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雖然這篇Elucidate synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Elucidate synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 elucidate產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,573的網紅醫師立委邱泰源,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「亞太地區預立醫療照護計畫台北論壇」正式在台北登場 (ACP, Advance Care Planning Taipei Forum) 並發表「病人預立醫療照護計畫台北宣言」 -2019/04/19週五,由醫師公會全聯會主辦,台大醫院、台北市立聯合醫院、East-Asian collaborati...


elucidate 在 Faris Zolkefli Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-04 14:56:09

It has been a while since I have this kind of feeling - a feeling that I couldn’t elucidate. Struggle and hardship that paid off; dealing with ordeal ...

elucidate 在 James Au, PT, CSCS Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 12:43:17

💥 Train pain-free “ What do physios do” - Apart from fixing a broken leg to giving a neck massage, physios do a lot more than just fixing problems. I ...

  • elucidate 在 醫師立委邱泰源 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-04-19 21:53:32
    有 1,073 人按讚

    (ACP, Advance Care Planning Taipei Forum)

    -2019/04/19週五,由醫師公會全聯會主辦,台大醫院、台北市立聯合醫院、East-Asian collaborative Study to Elucidate the Dying process(EASED)共同協辦之「亞太地區預立醫療照護計畫台北論壇」,於醫師全聯會(台北市)熱烈召開。本次活動邀請來自台灣、日本、韓國、新加坡、香港、印尼之專家分享各國ACP現狀,並擬定具亞洲文化適切性之ACP概念與操作型定義與建議,提供未來台灣及亞洲地區ACP臨床照護、法律規範、研究與教育上之參考依據。
    -以亞洲文化而言,家庭有其必要角色,在病人確診不可治癒疾病時,應陪伴病人討論維生治療的適當性。病人應被提醒醫療自主的權力,並提早決定維生治療的適當性及失去決策能力(decisional capacity)時的代理人。醫護人員應主動安排、提醒病人預立醫療照護計畫。教育層面應從小教育民眾生死及倫理學概念。研究者應從事相關研究及設立臨床準則,讓臨床工作及政策制定有所依循。政策制定者應從立法及經濟層面,讓預立醫療的推行無後顧之憂並確保法律層面效力。

  • elucidate 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-03-29 08:00:00
    有 63 人按讚


    1. 說明
    闡明 elucidate ; illuminate
    詳細地說明 elaborate ; expound

    * elucidate (V.)
    to make (something) clear; explain
    同義字- illuminate, clarify, unravel, interpret, explicate, gloss

    * illuminate (V.)
    to help to clarify or explain (a subject or matter)
    同義字- clarify, elucidate, reveal, demystify, exemplify, illustrate

    * elaborate (V.)
    to develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail
    同義字- embellish, embroider, amplify

    * expound (V.)
    to explain the meaning of
    同義字- interpret, explicate, elucidate

    2. 反對
    反對 object ; oppose
    反駁 argue against ; counter/ contradict
    駁斥 refute ; repudiate
    否決 deny ; veto
    質疑 question ; cast doubt on
    抨擊 bombard ; vigorously/ vehemently attack
    藐視 belittle ; scorn ; defy

    *object (V.)
    to say something to express one’s disapproval of or disagreement with something
    同義字- oppose, condemn

    *oppose (V.)
    to actively resist or refuse to comply with (a person or a system)
    同義字- resist, challenge, dispute, [FORMAL正式用法] gainsay

    *refute (v.)
    to deny or contradict (a statement or accusation)
    同義字- disprove, debunk, discredit, invalidate, confute

    *repudiate (V.)
    [1] to refuse to accept or be associated with
    同義字- renounce, abandon, disown, [FORMAL正式用法] forswear, abjure, [Literary文學用法] forsake

    [2] to deny the truth or validity of
    同義字- deny, contradict, controvert, rebut, dispute, dismiss, [FORMAL 正式用法] gainsay

    [3] (法律) to refuse to fulfill or discharge (an agreement, obligation, or debt)
    同義字- revoke, rescind, reverse, overrule, overturn, invalidate, nullify, disregard, flout, disaffirm, [FORMAL正式用法] abrogate

    *deny (V.)
    [1] to state that one refused to admit the truth or existence of
    同義字- contradict, controvert, repudiate, challenge, counter, contest, oppose, rebut, [FORMAL正式用法] gainsay

    [2] to refuse to give or grant (something requested or desired) to (someone)
    同義字- rebuff, repulse, decline, veto, dismiss

    *veto (V.)
    to exercise a veto against (a decision or proposal made by a law-making body)
    同義字- dismiss, prohibit, forbid, interdict, proscribe, disallow, embargo, ban

    *question (V.)
    to feel or express doubt about; raise objections to
    同義字- query, challenge, dispute, doubt

    *bombard (V.)
    to assail (someone) persistently, as with questions, criticisms, or information
    同義字- inundate, swamp, flood, deluge, besiege, overwhelm

    *belittle (V.)
    to make (someone or something) seem unimportant
    同義字- disparage, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, trivialize, minimize, pooh-pooh

    *scorn (V.)
    to feel or express contempt(鄙視) or derision for
    同義字- deride, disdain, mock, disparage, slight, dismiss

    *defy (V.)
    to openly resist to refuse to obey
    同義字- disobey, flout, disregard, ignore, break, violate, contravene, breach, infringe

  • elucidate 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2013-09-25 15:00:22
    有 97 人按讚

    學術寫作 & 新聞寫作經典片語 (2)

    (1) bear resemblance to (似 similar to) 和~相像
    (2) come into play 有作用; 牽涉到、關係到
    例) Numerous factors come into play while one is making a business plan.

    (3) from scratch 從零開始
    例) Because of the failure, we need to rebuild the system from scratch.

    (4) cast doubt on 存疑
    例) The study casts doubt on the efficacy of vitamin pills.

    (5) speak to 為...舉例說明
    例) The documentary film speaks to the fragile state of our environment.

    (6) so to speak 可以說是、所謂 (當插入語)
    例) Until the doctors got Mick's heart beating, he was, so to speak, dead for about five minutes.

    (7) shed light on 解釋清楚、弄明白 (=elucidate)
    例) The television show shed light on child labor practices in Asia.

    (8) taper off 逐漸減少
    例) As smartphone prices increased, sales began to taper off.

  • elucidate 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • elucidate 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • elucidate 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

