

在 energy-efficient產品中有75篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Sarah Chang 張學仁,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好消息分享!飛利浦現在正在號召各位網友們加入「運動成長營」,大家只要分享居家運動小撇步與美照,就有機會抽中飛利浦超活氧調理機!活動網址:https://lihi1.cc/Gr7CQ 邊忙著工作還要兼顧兩個娃,當上媽咪後常常一忙就忘了時間,一轉眼就過了一天!平日把焦點100%放在小孩的健康身上,一不...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過47萬的網紅BrandonTan91,也在其Youtube影片中提到,As I continue to use Shiftry, I realise that this Pokemon is a very deadly Pokemon especially with it’s high energy charging fast move, Snarl, and als...

energy-efficient 在 QiuTing 洪萩庭 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-05 18:58:42

Rejuvenate yourselves with clean, safe and better air with negative ion using FORESTAIR by @euyansang_singapore 💚 Eu Yan Sang’s NEW FORESTAIR is 100%...

  • energy-efficient 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-01 08:00:52
    有 389 人按讚


    邊忙著工作還要兼顧兩個娃,當上媽咪後常常一忙就忘了時間,一轉眼就過了一天!平日把焦點100%放在小孩的健康身上,一不小心就忘了自己也需要被照顧。最近生了二寶特別有感,真的要多關照身體的需要,忙碌工作的同時也要按時哺乳,除了三餐飲食之外,時時補充水分是非常非常重要的事!新入手的 #飛利浦超活氧調理機,最近成為我的神隊友!
    在家運動可以緩解壓力和保持身心健康,結束後來杯營養滿點的蜂蜜蔬果優酪乳,奢侈的享受一下 #metime.飛利浦隨行杯可直接接上調理機快速攪打,輕鬆完成我的健身特調,陪我到運動空間,新鮮隨享有。我的最愛配方就是準備我喜歡的蔬果,搭配優酪乳和蜂蜜,立即補充營養及運動中流失的水分,大家可以試一試!

    飛利浦活氧調理機HR3573立即下單,上網登錄送SNOW FACTORY 優格禮券
    官網 https://lihi1.cc/5BhLF
    MOMO購物 https://reurl.cc/yEpg8E
    #飛利浦會員募集 #飛利浦活氧調理機 #運動成長營



    By the way, Philips is now calling on all netizens to join the "Sports Growth Camp". As long as you share your home exercise tips and your beautiful photos, you will have the opportunity to win the Philips Blender! Event website: https://lihi1.cc/Gr7CQ

    It's so easy to lose track of time when taking care of two kids, so when trying to make sure my kids eat healthy, I often forget about my own healthy diet and leave all the fruits and veggies to my baby Kali. Especially, as both an active mom and breastfeeding mom, keeping hydrated is a must! That's why having my Philips HR3573 Blender is a must!

    Keeping up my physical and mental health always starts with exercise. When I finally get a minute to exercise and enjoy the luxury of #metime, I always prepare a nice cup of my very own Kungfu Momma’s vitality shake, a mixture of healthy fruits and veggies and a touch of honey and yogurt. The ultimate time saver is that the shake can actually be blended in the go bottle accessory that comes with the blender. It’s the best way to replenish water and nourishment after an intense workout. You can try it! The recipe is below!

    This blender has a whopping 2L large-capacity glass pot, which can feed all the family members (including myself!) and no matter how fibrous the vegetables (such as carrots and celery) or how hard the ice cubes are, they can all be easily blended. It doesn't become a struggle to feed our baby girl some veggies after all!

    After studying its functions carefully, the six star blades, powerful yet energy efficient motor that uses only 950 watts, and 22,000 revolutions per minute, makes whipping that drink in record time easy, while keeping the fruit and veggies nutritious. The stepless speed design of the blender and the pulse function helps make everything so easy. Even when making the shake, baby Kali knows what’s coming and sits right next to me while I prepare the drink. Eventually we all just burst into laughter, because of that contagious smile.

    Here’s the Philips Blender HR3573 if you’d like to immediately place an order,
    Official website https://lihi1.cc/5BhLF
    MOMO shopping https://reurl.cc/yEpg8E
    #PhillipsMemberRecruitment #Phillips_taiwan #SportsGrowthCamp

    Here are the recipes, let me know what you think!

    Kungfu Momma’s vitality drink:
    Ingredients list
    2 slices of watermelon, a small bowl of blueberries, half a carrot, 150ml yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, 200ml ice cubes

    Super nutritious vegetable juice:
    Ingredients list
    2 kiwis, 2 bananas, 1 celery, half a carrot, 150ml apple juice, 200ml ice cubes

  • energy-efficient 在 ITRI Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-27 09:25:32
    有 5 人按讚

    #TheBeautyofITRI Let’s take a look at the short video of the energy-efficient installation arts at our Shalun Green Energy Technology Demonstration Site!
    Enjoy the beautiful pictures and music, and have a nice weekend!

  • energy-efficient 在 國立陽明交通大學電子工程學系及電子研究所 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-11 12:41:38
    有 0 人按讚

    【線上講座宣傳】2021/08/26(四)邀請到陽光學院_余誌民教授_Energy Efficient and Energy Balancing for Wireless Sensor Networks講座

    陽明交大IBM中心王蒞君教授特別邀請到福州陽光學院 余誌民教授 前來為我們講座,歡迎有興趣的老師與同學免費報名參加!

    講座標題:Energy Efficient and Energy Balancing for Wireless Sensor Networks
    講 者:余誌民 教授 (福州陽光學院)
    時 間:2021/8/26(四) 13:30 ~ 15:00
    地 點:線上會議

    聯絡方式:曾紫玲 Tel:03-5712121分機54599

  • energy-efficient 在 BrandonTan91 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-03-15 02:00:02

    As I continue to use Shiftry, I realise that this Pokemon is a very deadly Pokemon especially with it’s high energy charging fast move, Snarl, and also Leaf Blade which is a very energy efficient move.

    Join me as I travel, eat and play Pokémon GO the way a local trainer would in their own country and city. Visiting one country and one city at at time through Pokémon GO.

    Subscribe if you would like to watch my Pokémon GO travel adventure as I visit different countries, cities and communities, https://tinyurl.com/y65jruw2

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandontan91/
    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/brandontan91

    Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2016

    All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo, Niantic, The Pokémon Company, and Gamefreak are property of their respective owners.

  • energy-efficient 在 C CHANNEL Youtube 的精選貼文

    2015-10-12 15:11:35

    女子動画ならC CHANNEL http://www.cchan.tv

    EXPO 2015はイタリアミラノの国際的展覧会です。ここは100万㎡もの広い敷地の中に、140の国のパビリオンが入っていて独特な未来建造物があります。全てのパビリオンはそれぞれの文化、製品、驚くべき革新的デザインからまるで世界各地を旅行しているかのような気分です。これらの建物は全て効率的なエネルギーを使い、持続可能で再度使えるように作られました。ため息がつくほど美しい建造物を夜までに歩きまわって見回れるのは素晴らしいことですよね!
    値段:一日チケット 39ユーロ(約5271円)

    EXPO 2015 is an international exhibition happening in Milan, in Italy.
    Here, in an area of one million square meters, Italy welcome 140 countries represented by pavilions featuring some unique futuristic architecture. Every pavilions bring to you a journey through their culture, products and also surprising innovative designs. The structures are planned to be energy efficient, sustainable and reusable after the end of the event. It’s amazing to walk around until night wandering around the breathtaking architecture!

    Price - Full day ticket: 39 euro
    Evening ticket 6pm-11pm: 5Euros

    EXPO MILAN 2015

    Tickets Info:http://www.expo2015.org/en/tickets Website: www.expo2015.org

    Address: how to reach EXPO 2015 SITE - http://www.expo2015.org/en/explore/exhibition-site/how-to-reach-the-expo-site

    C CHANNEL Milano EXPO 2015 革新的建造物の数々! in Milan Sita
    C CHANNEL 【イタリア ミラノ】アンティークの可愛らしい蚤の市 Sita
    C CHANNEL 【セブ旅行】現地の人からも愛されてる有名レストラン #1 DAWON
    C CHANNEL フィリピン、セブ島でカニを食べるなら☆Crazy Crab♪ DAWON
    C CHANNEL イカを丸ごとIN!韓国ソウルのアナログキッチンでイカビビンバ!? DAWON
    C CHANNEL 【台湾】澎湖のカフェも潮の香りがしていて気持ちいい! Betty
    C CHANNEL 自然に囲まれた台湾の民宿で贅沢をしよう! Betty
    C CHANNEL 台湾で話題のサボテンのアイス!?一体どんな味?【仙人掌冰城】
    C CHANNEL HaagenDazsのアイスで台北の夏を乗り切りましょう♡ Betty
    C CHANNEL ワイン専門店!台湾のファンタジー系レストランでアフタヌーンティー Betty 
    C CHANNEL 台湾でアメリカンなCampus Café、大人気! Betty 
    C CHANNEL 拘りの品々♪台湾の台北東区の日式居酒屋「狗一下」CHUCHU

  • energy-efficient 在 hokoonho Youtube 的精選貼文

    2015-07-23 14:31:52

    回應部分網友的疑問,究竟一把震的風扇仔加左膠紙除左可以更穩定之外,會否更大風呢?其實已經有網友 Jason Li 以實驗儀器證實有用,但一些求真的網友說有關實驗有欠認真,手持測風計令實驗結果不準確。有見及此,本人親自以儀器作測試,使用兩把風扇為大家測試。



    為轉動物件作 “動平衡” 的處理通常會在工廠進行,但也有是在出廠後進行的,例如汽車更換輪胎後為輪胎作動平衡處理,天花吊扇在安裝後也會在某扇葉上加上金屬塊來作動平衡。

    Energy Star -- Ceiling Fan Installation and Usage Tips:

    Conservation Conversations -- Don’t Forget About Your Fans:

    以下為網民 Jason LI 的實驗分享:

