

在 hospitality產品中有2191篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,026萬的網紅Gucci,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Gucci Osteria Beverly Hills has been awarded a Michelin star in the 2021 edition of the prestigious MICHELIN Guide California – a warm congratulations...

 同時也有251部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2021/07/28生命紀實 400年、 沈默之年與應許之約、 共感意識; 400 Years、 The silence moment and the promose land、 The common parallel sensation. /.原著 王大喜(Rasta Wang) Riddle...

  • hospitality 在 Gucci Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 19:08:01
    有 941 人按讚

    Gucci Osteria Beverly Hills has been awarded a Michelin star in the 2021 edition of the prestigious MICHELIN Guide California – a warm congratulations to the entire team, including Head Chef Mattia Agazzi, pastry chef Tamara Rigo, sous-chef Vanessa Chiu and Restaurant Director Christian Philippo. The achievement follows on the heels of Gucci Osteria’s flagship in Florence, helmed by Head Chef Karime López, receiving its first star in the 2020 MICHELIN Guide Italy.

    “While it has been a very challenging time for the entire hospitality industry, the team has remained focused, united and driven to create dishes of style and substance. This Award proves that teamwork is the recipe for success!” – Mattia Agazzi

  • hospitality 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-26 14:47:49
    有 4,100 人按讚

    Selesai dah kerja di Ipoh, kita pulang dulu.

    2 video klip untuk album #ZikirTerapiAcapella siap kita rakam di Ipoh. Thanks a lot to @thehavenresorts for the hospitality and lovely accommodation- you guys should check it out okay!

    Jadual shooting yang pack, sebab back to back from one location to another. Thanks to my team from @arteffectsmedia and your extreme dedication!

    InsyaAllah album #ZikirTerapiAcapella kita nak release di semua platform digital mulai 15 Oktober ni. Counting days! MasyaAllah Tabarakallah.

  • hospitality 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-25 20:00:36
    有 167 人按讚

    A Kingdom Prepared for you

    “Then the King will tell those on his right hand, ‘Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you took me in. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me.’” (Matthew‬ ‭25:34-36‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Just pause and think about this: God prepared the Kingdom for us—His children, from the foundation of the world.

    He did not even make it for Himself. It was made beautiful, spacious, and glorious for us who have placed our faith in the name of Yahweh (before Jesus appeared)/Jesus (Yeshua).

    “The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’” (Matthew‬ ‭25:40‬ ‭AMP‬‬)

    The righteous are instructed to do good to fellow believers who are Jesus’ brothers and sisters.

    These are the ways of doing good to fellow believers that Jesus mentioned:
    1. Feeding the hungry
    2. Giving a drink to the thirsty
    3. Showing hospitality by providing lodging
    4. Clothing those who have no means to obtain basic necessities
    5. Visiting and praying for the sick
    6. Visiting those who are in prison and taking the Gospel to them

    Every believer is a member of the body of Christ, so if you do good to a believer, you are doing it to Christ Jesus.

    “Let us not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let’s do what is good toward all men, and especially toward those who are of the household of the faith.” (Galatians‬ ‭6:9-10‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    We are taught to do good towards all men, but especially to fellow believers. When we do good as we have opportunity, we are doing it as unto the Lord.

    “And whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    I understand how doing good can make you weary—when others are unappreciative or take advantage of you, despite you giving your best to do good. It can feel pointless at times because people can be so heartless.

    However for you are doing good mainly as for the Lord Jesus, and not for men. The Lord will reward you, even if men’s intentions were impure.

    We have a Kingdom prepared for us that is an unshakable inheritance. While we are here in this world, let us pray at all times, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and showcase God’s love by doing good, using the gifts and grace we have received. That is the best we can do while waiting for the Lord’s imminent return!

    In “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever” you will discover what is your calling, your gift, how to walk in them, and how to maximize your eternal rewards:

  • hospitality 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-29 07:57:12

    400 Years、
    The silence moment and the promose land、
    The common parallel sensation.
    /.原著 王大喜(Rasta Wang)

    Someting about arch,
    Something about the shooting star,
    Something doesn’t belong here,
    We are one
    /.Rasta Wang


    *今日經文/Dayly chapter:
    「不可忘記用愛心接待客旅;因為曾有接待客旅的,不知不覺就接待了天使。 你們要記念被捆綁的人,好像與他們同受捆綁;也要記念遭苦害的人,想到自己也在肉身之內。」
    ‭‭希伯來書‬ ‭13:2-3‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬
    「Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.」
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:2-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    (目前專注於療癒及生命紀實、創作,恢復線上諮詢及捐款,麻煩名字Wang Ta Hsi務必不要打錯,避免卡在銀行,且多付40美元的退費,如需手術請至以下官網詳閱。☀️🙏)

    戶名:王大囍(Wang Ta Hsi)

    帳戶名稱:王大囍(Wang Ta Hsi)

    戶名:王大囍(Wang Ta Hsi)
    E.SUN Multi-Currency Deposit

    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com

  • hospitality 在 alex lam Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-17 13:00:17

    繼去年與韓國名廚姜珉求合作開設現代韓國料理餐廳Hansik Goo後,灶神集團今年與來自新加坡的年輕大廚Barry Quek合作,聯手打造全新餐飲概念Whey,呈獻融合新加坡風味的歐陸菜式。團隊甄選本地新鮮時令食材,以北歐料理手法炮製出具備新加坡風味、別樹一幟的美饌。餐廳坐落於中環威靈頓街The Wellington大廈,將於5月25日開始試業。

    歐亞融匯料理 味蕾綻放之旅

    主廚Barry在新加坡出生及長大,曾在當地米芝蓮星級餐廳Joël Robuchon及Les Amis學藝,先後加入比利時 In De Wulf、墨爾本Attica及倫敦Portland等知名餐廳的廚隊,並於2017年來港開設Beet。他遊走世界廚房後在Whey回歸家鄉味道,以香港本地食材結合新加坡美食元素,活用西方醃漬發酵技術,為現代歐陸菜注入新生命力。他憑藉其細膩樸實的烹飪風格,重新詮釋熱情奔放的獅城味道 ── 為饕客創造難忘的味覺回憶。

    嚐味菜單充分展現Barry對精緻餐飲的嶄新視野,盛宴以本地當造春季蜜糖豆揭開序幕,伴上乳清及香草,清新自然;Whey的自家發酵麵包每天新鮮出爐,用上東南亞黑果(Buah Keluak)製作牛油麵包,口感鬆軟且帶異國風味;本地天然酵母酸種麵包則帶果酸味道,讓人吃過不停;煎北海道帆立貝加入大樹菠蘿醬及蝦鬆等新加坡元素,創新演繹常見食材。

    主菜「肉骨茶」豬肋排以胡椒肉骨茶(Buk Ket Teh)作靈感,採用新界農場的優質豬肉,以白胡椒湯低溫慢煮,鮮嫩入味,配上豬心及自家發酵椰菜,最後淋上白胡椒肉汁,以歐洲料理手法製造亞菜風味,客人吃時可沾上自家調製黑蒜醬,惹味非常;花蟹叻沙蒟蒻飯為菜單上另一亮點,Barry兒時最愛叻沙配飯,現以蒟蒻米取替麵條,加入咖喱叻沙蟹湯,煮出香濃彈牙的蒟蒻飯,配搭經人手拆肉的本地新鮮花蟹,令人齒頰留香。盛宴最後以多款特色甜品作結,當中包括Barry原創新鮮貓山王雪糕配搭魚子醬,鹹甜兼併,激發驚喜味覺享受。

    支持本地生產 關注可持續發展

    Whey團隊在炮製美食同時,希望為可持續發展出一分力,因此四處搜羅本地優質海鮮、肉類,及蔬菜,並將食材物盡其用,減少廚餘。店名Whey亦含此意,乳清 (whey)是生產乳酪製品過程中,牛奶凝結後所形成的剩餘物,廚師將其轉化為醬汁以提升菜式味道層次,更用作調製雞尾酒;亦會善用蝦殼熬湯、用榴蓮籽經發酵製醋等,充分發揮食材價值。

    飲品方面,Whey請來Fernet Hunter創辦人Raphael Holzer為餐廳設計專屬雞尾酒酒單,採用本地時令水果調配,讓佳餚美味加倍;同時設立瑞典品牌Nordaq Fresh濾水系統,為客人提供自家製作瓶裝飲用水。餐廳亦分別與香港品牌Sprue Furniture及FlowPlusLiving合作 ,度身訂造木製餐桌及陶瓷餐具。

    自然舒適空間 與美饌互相輝映

    餐廳裝潢由挪威著名建築及室內設計公司Snøhetta一手包辦。正如Whey的菜式融匯歐亞元素,其佈置氛圍亦糅合北歐民間藝術及娘惹建築特色。環境色彩配搭以平靜柔和的大地色和森林墨綠色為主調,運用藤蔓、橡木及雲石等天然素材,加以時尚黃銅點綴;同時展示各國藝術家的畫作,包括來自墨西哥的Bosco Sodi、台灣吳季璁及韓國Jiana Kim的作品,讓整體氛圍賞心悅目,營造舒適自在的用餐環境。

    Whey 由來自新加坡的年輕主廚Barry Quek掌舵,他遊走世界廚房後回歸家鄉味道,以香港本地食材結合新加坡美食元素,活用北歐料理手法及醃漬發酵技術,為現代歐陸菜注入新生命力。Barry憑藉其細膩樸實的烹飪風格,重新詮釋熱情奔放的獅城味道──為饕客創造難忘的味覺回憶。

    地址:中環威靈頓街198號The Wellington 高層地下
    電話:2693 3198

    關於灶神集團 ZS Hospitality Group
    灶神集團 ZS Hospitality Group 於 2014 年成立,致力推廣亞洲美食,傳乘華人社會的美食文化。旗下餐廳包括 Hansik Goo(現代韓國料理)、營致會館(尊尚米芝蓮二星粵菜)、Miss Lee(創意中式素食)、J.A.M.(亞洲美食市集)及即將開業的Whey(歐陸新加坡)。歡迎瀏覽集團網站以查看更多資料。

    ZS 是灶神(Zao Shen)的英文縮寫,在中國通俗及飲食文化上,扮演著舉足輕重的角色。相傳灶神掌管廚房及飲食,亦為家宅神之一。據說灶神除逐年監察每家每戶一年下來的德行外,亦庇祐世人溫飽有財、健康豐盛及幸福快樂。灶,意思為煮食的火爐。集團以灶神為名,一方面表達集團對飲食的堅持與追求,另一方面,亦希望透過美食與貼心的服務,為每一位客人送上最摯誠的祝福。

  • hospitality 在 北西八地 Busybody Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-09 14:09:53





    #懷孕 #北西八地 #親子 #pregnant #二胎 #孕婦 #parents

