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  • dismay 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-17 18:52:20
    有 1,659 人按讚


    HM The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar has expressed dismay at the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) for its reluctance to review the new criteria of the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme.

    His Majesty said he would now personally take up the matter soon with Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, especially since Johor is a popular MM2H destination and the potential loss of revenue to the State from this programme was enormous.

    He said the ministry’s decision was mind boggling and outrageous, considering that MM2H had brought huge economic benefits to Malaysia.

    The rejection of appeals for a review, noted Sultan Ibrahim, was despite the earlier promise by Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin to reconsider the new criteria.

    “What we have heard in Parliament is a mere promise to consider MM2H applicants on a case-by-case basis. It falls short of expectations and I can only say that this is pathetic. This is a complete let down to all the existing MM2H participants and the relevant stakeholders,” said His Majesty to the Royal Press Office (RPO) today (16 Sept).

    Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim said if security was the main reason for the new criteria, then MOHA only needs to revoke the visas of errant MM2H pass holders, instead of a blanket ruling that affects everyone.

    “MM2H offers multiplier economic effects. Malaysians benefit and so does the government. But now we are chasing them away. And the bad international publicity is detrimental for Malaysia,“ he stressed.

    “I hope good sense will prevail and the government will reinstate the programme without any drastic changes immediately,” he said.



    DYMM Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar menzahirkan rasa kecewa Baginda terhadap Kementerian Dalan Negeri (KDN) kerana enggan menyemak semula syarat ketat Program Malaysia Rumah Keduaku (MM2H) yang ditetapkan baru-baru ini.

    Baginda turut bertitah akan membangkitkan perkara ini secara peribadi kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob dalam tempoh terdekat, memandangkan Johor merupakan antara destinasi popular MM2H, selain sumbangan program berkenaan kepada pendapatan negeri.

    Baginda Tuanku Sultan bertitah Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin sebelum ini menyatakan bahawa kerajaan akan menyemak semula syarat ketat Program MM2H.

    “Namun, apa yang kita dengar di Parlimen hanyalah janji untuk mempertimbangkan permohonan peserta MM2H berdasarkan kes demi kes, dan ini adalah diluar jangkaan dan sesuatu yang mengecewakan.

    “Jika keselamatan adalah justifikasi utama untuk kriteria baharu, maka pihak Kementerian hanya perlu membatalkan visa pemegang pas MM2H yang didapati melakukan kesalahan, dan bukannya melibatkan semua peserta,” titah Baginda kepada Royal Press Office (RPO) pada hari ini (16 September).

    DYMM Sultan Ibrahim bertitah keputusan berkenaan hanya akan membawa implikasi negatif, memandangkan Program MM2H sebelum ini membawa kesan positif kepada ekonomi negara.

    “MM2H merupakan satu program yang memberi kesan baik kepada ekonomi Malaysia dan begitu juga kepada rakyat serta kerajaan. Jika sekarang kita mengenakan syarat ketat hingga memberi kesan kepada peserta, dikhuathiri kelak akan menjejaskan imej negara di mata dunia,” tegas DYMM Sultan Johor.

    “Saya berharap perkara ini akan mendapat perhatian serta pertimbangan dari kerajaan tanpa membuat keputusan drastik terhadap program ini,” titah Baginda.


  • dismay 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-02 22:21:32
    有 3,479 人按讚


    外交部吳部長接受法國「解放報」視訊專訪,其中 #香港 議題是訪談的重點。






    MOFA Minister Joseph Wu participated in an interview recently with Arnaud Vaulerin from #France’s Libération in which he expounded on advances in Taiwan-US relations, the threat China poses to the cross-Strait status quo and the situation in #HongKong.

    Minister Wu mentioned the frequent incursions into #Taiwan's ADIZ by Chinese fighters over recent years, with 2,900 instances in 2020 alone. He also spoke to the threat of disinformation campaigns, facilitated through internet content farms, spreading false information online, as evidenced by studies like the University of Gothenburg’s V-Dem project, which pointed to Taiwan as a hotspot for disinformation attacks.

    On the heels of recent trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA) talks with the US, he also touched on the recent wave of support for Taiwan from #LikeMinded countries and organizations, like the QUAD, the US, Japan, South Korea, the EU and the G7, underlining Taiwan’s commitment to maintaining the status quo in cross-Strait relations, to ensure the continued peace and prosperity of the #IndoPacific region.

    Minister Wu also pointed to Hong Kong as a warning to other countries as to China’s inability to keep its promises and expressed his dismay at the suppression of the press there, which was made clear with the arrest of Apple Daily staff and executives and the financial pressure forcing the media outlet to close its doors.

  • dismay 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-18 19:48:58
    有 2,307 人按讚




    On learning of the arrest of Apple Daily executives in a police raid, MOFA Minister Joseph Wu expressed his dismay and sorrow at authoritarianism waging a brutal war on the media organization, which is a symbol of freedom in #HongKong.

    Press freedoms continue to be curtailed in Hong Kong, causing ongoing concern among the international community. It brings to mind the famous quote from Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller, suggesting that Hong Kong is just the start of the expansionist authoritarian vision and that if we don’t speak out for them, there may be no-one left to speak out for us when we find ourselves in the crosshairs.

