[爆卦]Disadvantages of studying abroad是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Disadvantages of studying abroad鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Disadvantages of studying abroad這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 disadvantages產品中有127篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 20 CỤM TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA PHỔ BIẾN [Kèm ví dụ cụ thể] ▪to be harmful to … ≈ to be detrimental to …: có hại cho … ▪to have a negative effect on … ≈ to have ...

 同時也有56部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅Mateusz Urbanowicz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I'm painting a street corner using waterproof color inks made by Kakimori (a brand and a store located in Tokyo). I'm explaining the advantages and di...

disadvantages 在 Aimon’s diary あいもんとコジマル?♥️ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 10:06:42

コジマルの肉球は、お日様の香りがして、ストロベリー🍓が大好物だからたまに毛皮は本当にストロベリーの香りがする😳💓 綺麗好きだからか、水で濡らして絞ったガーゼハンカチで拭いてあげると、いつもお尻を突き上げたり、背中をこっちに向けて、もっとマッサージしてくれって頼んでくる🥺🐈‍⬛ 太陽光は人間の免疫...

  • disadvantages 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-24 21:30:52
    有 1,920 人按讚

    20 CỤM TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA PHỔ BIẾN [Kèm ví dụ cụ thể]
    ▪to be harmful to … ≈ to be detrimental to …: có hại cho …
    ▪to have a negative effect on … ≈ to have an adverse impact on …: có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lên …
    ▪the primary cause of … ≈ the principal cause of …: nguyên nhân chính của vấn đề gì
    ▪the main reason for … ≈ the primary reason for …: lý do chính cho vấn đề gì
    ▪every day ≈ on a daily basis: hàng ngày
    ▪every week ≈ on a weekly basis: hàng tuần
    ▪every year ≈ on an annual basis: hàng năm
    ▪nowadays ≈ these days ≈ today ≈ in modern society = in today’s society: ngày nay
    ▪to solve a problem ≈ to tackle an issue: giải quyết 1 vấn đề
    ▪in recent times ≈ in recent years: trong những năm gần đây
    ▪to lead to … ≈ to result in …: dẫn tới vấn đề gì
    ▪some people believe that … ≈ it is believed that …: một số người tin rằng …
    ▪others argue that … ≈ other people think that …: một số khác nghĩ rằng …
    ▪we do not need to … ≈ it is no longer necessary to …: không cần thiết làm gì
    ▪to be important ≈ to play an important role: quan trọng
    ▪benefits ≈ merits ≈ advantages ≈ beneficial effects: lợi ích
    ▪drawbacks ≈ disadvantages ≈ negative effects: bất lợi
    ▪solution ≈ measure ≈ approach: giải pháp
    ▪the best way to … ≈ the most effective method to …: cách tốt nhất để …
    ▪the government should … ≈ it is necessary for the government to …: chính phủ cần làm gì

    PHẦN VÍ DỤ: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/20-cum-tu-dong-nghia/

  • disadvantages 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-18 18:34:36
    有 216 人按讚

    - Một ngày học IELTS 2 tiếng, mỗi ngày thêm một kiến thức mới, sẽ thành công chinh phục điểm số 7, 8 chấm sớm, các bạn cùng cố gắng nha!
    Hôm nay, luyện Writing tiếp nào cả nhà: In the past, people stored knowledge in books. Nowadays, people store knowledge on the Internet. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
    Type: Advantage - Disadvantage
    Topic: Internet
    Subtopic: (+) & (-) of storing knowledge online
    Bài mẫu cùng từ vựng thêm hướng Viết hay cho bạn, cùng xem nhé.

    Tháng 9 này, cùng IELTS Fighter Find your Fire - thắp đam mê, kệ Covid, học tập nâng cao kiến thức mỗi ngày nha. Các bạn cùng chờ đón cuộc thi Đại sứ IELTS Junior nè, Livestream học tập mỗi tuần và workshop online cho sinh viên siêu thú vị nữa nha. Theo dõi fanpage IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS để cập nhật thông tin nóng thường xuyên nhé.

  • disadvantages 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-31 23:09:21
    有 25 人按讚

    End of August, due date for both thesis & new project submission and stumble across this question on 31 August is ....

    Anyway here's the question: "How do you deal with structural disadvantages in your country?"

    Racism and Malay supremacy is a never ending drama in Malaysia. Growing up as a Chinese, I have always wanted to move to US and leave Malaysia for good. But later in life, through my involvement in art and culture, it connects me to my root, forging great friendships of mutual love and respect with other races and my perceptive changed.

    "In my university, Malay students are generally easy-going and master of improvisation, they take care of production design and technical works, Chinese are good with figures and thus securing funds and accounting work land on their shoulders, Indian are well-spoken, hence they are good in coordination work and handle production management. Together we will be a strong team."

    Happy Merdeka, my beloved Malaysia.

    #petronas #merdeka #campaign #2008
    #merdeka #theatre #production #2018

  • disadvantages 在 Mateusz Urbanowicz Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-28 16:07:20

    I'm painting a street corner using waterproof color inks made by Kakimori (a brand and a store located in Tokyo). I'm explaining the advantages and disadvantages of using pigment-based waterproof inks for painting.

    See more about Kakimori inks here:

    Feel free to check out my other stuff:

    Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/mateusz_urbanowicz
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mateuszurbanowicz

    Website: http://mateuszurbanowicz.com
    Blog: https://artvsentropy.wordpress.com/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gommatt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mateusz_urbanowicz

  • disadvantages 在 Team SMG Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-14 12:22:15

    In episode 3 of Team SMG's Hot Tip series, Artha Gaming talks about what makes a hyper carry, its meta, it's advantages and disadvantages and what emblems they should use.


    Dalam episod 3 Hot tips Team SMG, Artha Gaming membincangkan mengenai apa yang membuat kan Meta hyper hyper menjadi, kelebihan dan kekurangannya dan Emblem apa yang bagus untuk mereka gunakan.


  • disadvantages 在 umino ASMR Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-10 21:01:17

    Hello, I am umino.Thank you for watching this video.This description uses Google Translate.

    People who don't understand Japanese can't understand what I'm talking about in this video. So I will explain it in the summary column.

    The material in this video, what a year and a half ago, was taken. Why do I leave it up to this point? I think the reason is because there was a subtle part to it. Maybe.

    I've put out a lot of subtle videos in the past, but the even more subtle ones are doomed to be forgotten in this way. I've been getting into a "proactive video posting mentality" lately, so I've been checking out some of the old material rather well.

    This video was made before I changed cameras, so the quality is poor. The background is also quite appropriate. There were about 50,000 subscribers even a year and a half ago, so maybe the background and the quality of the video have nothing to do with the growth in subscribers. I'd like to say that, but there are more contributors now than there were then, and if you don't have some sort of personality, it won't grow. I just happened to have good timing in posting. Yay.

    If I were to start posting videos now, what would I do? For starters, I'd buy an ear microphone; in terms of ASMR-related stuff, I think specializing in something would be a stretch. But if you specialize in something, you're in trouble when you get stuck. That's what YouTube is all about.

    It's a little different than what I was talking about earlier, but sometimes people have 1 million subscribers but 50,000 views or so.... It's sad to say that, maybe it's a fate, or maybe it's a collaboration that raised awareness, but no one watches the important videos. That's just boring.

    I mean, if you're not interested in subscribing to a channel, the notifications just get in the way. How many channels do you guys subscribe to? And where are you watching the video from? Front page? It seems that the top page (Recommended to you) is more highly rated from YouTube's point of view. Maybe.

    The recommendations reminded me of this. What summer drinks do you recommend? (I would normally ask you to tell me what YouTubers you recommend here, but I won't because I can't be responsible if you name a YouTuber in the same genre.) My drink of choice is the Peach Tea Green Tea. Shut up about tea-tea, TWICE? I thought to myself. I thought about it for 10 seconds to see what I could find, and then TWICE came up. Thank you TWICE, even though I don't know any of their songs. I regretted a little bit that it could have been Tegoshi by Tei Tei. I'll never be able to translate this into English, you've got to be kidding me.
    おすすめで思い出した。おすすめの夏ドリンクを教えてください。(本来ならここでおすすめのYouTuberを教えてもらう所なんだけど、同じジャンルのYouTuberの名前を出されても責任が取れないのでやめておく。) 私のおすすめドリンクはピーチティーグリーンティー。ティーティーうるせえよ、TWICEかよ。と思ったのは私です。何かないかと10秒考えた所、TWICEが出てきた。ありがとうTWICE。1つも曲を知らないけれど。ていていの手越でも良かったと少し後悔をした。これ絶対に英語に翻訳できないじゃねえか、ふざけんな。

    Back to the peach tea green tea. There's a tendency to think of summer as being like barley tea, but tea is pretty good too. There's something refreshing about it. It's not as harsh as regular tea. I don't dislike rooibos tea, but it's a bit strong. However, there is a problem with this tea. I find that it produces an unusual amount of urine. I'm guessing that I'm pissing more than I'm drinking. The more you think about it, the more you get out of it.

    If you can tolerate the disadvantages, then by all means try the Peach Tea Green Tea. By the way, Itoen's was better than Muji.

    Good night.



    Twitter: https://goo.gl/Y9uFpW
    Twitter(通知用): https://goo.gl/WHEa8c
    Instagram: https://goo.gl/sL8M1r
    サブチャンネル: https://goo.gl/C7yDgn


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