

在 implants產品中有104篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,323的網紅張簡仕煌醫師隆鼻部落格,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, C女士為矽膠假體隆鼻四十年以上患者,在近20年因為矽膠假體不斷鈣化,鈣化點突出鼻樑兩側造成疼痛,因外觀與擔心鼻樑兩側鈣化點穿出前來就診,門診評估時發現矽膠假體幾乎完全被鈣化包圍,鼻樑兩側也有鈣化凸出物幾乎穿透鼻樑,造成戴眼鏡時壓迫不適感。 鼻重修手術規劃方向為 1. 自體肋軟骨重建鼻中膈延長鼻...

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implants 在 MISS DIVA IFA RAZIAH Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 09:17:12

. . iCare Dental’s AirFlow Treatment is a game changing teeth cleaning system that uses air and water pressure to deliver a controlled stream of speci...

implants 在 ?RainbowDiaries✨Shub Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 14:50:30

🦷Odontophobia – dental fear, dental anxiety. #mustread #savepost So many people in my close and extended circle have tremendous fear of dental treat...

  • implants 在 張簡仕煌醫師隆鼻部落格 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 14:46:19
    有 8 人按讚



    1. 自體肋軟骨重建鼻中膈延長鼻頭
    2. 清除矽膠與莢膜鈣化
    3. 異體真皮鼻樑重建





    根據Dr Jung Dong Hak (鄭東學院長)與Bum Ryul Kim 發表在2007年PRS(Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) 整形外科醫學期刊的論文顯示,矽膠隆鼻手術後15年發生鈣化機率達到100%。鈣化本身,屬於一個材料正常發展緩慢漸進的現象,鈣化不多不影響外觀時,不會為患者帶來外觀上的困擾,長時間累積到外觀影響時,則有需要更換材料改善外觀。


    如果患者朋友們仍然比較喜歡矽膠假體鼻模的型態但又想減少莢膜生成,在2016年 The Journal of Crainiofacial Surgery有一篇Dr Man Koon Suh 的論文指出,可以利用異體真皮(ADM)覆蓋在矽膠表面,降低莢膜的厚度。這是愛美朋友可以參考的一些建議。

    1. 2020 鄭東學院長:鼻整形
    2. Gross and Pathologic Analysis of Long-Term Silicone Implants Inserted into the Human Body for Augmentation Rhinoplasty: 221 Revision Cases
    3. The Journal of Crainiofacial Surgery: Augmentation Rhinoplasty With Silicone Implant-2016_silicone_implant ADM JCFS
    #beauty #cosmetic #asthetic #plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #nose #silicone
    #nosejob #rhinoplasty #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #siliconimplant #calcification #美容 #整形 #鼻整形 #隆鼻 #鼻修復 #矽膠假體 #醫美 #台北 #東區 #博恩妍診所 #異體真皮隆鼻 #異體真皮貴族手術 #異體真皮粉 #no1nosetaipei

  • implants 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-10 19:01:55
    有 131 人按讚

    Fiber-reinforced Bridge…do you know what that is?🤔

    When you lost a tooth or teeth, you have a few options to replace it: denture, bridge, implant, braces or more.

    She first came in with loose denture replacing her two front teeth. Denture is a good replacement option for missing teeth but with time, it tend to become loosen due to bone resorption (“bone thinning”). Loose denture can be troublesome as it falls out easily (no one wants their teeth falling out during a presentation!😱) and food often get stuck underneath it.

    If you ask me, implant is the best option to replace this patient’s missing teeth. However, implants (and not forgetting bone graft) placement can be costly and she is not financially ready for it. Having the option for a new denture or a fiber-reinforced bridge, she decided to choose the latter whilst preparing for her implant budget.

    The challenge in this case is the total buildup of the tooth with composite, estimating it’s size/shape/shade and not forgetting occlusion. This is a non-prep case as the patient is biting rather incisally on the anteriors while having good posterior occlusion(thus made her a good candidate for this long span FRB case).

    Most of it has to be done chair-side, thus a lot of clinical time has been spent. Note that the 11,21 are shortened as well although I would LOVE to give her a perfect smile arch, due to concerns of her anterior guidance.

    Patient was super happy she has semi-permanent teeth inside her mouth and don’t have to worry about her denture falling out anymore. (We both still look forward to the day implants can be placed tho!🙈)

    Case selection is important in FRB treatment. It is not for patients who want an easy way out, but for patients who clearly understand ALL the pros and cons of their treatment options and are willing to accept the worst-case scenario.

    Okay that’s all, I know I talk a lot but I just wanted to share some of the stuff I’ve learned through this case. 😆 Have a great day y’all!

  • implants 在 台灣智慧型紡織品協會Taiwan Smart Textiles Association - tsta Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-07 13:03:05
    有 1 人按讚


    Inflatable, shape-changing spinal implants could help treat severe pain



