在 humerus產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過52的網紅Benny Price Fitness,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Cue-ing and Do-ing of Vertical Pulling with @tompurvisptrts - I don’t usually care to post videos of myself training. I can never imagine why any...
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅May Fit,也在其Youtube影片中提到,女孩練胸第二集無私分享更多練胸動作&訣竅,安排在妳的上半身日,堅持鍛鍊一定有成果! (還沒看第一集的朋友建議先看第一集) . 1槓鈴胸推 Barbell Chest press 10-15下3-4組 要點:手臂勿太過外開,上手臂或肱骨(humerus)與軀幹的夾角約為45度。手指的第二個指節 和小臂...
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humerus 在 Coach Benny Price Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-08-18 11:16:01
The Cue-ing and Do-ing of Vertical Pulling with @tompurvisptrts - I don’t usually care to post videos of myself training. I can never imagine why any...
humerus 在 Mag Wu Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-04-09 02:36:22
今次就做上身肌肉,唔同角度嘅動作,可以改善posture,仲改善到ROM,對有round shoulder嘅人都有幫助👍🏽 🌟Midback Series 1. Forty Five Degrees 2. Side 3. Circles 🖍Target Muscles Transversu...
humerus 在 雅淇 Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-08-18 21:18:07
#20210320 #📍#瑞芳 #鼻頭角步道 看在是我生日的份上 白說挑一個比較ez的來爬 好啦好啦比起之前的火炎山 上次的抹茶山 確實簡單不少 但還是爬一個滿頭大汗 脫掉來一張網美照是少不了的啦:) ⠀ 但有人一直不斷在我生日送我爬山的靴子啦 運動的衣服啦 到底是多想把我帶到荒郊野外:) ⠀ 然...
humerus 在 May Fit Youtube 的最佳解答
2019-08-24 17:26:51女孩練胸第二集無私分享更多練胸動作&訣竅,安排在妳的上半身日,堅持鍛鍊一定有成果!
1槓鈴胸推 Barbell Chest press 10-15下3-4組
要點:手臂勿太過外開,上手臂或肱骨(humerus)與軀幹的夾角約為45度。手指的第二個指節 和小臂垂直於胸線上方垂直來回。下降吸氣(3秒) 推胸吐氣(1-2秒)
2史密斯上斜胸推 Smith Machine Incline chest press(有助於發展胸肌的上部) 10-15下3組
3啞鈴胸推 dumbbell press
4啞鈴窄握臥推 (針對內胸,胸肌中縫)
5胸超級組(中間不休息,三個循環)1啞鈴上斜胸推10-15下 2啞鈴窄握胸推10-15下 3啞鈴飛鳥10-15下(第一集有介紹)
6 Dip 雙槓臂屈伸 10-15下3組
7肩超級組(中間不休息,三個循環)啞鈴肩推 dumbbell shoulder press8-10下啞鈴前舉 dumbbell front raise8-10下啞鈴環繞 all around the workld8-10下
啞鈴前舉 雙手正握啞鈴,手肘微彎、角度固定。 (主要練肩膀前束,胸大肌為輔助)
啞鈴環繞 雙腳打開與肩同寬而站,雙手各握一只啞鈴,掌心朝內,兩手臂從最下方環繞至頭部上方 過程中手肘勿刻意彎曲 手肘固定
健身房可做的 level 1羅馬椅府地挺身Incline push up level2半圓平衡球伏地挺身 bosu ball push ups
居家 level1跪姿 knee down pushups 2 一般伏地挺身 push ups
影片身上這件我超推(nike新款)看起來胸型很挺 ,其他秀出的款式我沒有特別標明品牌,第一件爆乳內衣來自 activher.tw 其他推薦款黑色bra來自nike新款
Music list:
The Future Is Now (Song byMARLOE)
Yes Man (Song byNate Rose)
Don't Stand a Chance (Song byOFRIN)
Make My Love Your Home - Male Lead (Song byThe Days)
Brighter Days (Song byLogan Pilcher)
(All from Artlist.io)
Music list:
1. The Future Is Now (Song byMARLOE)
2. Yes Man (Song byNate Rose)
3. Don't Stand a Chance (Song byOFRIN)
4. Make My Love Your Home - Male Lead (Song byThe Days)
5. Brighter Days (Song byLogan Pilcher)
(All from Artlist.io) -
humerus 在 NHG:中の人げぇみんぐ【実銃解説】 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2018-01-02 11:00:01今はこれよりレート高くて強化されてるとか謎だよね(笑)
くれいもあ さん
すてら さん
ゆういちろう にしやま さん
Radius Sytry Humerus Freya Duke Ishtar Sophia Ulna さん
PSID Metro Mountein15 さん
β beta さん
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humerus 在 Muscle Watching Youtube 的最佳解答
2011-01-04 17:33:25Sit with the legs slightly apart,back straight,and the abdominal muscle contracted.
With arms extended,grasp a dumbbell in both hands with fingers crossed over each other and rest it against the things.
●Inhale and raise the dumbbell to eye level.
●Lower gently,avoiding abrupt movements.
●Exhale at the end of the movement.
This exercise mainly contracts the anterior deltoid,the clavicular head of the pectoralis major,and the short head of the biceps.
Note that all the fixators of the scapula are used during the isometric contraction,which allows the humerus to move from a stable position.
humerus 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的精選貼文
The Cue-ing and Do-ing of Vertical Pulling with @tompurvisptrts
I don’t usually care to post videos of myself training. I can never imagine why anyone would want to watch it 🥱 This is a little different though.
I’m not sat on an ordinary machine.
1) Tom has played with both the resistance and effort cams on this machine to match the profile of the difficulty of the machine to the approximate strength of my movement at the END of a set 😰
2) The straps are custom pieces of equipment from www.contractiontools.com in place to remove my elbow flexors (biceps) and grip from the equation by placing the load on my humerus (upper arm) 💪🏽
3) There’s some pretty high-level cue-ing going on. This is NOT how you would cue someone who has limited experience - those basics and the superficial “why” behind them is taught on RTS1. Tom has intentionally left out dozens of cues that he’d use on someone less rehearsed. “You have to know what you’re looking at, and what you’re looking for.” This is an example of getting the very most out of a rep with someone, who at the same time admittedly had never used this setup before but had a large amount of internal ownership of their body 🙏🏽
Everything needs to be considered in context before even considering regurgitating it in application. It should provide plenty for thought though and a good coaching example to follow... or at least listening to me squeal should provide some amusement 😅
Questions? That’s what the comments are for 💬
humerus 在 Vincent Siow 炜燊 Facebook 的最佳解答
Datuk Wira 李宗伟(LCW)-Video 007,
Rotator Cuff Resistance band Exercise!
Hey, let's learn from DWLCW! @leechongweiofficial
Resistance bands offer a low impact solution to exercising and strengthening your shoulders.
Shoulders are the MOST movable joints in the human body, which makes them prone to possible injuries.
Keep the sharing shirt to you
The main three bones: the SCAPULA the CLAVICLE and the HUMERUS comprise the shoulder joint.
Muscles, tendons and ligaments keep your shoulders in a normal (stable) position.
You can perform these shoulder rehab exercises with bands as an addition to your normal training routine or as part of a workout, or a stand-alone dynamic stretching routine before you workout / warm up exercises.
By strengthening the muscles surrounding your shoulder joints you can prehab, rehab and prevent the chances of future injuries.
However, please consult your specialist doctor (NOT the normal doctor!) or physio therapist if you're experiencing the following symptoms.
1.extreme pain and deep aching
signs of swelling
2.difficulty raising your arms over your head
3.difficulty sleeping on your arm after injuring your shoulder
If you or someone you know have knee pain? Prevention with exercise to relieve and strengthen the shoulder pain is the WAYYYYYYYYYYSSSS
Hope u like the sharing 😘
To support my effort please drop more "❤️" at comment below, let the algorithm bring it to more people! Thanks
If u know how to share it to your STORY? DO it now! 😘
#shoulder #rotatorcuff #resistanceworkout
#resistanceband #leechongwei
#datukwiraleechongwei #lcw
#leechongweiretirement #leechongweitraining #leechongweitrainer
humerus 在 Chris Leong Facebook 的最讚貼文
A normal adult human body is consist of 206 bones. Human skeleton can be divided into 2 main parts-
Axial skeleton & Appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton-
It can be further divided into 3 parts. The number of each bone is given-
Skull- It has 29 bones-
Cranial bones (8)-
The occipital bone
The parietal bones(2)
The frontal bone
The temporal bone (2)
The sphenoid bone
The ethmoid bone
Facial bones (14)-
The nasal bones (2)
The maxillae (2)
The lacrimal bone (2)
The zygomatic or cheekbone (2)
The palatine bone (2)
The inferior nasal concha (2)
The vomer
The mandible
The hyoid bone
Middle ears (6)-
Malleus (2)
Incus (2)
Stapes (2)Thorax- It has 25 bones -
The Sternum (1)
The ribs (24, in 12 pairs)Vertebral column- It has 26 bones-
The cervical vertebrae (7)
The thoracic vertebrae (12)
The lumber (5)
The sacral vertebrae (1)
The coccygeal vertebrae
Appendicular skeleton-
can be divided into 3 parts-
Arm- has 64 bones-
The humerus (2)
The scapula(2)
The clavicles (2)
The ulna(2)
The radius (2)
The carpals (16)
The metacarpals (10)
The phalanges of the handproximal phalanges (10)
intermediate phalanges (8)
distal phalanges (10)Pelvis- has 2 bonesLeg
The femur(2)
The patella or kneecap (2)
The tibia (2)
The fibula (2)
The foot (52)
The number of bones in adult are not the same as the time we born. There are 270 bones present in an normal human infant .
➡️Spine 26 ,Chest 25 ,Head 28 ,Arms 64 ,Legs 60 ,Pelvis 3