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在 employed產品中有268篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỪ VỰNG CHỦ ĐỀ WORK [Kèm bài mẫu] 🎗PHẦN TỪ VỰNG CHUNG - work productivity: năng suất làm việc - a nine-to-five job: công việc giờ hành chính - poor wo...

 同時也有51部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過877的網紅吸管英語ssuglish,也在其Youtube影片中提到,近幾年很流行自由工作、在家接案,尤其疫情發生後更是許多人轉戰接案圈,今天來分享7種常見自由工作者的英文稱呼,以後就知道怎麼自稱或是稱呼他人啦~ 0:00 聽Ssu講英語,跟著蘇蘇學英文!! 0:20 SOHO 0:54 Freelance 1:26 Independent Contractor 1...

  • employed 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-13 21:30:57
    有 1,121 人按讚

    TỪ VỰNG CHỦ ĐỀ WORK [Kèm bài mẫu]
    - work productivity: năng suất làm việc
    - a nine-to-five job: công việc giờ hành chính
    - poor work performance: hiệu suất làm việc kém
    - sick leave: nghỉ phép vì bệnh
    - professional work environment: môi trường làm việc chuyên nghiệp
    - to get a well-paid job: có được 1 công việc được trả lương tốt
    - to earn a high salary: có được mức lương cao
    - job satisfaction: sự hài lòng khi làm việc
    - to work long hours: làm việc nhiều giờ
    - to limit work hours: giới hạn giờ làm việc
    - to suffer from various health issues: mắc các vấn đề về sức khỏe
    - low productivity: năng suất thấp
    - a case in point: 1 ví dụ điển hình
    - to frequently feel exhausted: thường xuyên cảm thấy kiệt sức
    - to make more errors at work: sai sót nhiều hơn tại sở làm
    - to have serious consequences for …: gây ra hậu quả nặng nề cho…
    - busy work schedules: lịch trình công việc bận rộn
    - to be self-employed: tự làm chủ
    - to pursue a career: theo đuổi sự nghiệp
    - to learn various skills and experience: học được những kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm

    - to provide us with flexibility and convenience: cung cấp cho chúng ta sự linh hoạt và tiện lợi
    - do not need to go to the office on a daily basis: không cần tới công sở hàng ngày
    - to save a large amount of time commuting back and forth to work: tiết kiệm 1 lượng lớn thời gian đi lại
    - to have the freedom to choose where and when they want to work: có sự tự do lựa chọn nơi đâu và khi nào họ muốn làm việc
    - to require high levels of discipline and commitment: đòi hỏi mức độ kỷ luật và cam kết cao
    - to have no supervision and restrictions: không có sự giám sát hay hạn chế nào
    - might experience feelings of loneliness and isolation sometimes: thỉnh thoảng có thể trải qua cảm giác cô đơn và đơn độc
    - to easily get distracted by things like movies/ online games/…: dễ dàng bị sao nhãng bởi các thứ như phim, games online
    - cannot concentrate entirely on their work: không thể hoàn toàn tập trung vào công việc
    - to negatively affect their work performance and productivity: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới hiệu suất làm việc
    - to be difficult to develop social skills (communication, teamwork skills,…): khó phát triển các kỹ năng xã hội (kỹ năng giao tiếp, làm việc đội nhóm,…)
    - to have less chance to interact and communicate directly with their colleagues and clients: có ít cơ hội tương tác và giao tiếp trực tiếp với đồng nghiệp và khách hàng

    People tend to work longer hours nowadays. Working long hours has a negative effect on themselves their families and the society so working hours should be restricted. Do you agree or disagree?

    Working longer hours is getting more common in today’s society. I personally believe that this trend not only has a severe impact on the workers themselves, but also on their families and the community as a whole. Therefore, I totally agree with the idea of limiting working hours.

    A few decades ago, a person normally worked an average of eight hours per day. Average daily working hours in recent years, however, have significantly increased to ten or even fourteen. This, in my opinion, adversely affects employees’ health and productivity. For example, people who spend longer at work are more likely to suffer from various health issues, ranging from fatigue to more serious problems like anxiety disorders or even stroke . Failing health leads to more sick leave , poor work performance and low productivity. My cousin is a case in point. Working nearly twelve hours on a daily basis, he frequently feels exhausted and makes more errors at work than he used to.

    I also think that extended hours of work has serious consequences for families and communities . At the family level, busy work schedules prevent people from taking frequent family trips or even just having meals together. Relationships among members are greatly weakened if they cannot make time for each other. In terms of community life, overworked people do not devote time to voluntary activity that brings benefits for their society. My uncle, for example, hardly has time for local community service projects such as conservation work or working with a charity because he works more than sixty hours per week.

    In conclusion, I would argue that working time should be reduced since the frequency of long working hours exerts an adverse effect on employees, their family bonds and their community.
    (293 words, written by Nguyen Huyen)

    #ieltsnguyenhuyen #ieltsvocabulary #ieltswriting

  • employed 在 The Chill Mom Michelle Hon Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-12 20:32:58
    有 3 人按讚

    Are you so over everyone boasting about their career while you've got nothing to show?

    You are not less talented, less lucky or lazier than everyone else. 💪🏻

    You just don’t have a personal brand. You’re not visible. And this applies to you - whether you're employed or an entrepreneur. 💼

    The most visible people get paid the most 💵, get coverage by the media 📺, have the coolest collaborations and partnerships.

    When you raise your personal brand, you raise your influence and income. You become #InDEMAND.

    I'll share how you can achieve all that with my ‘Stand out and become In-Demand’ seminar on 14 July. Click here to sign up - https://www.momboss.academy/becomeindemand

  • employed 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-12 10:00:22
    有 8 人按讚

    When a hotel in Penang was closed down and the employees was retrenched, the general manager of the hotel setup a eatery offering food delivery service and employed all his former employees. That is W Kitchen Dine-in and Lunch Box Delivery Service in Penang

