

在 horrified產品中有83篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, the toilet: I was horrified...

 同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅SpiderGaming,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Shannon Sharpe "shocked" Red Sox's Torii Hunter is horrified at racism in Boston | Undisputed LATEST NBA & NFL content: https://bit.ly/2MLtXTc #u...

  • horrified 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-29 20:16:55
    有 303 人按讚

    the toilet: I was horrified

  • horrified 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-17 17:29:44
    有 447 人按讚

    🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂國際大小事— 🇦🇫

    📰 Will the Taliban take Afghanistan back to the past?

    🀄 塔利班會把阿富汗帶回過去嗎?

    "Thanks to God you are come," shouted an old man as my colleagues and I marched into Kabul on 14 November 2001, battling our way through the joyful crowds.

    📌 2001 年 11 月 14 日,當我和我的同事們走進喀布爾時,一位老人喊道:“感謝上帝,你來了。” ,我們在歡樂的人群中艱難跋涉。

    The anti-Taliban(塔利班) forces of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, which had the backing of the US and other Western countries, had halted(停止) on the city outskirts, and the Taliban had simply run for it.

    Five years of the most extreme religious dictatorship(獨裁政府) in recent times were over. Under the Taliban, Afghanistan(阿富汗) had become a black hole in which all sorts of extremism(極端主義) could thrive(滋生).

    📌 阿富汗的北方聯盟的反塔利班武裝得到美國等西方國家支持,在城郊停了下來,塔利班乾脆逃跑。最近五年最極端的宗教獨裁結束了。在塔利班統治下,阿富汗成為各種極端主義滋生的黑洞。

    Only two months earlier the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington had been planned and guided by Osama Bin Laden and his al-Qaeda movement. It simply never occurred to me then that Taliban could make a comeback(捲土重來).

    📌 就在兩個月前,對紐約和華盛頓的 9/11 襲擊是由奧薩馬·本·拉登和他的阿爾蓋達組織運動策劃和指導的。那時我根本沒想到塔利班會捲土重來。

    The governments of Afghanistan's two post-Taliban presidents, Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani, were democratically(民主地) elected but never strong, and corruption(腐敗) was the system which worked best.

    Nevertheless President Ghani would still be in his palace and the army would be driving round in its expensive Western vehicles, if Donald Trump had not decided that he needed a foreign policy success before the 2020 election.

    📌 阿富汗的兩位後塔利班總統哈米德·卡爾扎伊和阿什拉夫·加尼的政府是民主選舉產生的,但從不強大,腐敗是運作最好的制度。
    儘管如此,如果唐納德川普沒有決定他需要在 2020 年大選之前取得外交政策的成功,加尼總統仍將在他的宮殿裡,軍隊將駕駛昂貴的西方車輛四處行駛。

    Several Afghan politicians(政客) and journalists(記者) I know were horrified by the conclusion of the US talks with the Taliban political leadership in Doha in February 2020, and doubly so when President Joe Biden made it clear he was going to stick to it.

    📌 我認識的幾位阿富汗政界人士和記者對 2020 年 2 月美國與塔利班政治領導人在多哈的會談結束感到震驚,而當喬·拜登總統明確表示他將堅持下去時,更是倍感震驚。

    I was warned that no matter how moderate and peaceable the leaders in Doha might promise to be, the Taliban fighters on the ground would feel no compulsion(強迫) to observe the fine print.
    And so it proved.

    📌 我被警告說,無論多哈領導人承諾多麼溫和和平,地面上的塔利班戰士都不會被迫遵守細則。事實證明如此。

    Directly after the US, British and other Western troops(軍隊) began pulling out(撤退), the Taliban fighters across Afghanistan made their play for power. Reports of prisoners being executed(被處決) brought an atmosphere of blind panic in one town after another, until Kabul itself succumbed(屈服) and officials and soldiers were battling(爭鬥) their way to the airport to get out.

    📌 就在美英等西方軍隊開始撤軍後,阿富汗各地的塔利班武裝分子開始爭奪權力。囚犯被處決的報導在一個又一個城鎮引起了盲目恐慌的氣氛,直到喀布爾本身屈服,官員和士兵爭先恐後地趕往機場逃生。

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/Lbk9nx

  • horrified 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-16 15:08:17
    有 24 人按讚


  • horrified 在 SpiderGaming Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-06-11 08:00:00

    Shannon Sharpe "shocked" Red Sox's Torii Hunter is horrified at racism in Boston | Undisputed

    LATEST NBA & NFL content: https://bit.ly/2MLtXTc

    #undisputed #skipbayless #shannonsharpe #skipandshannon #shannon #skip

  • horrified 在 MiniMoochi Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-08 20:00:10

    When you tell your STRICT CHINESE Asian Mom that you don't want to be a Doctor... they react by get pretty shocked and horrified

    NEW MUSIC PARODY BY MINIMOOCHI WHEEHEE! This time it is Taylor Swift's The Man!

    Disclaimer: This is a parody of chinese/ asian stereotypes and is not meant to be taken seriously! Although I have to say, stereotype or not... most of it was pretty true in my growing up


    I’m MiniMoochi! A tiny human in sunny Singapore having fun in this Youtube space! I make new videos every Sunday!

    ☆ Instagram- http://instagram.com/MoochiHehe
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    For Collabs/Adverrtisements - moochihehe@hotmail.com

  • horrified 在 DUOC DONG NAI Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-20 16:15:16

    video bắt rắn các bạn đừng làm theo nhé, Được Đồng Nai bắt rắn bat ran Con Rắn được đồng nai bẫy rắn thú vui săn rắn Thú Vui 3 Miền Hổ Chúa cobra snake Rắn Hổ Mang Chúa Con Rắn rắn hổ mang rắn độc duoc dong nai duoc bay ran con ran rắn khổng lồ rắn cạp nia bay ran rắn hổ chúa rắn cạp nong rắn hổ mèo bắt rắn hổ mang, đồng nai ổ rắn, cau ran Bắt Con Rắn được đồng nai Khám Phá.
    Được Xin chúc các bạn luôn thành công may mắn trong cuộc sống Nha .. #duocdongnai

