

在 holography產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅GIGAZINE,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 初音ミクが目の前で踊っているようにしか見えない疑似ホログラム技術を開発した猛者が登場(2018) https://gigazine.net/news/20180803-hatsune-miku-holography/...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過42萬的網紅sofyank96,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hologram in real life is a video i made using after effects. this video has been edit for 2hours and the hologram template in this video are from othe...

  • holography 在 GIGAZINE Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-03 19:15:42
    有 4 人按讚


  • holography 在 iThome Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-16 12:00:26
    有 11 人按讚

    MIT研究人員以深度學習技術,開發了全新3D全像投影(3D Holography)運算方法,只需要使用不到1 MB的記憶體,就能在智慧型手機和筆記型電腦,以數毫秒時間製作出全像投影圖像。這個新方法能用來改進3D全像投影,在虛擬實境、顯微成像和3D列印的應用

  • holography 在 2Dogg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-03 15:56:34
    有 11 人按讚

    It was the exhibition project that me n Taiwanese Hip-hop label KAO!INC have been worked for one month at CMP Block museum in Taichung city. The main concept is a fantasy of combining and find the connection between construction and Hip-hop. With more personal ideas, it was the exhibition about how the KAO!INC label owner DelaFat's childhood memories about his family history with construction. In the visual part, we had a thought "The history and the process of Hip-hop or building KAO!INC was really like a construction project that has been build for decades, but it seems never end and never know what's the next!" Based on this thought, we created a fantastic building project that has the date of begging, but has no finishing date. From this idea, we developed more elements like 6 different construction worker figures with connection of KAO!INC and Hip-hop. There are gang of details in this exhibition. Go check it and having some fun! Thanks everyone in this project!

    (頂樓持續加蓋中心 / NO LIMIT TOWER CENTER)
    Date : 2020/12/02 ~ 2021/02/2
    (WED.) ~ (SUN.) 15:00 - 20:00(MON. & TUES. Day off)
    Venue : @cmpblockmuseumofarts / 工家美術館2F(台中市西區館前路71號)
    Organizer(Organization) : #勤美璞真文化藝術基金會
    Implementer (Organization) : @kao_inc
    Director: @delafat
    Interior Designer : @hungshihhui
    Graphic Designer : #2Dogg
    Project Manager : @smith_0729
    Theme Song & Aside Artist : @lasachunyan《It’s 2020》
    3D Modeling & Video Editor : @liao_tung_teng
    Holography Technician : #Jc嘉誠數位
    Organizer(Organization) :勤美璞真文化藝術基金會、勤美術館 CMP Block Museum of Arts
    Implementer (Organization) :顏社 KAO!INC.