly picking a number from the remaining pool. The number must be in range and must not collide with any existing ones.

    Our top priority is accessibility/gas efficiency. Given that gas cost on Ethereum is damn high nowadays, we need an elegant algorithm to control gas expanse at an acceptable range.

    Achieving robust randomness isn’t the primary goal here. We assume there’s no strong financial incentive to cheat, so the RNG isn’t specified. Implementers can bring their own source of randomness that they think is good enough.



    The implementation is pretty short and straightforward. Imagine there’s an array that contains all remaining(unsold) cards. When drawIndex() is called, it generates a (uniform) random seed to draw a card from the array, shortens the array, and returns the selected card.


    Drawing X cards from a deck with the same X amount of cards is equal to shuffling the deck and dealing them sequentially. It’s not a surprise that our algorithm is similar to random shuffling, and the only difference is turning that classic algo into an interactive version.

    A typical random shuffle looks like this: for an array with N elements, you randomly pick a number i in (0,N), swap array[0] and array[i], then choose another number i in (1,N), swap array[1] and array[i], and so on. Eventually, you’ll get a mathematically random array in O(N) time.

    So, the concept of our random card dealing is the same. When a user mints a new card, the smart contract picks a number in the array as NFT index, then grabs a number from the tail to fill the vacancy, in order to keep the array continuous.


    Furthermore, as long as the space of the NFT index is known, we don’t need to declare/initialize an array(which is super gas-intensive). Instead, assume there’s such an array that the n-th element is n, we don’t actually initialize it (so it is an array only contains “0”) until the rule is broken.

    For the convenience of explanation, let’s call that mapping cache. If cache[i] is empty, it should be interpreted as i instead of 0. On the other hand, when a number is chosen and used, we’ll need to fill it up with another unused number. An intuitive method is to pick a number from the end of the array, since the length of the array is going to decrease by 1.

    By doing so, the gas cost in the worst-case scenario is bound to be constant.

    Performance and limitation

    Comparing with the normal ascending index NFT minting, our random NFT implementation requires two extra SSTORE and one extra SLOAD, which cost 12600 ~ 27600 (5000+20000+2600) excess gas per token minted.

    Theoretically, any instantly generated onchain random number is vulnerable. We can restrict contract interaction to mitigate risk. The mitigation is far from perfect, but it is the tradeoff that we have to accept.


    Gas Efficient Card Drawing in Solidity was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    👏 歡迎轉載分享鼓掌

