[爆卦]Fungus mold是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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在 fungus產品中有1008篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【黑面神上身?】好運遇上黑面神都調頭走 ⭐天生黑面宜多點笑容 ⭐後天黑面宜養腎 #星期五湯水 送走黑面神湯水 「咦?小姐你印堂發黑,恐有一劫!」這是電視劇裡常有的情節,如果一個人面色發黑,從中醫角度來看,黑色對應腎,是腎陽不足的表現,容易導致畏寒肢冷、頭暈、耳鳴、神疲乏力、腰膝痠軟、小便自遺、大...

 同時也有353部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過93萬的網紅Ytower Cooking channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,📌買 COPPER CHEF 黃金旗艦組+廚房紙巾*1 按這裡 → https://lihi1.cc/PEXzX 📌買 【義大利CUOCO】廚具六件組 按這裡 → http://bit.ly/38iqeZ0 材料: A 大白菜 400公克/ Chinese cabbage 400g 黃豆芽 1...

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2021-09-15 23:06:16

【乾到裂】天氣乾到人都燥?#移民煲湯 ⭐少吃辛辣多喝蜂蜜水 ⭐保持肺及呼吸道濕潤有助預防感冒 #星期二提升正能量 移民點煲湯? 雪梨無花果湯抗乾燥 ✈️ 香港人習慣喝湯養生,移民後怎樣煲湯?人在異鄉煲湯材料可能不易買,其實只要留意食材屬性,尋常食材亦能煲碗靚湯,有助強身防病!💪🏻 如果住在比較...

  • fungus 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-24 18:55:27
    有 229 人按讚





    1. 所有材料洗淨,紅蘿蔔去皮切塊、黑豆以白鍋炒香,栗子去衣取肉,烏雞汆水備用。
    2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮2小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

    ✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:夕米水


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    Drink this soup and say goodbye to dull skin
    “Hey, your face is dark and dull. I’m afraid that’s a bad omen!” This is a common scene, which often appears in drama series. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, dark and dullness reflect the lack of the yang energy in the kidneys.

    Individuals with this condition can develop aversion to cold and experience dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, soreness on the waist and knees, urinary incontinence, or diarrhea between 3am-5am.

    In more severe cases, men might develop erectile dysfunction, spermatorrhea (involuntary ejaculation), or premature ejaculation, whereas women might suffer from menstrual pain and amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation) and not be able to conceive easily. Come to think of it, these problems could indeed be regarded as bad omens.

    Congenital issues, old age, fatigue and stress, excessive intercourse, staying up late will exhaust the essence of the kidney. To improve the condition, avoid staying up late and over-indulging in sexual activities.

    Consume black-colored ingredients such as black fungus, black bean, black date, and sea cucumber as they could nourish the kidneys. Drinking dusk rice water that contains black sesames and black bean daily could also help improve the organ’s health.

    Tips on ingredient:
    Eucommia bark is warm in nature; can nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen the bones and joints, and stabilize pregnancy.

    Chinese yam and chestnut soup with black-bone chicken
    Effects: Nourishes the liver and kidneys. Relieves weak knees and lower back, and frequent fatigue.
    Ingredients: 1 fresh Chinese yam, 15g eucommia bark, 20g glehnia root, 30g black bean, 80g chestnut, 1 black-bone chicken, 2 candided date
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel and cut the carrot into pieces. Peel the carrot and cut into pieces. Stir fry black bean without oil in wok until fragrant. Peel the chestnut. Blanche black-bone chicken and set aside.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Add salt to taste.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

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    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #陽虛 #頭暈 #腹瀉

  • fungus 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-23 17:31:30
    有 132 人按讚




    淮山 — 性平,有健脾養胃、補肺生津的功效,其含有的可溶性纖維,有助消化及控制飯後血糖升高。

    百合 — 性平,能補中益氣,潤肺止咳,能紓緩氣虛型咳嗽、氣管敏感等、精神衰弱、心神恍惚、睡眠不安寧等症狀。注意感冒咳嗽、脾胃虛寒容易腹瀉者不宜進食。

    雪耳 — 性平,具滋陰潤肺、益氣養胃、強心補腦功效,適合肺熱津傷或肺氣虛弱、燥咳無痰、痰中帶血、氣喘氣短、咽喉乾燥、聲音嘶啞、病後體虛人士食用。

    白扁豆 — 性平,具健脾益氣、消暑化濕功效,因脾虛有濕而食少腹瀉人士尤其適合,亦適合氣虛及痰濕體質人士服用。惟注意容易便秘人士不宜多服。

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    White ingredients nourish the lungs and strengthen the qi
    Many women want to have a fair complexion, but having an anemic-looking face is not necessarily a good sign. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, an individual with a pale face normally experiences asthenia or chills.

    A pale face could mean that the qi in the lungs is weak, and the internal organ is incapable of protecting the body from pathogenic factors. Hence, such individuals might catch a cold and develop nasal or even respiratory allergies more easily, especially during the flu season.

    To strengthen the lung, one should consume white-colored ingredients such as Chinese yam, lily bulb, snow fungus, hyacinth bean. This is in accordance with a theory of Chinese Medicine—white ingredients are good for the lungs, as they can moisten and nourish the respiratory organ. Consuming these ingredients during fall and winter would be especially beneficial for the lungs.

    Chinese yam - mild in nature. Can strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs, and induce salivation. Besides, its smooth and thick fluid contains protein that can reduce blood sugar levels.

    Lily bulbs - mild in nature. Can replenish vital energy and qi, moisture the lungs to relieve coughing. Relieves qi deficiency related coughing and respiratory allergies, mental weakness, absent-mindedness, and poor sleep. Not suitable for those with cough and flu, asthenic cold spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.

    Snow fungus - mild in nature, can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, nourish qi and stomach, strengthen the heart and mind. It is suitable for those with hot lungs or asthenic lung qi, dry cough without phlegm, phlegm with blood stain, shortness of breath, dry and sore throat, coarse voice, and weakness post illness.

    Hyacinth bean - mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi, suitable for those with diarrhea after eating a little due to asthenic weak spleen with dampness. It is also suitable for those with qi deficiency and phlegm and dampness body type. Note that those are prone to diarrhea should eat less.

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    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #氣虛 #感冒 #咳嗽

  • fungus 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-20 18:10:09
    有 69 人按讚




    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:熱氣

    ✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:夕米水


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    What do flushed cheeks mean?
    Many people think having flushed cheeks means they have a good blood and qi circulation, but from the perspective of Chinese Medicine, it can also be a heat-related symptom. If a person has warm and sweaty palms, hard and dry stools, sweats profusely, feels thirty regularly, and experiences a decreased output of urine that is yellowish, this means heat has already accumulated in the person’s body.

    There are two categories of heat: asthenic heat and excessive heat. People who sleep late, women who have just given birth, and those with menopause tend to have asthenic heat, and having flushed cheeks is one of the symptoms. This is due to the lack of the yin energy. Hence, individuals with this condition need to nourish the yin and consume ingredients such as snow fungus, lily bulb, snow pear, dendrobium, radix ophiopogonis, and honey.

    On the other hand, excessive heat refers to the accumulation of the yang energy. Heat would accumulate in a person’s body when he or she consumes grilled, fried, and spicy foods excessively. Likewise, symptoms may be flushed cheeks, dry mouth, bad breath, acnes, and urine in yellow color. To eliminate heat from the body, consume an appropriate amount of herbal tea and ingredients such as winter gourd, cucumber, watermelon, dragon fruit, and kiwi.

    ✔️CheckCheckCin Healing Tea Recommendation: Very hot (qi)
    Ingredients: Plumeria, chrysanthemum bud, spreading hedyotis
    Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies. Relieves bad breath, frequent eye discharge, red and dry eyes, frequent loss of temper, scanty or yellowish urine.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website:

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