

在 economically產品中有125篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過68萬的網紅IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, - Chữa đề Writing thật tiếp theo thôi cả nhà ơi - Đề số 10 nhé: Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy li...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,550的網紅Kelana Akira Abdullah,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Welcome again to Yayasan Pillar Shared Giving or #KongsiBersedekah program. This is our 5th series where we cover more city poor families and houses i...

economically 在 Jojo 吴俐璇 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 22:37:01

We are now in the phase of dipping our toes into the new norm, trying to strike a balance between staying alive physically and economically. Other tha...

economically 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 12:52:20

路透社打巴佢 (不過算啦,唔怕醜嘅) 今日Man of Year向全國講話,講到自己為咗美國人著想所以決意响阿富汗撤軍,將重點放晒响每日要用三億美金,幾多條人命之如此類,話美國唔會再進入別國嘅戰爭去解決問題,決定中止呢場美國最長嘅戰爭("America’s longest war"),總之講到自己...

  • economically 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-20 12:16:24
    有 92 人按讚

    - Chữa đề Writing thật tiếp theo thôi cả nhà ơi - Đề số 10 nhé: Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Bài mẫu:

    The state spending on public health has become a widely perpetual concern. Some individuals argue that these already scarce resources should be reserved for the prevention of lifestyle-related illness. In my opinion, the government should focus more on the prevention of illnesses rather than medical treatment.

    On the one hand, certain acute diseases, non-preventable regardless of governmental efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle, still need a state budget allocation for medical care. One of the primary duties of the government is to provide publicly funded healthcare to the whole population. Therefore, covering therapeutic and medical costs for those already developing symptoms of acute conditions would be a significant part of that duty, helping mitigate the financial burden associated with those maladies. In other words, a dearth of investment in treatment would be devastating patients’ individual life and wreaking havoc on overall social welfare.
    On the other hand, promoting a healthy lifestyle as a prevention strategy is meant to avoid the entire economic burden of chronic diseases, affecting a significant proportion of the population. Those conditions, occurring across different life course stages, share common preventable risk factors relating to unhealthy behaviors, including poor nutrition, inadequate physical activity, and chronic heavy drinking and smoking. If left unchecked, trends in chronic diseases risk factors combined with a growing and aging population will increase the numbers of people living with chronic conditions, later causing the heavy burden of illness in patients, their families, and the community. Therefore, given a scarcity of state budgets for various public services, the government should directly provide information, including health education campaigns, or regulating information, such as limits on advertising and guidelines on food labelings. As a result, positive changes in individual lifestyle would follow, helping them withstand the ravages of time, and saving the state budget for other economically beneficial needs, such as technological investment, education, and infrastructure, rather than spending on treatment.
    In conclusion, while allocating its healthcare budget in treatment, the government should promote a healthy lifestyle to avoid preventable chronic diseases due to its economic rationality.
    Words: 341

    Tháng 9 này, cùng IELTS Fighter Find your Fire - thắp đam mê, kệ Covid, học tập nâng cao kiến thức mỗi ngày nha. Các bạn cùng chờ đón cuộc thi Đại sứ IELTS Junior nè, Livestream học tập mỗi tuần và workshop online cho sinh viên siêu thú vị nữa nha. Theo dõi fanpage IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS để cập nhật thông tin nóng thường xuyên nhé.

  • economically 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-11 13:59:16
    有 197 人按讚

    We are now in the phase of dipping our toes into the new norm, trying to strike a balance between staying alive physically and economically. Other than sleeping early which I kinda fail to achieve, I have been maintaining balanced diet paired with ample amounts of workouts and truth is, I didn’t fall sick (excluding post vaccination side effects) for a single time in the past pandemic years. Hey it sounded like BC years.

    Ok back to what I am excited to share about — besides getting vaccinated, I believe we agree that keeping our immunity in its tip top condition is the only way to arm ourselves up. In vulnerable times like this, leaving home means exposing ourselves to danger, hence we need more than vitamin C and healthy lifestyle to boost our immunity.

    I recently was being educated about Yeast beta-glucan (YBG) , that shows strong evidence and ability to enhance immune system by activating immune cells to destroy germs. Introducing you the New Provital Immuna Plus that is scientifically formulated with YBG, selenium and vitamin C. 2 glasses a day, provides us a Triple Immunity Protection from YBG, selenium and vitamin C. Strong armour we are talking about here.

    Not only myself but I am also making sure my mom is taking 2 glasses a day as well as she is more susceptible to the virus due to her age. Hence it is more crucial for her to make sure her immune system is strong to combat any sickness. Let’s share this important message so that we can all protect our loved ones together!

    Activate your immunity, activate your life.

    You can now get your own Provital at 10% off no Min Spend at Shopee Provital store. You just need to use the Code: PROJOJO10
    *Valid from 13/9/21 to 30/9/21

    Follow @Provital Malaysia Facebook or log on to their website www.provital.com.my to learn more.


  • economically 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-01 10:46:51
    有 1,703 人按讚


    今日Man of Year向全國講話,講到自己為咗美國人著想所以決意响阿富汗撤軍,將重點放晒响每日要用三億美金,幾多條人命之如此類,話美國唔會再進入別國嘅戰爭去解決問題,決定中止呢場美國最長嘅戰爭("America’s longest war"),總之講到自己嘅決定好明智好叻叻咁樣樣。

    不過响Man of the Year 發表講話前一個鐘,《Reuters》路透社就好似特登咁完整發放佢响塔利班未全面得到優勢前嘅7月23號,打比當時嘅阿富汗總統嘅完整電話內容。十幾分鐘嘅對話當中,兩條友當時根本就唔覺得塔利班有威脅,當中Man of the Year咁講,

    "We are also going to continue to make sure your air force is capable of continuing to fly and provide air support. In addition to that we are going to continue to fight hard, diplomatically, politically, economically, to make sure your government not only survives, but is sustained and grows because it is clearly in the interest of the people of Afghanistan, that you succeed and you lead."




    《Reuters》Exclusive: Before Afghan collapse, Biden pressed Ghani to ‘change perception’



  • economically 在 Kelana Akira Abdullah Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-02 11:03:47

    Welcome again to Yayasan Pillar Shared Giving or #KongsiBersedekah program.
    This is our 5th series where we cover more city poor families and houses in Semariang area, specifically this time in kpg sg midin.

    This time we met and chatted with a 12 years old boy named Fikri, son to Romie and a brother to Wardina aged 15.
    As the mother was out working when we visited their house, we caught up with their 12 year old son.
    We handed out food package under our Shared Giving program and interestingly found out from the brother that his sister Wardina has not been going to classes regularly for a year.
    Reason given was she had no means of getting to school.
    One very disturbing fact is the condition this family and many other families here found themselves in.
    Everyway you turn outside their houses, under their houses, by the roadside, and open spaces are rubbish dump.
    Children play and eat among heaps of rubbish.
    Their houses are like stinking pits with little room to breathe or move.

    We also included in our list of Shared Giving another family because of historical record they maintained, where 4 out of 6 school aged children left school prematurely.
    Puan Hasnah's 2 sons and 2 daughters left school before they finished.
    When asked why?
    The mother simply answered "we gave our children choice to continue schooling or quit and find a job."
    "We advised our children to continue study but if they refuse, we would not force them."
    This family is considered reasonably ok economically as the father has steady job and earning above RM1000 per month.
    They do not fall under the category of city poor in Yayasan Pillar's list.

    Another family is a single mother with 2 children.
    Puan Norlidah bt Abdullah has a medical case of liver malfunction, therefore cannot work and desperately need financial help.
    She is not getting any kind of aid from government agencies as she just didn't know how to follow up again on her application for assistance.
    She keeps no record of her application.
    Yayasan Pillar handed out Food Baskets to all the families and offer to assist them follow up with government agencies for assistance where they are eligible or where they have been overlooked.

    Briefly the problems shackling these families are poverty, poor health, filthy surrounding, broken down houses and the sheer lack of will by parents to ensure children finished their school.
    I shudder to think what future these children will have?
    Why are these deplorable conditions of city poor still allowed to go on for years?
    Whose responsibility?
    Parents? Local YB? Or our system?

    One of the ways Yayasan Pillar helps the city poor is through its #KongsiBersedekaH program. The objective of #KongsiBersedekaH is to get community to engage in sharing the arduous burden faced by city poor families on a daily basis. If you wish to help lighten their burden, please don't hesitate to donate to lessen the daily PAIN faced by city poor. ?

    The Pillar Foundation (Maybank Islamic)
    Account Number: 561190054374
    Reference: Foodbank For City Poor

  • economically 在 Daphne Iking Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-09 16:31:30

    2020 was to be the big year for Malaysia's tourism sector. Hotels and airlines were expecting millions of guests BUT what came instead was a virus. And with it, the worst crisis Malaysia's tourism industry has ever faced.

    This year, tourism was supposed to boom like never before. Worldwide, the advertising drive for the big campaign "Visit Malaysia 2020" was set in motion. We were expecting around 30 million tourists and supposedly revenues of a solid €20 billion euros ($21.5 billion).

    However, the COVID-19 pandemic has put a damper on all of this, particularly affecting more than 3.5 million people working in the tourism industry.

    Retail too was hit hard.
    As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, there has been significant impacts to consumer behaviour and product demand..not forgetting , retail store, factory, and logistics services availability.

    Scary but true, now everyone is finding ways to recover, sustain and to rebuild whatever they can financially and economically.

    Today, I speak to friends Richard Swann , Platinum PADI Course Director and Managing Director of Dive Downbelow PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre and Muhammad Faisal Daud aka Moe Faisal Marketing Manager of Rip Curl Malaysia to share more about conserving whatever resources they have in moving forward in business and their plans diving into the #NewNorm.

    Websites/links mentioned on the show:


    GoFund : https://gf.me/u/ydrzff

    Forbes article:

    https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelleevans1/2020/05/19/7-predictions-for-how-covid-19-will-change-retail-in-the-future/#4f385ac15be3Thanks for watching and please do not forget to subscribe!

    Also follow me on my other social media channels:


    If you also need my profile and showreel, please visit:
    Thanks for watching and please do not forget to subscribe!

    Also follow me on my other social media channels:


    If you also need my profile and showreel, please visit:

  • economically 在 王炳忠 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-29 05:06:26

    The Real Threat to the US is the loss of self-confidence
    ──An Open Letter to Mr. Secretary Mike Pompeo

    My name is Wang Ping-Chung, the spokesperson for the New Party, Taiwan’s political party. During the ongoing pandemic of the Covid-19, the enemy of all human beings, including the American people and Chinese people, is definitely the corona virus. However, as Secretary of State of the United States, you seem to consider China instead of the virus to be your enemy. It lets you do little in pandemic prevention but much in blaming the WHO and China. You have even made great efforts to politicalize the issue of public health in order to attack China, which reflects the United States’ prevailing concept of so-called China’s threat. Nevertheless, the real threat to the US is not China but the loss of self-confidence indeed.

    As President Franklin Roosevelt once said, “Only thing we have to fear is the fear itself.” The threat you have to fear today is not other peoples but yourselves. Even though you have done your best to shift blames on the WHO and China, the fact is already clear of the US domestic misdiagnosed cases, which had been seen as H1N1 but in fact corona virus since last autumn. It is also your fault in underestimating the severity of the epidemic while China sacrificed itself to let the world have more preparation time. Accordingly, the Covid-19 has killed more than fifty thousand people in America. As China’s population is four times larger than the US, it is quite shocking that America’s death toll due to the Covid-19 has been above China’s.

    I feel so sorry for the suffering of your people, yet it is never too late to mend. However, not only did you palm off the responsibility on others, but you also undermined international solidarity against the pandemic. Moreover, you even try to deny the status of the WHO as the coordinator for universal combat against diseases, which in some way means challenging the global institutions under the governance of the United Nations. It is so unbelievable that the United States, viewing itself as the world leader above half a century, is tending to destroy the world order recognized by the international society. The very reason I can think of is the loss of America’s self-confidence. It is the threat to both the US and the whole world.

    For Liberalists in the United States, China has been believed either an opponent or a violator to international institutions. As far as it’s concerned, there had been debates whether to keep containing China economically and militarily or engaging it institutionally. Both were resulted from America’s confidence in its leadership. Consequently, the confidence gradually changed into arrogance, luring the United States into aggressions upon other countries as the global superpower without permission from the UN Security Council. It made America exhausted at last. Therefore, the United States has become an isolationist, and even a betrayer to the global institutions they established before. On the contrary, China seems more like a protector of the world order.

    On the other hand, for Realists, the predominant thinkers in international politics, China has been seen as the primary rival to America. As they estimate there will be threat if any other regional hegemony occurs, the nation’s fear becomes beyond what its capability can hold. To some extent, this is the real crisis to your people. In fact, different from western nations developing themselves by oppressing and exploiting others, the Chinese people have risen out of poverty at the cost of blood, sweat, and tears of our own. I would like to remind you of Franklin Roosevelt’s self-evident words that nothing to fear but fear itself. The only threat you should conquer is the threat in your mind.

    As Henry Kissinger has argued, relations between China and the United States need not – and should not – become a zero-sum game. He also suggested that China and America build a Pacific community with each other. Thinking in the same way, Chinese President Xi also claimed that the vast Pacific Ocean has enough space for the two large countries of China and the United States. Furthermore, I believe the world is large enough to embrace different political and social systems. As western liberalism in recent years has met difficulties in over-consumption and government failure, we should be more open-minded to the superiority of Chinese governance in some fields, especially the high efficiency in defeating the epidemic. The United States should also be more self-confident to have China rising under the global governance of international institutions, sharing with mutual benefits instead of destroying each other. Without doubt, only by doing so can the United States overcome the real threat and bring the world peace and prosperity, the real universal values for all mankind.

