

在 geography產品中有404篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,321的網紅凱蒂英文 Learn English with Catty,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #寶可夢字首字尾教學 “皮卡丘,就決定是你了!” 神奇寶貝是我小時候一定準時收看的卡通,在那時還有gameboy的年代,什麼紅版黃版的我也都有玩。等長大之後,神奇寶貝改名叫做寶可夢之後,還推出的手機app,說什麼我也要載來玩看看。 手機遊戲剛推出時,我人在泰國的偏鄉,整個村子只有在村子的邊邊有一...

 同時也有99部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過50萬的網紅LoganDBeck 小貝,也在其Youtube影片中提到,外國人多理解台灣地理?美國人挑戰網路地理遊戲來看看他多懂的台灣地理!最精彩的畫面:小貝看鴨子就知道在彰化市!Let’s find out how well I understand Taiwan’s geography? 以我竟在台灣跑來跑去各地,但是我真的多理解台灣的地理?不敢是鄉下或熱門景點,...

  • geography 在 凱蒂英文 Learn English with Catty Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 17:07:29
    有 13 人按讚







    📌可達鴨 Psyduck
    psych- 心理、精神上的、
    duck 鴨子

    psychology n. 心理學
    psychic n. 靈媒;通靈者

    📌小拳石 Geodude
    geo- 地球、土地有關的
    dude 老兄

    geography n. 地理
    geosciences n. 地球科學

    📌Graveler 隆隆石
    grav- 重的

    gravity n. 重力
    aggravate v. 使嚴重(指情況)

    📌嘟嘟 Doduo
    dodo 渡渡鳥
    du 兩個

    duet n. 二重奏;二重唱
    duplicate v. 複製 n. 副本

    📌三地鼠 Dugtrio
    dug 挖 dig的過去式
    trio 三個

    triangle n. 三角形
    triathlon n. 鐵人三項

    📌霹靂電球 Voltorb
    volt 伏特
    orb- 圓形

    orbit n. 軌道
    orbicular adj. 球狀的

    📌頑皮雷彈 Electrode
    electro- 電

    electricity n. 電力
    electromagnet n. 電磁鐵


    #凱蒂英文 #寶可夢 #手遊 #字首字尾 #單字教學 #高中英文 #成人英文 #學測 #學測英文 #指考 #指考英文 #統測 #統測英文 #英檢 #多益


  • geography 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-19 21:00:39
    有 2,776 人按讚

    Wanderlust!🤩 While Indonesia’s coveted geography has bestowed the world with island paradises like Bali, there are countless more islands promising equal beauty...

    📍 Kanawa Island
    📸 Muslianshah Masrie / Alamy

  • geography 在 Cổ Động Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-08 22:00:01
    有 389 人按讚

    Tom Misch - South Of The River (Covered by 1998s)

    1998s gồm những thành viên yêu nhạc, cùng sinh năm 1998 và muốn lan toả năng lượng tích cực đến cộng đồng.

    Trong thời gian giãn cách, 1998s đã nảy ra ý tưởng chơi nhạc online đúng tinh thần mùa dịch. Tom Misch là một nghệ sĩ mà tất cả thành viên trong nhóm đều yêu thích. Vậy nên 1998s đã chọn 'South Of The River' (một bài hát nằm trong album 'Geography' của Tom Misch) để cover.

    Mong là món quà tinh thần của ban nhạc sẽ giúp các bạn thư giãn hơn trong khoảng thời gian khó khăn này. Chúc mọi người nghe nhạc vui vẻ.

    Vocal: Malvin
    Drums: Lê Minh Hiếu
    Bass: KA
    Keyboard: Lương Việt Tú
    Guitar: KrisD
    Violin: Phan Quân
    Mix & master: KrisD
    Video editor: Lê Minh Hiếu

  • geography 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-29 18:55:34

    外國人多理解台灣地理?美國人挑戰網路地理遊戲來看看他多懂的台灣地理!最精彩的畫面:小貝看鴨子就知道在彰化市!Let’s find out how well I understand Taiwan’s geography?


    自己來挑戰台灣地理:https://www.geoguessr.com/ 【非業配】

    Facebook: shorturl.at/deyAW
    Instagram: https://goo.gl/Q5uAm1

    歡迎大家加入米漿教 — 身為一個「米漿教徒」
    —— shorturl.at/suDH2 【加入 Join Now】

    #台灣 #台灣 #米漿 #GeoGuessr #Maps

  • geography 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-09 22:43:26

    ✨本集來賓:Gladys Lee
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/journalistasfoodie
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/gladys.wanju
    Website: https://journalistasfoodie.com/
    Podcast Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/76kXVPBGsHPCPcrwbCmA2K
    Podcast Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/views-with-gladys/id1519560502

    - 做中學,不要拿「不懂」當藉口,開始才有後續 | Learning by doing
    - 獻給社會新鮮人,從個人特質找工作 | For new grads, find a profession that fits you and vice versa
    - 跳出舒適圈的決心,為自己人生設下一個階段目標,創業 | Leaving your comfort zone, setting your next goal
    - 面對職場小人的佛系相處法 | Handling people at work
    - 大人的感情,溝通代替吵鬧、空間感勝於粘膩 | Mature relationships, communication over argument, independence over dependence

    我們每集都會辦抽書活動,記得 follow 我們 🤩
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/LeftSideEscalator.Jacky/


    (00:01:14) 會怎麼用三個詞形容自己 | Describing yourself in 3 words
    (00:01:40) 從地理系到新聞主播 | Geography major to news anchor
    (00:02:15) 當記者最難忘的體驗 ,訪問好萊塢國際巨星還是太陽花學運?| Unforgettable experiences as a news anchor, Hollywood star interviews or sunflower movement?
    (00:04:15) 新聞從業人員會越來越淡定?| How news reporting helps with staying calm
    (00:05:33) 當記者最難的事情 | Most unforgettable memory as a news anchor
    (00:07:30) 在資訊爆炸的時代,新聞首當其衝,如何快速的吸收大量資訊 | How to absorb information quickly on new subjects
    (00:09:42) 當記者學到最多的事 | What lessons from news reporting?
    (00:10:56) 你喜歡這個工作,工作也要喜歡你?| Liking your job; job liking you
    (00:13:05) 為什麼會想從主流媒體轉換到自媒體?| From news media to self media
    (00:15:40) 自由工作者的要素,自律、發揮最大效率 | Freelancer's characteristics, tips on discipline and efficiency
    (00:17:56) 如何看待職場小人 | Dealing with people at work
    (00:23:50) 前進的動力-永遠不滿足於現狀 | Never satisfied with status quo
    (00:25:24) 你對快樂的定義是什麼?| Definition of happiness
    (00:25:47) 懂得取捨、解放壓力 | Understanding trade-offs and stress release
    (00:26:49) 創業改變了你什麼?| How entrepreneurship changed you?
    (00:27:35) 身兼數職的時間管理(大師?)| Time management master?
    (00:28:25) 分享一個生活好習慣 | Good habits
    (00:29:10) 返樸歸真,手寫to do list?| Hand written old school style to-do list
    (00:31:40) 感情和工作的平衡 | Balance between relationships and work
    (00:33:17) 陪伴和溝通,哪個是Gladys的感情必須條件?| What is a deal breaker in relationships
    (00:36:08) 在自己的喪禮上,會希望留給親朋好友的記憶點是什麼?| How do you want to be remembered?

  • geography 在 Wes Davies 衛斯理 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-06 13:45:01

    Welcome to game #3 of Geoguessr! This time I'm going to try to beat my score from the last round.
    This is a super fun, very unique game based on Google Street View. Basically, they throw you down into a random location somewhere in the world (or you can select specific countries, like Taiwan), and you have to use the clues around you to guess where you are. The closer you are to the correct location, the more points you'll get. In this video, I play a round using the Taiwan map. This is a great way to improve your world (or Taiwanese) geography! Let's see how well I can do.

