

在 expedited產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過166萬的網紅Engadget,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, In exchange, all parties agreed to an expedited litigation schedule....

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  • expedited 在 Engadget Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-20 20:12:35
    有 70 人按讚

    In exchange, all parties agreed to an expedited litigation schedule.

  • expedited 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-15 18:21:39
    有 12,513 人按讚

    Saya telah mengadakan perjumpaan hari ini bersama YAB Datuk Haji Hasni Bin Mohammad, Menteri Besar Johor, YB Tuan Vidyananthan A/L Ramanadhan, EXCO Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar, YB Dato’ Dr. Aman bin Rabu, Pengarah JKNJ, YBhg Dato’ Prof. Adeeba Kamarulzaman dan Dr. Dhesi Baha Raja susulan paparan media sosial viral mengenai keadaan pusat kuarantin pesakit Covid-19 di Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor Bahru.

    Hasil daripada perjumpaan ini, saya telah menitahkan agar pengurusan situasi Covid-19 ditambahbaik dan penyumberan luar pesakit bukan Covid-19 ke hospital swasta bagi meringankan bebanan terhadap sistem kesihatan awam dimulakan secara berperingkat. Pesakit bukan Covid-19 dari Hospital Sultan Ismail akan dipindahkan ke Hospital Columbia Asia, manakala pesakit dari Hospital Sultanah Aminah akan dipindahkan ke Hospital KPJ. YAB Menteri Besar Johor juga telah mengumumkan penambahan katil di wad Covid-19 Hospital Sultan Ismail dan kemudahan khemah di hadapan Jabatan Kecemasan dan Trauma akan ditambah baik.

    Satu inisiatif baru, IPA-C (INISIATIF PEMIMPIN ADVOKASI COVID-19) akan dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama kerajaan negeri Johor, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Johor dan pemimpin-pemimpin komuniti tempatan. Objektif inisiatif ini adalah untuk mencegah penularan wabak COVID-19 dengan mengutamakan konsep tanggungjawab Collective Responsibility dalam menggerakkan dan memperkasakan komuniti, memantapkan konsep RISK Communication yang berkesan untuk meningkatkan tahap kesedaran masyarakat dan memperkukuhkan usaha-usaha pemantauan terhadap pematuhan SOP.

    Proses vaksinasi juga harus dipercepatkan dan sentiasa dipantau oleh agensi-agensi dan pihak berkuasa agar proses vaksinasi dapat dijalankan secara baik, cepat, selamat dan tidak membebankan rakyat yang datang ke PPV. Selain daripada mempercepatkan proses vaksinasi, kita juga perlu beri tumpuan kepada pesakit Covid-19 supaya mereka mendapat jagaan rapi yang sebaiknya.

    DYAM Mejar Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor


    I had a meeting today with the Menteri Besar of Johor YAB Datuk Haji Hasni Bin Mohammad, Health and Environment EXCO YB Tuan Vidyananthan A/L Ramanadhan, JKNJ director YB Dato' Dr. Aman bin Rabu, YBhg Dato' Prof. Adeeba Kamarulzaman and Dr. Dhesi Baha Raja following a viral social media post on the condition of the Covid-19 patient quarantine center at the Sultan Ismail Hospital, Johor Bahru.

    As a result of this meeting, I decreed for the management of the Covid-19 situation be improved and the transfer of non-Covid-19 patients to private hospitals to ease the burden on the public health system to start in stages. Non-Covid-19 patients from the Sultan Ismail Hospital will be transferred to the Columbia Asia Hospital, while those from the Sultanah Aminah Hospital will be transferred to the KPJ Hospital. YAB Menteri Besar of Johor also announced the addition of beds in the Covid-19 ward of the Sultan Ismail Hospital and the tent facilities in front of the Emergency and Trauma Department will be improved.

    A new initiative called IPA-C (INISIATIF PEMIMPIN ADVOKASI COVID-19) will be implemented in collaboration with the Johor state government, Johor State Health Department and local community leaders. The initiative's objective is to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by prioritizing the concept of Collective Responsibility in mobilizing and empowering communities, strengthening the concept of effective RISK Communication to increase public awareness and strengthen SOP compliance monitoring efforts.

    The vaccination process should also be expedited and constantly monitored by agencies and authorities so that the vaccination process can be carried out properly, quickly, safely and without burdening the people visiting PPVs. Apart from speeding up the vaccination process, we also need to focus on Covid-19 patients so that they get the best intensive care possible.

    HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor

  • expedited 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-14 10:31:35
    有 23,249 人按讚

    Saya telah melawat Pusat Penyimpanan Vaksin di Hospital Permai, Johor Bahru pada hari ini (Rabu, 14 Julai 2021) untuk memeriksa proses pengedaran vaksin Covid-19 ke pusat-pusat pemberian vaksin (PPV) di Johor. Saya juga telah mengadakan perbincangan dengan YB Vidyananthan A/L Ramanadhan, EXCO Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar, YB Datuk Onn Hafiz bin Ghazi, EXCO Pelancongan, Belia dan Sukan, dan YB Dato’ Haji Mohd Noh bin Ibrahim, Timbalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Johor.

    Saya telah menitahkan agar program vaksinasi di semua daerah di Johor diberi keutamaan supaya imuniti kelompok boleh dicapai secepat mungkin. Pada masa yang sama, saya telah menasihati agar proses logistik pengedaran vaksin ke PPV dipercepatkan dan supaya bekalan vaksin di PPV sentiasa mencukupi. Bilangan lokasi PPV dan pegawai-pegawai perubatan juga patut ditambah bagi meliputi seluruh negeri Johor.

    Saya juga sempat menyaksikan penerimaan bekalan vaksin Pfizer yang akan diedarkan ke PPV dalam masa terdekat. Sukacita ingin saya maklumkan bahawa sebanyak 83% Bangsa Johor telah berjaya mendaftar untuk menerima vaksin. Bagi mereka yang belum, saya ingin menyeru kepada anda untuk mendaftar secepat mungkin. Saya ulangi, jika imuniti kelompok dapat dicapai, maka pemulihan ekonomi Johor dapat bermula.

    Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi serta Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia kerana telah memberi Kerjasama untuk mempercepatkan program vaksinasi di semua daerah di Johor.

    Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para barisan hadapan atas khidmat dan pengorbanan anda semua dalam menyelamatkan nyawa rakyat. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi dan merahmati para barisan hadapan. Allah Peliharakan Sultan.

    DYAM Mejar Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor


    I visited the Vaccine Storage Center at Permai Hospital, Johor Bahru today (Wednesday, 14 July 2021) to inspect the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines to vaccination centers (PPV) in Johor. During the visit, I also had a meeting with Health and Environment EXCO YB Vidyananthan A/L Ramanadhan, Tourism, Youth and Sports EXCO YB Dato' Onn Hafiz bin Ghazi and Johor Deputy State Secretary YB Dato' Haji Mohd Noh bin Ibrahim.

    I have decreed that the vaccination programmes throughout Johor be accelerated to achieve herd immunity as soon as possible. At the same time, I advised that the logistical process of vaccine distribution to the PPVs be expedited and that the supply of vaccines at PPVs must be sufficient as well as the need to have an adequate number of PPVs to cover the entire state of Johor.

    I also witnessed the receiving of the Pfizer vaccine supply that would be distributed to PPVs in the near future. I am pleased to inform that 83% of Bangsa Johor have successfully registered to receive the vaccine. To those who haven’t, I would like to urge you to sign up as soon as possible. Again, I would like to stress that if herd immunity can be achieved, then Johor’s economic recovery can begin.

    I would like to thank the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation,
    and the Ministry of Health Malaysia for their cooperation to expedite the vaccination programme in all districts in Johor.

    Finally, I would like to thank all frontliners for their service and sacrifice in saving the lives of the rakyat. May Allah always protect and bless the frontliners. Allah Peliharakan Sultan.

    HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor

