#1Hephthalite | people | Britannica
Hephthalite, also spelled Ephthalite, member of a people important in the history of India and Persia during the 5th and 6th centuries ce.
The legends on Hephthalite coins are in the Bactrian script. They feature a Bactrian title,. XOAHO, for the ruler together with another Bactrian title, šao. One ...
A separate Hephthalite Empire controls much of India. Forty countries (including the Sassanians) are in tribute. Hephthalite centers are at Ghur, Balkh, ...
#4White Huns (Hephthalites) - World History Encyclopedia
It is at this time that Hephthalite rule in India is taken to have ended after nearly 20 years of fighting. The last hunnic king of the Indo-Huna tribes is ...
使用Reverso Context: The First Perso-Turkic War was fought during 588-589 between the Sasanian Empire and Hephthalite principalities and its lord the ...
#6Hephthalite - Wiktionary
In his own studies he affirms, that the Hephthalites were Turkic-speaking Altaic tribes. The ethnonym "Hephtal" is drawn from the Turkic root: yap, meaning to ...
#7HEPHTHALITES – Encyclopaedia Iranica
Around 510 C.E., a Hephthalite ruler Toramāṇa established his power over much of northern and western India. He was succeeded in about 525 by ...
#8The White Huns - The Hephthalites - Silk Road Foundation
India knew the Hephthalite as Huna by the Sanskrit name. The Hephthaltes or Hunas waited till 470 rigth after the death of Gupta ruler, Skandagupta (455-470), ...
#9Hephthalite | British Museum
Also known as: Hephthalite: White Hun. Scope note: The Hephthalites, also known as the White Huns, were a group of Central Asian nomads who migrated from ...
#10Alexander the Great in the Hephthalite Empire: “Bactrian ...
Alexander the Great in the Hephthalite Empire: “Bactrian” Vases, the Jewish Alexander Romance, and the Invention of Paradise. Anca Dan 1, 2 Frantz Grenet 1
#11(PDF) Hephthalite Khanate - ResearchGate
2021年8月30日 — Hephthalite Khanate. AYDOGDY KURBANOV. Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat. In the 5th and 6th centuries CE, Hephthalites.
The Byzantine author Menander Protector reports the story of KàzovXtpoç (Katulph), a member of. Hephthalite nobility. This prominent Hephthalite took part ...
#13Regional interaction in Central Asia and Northwest India in the ...
This chapter stresses the contributions of the Kidarite and Hephthalite states, which can be credited for an opening up of Sogdiana and for the ...
#14Hephthalite Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Definition of Hephthalite. variant of ephthalite. Love words? You must — there are over 200,000 words ...
#15The Hephthalite 'Empire' and its Successors (Chapter 6)
Following the defeat of the Kidarites in 466, the Hephthalite confederacy appears to have set about expanding its power over the rest of Tokharistan from an ...
#16Hephthalite |人物|yabo亚博网站首页手机不列颠
Hephthalite.,也拼写两苯妥尔,一个人的成员在历史上重要印度和波斯语在5世纪和第6世纪ce。根据中文编年史,他们最初是一个生活在北方的部落长城并且被称为Hoa ...
#17هفتاليت - Hephthalite - المعرفة
In Ancient India, names such as Hephthalite were unknown. The Hephthalites were apparently part of, or offshoots of, people known in India as Hunas or Turushkas ...
#18katulph and the fall of the hephthalite empire - CEEOL - Article ...
Summary/Abstract: The Byzantine author Menander Protector reports the story of (Katulph), a member of Hephthalite nobility. This prominent Hephthalite took ...
京东JD.COM图书频道为您提供《A STUDY OF THE HEPHTHALITE HISTORY(嚈哒史研究)》在线选购,本书作者:,出版社:商务印书馆。买图书,到京东。网购图书,享受最低优惠 ...
#20Best 1 Definitions of Hephthalite - YourDictionary
What does hephthalite mean? One of a Central Asian nomadic confederation of the AD 5th–6th centuries. (noun)
#21Alkhan and Hephthalite Coinage - austriaca.at
Alkhan and Hephthalite Coinage. Sources are subject to interpretation. The answers they give us are secondary derivatives, shaped by the.
#22Hephthalite Empire - Wikidata
Hephthalite Empire. nomadic confederation in Central Asia during the late antiquity period. White Huns; Ephthalite Empire. In more languages. Spanish.
#23sOMe inFOrMAtiOn relAteD tO tHe Art HistOrY OF tHe ...
sOMe inFOrMAtiOn relAteD tO tHe Art HistOrY OF. tHe HePHtHAlite tiMe (4tH-6tH CentUries AD) in. CentrAl AsiA AnD neiGHBOUrinG COUntries. Aydogdy Kurbanov.
#24katulph and the fall of the hephthalite empire
The Byzantine author Menander Protector reports the story of Κάτουλφος (Katulph), a member of. Hephthalite nobility. This prominent Hephthalite took part in ...
#25File:Hephthalite tamgha.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
File:Hephthalite tamgha.jpg. Size of this preview: 490 × 599 pixels. Other resolutions: 196 × 240 pixels | 392 × 480 pixels | 628 × 768 ...
#26Hephthalite Empire | Roblox Rise of Nations Wiki | Fandom
The Hephthalite Empire is a formable located in Central/South Asia. It borders Kazakhstan, China (Sinkiang), India and Iran. It is also a Exclusive Formable ...
#27Hephthalite Empire - World History Maps
The Hephthalites (sometimes called “White Huns”, also known as Hoa or Hoa-tun by the Chinese, Ephthalites by the Greeks, and Hunas by the Indians) were a ...
#28Las mejores ofertas en Hephthalite | eBay
HEPHTHALITE, Kabul/Zabul Region Napki Malka Drachm (c. · HUNNIC TRIBES, Hephthalites. · Hephthalites or White Huns Napki Malka Silver Drachm Ancient Silver Coin ...
#29the huns of central asia and south asia: the kidarite and ...
THE HUNS OF CENTRAL ASIA AND SOUTH ASIA: THE KIDARITE AND HEPHTHALITE WHITE HUNS ; Edition 1st Edition ; First Published 2015 ; Imprint Routledge ; Pages 22 ; eBook ...
#30Hephthalite in Chinese - Glosbe Dictionary
Check 'Hephthalite' translations into Chinese. Look through examples of Hephthalite translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
#31The Numismatic Chronicle 175 Offprint - Universität Hamburg
Hephthalite realm in a co-ordinated effort by the Western Turks and the Sāsānian empire in 560s. In May 1992 a parcel of 27 coins including hoard material ...
#32hephthalite - CoinArchives.com Search Results
Your search for 'hephthalite' matched 5 lots from auctions added in the last ... Islamic Medieval Coinage, Hephthalite Empire - White Huns, Very nice lot ...
#33hephthalite 中文- 白匈奴 - 查查在線詞典
hephthalite 中文:白匈奴…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋hephthalite的中文翻譯,hephthalite的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#34hephthaliteの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
hephthalite の意味や使い方 別の表記Ephthalite名詞Hephthalite (複数形 Hephthalites)(historical) Any of a people who comprised a nomadic c.
#35Afghanistan: Sassanian, Kushansha, Kidarite, Hephthalite and ...
Displaced by Hephthalite invaders around 410, the Kushanshahs re-established their authority after the Sassanians destroyed the Hephthalites in 565 AD.
#36Alkhan and Hephthalite Coinage (Download)- - Verlag der ...
Alkhan and Hephthalite Coinage (Download). Erscheinungsdatum: 30.11.2010. ISBN13: 978-3-7001-6885-0. Format: xxx (download). EUR 7.00.
#37About: Sukhra's Hephthalite campaign - DBpedia
Sukhra's Hephthalite campaign took place in 484 between the Hephthalites and the Sasanian Empire. (en). dbo:combatant. Sasanian Empire; Hephthalite Empire.
#38Social:Hephthalite Empire - HandWiki
The Hephthalites may have also helped the Sasanians eliminate another Hunnic tribe, the Kidarites: by 467, Peroz I, with Hephthalite aid, ...
#39On the Hephthalite People's Rangeland on the north of Great ...
塞北嚈嚈哒人牧地考——兼论花木兰的民族归属马丽亚·艾海提林梅村北京大学考古文博学院,北京100871 Abstract: Both Hephthalite and Xianbei Hsien-pi Peoples were ...
#40Provenance of a Die of a Sasanian Style Coin in Mongolia
As the coins of the Hephthalite and the Western Turks were manufactured after the Sasanian model, it will also discuss the possible connection among the ...
#41Hephthalite Huns | Weapons and Warfare
The peak of Hephthalite power came in 522, with territories from Dzyngaria to northern India, but the empire collapsed quickly after that. In ...
#42définition de « hephthalite » | La langue française
Langue, Traduction. Anglais, hephthalite. Espagnol, heftalita. Italien, hephthalite. Allemand, hephthalit. Chinois, phthal石. Arabe, هفتاليت.
#43AfHepht - Seshat Data Browser
↑ Litvinskii, B.A., and Unesco. “THE HEPHTHALITE EMPIRE.” In History of Civilizations of Central Asia. Vol. III The Crossroads of Civilizations ...
#45Hephthalite ("White Huns") Silver Unit - Leland Little Auctions
(3.12g), 7th century A.D.. in the style of contemporary Sassanian drachms with king's bust / fire altar flanked by attendants. VF+.
#46Ancient East - Hephthalite Hunnic Tribes, Nezak Huns. AR
Hephthalite 匈奴TRIBES(白匈奴),Nezak匈奴。 Napki馬爾卡。大約460-560。 AR Drachm(26毫米,2.40克,3小時)。喀布爾(阿富汗)薄荷。加冕胸圍右/火壇用絲帶和 ...
#47Hephthalite Empire - YouTube
... helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon.https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20Hephthalite Empire The Hephthalite.
#481938 SHORT NOTICES 381 Saka, Hephthalite, etc. In time it ...
Saka, Hephthalite, etc. In time it covers the coins from the earliest period down to about A.D. 300. The first third of the book is devoted to the.
#49Définition de hephthalite - Encyclopædia Universalis
Hephthalite. Nom singulier invariant en genre, Adjectif singulier invariant en genre. Employé comme adjectif: relatif aux Huns Hephthalites (Huns blancs) ...
#50Article about Hephthalite by The Free Dictionary
Looking for Hephthalite? Find out information about Hephthalite. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia .
Early Hephthalites settled around Baktria in the mid-300's, and issued coins in the Persian style · The coin of a Hephthalite ruler called Khingila (c. · A coin ...
#52ARTICLES ON WESTERN CENTRAL ASIA - Institute for the ...
The Winged Crown and the Triple-crescent Crown in the. Sogdian Funerary Monuments from China: Their Relation to the Hephthalite Occupation of Central Asia*.
#53Kingdoms of the Xionites - Hephthalites (White Huns) - The ...
The name Hephthalite is mentioned in the work of the Byzantine historian Procopius. Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite who lived close to the period of Sassanid ...
#54Hephthalite Empire Drachm Hunnic Tribes, c. 475–576 CE
Hephthalite Empire Drachm Hunnic Tribes, c. 475–576 CE. Brand: Canadian Coin & Currency. 627-986. 0.0. Rated 0.0 out of 5 stars.
#55Dr. Madhuvanti Ghose (Dept. of Art & Archaeology, SOAS
It is not sure at all that any idea of an Hephthalite language for instance should be maintained in XXIth c. historiography. The Hephthalites in the ...
#56HEPHTHALITE Meaning in Bengali - Tr-ex
Examples of using Hephthalite in a sentence and their translations · During the second war Peroz was captured again and was released after paying a huge ...
#57Hephthalite Script - Eurasian Silver
Hephthalite Script. Plate Decorated with a Figure Seated on a Couch with a Hunting Scene Below from Strelka · Collection, Hoard, Publication, Vessel ...
#58Hephthalites - Oxford Reference
Inner Asian 'Hunnic' group (or rather dynasty), perhaps of Turkic origin, whose name appears first in 456; by 467 they had displaced the ...
#59Hephthalite coin C291. White Huns. Afghanistan. - Pinterest
Oct 4, 2012 - Hephthalite coin C291. Silver coin of the Hephthalites (White Huns). Found in Afghanistan. 6th-7th century. 3 gr, diameter: 28 mm.
#60Regional interaction in Central Asia and ... - Pascal et Francis
Other title: Interaction régionale en Asie Centrale et nord ouest de l'Inde pour les périodes Kidarite et Hephthalite (fr); Author: GRENET, Frantz ...
#61[PDF] “The Winged Crown and the Triple-crescent Crown in ...
Recently, the influence of the Hephthalite occupation of the Central Asia from the second half of the fifth century to the first half of the sixth century ...
#62126 • A Hephthalite Green Phyllite oval plaque - Oliver Hoare ...
126 • A Hephthalite Green Phyllite oval plaque. Greater Gandhara, 5th–7th century AD Size: 8.5 × 13.5 cm. This remarkable plaque shows a scene of a princely ...
#63Title Change of suspension systems of daggers and swords in ...
from China: their relation to the Hephthalite occupation of Central Asia”, Journal of Inner. Asian Art and Archaeology 2, 2007, pp. 11–22. 3 S. Hiyama, “Study ...
#6410. Hephthalites in Bactria | Digitaler Ausstellungskatalog
At first, the Hephthalite imitations struck in Balkh (Nos. 4, 5) are so deceptively similar to the Sasanian originals that one can assume that they were ...
#65Hephthalites | Iranologie.com
According to later Islamic sources, Pēroz was provoked by the Hephthalite king ... The Hephthalite power continued to dominate Bactria and Central Asia in ...
#66Hephthalite - definition and meaning - Wordnik
Hephthalite : One of a Central Asian nomadic confederation of the AD 5th–6th centuries.
#67Hephthalite sword - ArtStation
Hephthalite sword. Aq Hun kılıçı. Hephthalite sword. Гефталитовый меч. Posted 6 months ago. 4 Likes. 152 Views. 0 Comments.
#68The Hephthalites - Silk-Road.com
In 484, a Hephthalite army led by Akhshunwar attacked Sassania and killed King Peroz in Khurasan. Now, the Hephthalites were in charge of lands stretching ...
#69hephthaliteの意味・使い方|英辞郎 on the WEB
Hephthalite 【名】エフタル(族)、エフタリトイ、白フン族◇五世紀半ばから六世紀半ばにかけて中央アジア... - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索 ...
#70Battle of Nahāvand: Muslim conquests, Muslim, Sassanid ...
Battle of Nahāvand: Muslim conquests, Muslim, Sassanid Empire, Yazdegerd III, Merv, Hephthalite, Parthia : Miller, Frederic P., Vandome, Agnes F., ...
#71Aydogdy Kurbanov | FMSH
(2013): Some information related to the art history of the Hephthalite time (4 th -6 th Centuries AD) in Central Asia and neighbouring countries.
【孔夫子旧书网】A STUDY OF THE HEPHTHALITE HISTORY(嚈哒史研究)。作者:余太山,出版社:商务印书馆,售价:127.84,出版人:商务印书馆,年代:2021-07,装帧:3,线装:16开, ...
#73Définition hephthalite - La conjugaison
Retrouvez la définition du mot hephthalite dans notre dictionnaire en ligne ... hephthalite peut être employé comme : adjectif singulier invariant en genre ...
#74The Hephthalites (or Ephthalites), also known as the ... - Alamy
The Hephthalite Empire, at the height of its power (in the first half of the 6th century), was located in the territories of present-day Afghanistan, ...
#75Definition of Hephthalite - WordAZ
This is the place for Hephthalite definition. You find here Hephthalite meaning, synonyms of Hephthalite and images for Hephthalite.
#76Hephthalite: meaning, translation, synonyms - WordSense ...
Hephthalite (English). Alternative forms. Ephthalite. Noun. Hephthalite (pl. Hephthalites). One of a Central Asian nomadic confederation of the AD 5th–6th ...
#78History of Humanity: From the seventh century B.C. to the ...
Sogdians in the Hephthalite Empire; but the role of the intermediator to this trade was also pre- tended to by Sasanian Iran. In that period the.
#80Crusader Kings III on Twitter: "The Hephthalite Empire has ...
The Hephthalite Empire has seen better days and is waiting for you to bring it back to glory. If you own Rajas of India and Charlemagne ...
#81The Huns - Google 圖書結果
In former Hephthalite territory what was happening was probably the common Inner Asian phenomenon of new ruling dynasties being superimposed on an older, ...
#82The hephthalite numismatics :: Journal „Tyragetia" :: Publications
The hephthalite numismatics. ISSN 1857-0240. E-ISSN 2537-6330. Aydogdy Kurbanov. The hephthalite numismatics. Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VII [XXII], nr.
#83IN-HEPHTHALITE-TURKONEZAK - Educational Coin Company
IN-HEPHTHALITE-TURKONEZAK. Click to Enlarge Image. Central Asia, Nezak Huns, Kabul Region (c.515-560 CE), Drachm(C). Availability: In stock.
#84567 Deaths, 567 Disestablishments, Hephthalite, Charibert I ...
Searching for 567: 567 Deaths, 567 Disestablishments, Hephthalite, Charibert I, Cunimund, List of State Leaders in 567, Athanagild Books Online By LLC Books ...
#85HEPHTHALITE, adjectif - Définition - Cordial
adjectif singulier invariant en genre. Relatif aux Huns Hephthalites (Huns blancs) horde turco-mongole originaire des monts de l'Altaï qui, au Ve siècle de ...
#86608MG2Y) CENTRAL ASIAN. Hunnic. Hephthalite AR Drachm ...
608MG2Y) CENTRAL ASIAN. Hunnic. Hephthalite AR Drachm 32 mm, 3.46 grms, Countermarked imitative BBA (Court) mint issue of Husrav (Khosrau) II dated RY 35.
#87Hephthalite Coin from an Early Medieval Burial at Gorny-10 ...
It could have been brought to the forest-steppe Altai by Türks, who conquered the Hephthalite Empire in the fi rst decades of the late 6th century AD.
#88Hephthalite - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Map showing the extent of regions under Hephthalite dominion, c. 520 AD. ... related=The Hephthalites or White Huns were a Central Asia n nomadic confederation ...
#89Coins from Hephthalite Empire - Numista
All coins from Hephthalite Empire, presented with pictures, descriptions and more useful information: metal, size, weight, date, mintage...
#90Bactrian letters from the Sasanian and Hephthalite periods.
Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2007) 'Bactrian letters from the Sasanian and Hephthalite periods.' In: Panaino, Antonio and Piras, Andrea, (eds.) ...
#91How to pronounce hephthalite | HowToPronounce.com
How to say hephthalite in English? Pronunciation of hephthalite with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 translation and more for hephthalite.
#92Hephthalites, Tibetans and White Huns (408 - 670 AD) - Okar ...
Hephthalite Empire.....408–670 AD Capitals: Kunduz (Badian), Balkh (Baktra), Sialkot (Sakala) Official language: Bactrian
#93Hephthalites — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
The Hephthalites may have also helped the Sasanians to eliminate another Hunnic tribe, the Kidarites: by 467, Peroz I, with Hephthalite aid, ...
#94Hephthalites - WikiZero
The sources for Hephthalite history are sparse and the opinions of historians differ. ... In Ancient India, names such as Hephthalite were unknown.
#95Finally restored The Hephthalite Empire after slogging it ...
R5 - Restored the Hephthalite Empire PS. Europe and Byz empire was fucked up for a lot of the game so yay for the border gore fix.
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