

在 governments產品中有896篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過166萬的網紅Engadget,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Address Maker is a free Android app to help make things easier for governments and non-profits....

 同時也有29部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過50萬的網紅LoganDBeck 小貝,也在其Youtube影片中提到,全台灣多虧美國的援助!美國 6/20 來台灣捐給我們 2,500,000 支疫苗,結果全台灣對美國的感恩爆發,讓我感覺十分的感動!來讓我跟你們分享我要如何計畫跟美國國會報告台灣的感恩! 在6月初,美國派出三名國會議員向台灣宣布捐贈疫苗,最初只有75萬支。令台灣驚訝的是,美國於 6 月 20 日帶著...

governments 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 07:55:02

[Singapore] I took this from a high point in Bugis, those buildings are from the Orchard Road area, as you can identify TANGS departmental store from ...

governments 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 17:18:55

中秋連假結束,開工了!早上八點半,梅姨我已經送好小孩在咖啡店裏吃完早餐開始工作囉!今日工事之一是準備新雅思班級的課外讀物。準備好動腦了嗎? 若雅思作文考,「為何有人不打疫苗?要如何才能提高施打率呢?」250字,你會怎麼寫?(你放心啦,不會考這題啦,雅思不會碰觸敏感的話題) 你的本文段 (body...

  • governments 在 Engadget Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 01:52:46
    有 13 人按讚

    Address Maker is a free Android app to help make things easier for governments and non-profits.

  • governments 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 17:30:56
    有 1,105 人按讚

    印太地區擁有超過全球一半的人口數與超過全球50%的經濟。美國支持自由開放印太地區未來的經濟發展。美國與印度將於10月28-29日共同舉辦2021年的「印太商業論壇」, 如果你對商業事務有興趣, 或是你的工作與經貿發展有關, 無論是你是在政府部門、學術界、公民團體、媒體或私人企業,這將是一場超級適合你的活動!今年的「印太商業論壇」採全線上舉辦、既不用報名費、也不用旅費,還等什麼呢? 趕緊手刀報名: https://indopacificbusinessforum.com/

    The United States and India are co-hosting the 2021 Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF) on October 28-29 as a fully virtual interactive event. Want to engage with the United States and #IndoPacific governments and business leaders on economic recovery, climate action, and digital innovation? The IPBF is open to anyone who wants to attend. To learn more and register, visit: https://indopacificbusinessforum.com/

  • governments 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 13:04:37
    有 19 人按讚

    剛完成了 #APrIGF2021 的互聯網基建討論,過去互聯網標榜的開放、互通這些成功要素,面對無限挑戰,未來如何發展和保障不變形,不走樣?與會者當然同意互聯網管治教育的重要,但討論更令我覺得互聯網面對的問題與整個世界、社會面對的,都一樣是資源和權力分配不公平、不民主,網絡世界針對大形科企,但各國政府透過法律的干擾何嘗不是最大、最根源性的問題?我想,從三方面尋找解決方案:討論及辯論更民主和授權(empower)所有用者的管治、利用開放科技解決科技製造了的問題(包括如何授權用戶選擇和決定權),和教育。教育和知識就是授權,問題是,這教育不能由政府們主導。

    Just finished an insightful panel with Adrian Wan YingChu Chen Pavel Farhan #GeorgeMichaelson on open and interoperable Internet infrastructure, where we agreed on the importance on Internet governance education for all. The more we discuss, the more I believe the issues facing the Internet are identical to the problems in society -- and as technologists we must use technology to try to solve these problems first and foremost, and also build the open, democratic and participatory rules of engagement to empower the users -- not the governments and big corps of the world. The key remains how to EMPOWER everyone, not just those in high places.

    My one-pager slide: https://www.slideshare.net/mok/why-open-and-interoperable-internet-infrastructure-is-key-to-the-internets-continued-success

    #互聯網管治 #APrIGF #ISOC #互聯網基建 #APNIC #TechForGoodAsia #internetinfrastructure #InternetGovernance

  • governments 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-22 17:59:50

    全台灣多虧美國的援助!美國 6/20 來台灣捐給我們 2,500,000 支疫苗,結果全台灣對美國的感恩爆發,讓我感覺十分的感動!來讓我跟你們分享我要如何計畫跟美國國會報告台灣的感恩!

    在6月初,美國派出三名國會議員向台灣宣布捐贈疫苗,最初只有75萬支。令台灣驚訝的是,美國於 6 月 20 日帶著 250 萬份疫苗捐給台灣。互聯網因對美國的感激和愛而爆炸;現在輪到我確保美國理解台灣的深切感激!



    你能怎麼幫忙?請在我的 FB (www.facebook.com/ricemilkking) 影片留言中分享你對美國慷慨捐贈疫苗支和持台灣的回應。最好使用英文回答,不過中文或任何其他語言仍然可以接受!請記得關注看看我們寫給美國的信件的最新狀態。

    In early June, America sent three Congress Representatives to announce vaccines to Taiwan, initially only 750,000. To Taiwan's surprise, America arrived on June 20th with 2.5 million vaccines. The internet was exploding with gratitude and love for America; now it’s my turn to make sure America understands Taiwan's deep appreciation!

    I plan to accumulate everyone’s kind words of gratitude, compile them into a letter, and send them to over 30 Congress Members in the United States. I hope to let the United States personally know how grateful American Citizens in Taiwan and Native Taiwanese feel towards the alliance, support, and friendship between the two countries.

    As part of my letter, I am inquiring that the Congress member either writes a reply or takes a photo with the letter containing your response to American’s vaccine donation. I will also ask of receiving a flag that has been flown over the US Capitol building and plans to donate them to local Governments or Schools here in Taiwan.

    How can you help? In the comments on the relating video on my Facebook (www.facebook.com/ricemilkking) please share your response to America’s generous donation of vaccines in support of Taiwan. Using English would be the best, although Chinese or any other language will still be acceptable! Follow this page for updates on the status of our letter to America.

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricemilkking
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/logandbeck

    歡迎大家加入米漿教 — 身為一個「米漿教徒」
    —— shorturl.at/suDH2 【加入 Join Now】

    #台灣 #台美好友 #疫苗

  • governments 在 IELTS Fighter Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-11 09:52:59

    Lại chữa đề Writing nào!

    Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion (Đề thi ngày 05/06/2021)

    Cả nhà cùng theo dõi nha!

    Cả nhà click đây để tải full bài mẫu nha: https://bit.ly/3ymCZNf

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  • governments 在 Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-09 09:00:11

    Taiwan’s next referendum will soon vote on activating the nation’s fourth nuclear plant, as well as constructing a natural gas plant on an algal reef that's critical for Taiwan’s biodiversity. These decisions come as governments around the world are scrambling to meet the demands of the Paris Agreement, and as environmental activists fight for a more sustainable planet.

    Green Parties propose an alternative voice in politics to tackle our environmental ruin. All over the world, there are 91 Green Parties that believe in committing our governments to environmental stewardship, through electing green movement leaders into office. In Asia, Taiwan is home to the region’s oldest Green Party, which won a National Assembly seat in 1996 - their very first election campaign.

    Our guest today is Professor Dafydd Fell, a political scientist at SOAS University of London, and Director of the Centre of Taiwan Studies. Dafydd Fell is author of the new book: “Taiwan’s Green Parties: Alternative Politics in Taiwan”, published in March 2021 by Routledge.

    Today’s episode is hosted by Nate Maynard - Senior Consultant at Reset Carbon, and host of Waste Not Why Not. You can check out his show for more insights on the world’s ocean, energy, and waste issues.

    Waste Not Why Not Podcast: https://ghostisland.media/#wnwn

    “Taiwan’s Green Parties: Alternative Politics in Taiwan”: https://www.amazon.com/Taiwans-Green-Parties-Alternative-Routledge/dp/0367650312

    Routledge: https://www.routledge.com/Taiwans-Green-Parties-Alternative-Politics-in-Taiwan/Fell/p/book/9780367650315

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