[爆卦]Emotion vocabulary是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Emotion vocabulary鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Emotion vocabulary這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 emotion產品中有2431篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過815的網紅琴床物理治療 Chinchin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, // 琴床懶人包 躺在琴床上,就像在做場聲音沐浴 琴弦、床身與身體共振出的各種泛音,有時就像天籟、有時卻像打鬥聲,聲音會不斷的有各種模樣,應著身體當下所需而起變化 彈琴的時候,不同的琴師也會有不同的感受;有時候可以看見一些畫面、有些時候則是對方身體的輪廓會在撥弦的過程中變得清晰 — 哪裡緊繃、...

 同時也有1037部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅海老野心チャンネル,也在其Youtube影片中提到,えびプリっ! 皆さん、「わかっていても」はもうご覧になりましたか? 見てないなんて、、??🥺まだ見てない方は絶対見るべきです笑笑 ジェオンに、腕にナビを描かれたい人生でした。 ナビと一緒にピザを分け合いたい人生でした。 ということで、あのナビを再現してタトゥーシールをやってみたんですけど、、え??っ...

emotion 在 Arm Make Up Artist Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 09:11:16

Emotion brown @prettylens...

emotion 在 我的多米日記 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 11:22:50

@meandminetw 最新的情緒桌遊盒我們來搶先開箱囉! 還記得5月首團的 #MEandMine我的.探索盒嗎? 當時直接把美國矽谷最紅的學齡前教育盒送到你家,真的覺得還好有它陪伴我們度過疫情居家的漫漫長日呢!現在終於,他們在台灣的官網正式成立囉! ================== 慶祝台...

  • emotion 在 琴床物理治療 Chinchin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-29 13:01:55
    有 18 人按讚

    // 琴床懶人包



    彈琴的時候,不同的琴師也會有不同的感受;有時候可以看見一些畫面、有些時候則是對方身體的輪廓會在撥弦的過程中變得清晰 — 哪裡緊繃、哪裡不緊,哪裏又像連接不上的通道等等,這些在聲音裡頭都會有不同的樣貌


    噢對了,躺在琴床上真的很好睡 👍





    #琴床 #物理治療 #聲音 #共振
    #和諧 #身體 #情緒 #睡眠
    #sounds #monochord #harmony #body #emotion

  • emotion 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 14:00:08
    有 6 人按讚


    “You have to help me quit my job!”

    Even though the video was off, I could tell from Bria’s voice that she was in tears. This strong woman couldn’t keep herself together anymore.

    “You’re experiencing strong emotions now. That’s very natural,” I said, wanting to help her feel safe and accepted.

    After all, Bria and I had only met once in an event. Knowing that I was a coach, she reached out the next day to see if I could help.

    If there’s anything I’ve learned from my years of coaching, it’s that when the person is emotional, you need to give them the space to feel it.

    So as Bria sobbed, I stayed silent, feeling my belly rise and fall with each breath. After a short while, I could sense that her wave of emotion had passed.

    “Shall we take one long easy breath together?” I asked.

    I heard her breathing with me. I paused, allowing Bria the time to settle, then I asked her to tell me what’s so difficult to her about her job.

    After listening to her sharing, I said: “I can definitely help you, Bria.” I heard a sigh of relief on the other end. “But only if you promise me you won’t quit your job yet.”

    3 months after that conversation, Bria waltzed in my office one evening holding a bottle of red wine: “Let’s celebrate!”

    She had a giddy grin on her face, the very special grin with a dimple that I’d come to love after many hours supporting her. “Oh! Is it okay for us to drink a glass of wine in our coaching session?” She asked.

    I laughed: “Of course. What are we celebrating?”

    Bria said, her face brightened even more: “I just realized today that I have the perfect job!”

    The most fascinating thing about this story is that the “perfect job” she referred to was the exact same job she had practically begged me to help her quit.

    Bria’s circumstances hadn’t changed. But her experiences of the circumstances had changed 180 degrees. Why? Because she did.

    Bria’s story teaches me once again, that life is truly created from the inside out.
    👉 Dig deeper on why you should not quit your job yet with this article: https://bit.ly/2XB64q0

  • emotion 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-27 20:11:48
    有 393 人按讚

    (Boundless homage to Buddha - English version below)

    “ … Chúng ta hãy lễ kính Phật với tất cả lòng biết ơn, tôn kính. Nếu được như vậy thì phước của ta sẽ tăng lên từng ngày, nghiệp xưa mỏng dần và tội lỗi cũng được bớt đi. Ở những kiếp xưa mình có thể đã gây nên nhiều tội, nay mình chuộc lại chỉ bằng lòng tôn kính Phật, bằng sự lễ kính mỗi ngày khiến nghiệp xưa mỗi lúc mỏng dần và phước đức sẽ ngày càng thêm phát triển.

    Và khi phước đã tăng thì đời sống sẽ trở nên dễ chịu, thoải mái, tốt đẹp hơn. Chúng ta nhanh chóng có thêm trí tuệ để biết được lỗi của mình, việc sai biết sai, việc đúng biết đúng. Mình làm việc gì cũng dễ đúng hơn, dung mạo đẹp dần, và uy đức sẽ ngày thêm lớn mạnh. Những lời mình nói sẽ được người quý trọng, phiền não trong tâm cũng dễ được kiểm soát, dù sinh cõi giới nào thì cũng là cõi Phật, dễ gặp Phật Pháp và thực hành theo Phật Pháp. Một khi trong lòng đã đầy ắp lòng tôn kính Phật, ma không dám nhập và quỷ thần cũng không dám tác động vào tâm. Công đức lễ kính Phật vì thế thật lớn lao, giúp ta an ổn một đời tu hành tinh tấn.

    Hãy nhớ rằng: điều rất căn bản trong sự tu hành chính là lòng tôn kính Phật. Chúng ta phải làm sao để hiểu được Phật sâu sắc và yêu kính Người vô hạn.
    Chỉ cần yêu kính Phật thôi, để dù sống hay chết chúng ta cũng không màng điều gì khác nữa.

    Chỉ cần yêu kính Phật thôi, chúng ta sẽ có được hết tất cả, từ tình thương yêu con người cho đến muôn loài, vạn vật …”
    Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật!
    (Trích sách “Lòng tôn kính Phật vô biên” Trang 61, 62 - congtyphapquang.com)

    “ … Every day, we should kneel in front of Buddha with our most reverence for Him. If we can do so, we would be able to have more blessings. The more blessings we have, the less bad karma for us would be. We would have committed sins in our past lives, and we could only lessen our bad karma, only when we pay homage to Buddha and kneel in front of Buddha every day.

    And when we are blessed, our life would become more pleasant. We would be more knowledgeable to be aware of our mistakes, errors as well as the wrong and the right. With that intelligence, we would be able to know what is the right thing to do. We would be respected by others. Our advice for others would be appreciated. We could also easily control our mind and emotion. Regardless of what we do, we would also head towards Buddha to practice Dharma. Once we have the unequivocally reverence for Buddha, no evil spirits would be able to influence us. Therefore, our reverence for Buddha would be the most important factor in helping us strengthen our minds and improve our cultivation.

    Please remember that: Having boundless homage for Buddha is the most basic but important obligation in cultivation. We must do everything in our power to understand Buddhism principles and have reverence for Buddha boundlessly and infinitely.

    Only when we achieve that level of understanding about Buddha and having the boundless homage for Him.

    And only when we achieve the above, we would be able to love all beings, love our country unconditionally and infinitely
    Namo Shakyamuni Buddha! …”
    (Quoting from 61st - 62nd page of book “Boundless homage to Buddha” – www.congtyphapquang.com)”

    Nguồn: https://www.facebook.com/255090418336957/posts/682513702261291/?d=n

  • emotion 在 海老野心チャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 19:00:14




    ⭐️Five emotion

    ▶️株式会社t.t.t / vale.it
    📍 https://vale-it.jp/
    📩 info@ttt0805.com

  • emotion 在 海老野心チャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 19:00:17




    ⭐️Five emotion

    ▶️株式会社t.t.t / vale.it
    📍 https://vale-it.jp/
    📩 info@ttt0805.com

  • emotion 在 海老野心チャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-22 19:00:20




    ⭐️Five emotion

    ▶️株式会社t.t.t / vale.it
    📍 https://vale-it.jp/
    📩 info@ttt0805.com

