

在 fourthly產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅LEO37,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 第一次做OST活動時,只是為了給那些很厲害的音樂人一個空間創作 ; 在這個空間音樂人不需要去擔心小節數,歌單,或一些老掉牙唱片公司因害怕嘗試不一樣東西而任意的限制。一個朋友間簡單的對話....但在舞台上。 . 快轉到星期六晚上,結束後看到一些當晚的影片和照片,真的有被震驚到。我們從來都只有在小的空間...


fourthly 在 MACAUEAT | 澳門美食媒體平台 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-04 12:58:01

澳門美食節美食攻略(下集) The Long and Short of @MacauFoodFestival   (排名不分先後)  1. #Roomage30「糖不甩炮谷」沒有限量 B5  炮谷加入了煉奶、和砂糖芝麻等材料,感覺店長阿Mac 是把澳門懷舊食物冷糕和爆谷來一個Crosso...

fourthly 在 Life.Sharing Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 19:47:48

Apr-26, 2020 Lunch. Hello everyone!!! Good afternoon!!! 😁😁☺️What are you doing on Sunday?? 💕💕💕 - Let’s have Green Onion Pie for today!! - 1. Ingredien...

fourthly 在 Life.Sharing Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 20:50:04

Apr-18, 2020 Brunch. Good morning everyone!! It’s a nice Saturday!! 😁😁😁 Spanish Garlic Shrimps!!! 🥖🥖🥖🍤🍤🍤 - 1. Ingredients: sliced garlic, shrimps, bag...

  • fourthly 在 LEO37 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-11 20:41:26
    有 50 人按讚

    第一次做OST活動時,只是為了給那些很厲害的音樂人一個空間創作 ; 在這個空間音樂人不需要去擔心小節數,歌單,或一些老掉牙唱片公司因害怕嘗試不一樣東西而任意的限制。一個朋友間簡單的對話....但在舞台上。
    第二,謝謝Spykee不但持續地支持我們,也在The Wall注入新的生命力讓這個地方再度成為可以讓音樂人舒適的發揮的空間。 Salute敬禮!你也是Top 5 DJ,Fuck 任何不這麼想的人。
    第三,星奎, Momo, Hsuan and 白爛, 謝謝你們當我們的磐石。沒有你們的付出,這些都不會成真。
    第四,我的兄弟 Yaobai Hsiao, IP Lockers還有來參與的舞者,謝謝你們分享你們的天賦才華,還有你們的場景。我們繼續一起打破這些限制吧!
    Til the next time.
    When I first started OST, it was strictly to provide a space for badass musicians to create. Somewhere where they didn’t have to worry about bar counts, or setlists, or arbitrary restrictions implemented by out-of-date record companies afraid to try something different. A simple conversation amongst friends…on stage.
    Fast forward to Saturday night, and after seeing some of the footage and pictures it really is a bit of a shock. We only ever did OST in small rooms before because honestly we didn’t think that many people would wanna see us jam. But obviously some of you do, and we’re all extremely grateful for that.
    So first off, thank you to all the musicians, not only this time around, but through all the previous years of OST for helping us build this event to what it is today. Thank you for sharing your years of blood, sweat and tears with us.
    Secondly, to Spykee for not only his constant support but for breathing new life into the Wall and making it a comfortable environment for artists to thrive in once again. Salute. You’re also a Top 5 DJ. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.
    Thirdly, to 星奎, Momo, Hsuan and 白爛, thank you for being our foundation. None of this gets done without all of your contributions.
    Fourthly, to my brother Yaobai, the IP Lockers and all the dancers that came and showed out, thank you for not only sharing your gift with us, but your community as well. Let’s keep breaking these barriers together.
    And finally, to everyone who decided to spend their time and money to see a bunch of knuckleheads have fun on stage, thank you for making this silly idea something special.
    Til the next time.

  • fourthly 在 Kenneth Strength Training - 盧恩澤教練 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-06 09:55:07
    有 12 人按讚


    1️⃣ How can I prevent rounded back when I’m doing #deadlift? ⁣

    Engage you’re Lats before every single lift.⁣
    Don’t do touch-and-go method.⁣
    Reset every rep. ⁣

    2️⃣ How can I improve my squat performance? ⁣

    Squat more.⁣

    How often?⁣

    5 times a week with different squat styles - high bar, low bar, front squat, box squat, safety bar. ⁣

    Or add band or chains.⁣

    ❌Don’t cut the calories⁣
    ✅ Increase calories intake⁣

    3️⃣ I want to learn Olympiclifting🏋️🏻‍♀️, where can I start?

    First, learn how to squat properly. ⁣

    Secondly, make sure you have healthy ankle and joint mobility. ⁣

    Thirdly, you need basic strength first. ⁣

    Fourthly, you need a good coach. ⁣

    4️⃣ How can I have abs, but I don’t want to build too much muscle? ⁣

    Honestly, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I guess you just want to lose body fat on your mid-section like spot reduction. ⁣

    1. Reduce body fat %.⁣
    2. Calories deficit.⁣
    3. Track your macros. ⁣
    4. Minimize alcohol intake. ⁣
    5. Sleep early.⁣
    6. Train frequently. ⁣
    7. Focus on building muscles even you don’t want too much muscles. ⁣
    Don’t worry. If you don’t want it, it never suddenly happens. ⁣
    8. Stop too long distance running. ⁣
    9. Stress management.⁣
    10. Do Strength Training. ⁣
    11. If you’re lean enough, practice vacuum like Frank Zane. ⁣

    5️⃣ Again, can I drink wine on every weekend if my goal is body composition? ⁣

    If you’re Fat, my answer is NO. ⁣

    The problem is that if I say YES, You will drink A LOT every weekend, not only one glass of wine. And you will blame my training and nutrition plan don’t work at all. ⁣

    Can alcohol help you to gain muscles? No.⁣
    Can alcohol help you to lose body fat? No. ⁣
    How can I keep my manboobs? Keep drinking. ⁣

    If you cannot stop thinking of drinking alcohol, you may need to see consultant to do stress management. ⁣


    #stress #stressmanagement #calories #squat #training #performance #AskKenneth #TeamKenneth #onlinecoaching #vancouverpersonaltraining #abs #beachbody #summerbody #onlinefitnesscoaching #health #nutrition

  • fourthly 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-21 18:56:08
    有 545 人按讚

    材料:粟米2根、節瓜2個、新鮮粟米鬚80克(約二兩)、眉豆30克、花生30克、 陳皮1角、蜜棗3枚
    1. 所有材料洗淨,節瓜去皮切塊、粟米連鬚連芯切大塊備用。
    2. 鍋內加入約2500毫升水,放入全部材料,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
    Energizing soup to dispel dampness
    Dampness pathogen is a common cause of illnesses during summer, and there are four major characteristics of dampness pathogen. Firstly, the body feels fatigued as if it is wrapped by a wet tower. It also excretes turbid secretions, such as facial oil, phlegm, vaginal discharge, turbid urine. Secondly, it makes secretions such as sweat, more phlegm and stool sticky. These symptoms are also prone to reoccurrence. Thirdly, it harms yang qi easily. Dampness affects the transporting and transforming functions of the body. Dampness in the body causes symptoms such as edema and phlegm. Fourthly, dampness goes down to the lower part of the body like water flow which can cause feet odor, excessive vaginal discharge and edema of the lower body.
    The summer climate is humid and rainy, and the underground humidity rises, making people feel dampness easily. Humid living areas, frequent exposure to water in working areas, or rain will increase the chance of dampness invasion. Dampness pathogen tends to combine with other pathogens. When it contacts heat, it becomes damp heat. It is characterized by reddish tongue, yellowish and sticky tongue coating, dry and red eyes, heavy body odor, facial oil, soft, sticky and smelly stools, excessive yellowish vaginal discharge. You can drink soup with clearing heat and dispelling dampness effects to condition the body.

    Tips for soup to clear heat and dispel dampness:
    Appropriately add in ingredients such as coix seed, rice bean, hyacinth bean, hyacinth bean coat.

    Corn soup with hairy gourd and corn silk
    Effects: clears heat, promotes diuresis, dispels dampness, relieves symptoms such as bad breath, feet odor, yellowish urine, bitter mouth and dry mouth.
    Ingredients: 2 ears of corn, 2 hairy gourd, 80g fresh corn silk, 30g purple haricot, 30g peanut, 1 dried citrus peel, 3 candied dates
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel hairy gourd and cut into pieces. Cut corn into large pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #濕熱 #痰濕

  • fourthly 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • fourthly 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • fourthly 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

