

在 horrendous產品中有90篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過68萬的網紅IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Đừng dùng Very nữa, nhàm rồi. Thế thì phải làm sao, thay các từ này thôi! Tuyển tập những từ thay thế very hay ho, các bạn dắt túi để sử dụng cho ấn t...

 同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅肥貓丸 FatCatBall,也在其Youtube影片中提到,OTK:08:40 BGM:https://youtu.be/lKMqwRv3plI ※本牌組要養到30/30不容易,請斟酌使用 加入肥貓丸頻道會員,享專屬會員徽章: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbr1TwV0Tk7LeQ5Yzi0vRxA/join 黑暗...

horrendous 在 † samantha Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-03 16:47:52

Was watching @renokingsg and the word “wabi sabi” stuck with me. Long post ahead, if ya don’t wanna read, the TLDR is: tsk can you not be lazy and jus...

  • horrendous 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-16 17:33:18
    有 316 人按讚

    Đừng dùng Very nữa, nhàm rồi.
    Thế thì phải làm sao, thay các từ này thôi!
    Tuyển tập những từ thay thế very hay ho, các bạn dắt túi để sử dụng cho ấn tượng nhé:

    - Very hungry = Starving/ Famished/ Ravenous = Rất đói/ Sắp chết vì đói

    - Very beautiful = Charming/ Gorgeous/ Stunning = Rất đẹp, tuyệt sắc, lung linh

    - Very tired = (Completely) Exhausted = Rất mệt, kiệt sức

    - Very sad = Heartbroken/ Devastated = Tan vỡ, đau buồn, suy sụp

    - Very happy = Thrilled/ on cloud nine/ Delighted = Vui mừng, trên chín tầng mây

    - Very surprised = Amazed/ Astonished = Vô cùng bất ngờ, kinh ngạc

    - Very small = Tiny/ Minuscule = Tí hon, bé xíu

    - Very big = Tremendous/ Gigantic/ Massive/ Humongous = Khổng lồ, To lớn, dữ dội

    - Very bad = Horrible/ Abhorrent/ Horrendous = Tệ hại, kinh khủng

    - Very difficult = Challenging/ Demanding = Thức thách, đòi hỏi nhiều

    - Very smart = Witty/ Brilliant = Vô cùng thông minh, thiên tài

    - Very important = Crucial/ Essential/ Vital = Rất quan trọng, Mang tính sống còn

    - Very interesting = Fascinating/ Captivating = Thú vị, hứng thú

    - Very angry = Furious/ Mad = Rất giận, giận dữ

    Các bạn lưu về học nha.
    Hôm nay group đang sôi nổi với thử thách mới day 13 đó, các bạn đã đăng ký tham gia và thực hiện các thử thách dự án WinMyself - 30-Day Challenge for All - thử thách bản thân, nhận quà cực chất cùng IELTS Fighter chưa? 👇👇

  • horrendous 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-26 20:31:40
    有 20 人按讚


    1. Sexual harassment has been taking place in the schools for years, but only recently has it begun to get the attention it deserves. Some have called such attention as an overreaction to normal teenager behaviour who is going through puberty, but sexual harassment can inflict deep psychological damage on young people. Two recent incidents have made it clear to me that we must put our foot down and do something to stop it.

    2. Sexual harassment is not an easy topic of discussion, let alone a joke. Derogatory sexual comments and rape jokes are very dangerous. When one person makes a comment that uses derogatory sexual language, others can use that comment and later repeat it to their friends. These friends will then absorb the comment and circulate the derogatory sexual language in their social circles, thinking that “it is okay” to laugh about it thus perpetuating a cycle that is difficult to break.

    3. We are aware that the role of a teacher is to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate learners/students. A recent Malaysian student's tweet about her teacher who had joked and underplayed rape has gone viral. It was said that the teacher also made another sickening comment that “if boys get raped it doesn’t get reported because apparently boys would feel ‘good’ about it”. What’s more shocking is the fact that when the student lodged a report to her counselling teacher in school only to be told that it is “normal” for jokes like this to be made as boys feel alright and girls are often too sensitive and emotional. Instead of getting the justice she deserve, she was sent to the same counselling teacher for a “therapy” session.

    4. We must put to an end of labelling rape jokes as “part of our culture.” Rape joke was never part of Malaysia’s culture and will never be. The modern society has belittled the voices of survivors, making conventional discussion very one-sided towards the perpetrators. Schools must take the responsibility for preserving an appropriate learning environment that rest primarily with school administrators. Listen to students when they speak up on any form of sexual harassment or approaches made by their teachers, peers, school personnel or any other members in the school. School staffs must never turn a deaf ear to students’ cries for help.

    5. Thank you to the student who gathered every ounce of courage that is in her in making a very daring and bold decision of stepping out and speaking the truth whilst still handling her trauma/shock. Sexual harassment is not something young people need to learn to tolerate. Rather, it must be confronted and stopped so that schools can be a safe and positive space for children to learn. Ignoring the situation can often lead to a cycle of ongoing harassment and victimisation. Calling out on people who commit the “humour” of making a joke out of rape or any kind of violence need more efforts. Stern action must be taken to safeguard the safety of our students in school so that in future, actions like these will not be tolerated and it will be put to an end. We should make the elimination of sexual harassment or derogatory actions our top priority. I hope that the Ministry of Education will take action in engaging relevant authorities to make sure this horrendous practice ends.

    EXCO Srikandi BERSATU Malaysia

  • horrendous 在 Melody 陈永馨 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-01 17:19:32
    有 161 人按讚

    We got spit by this Alpaca after. It was horrendous. Thx for the love buddy. 🤢

  • horrendous 在 肥貓丸 FatCatBall Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-09 19:24:05




    Horrendous Growth
    腐化:獲得+1/+1可不斷受到 腐化
    Corrupt: Gain +1/+1. Can be Corrupted endlessly.



    2x (1) 恢復
    1x (1) 智識之球
    1x (1) 活動掃帚
    1x (1) 縛魂的灰舌
    2x (2) 懺悟
    2x (2) 洞悉
    2x (2) 駭人生長體
    1x (3) 暗影狂亂
    2x (3) 永恆吐息
    2x (3) 看手相
    2x (3) 黑暗預言
    2x (4) 神聖新星
    1x (4) 群體驅魔
    2x (5) 時光撕裂
    1x (5) 黑暗審判官克珊內絲
    2x (6) 抓娃娃機
    1x (7) 『禁忌狂龍』葛拉克朗
    1x (7) 希拉斯‧暗月
    1x (7) 靈魂之鏡
    1x (9) 死亡災禍



  • horrendous 在 肥貓丸 FatCatBall Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-01-10 22:16:19



    Horrendous Growth
    腐化:獲得+1/+1可不斷受到 腐化
    Corrupt: Gain +1/+1. Can be Corrupted endlessly.

    Maxima Blastenheimer
    Battlecry: Summon a minion from your deck. It attacks the enemy hero, then dies.


    1x (1) 安全檢查員
    2x (2) 照明彈
    2x (2) 駭人生長體
    2x (3) 動物夥伴
    2x (3) 可愛動物區
    2x (3) 放狗
    2x (3) 獵人裝備
    2x (3) 致命射擊
    2x (4) 多重射擊
    2x (4) 標記射擊
    1x (4) 瑞林的步槍
    2x (5) 爆裂射擊
    2x (6) 抓娃娃機
    1x (6) 瑪克希瑪‧布萊頓海默
    2x (6) 釋放野獸
    2x (6) 飛蝗蟲群
    1x (8) 恩若司珠寶



  • horrendous 在 Kevin 英文不難 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-10 21:00:25

    你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。


    Podcast 連結
    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%96%AE%E5%AD%97-%E7%89%87%E8%AA%9E-%E6%96%87%E6%B3%95/id1462457142
    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn

    *horror 恐怖
    --I like horror movies.
    *entertainment 娛樂
    *comparison 比較
    *start off 開始
    --Let me start off by saying how much I hate you.
    *brilliant 很厲害
    --Jack is a brilliant scientist.
    *confirm 確認
    --I need to confirm my schedule.
    *kind 種類
    --What kind of music do you like?
    *horrendous: terrible, very bad
    --He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals.
    *finals 期末考
    *intolerant 不寬容
    *tolerant 寬容
    *sexist 性別歧視
    *racist 種族歧視

    標題:Do you have a college roommate horror story?
    I would like to hear your stories about terrible college roommates, if not for entertainment, at least for comparison. I'll start off. I go to a school where the students are a bit weirder than the rest of the country, and my roommate is considered weird, so that should give you an idea. As best I can describe, he was like a child, in a child's body, but with the age of someone in college. Don't get me wrong, the kid is brilliant… but he was terrible at life. I'll start the description in the way that I got to know him. He scratched, a LOT, noisily and mainly his face. He talked to himself, and not the “confirming things I need to do” kind of talk to himself, the Gollum to Sméagol talk to himself. He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals. He was incredibly intolerant, as well as sexist. So if you have some good stories, share them!

    *歡迎收聽全台灣最有趣的英文 Podcast。英文單字,片語,文法由 Teacher Kevin 主持,本節目可以在 Apple Podcast, Spotify 及所有 Podcast 平台上找到,無論搭車、騎車、打掃、運動,都可以邊做事邊學英文。
    #英文 Podcast #英文不難 #英文單字

