

在 hypersomnia產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過264萬的網紅Trắng TV,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [TRẮNG NEWS] NGỦ LI BÌ 13 NGÀY VÌ MẮC HỘI CHỨNG "NGƯỜI ĐẸP NGỦ TRONG RỪNG" Echa, đến từ thành phố Banjarmasin, vùng Nam Kalimantan của Indonesia, lần...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過390的網紅Ting-Wei Chen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Piccolo.Ting x Keep.Sleeping -WAKE UP! by Tilmann Dehnhard (Ting-Wei Chen) . No more Quaran.Ting but do you feel sleepy all the time at your Home offi...

hypersomnia 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-22 12:57:03

英模班上週是「心理學」主題週, 俐媽教了disorder的collocation大餐, 提到躁鬱症、恐慌症、創傷後壓力症候群⋯等等。 這禮拜馬上有學生告訴俐媽, 因為有上課, 所以答對了「知識王」的題目; 也有學生告訴我歌詞、電影中, 提到了OCD (強迫症)。 俐媽就針對這主題, 再多分享一些...

hypersomnia 在 Ting-Wei Chen 陳廷威 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-22 07:52:14

Piccolo.Ting x Keep.Sleeping -WAKE UP! by Tilmann Dehnhard (Ting-Wei Chen) . No more Quaran.Ting but do you feel sleepy all the time at your Home offi...

  • hypersomnia 在 Trắng TV Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-14 23:00:02
    有 1,095 人按讚


    Echa, đến từ thành phố Banjarmasin, vùng Nam Kalimantan của Indonesia, lần đầu xuất hiện trên mặt báo vào năm 2017, khi các hãng thông tấn quốc gia đưa tin cô ngủ 13 ngày liên tục, theo Oddity Central.
    Echa thường ngủ khoảng 1,5 ngày một lần. Nhưng tuần trước, cô bất ngờ chìm vào giấc ngủ sâu.

    Bố mẹ Echa đưa con gái đến Bệnh viện Ansari Saleh ở địa phương để kiểm tra song các xét nghiệm của cô đều bình thường. Cô gái 17 tuổi cuối cùng tỉnh dậy sau 9 ngày, sức khỏe còn yếu.

    Nguyên nhân gây ra giấc ngủ dài bất thường của Echa được cho là hội chứng ngủ nhiều (hypersomnia). Đây là chứng bệnh thần kinh rất hiếm gặp, khiến người bệnh cảm thấy buồn ngủ quá mức vào ban ngày và có thể thiếp đi trong thời gian dài.

    Hội chứng ngủ nhiều rất đa dạng và có thể bắt nguồn từ tổn thương thần kinh, các yếu tố di truyền, chấn thương thể chất hoặc cảm xúc.

    Mulyadi, bố của Echa, nói với tờ Tribunn rằng ông đã thử đánh thức con gái nhiều lần nhưng vô ích. Điều thú vị là Echa có thể nhai và nuốt thức ăn trong khi ngủ nếu được bón.

    Theo Mulyadi, mỗi khi Echa có biểu hiện bồn chồn giống như cần đi vệ sinh, người nhà sẽ đưa cô vào nhà tắm.

    Hội chứng ngủ nhiều hiện chưa có cách chữa trị. Bố mẹ của Echa hy vọng các triệu chứng của con gái ít nhất được kiểm soát tốt hơn để cô có thể tận hưởng cuộc sống gần như bình thường.

    Theo Tổ chức Quốc gia về Rối loạn Hiếm muộn, người mắc hội chứng có này thể được đánh thức sau vài ngày và thỉnh thoảng có thể tự thức dậy để ăn hoặc đi vệ sinh.
    #trangtv #tintuc

  • hypersomnia 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-07 18:48:44
    有 250 人按讚



    會否留意到身邊女友人或親人甚至自己每個月都會有一星期看什麼都特別不順眼,感覺諸事不順?先別擔心,這未必是「發神經」或「人格分裂」!有聽過PMS嗎?PMS=Premenstrual syndrome 經前綜合症,是指女生月經來潮前出現身體不適以及情志異常的表現,最廣為人知的就是經前女生容易變得暴躁易怒,人特別疲累,亦有不少人會出暗瘡、肚瀉等等,據知已確認的PMS症狀多達200種!

    1. 體重增加
    2. 疲倦
    3. 頭痛
    4. 水腫
    5. 出粉刺、暗瘡
    6. 乳房脹痛
    7. 腰痛
    8. 腹脹
    9. 肚瀉
    10. 便秘

    1. 情緒不穩
    2. 煩躁易怒
    3. 焦慮
    4. 精神不集中
    5. 健忘
    6. 緊張
    7. 易哭
    8. 抑鬱
    9. 嗜睡/失眠
    10. 暴飲暴食(尤其高糖高脂食物)



    🛒全線 CheckCheckCin 米水茶飲分店有售:
    元朗店|元朗朗日路8號形點II A262a號舖

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    Overcoming premenstrual syndrome
    Have you ever noticed your female friends, relatives or even yourself being constantly annoyed by everything around you for a week on a monthly basis? Don’t worry, you are neither going ‘crazy’ nor experiencing ‘personality disorder’.

    Have you heard of PMS? PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, which refers to the psychological and emotional discomfort, and behavioral change before menstruation begins. Some of the more commonly known symptoms are bad temper and fatigue; certain individuals might develop acne and experience diarrhea. As of now, up to 200 symptoms related to PMS have been identified!

    From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the problem with premenstrual discomfort originates from the imbalance in the liver, spleen and kidney; emotional stress and fatigue might further aggravate the situation. It could also be due to the person’s body condition. For instance, women with qi and blood deficiency might experience dizziness and limb numbness during period; women with the damp-heat body condition, when going through menstruation, might develop canker sore, acne and experience water retention.

    You will need to observe the signals your body sends out, in order to identify the appropriate treatment. Start by observing your diet to improve the body condition. If need be, consult registered and licensed Chinese medicine practitioner.

    Some common PMS symptoms:
    1. Weight gain
    2. Fatigue
    3. Headache
    4. Water retention
    5. whiteheads and acne
    6. Breast swelling and pain
    7. Waist pain
    8. Bloating
    9. Diarrhea
    10. Constipation

    Emotional reaction and behavior change when experiencing PMS
    1. Unstable emotions
    2. short-tempered
    3. Anxious
    4. Unable to focus
    5. Forgetful
    6. Nervous
    7. Tends to cry easily
    8. Depression
    9. Hypersomnia /insomnia
    10. Binge eating(especially foods that are high in sugar and fat)

    If you seem to be easily irritated on days prior to the beginning of the menstruation cycle, try drinking herbal tea that will soothe the liver, or dragon fruit rose tea, 3 – 7 days before menstruation, to soothe the liver and relieve stress. If symptoms persist, do consult Chinese medicine practitioner for medical advice.

    ✔Beauty Tea Recommendation:
    Ingredients: Rose, Sweet Osmanthus, Fingered Citron, Fingered Citron Flower
    Effects: Promotes qi circulation and relieves stagnation. Suitable for busy lifestyle, frequent sighing, stressfulness and menstrual discomfort
    Note:Not suitable for pregnant or menstruating women.

    CheckCheckCin shops
    Sheung Wan|G/F, Kai Fung Building, 4-6 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan
    Causeway Bay|Shop No. G14, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
    Tai Koo|Shop No. L109, 1/F, Cityplaza, No. 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Tai Koo
    Tsim Sha Shui|Shop L216, 2/F, Star Annex, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
    Yuen Long|Shop A262a, Level 2, Yoho Mall II, 8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long
    Tseung Kwan O|Shop No.G91, G/F, Park Central, 9 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O

    Welcome to order through Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp:
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.
    #女 #我畏冷 #我煩躁 #氣虛 #血虛 #濕熱 #經期 #頭痛 #暗瘡 #腹瀉

  • hypersomnia 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-19 19:04:39
    有 141 人按讚


    提到了OCD (強迫症)。


    也可以參考之前post過的 #俐媽英文教室心理學篇 唷
    🙆🏻‍♀️ 俐媽英文教室—失調篇:
    💜 DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder 解離性身分疾患
    💜 anxiety disorder 焦慮症
    💜 emotional disorder 情緒障礙
    💜 learning disorder 學習障礙
    💜 impulse control disorder 衝動控制失調
    💜 nightmare disorder 夢靨症
    💜 sleep terror disorder 夜驚
    💜 mood disorder 情感性疾患
    💜 paranoid personality disorder 偏執性人格障礙
    💜 separation anxiety disorder 分離焦慮
    💜 pervasive developmental disorder 廣泛性發展障礙
    💜 specific developmental disorder 特殊性發展障礙
    💜 Narcissistic personality disorder 自戀人格異常
    💜 borderline personality disorder 邊緣型人格疾患
    💜 factitious disorder 裝病症候群
    💜 obsessive-compulsive personality disorder 強迫型人格障礙
    💜 acute stress disorder 急性壓力疾患
    💜 antisocial personality disorder 反社會人格障礙
    💜 binge eating disorder 劇食症
    💜 organic mental disorder 器質性精神疾病
    💜 neurotic disorder 精神官能症
    💜 adjustment disorder 適應失調
    💜 conversion disorder 轉換障礙
    開學後又變成hypersomnia (嗜睡症)了😵🥱😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
    #disorder #mentaldisorder

  • hypersomnia 在 Ting-Wei Chen Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-05-03 19:39:37

    Piccolo.Ting x Keep.Sleeping -WAKE UP! by Tilmann Dehnhard (Ting-Wei Chen)
    No more Quaran.Ting but do you feel sleepy all the time at your Home office just like me? 🥱
    A huge ⏰ may help you wake up;)
    This very playful piece “Wake up!” is written for piccolo and clock by Tilmann Dehnhard.
    It’s not easy anymore to find this almost nostalgic clock. The handmade Gameboy was a present card from @chiachenbass21
    It’s so easy to get stuck in the sofa while working in the home office, don’t you think so? A nice cup of tea, coffee or chocolate with irresistible sofa 🤤☺️
    What do you do to keep yourself efficient?
    SLEEP and maybe SET a clock. ⚠️❗️⏰
    And play with it !
    #homeoffice #workinsofa #gameboy #lectionofflute #tee #clcok #alarm #dehnhard #flutagram #hypersomnia #piccolo #wakeup #c #playful #fun #mask #multipleuses
    Feel free to share, repost and subscribe !😘❗️⏰⚠️
    IG @Ting.Flute
    內政廷 x 睏未廷 - 短笛與鬧鐘 「起床」曲
    這首「起床」曲由作曲家Tilmann Dehnhard寫給長笛以及鬧鐘,@chiachenbass21 手作Gameboy也意外入鏡。
    #是在哈囉 #睡飽沒 #鬧鐘 #短笛 #起床 #隔壁阿姨以為真的有鬧鐘叫
    #懷舊鬧鈴聲 #怎麼跟短笛c差不多音高 #躲在沙發裡辦公
    IG @Ting.Flute

  • hypersomnia 在 MinuteVideos Thailand Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-05-08 14:34:38

    โรคนอนเกิน หรือ Hypersomnia

    ยังไม่ได้นอน จะสิบโมงเช้าาาาาาา ถ้ากลับกัน ยังไม่อยากตื่นแม้จะสิบโมงแล้ว
    เชื่อมั้ยว่ามันเกี่ยวกันอย่างไม่น่าเชื่อ นอนน้อยไปนานๆ ร่างกายก็มาทวงสิทธิ์ในการพักผ่อน หลายคนบอกว่า งี้ก็ดีดิ ได้นอนนานๆ แต่ความจริงแล้ว ผลเสียมันน่ากลัวเหลือเกินนนนนน

