在 dosage產品中有158篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Pfizer 疫苗在 5-11 歲的兒童,測試是安全的而且可以引發很好的免疫反應,使用的劑量是成人的三分之一。...
同時也有135部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Jing Jing Beh 妗妗,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#penanghokkien #HURIXS HURIX’S Gastro Aid Syrup produced from various natural herbs, won’t cause drowsiness or sluggishness after consumption. T...
- 關於dosage 在 rachaelwong Instagram 的最讚貼文
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- 關於dosage 在 Rasaflix Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於dosage 在 HiroMaru CooK TV Youtube 的最佳解答
dosage 在 rachaelwong Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-09-10 20:38:13
manually adjusting the dosage of bbt to give me fuel for the week 😛...
dosage 在 ??Professor Chef Zam? Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-09-03 15:41:34
Layan these clips je lah dulu. Nanti bila international borders bukak abad depan, kita buat le rombongan, ye dak? Pastikan dosage dah lengkap dulu t...
dosage 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-09-17 16:50:16
In celebrating 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE’s first anniversary, we choose @champagnelaurentperrier Cuvée Rosé for the special occasion! 🥂🍾🎉 The Cuvée Rosé w...
dosage 在 Jing Jing Beh 妗妗 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2021-06-04 20:30:02#penanghokkien #HURIXS
HURIX’S Gastro Aid Syrup
produced from various natural herbs,
won’t cause drowsiness or sluggishness after consumption.
Traditionally used to relieve bloating,flatulence, abdominal pain, stomachache and indigestion.
Dosage: Adult: 30ml Each Time, 3 Times Daily After Meal
- 正餐不定时:如工作过于忙碌,常错过正餐时间,过于饥饿或过于饱食。
- 饮食习惯不好,起居作息不规律、日夜颠倒。
- 吃完东西又坐着不动,也易致使气体闷在肚里。
- 常吃太油腻的食物,造成肠道不易消化(舒胃止痛及消化不良)。
- 压力大,压力会使人紧张、心跳加快、血压上升、肌肉紧绷,致使肠胃蠕动变慢,产生腹胀。
Talent 演员:
Jing Jing 妗妗
How to speak Penang Hokkien? 如何讲槟城福建话?
Jing Jing Challenge 挑战
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfRlIk28_INtvKfWE6R0LfpEx2RNesVql -
dosage 在 Rasaflix Youtube 的精選貼文
2020-09-21 12:00:01Sebut je nasi arab mesti terbayang rempah ratus dia yang sedap tu kan, nak makan kat kedai mahal pula. Jom buat sendiri kat rumah lagi puas hati, pakai pula rempah yang ada je kat dapur.. Jimat, murah dan gerenti sedap !
Resepi Nasi Arab Kabsa Ringkas | Easy Homemade Arabian Kabsa Rice Recipe
//Bahasa Melayu
Bahan-Bahan (Nasi Arab Kabsa)
3 bahagian paha ayam
1 cwn beras panjang
1 1/2 cwn stok ayam
2 biji bawang besar (dipotong mayang)
2 tomato segar (dipotong wedges)
1 sk pes tomato
2 sk pes bawang putih
2 sk pes halia
1 batang lobak merah (diparut)
1/2 biji lemon (dipotong hiris)
2 batang kayu manis
1 sk serbuk ketumbar
1 sk serbuk jintan putih
1/2 sk serbuk garam masala
1/2 sk serbuk cili
1/4 sk serbuk lada hitam
5 kuntum bunga cengkih
5 biji buah pelaga
10 biji lada hitam
1 sb mentega
100 gm kismis
100 gm gajus
1/4 cwn minyak sapi
1/2 sb garam
Minyak masak
Bahan-Bahan (Sos Harrah)
2 biji tomato
2 ulas bawang putih
1/2 biji perahan lemon
2 tangkai daun ketumbar
1 sk serbuk cili
Nota: Gunakan beras basmathi atau pusa. Sukatan air seperti berikut : 1 cawan beras = 1 setengah cawan air.
Cara Memasak
1. Panaskan minyak sapi di dalam kuali.
2. Masukkan kayu manis, buah pelaga, bunga cengkih, dan biji lada hitam.
3. Tumis sebentar hingga naik bau. Kemudian, masukkan bawang besar dan tumis sehingga keperangan.
4. Masukkan pes halia, pes bawang putih, pes tomato dan tomato. Masak & kacau di atas api yang tinggi.
5. Kemudian, masukkkan serbuk jintan putih, serbuk ketumbar, serbuk lada hitam, serbuk cili, garam masala dan garam. Tumis bahan sehingga pecah minyak.
6. Masukkan paha ayam dan stok ayam. Gaul hingga rata. Kemudian, tutup kuali dan masak sehingga mendidih sekitar 20-25 minit.
7. Angkat ayam sahaja dan ketepikan.
8. Tuangkan sedikit minyak masak pada ayam dan panggang selama 20 minit pada suhu 250°C.
9. Masukkan lobak merah, limau dan beras ke dalam air rebusan tadi. Kacau sekata. Tutup kuali dan biarkan sehingga masak dengan menggunakan api sederhana.
10. Kemudian, gorengkan gajus dan kismis dengan mentega untuk hiasan.
11. Untuk membuat sos Harrah, kisar semua bahan-bahannya tanpa air.
12. Kemudian, sedia untuk dihidangkan.
Ingredients (Arabian Kabsa Rice)
3 parts of chicken thighs
1 cup of long-grain rice
1 1/2 cups of chicken stock
2 onions (thinly sliced)
2 fresh tomatoes
1 tsp of tomato paste
2 tsp of garlic paste
2 tsp of ginger paste
1 carrot (grated)
1/2 lemon (sliced)
2 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp of coriander powder
1 tsp of cumin powder
1/2 tsp of masala salt powder
1/2 tsp of chili powder
1/4 tsp of black pepper powder
5 cloves
5 cardamoms
10 peppercorns
1 tbsp of butter
100 gm raisins
100 gm cashews
1/4 cup of ghee
1/2 tbsp of salt
Cooking oil
Ingredients (Harrah Sauce)
2 tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 squeezed lemon
2 stalks of coriander leaves
1 tsp of chili powder
Note: Use basmathi or pura rice. The dosage of water is as follows: 1 cup of rice = 1 1/2 cup of water.
Cooking Methods
1. Heat ghee inside a pan.
2. Add in cinnamon sticks, cardamoms, cloves, and peppercorns.
3. Saute them for a while until fragrant. Then, add in onions and saute until golden brown.
4. Add in ginger paste, garlic paste, tomato paste, and fresh tomatoes. Stir over high heat.
5. Then add the cumin powder, coriander powder, black pepper powder, chili powder, masala salt powder and salt. Saute the ingredients until the oil separates.
6. Add in chicken thighs and chicken stock. Mix well. Then, close the lid and bring to a boil around 20-25 minutes.
7. Lift the chicken only out of water and set it aside.
8. Rub bit of cooking oil over the chicken and bake for about 20 minutes at 250°C.
9. Add the carrots, lemons and rice into boiled water. Stir evenly. Close the lid and let it fully cooked over medium heat.
10. Then, stir fry cashews and raisins with butter for garnishing purpose.
11. For Harrah sauce, grind all the ingredients without water.
12. Then, it is ready to be served.
Nak resepi lagi?
Sertai Telegram Rasaflix di
#nasiarab #arabianrice #nasiarabkabsa #homemade #nasi #ayampanggang #roastedchicken #recipe #resepi
#kisahdunia #rasaflix
#cempakaberasap #mr_lovva #nntaca #kdboom #sya #rinrinchan -
dosage 在 HiroMaru CooK TV Youtube 的最佳解答
2020-04-29 07:00:01市販のロールケーキを使って、いちごやホイップクリームでとても簡単なスコップケーキを作りました。
I bought a roll cake and made a scoop cake easily.
Have a birthday or home party
★よろしければチャンネル登録をお願いします。 Subscribe to my channel
【ingredients】Cake baking dish square
10 Roll cake (commercially available)
50g(25g+25g) Chocolate flakes
Whipped cream
500ml heavy Cream
60g Granulated sugar
1pack Strawberry
1 Kiwi
2 Mandarin Orange
8 blueberry
Spearmint dosage
iwaki ベーシックシリーズ ケーキ焼き皿 角型 KBT222
【材料】ケーキ焼き皿 角型
チョコフレーク 50g(25g+25g)
生クリーム 500ml
グラニュー糖 60g
いちご 1パック
キウイ 1個
マーコット(オレンジ) 3個
ブルーベリー 8個
スペアミント 適量
▼HiroMaru CooK TV 注目動画▼
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How To Make No-Bake Cheesecake食べきりサイズの濃厚レアチーズケーキ【簡単♪初めてでも成功率99.9%】
◆田辺金具 卓上トング きゃっちだにゃん 白たま 1122
◆メルペール ネコ ペティナイフ(果物ナイフ) 770-304
We will have delicious rain all over the world ♪ Sweets maker HiroMaru ♪
dosage 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Pfizer 疫苗在 5-11 歲的兒童,測試是安全的而且可以引發很好的免疫反應,使用的劑量是成人的三分之一。
dosage 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
「Liverage Biomedical Inc. / The Fast Proton Therapy Quality Assurance System -CROSS:
The fast pencil beam scanning (PBS) system of Proton Therapy has demonstrated its advance in dose delivery, and it is the trend. To cope with such high scanning speed characteristic, we present a novel detector system, “CROSS”, such detector takes less than 10 minutes to measure characteristics of the scanning proton beam, which include beam position, spot size, scanning speed, exposure time, intensity , 2D dosage distribution and its energy. With the assistant of lock bar and its light weight, the whole system can be assembled for daily QA conveniently.」
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dosage 在 Agnes Chee謝嫣薇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Some of my favourite champagne’s moments:
1. Bollinger Blanc de noirs VVF 1998
2. Salon 2004
3. Krug Rosé Old Vintage
4. Lallier Grand CruZero Dosage ( a very understated & underrated champagne label! )
5. La Closerie Jerome Prevost Extra Brut (my favourite grower champagne)
6. Dom Pérignon P2 2003 (oh my god! too good!!!)
7. Jacques Selosse Lieux-dits extra brut ( Everyone knows Selosse my most favourite grower champagne!)
I have selected a few of them to be elaborated more details in my column. Stayyy tune.
@maisonchampagnesalon @champagne_bollinger @domperignonofficial @krugchampagne @champagne_lallier
#champagne #champagnelover #bollingerchampagne #bollingervvf #salonchampagne #salon2004 #champagnesalon #krugrose #krugrosevintage #oldvintage #krugroseoldvintage #champagnelallier #lallierzerodosage #zerodosage #lacloserie #jeromeprevost #growerchampagne #domperignon #domperignonp2 #domperignonp22003 #jacquesselosse #jacquesselosselieuxdits #agnescheewinereview #agnescheewinetasting #agnescheewinenotes #lovechampagne