

在 derogatory產品中有48篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過665的網紅theurbanrhapsody.com,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TW: I know how it is like to feel like everything around you crumbling, and you are stuck between the ruins; you can't seem to find a way out except t...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2020/03/20生命及工作紀實 (等等YouTube首播) 『遠古的鏡子閱讀術』 『巫』兩個人一個工。表示兩個人協力,所成力的“工”辛勞,文字上具有貶意。 我們生活中經過的人的軌跡留在我們的神經元記錄中。 「the Ancient Mirror reading」 Life and work Re...

derogatory 在 Sharmin Jeet Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 03:02:41

TW: I know how it is like to feel like everything around you crumbling, and you are stuck between the ruins; you can't seem to find a way out except t...

  • derogatory 在 theurbanrhapsody.com Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-10 17:30:41
    有 0 人按讚

    TW: I know how it is like to feel like everything around you crumbling, and you are stuck between the ruins; you can't seem to find a way out except to end the pain you are feeling at the moment.

    I've been there. It wasn't long ago, but I am genuinely glad that I chose to rise and keep going.

    What you are feeling at the moment is valid but not permanent. There is a way out, and you will be grateful that you didn't fall for your mind's trickery. There is a lot more to life than this moment, please DON'T GIVE UP 🌻🤗

    If you come across someone that shares their derogatory comments on your feelings, don't believe a word they say.
    For many, the act of completing suicide is cowardice. I don't blame them. It's how society made it seem. Instead of helping, they choose to condemn. Instead of showing empathy, they blame us for how we feel.

    It takes a lot of guts to face death, finds the willpower and courage to overcome it — to pull back from the edge of disaster, and YOU CAN DO IT 💞. Always remember that your emotions aren't static. Yesterday, today and next week may not be the same.

    You are not alone in this 🌻


    #mentalhealthjourney #mentalhealthawareness
    #depressionsupport #anxietysupport
    #suicidepreventionmonth #suicideawarenessmonth #mentalhealthadvocate

  • derogatory 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-15 19:08:26
    有 70 人按讚

    我們再來跟 Alex 老師練英文的論述功力!

    我們接續上週 #中翻英焦點閱讀法🎯,一起來做中翻英筆記



    老師開頭以同婚合法作為 平權的 achievement,接著這句反思,教你「涉及」的正式論述句可以怎麼寫:

    It is in relation to this achievement that we shall examine some disconcerting developments that show there are still bigoted views that are holding the region back.

    For example, derogatory comments recently made at a press conference by Taipei’s mayor about gay people indicate that there is prejudice in some of the nation’s politicians.

    In stark contrast to the discrimination that only occasionally rears its ugly head in public in Taiwan, other countries in the region are regressing much more significantly.



    歡迎挑戰 Alex 老師的燒腦課

    【 Alex 應用英文班 】
    - 第1梯 (18:00-20:00)
    8/2-9/27 [9/20 停課]
    - 第2梯 (20:10-22:10)
    8/2-9/27 [9/20 停課]

    歡迎正式來信至 service@leedsmayi.com.co(里茲螞蟻)

    #學到什麼可以放留言 #歡迎海外朋友加入

  • derogatory 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-26 20:31:40
    有 20 人按讚


    1. Sexual harassment has been taking place in the schools for years, but only recently has it begun to get the attention it deserves. Some have called such attention as an overreaction to normal teenager behaviour who is going through puberty, but sexual harassment can inflict deep psychological damage on young people. Two recent incidents have made it clear to me that we must put our foot down and do something to stop it.

    2. Sexual harassment is not an easy topic of discussion, let alone a joke. Derogatory sexual comments and rape jokes are very dangerous. When one person makes a comment that uses derogatory sexual language, others can use that comment and later repeat it to their friends. These friends will then absorb the comment and circulate the derogatory sexual language in their social circles, thinking that “it is okay” to laugh about it thus perpetuating a cycle that is difficult to break.

    3. We are aware that the role of a teacher is to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate learners/students. A recent Malaysian student's tweet about her teacher who had joked and underplayed rape has gone viral. It was said that the teacher also made another sickening comment that “if boys get raped it doesn’t get reported because apparently boys would feel ‘good’ about it”. What’s more shocking is the fact that when the student lodged a report to her counselling teacher in school only to be told that it is “normal” for jokes like this to be made as boys feel alright and girls are often too sensitive and emotional. Instead of getting the justice she deserve, she was sent to the same counselling teacher for a “therapy” session.

    4. We must put to an end of labelling rape jokes as “part of our culture.” Rape joke was never part of Malaysia’s culture and will never be. The modern society has belittled the voices of survivors, making conventional discussion very one-sided towards the perpetrators. Schools must take the responsibility for preserving an appropriate learning environment that rest primarily with school administrators. Listen to students when they speak up on any form of sexual harassment or approaches made by their teachers, peers, school personnel or any other members in the school. School staffs must never turn a deaf ear to students’ cries for help.

    5. Thank you to the student who gathered every ounce of courage that is in her in making a very daring and bold decision of stepping out and speaking the truth whilst still handling her trauma/shock. Sexual harassment is not something young people need to learn to tolerate. Rather, it must be confronted and stopped so that schools can be a safe and positive space for children to learn. Ignoring the situation can often lead to a cycle of ongoing harassment and victimisation. Calling out on people who commit the “humour” of making a joke out of rape or any kind of violence need more efforts. Stern action must be taken to safeguard the safety of our students in school so that in future, actions like these will not be tolerated and it will be put to an end. We should make the elimination of sexual harassment or derogatory actions our top priority. I hope that the Ministry of Education will take action in engaging relevant authorities to make sure this horrendous practice ends.

    EXCO Srikandi BERSATU Malaysia

  • derogatory 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-21 11:15:12

    「the Ancient Mirror reading」
    Life and work Recoreds.
    Witch (巫) means two people(人)want something,so they do hard work(工), it's derogatory in plain text.
    The trajectories of people that pass by of our life all left in our neuronal records.


    「我是在罪孽裏生的, 在我母親懷胎的時候就有了罪。 你所喜愛的是內裏誠實; 你在我隱密處,必使我得智慧。 求你用牛膝草潔淨我我就乾淨; 求你洗滌我,我就比雪更白。 求你使我得聽歡喜快樂 的聲音 , 使你所壓傷的骨頭可以踴躍。
    神啊,求你為我造清潔的心, 使我裏面重新有正直 的靈。
    我就把你的道指教有過犯的人, 罪人必歸順你。
    你本不喜愛祭物,若喜愛,我就獻上; 燔祭,你也不喜悅。 神所要 的祭就是憂傷的靈; 神啊,憂傷痛悔的心,你必不輕看。」
    ‭‭詩篇‬ ‭51:5-8, 10, 13, 16-17‬

    5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
    6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
    7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
    8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
    10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
    13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.
    16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.
    17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
    Psalm 51

    Dream Walker: RastaWang.com


  • derogatory 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-09-21 05:31:37

    Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento

    Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento

    ★ 30 RACIST Asian Slurs That May Piss You Off (part 1): https://youtu.be/6tHs9wrqiPY
    ★ 5 RACIST Asian Commercials That May Shock You: https://youtu.be/P2ByYFMXDtI
    ★ 10 REASONS Why Asians Don't Get FAT: https://youtu.be/xIqJR6xfMro
    ★ Asian Stereotypes Checklist: https://youtu.be/hrJbxLu9MiE

    Available Subtitles: ENGLISH
    ► Help us with subtitles in your language! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=QCxQWxgY2Vg



    Warning: This video might be offensive because there are words, terms, slurs - racial and derogatory in nature. If you are sensitive to such things, don't watch this video.

    This video, along with the first one, is actually for my girlfriend Nina because there are times where someone leaves a youtube comment on one of our videos and she sees a word, asks me about it, and it turns out to be a racist Asian slur (and she gets upset about it).

    But Nina should be aware of such words~

    So here are 30 more racist Asian slurs from around the world:

    1. Wang Chung
    2. Yellow Devil
    3. Randoms
    4. Fishhead
    5. Patty
    6. Seaweed Sucker
    7. Dog Eater
    8. Dog Muncher
    9. Honky
    10. Winkie
    11. Twinkie
    12. Jaundy Boy
    13. Bruce Lee
    14. Jackie Chan
    15. Plate Tossers
    16. Widescreen
    17. T.A.B.
    18. Post-It
    19. D.W.O.
    20. Yolk
    21. Table face
    22. Grinder
    23. Wallface
    24. Bedtime
    25. Sleepwalker
    26. Tai-Chink
    27. Chinkerbell
    28. Gookemon
    29. Yigger
    30. Rasian

    What did you think of these racist Asian slurs? Not that bad?

    Thanks for watching! And if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE ^^

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kentobento2015
    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kentobento2015

  • derogatory 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-05-24 08:39:24

    Get ‘Asiany’ Merch at our new merch store!: https://standard.tv/kentobento

    Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento

    ★ How Would You Escape North Korea? (The 7 Choices): https://youtu.be/6A0ZOkMDLw0
    ★ Where Are The Asian Borders?: https://youtu.be/vPupwlZlNMY
    ★ The Asian Accent Test: https://youtu.be/xiWmdWXYle8
    ★ 30 MORE RACIST Asian Slurs That May Piss You Off (part 2): https://youtu.be/F9lWrzddOJ0
    ★ Asian Stereotypes Checklist: https://youtu.be/hrJbxLu9MiE
    ★ 5 RACIST Asian Commercials That May Shock You: https://youtu.be/P2ByYFMXDtI
    ★ 10 MOST INFLUENTIAL Asian Superheroes From Marvel & DC: https://youtu.be/sAB8-1Gkn_E

    Available Subtitles: ENGLISH, GERMAN (Credit: Nihon Inki)
    ► If you want to help subtitle this video into your native language, please let us know so we can give you credit~ http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=6tHs9wrqiPY&ref=share



    Warning: This video might be offensive because there are words, terms, slurs - racial and derogatory in nature. If you are sensitive to such things, don't watch this video.

    This video is actually for my girlfriend Nina because there are times where someone leaves a youtube comment on one of our videos and she sees a word, asks me about it, and it turns out to be a racist Asian slur (and she gets upset about it).

    But Nina should be aware of such words~

    So here are 30 racist Asian slurs from around the world:
    (directed towards Asians in general, as well as specifically to people from Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, India, half castes)

    1. Gook
    2. Yellow
    3. Slant
    4. Slit
    5. Squint
    6. Ching Chong
    7. Jap
    8. Pancake
    9. Rice Eater
    10. Chink
    11. Gink
    12. Banana
    13. Curry Muncher
    14. Egghead
    15. Ironing Board
    16. Coin Slot
    17. Socket Face
    18. Rice Ball
    19. Bruised Banana
    20. Chap
    21. Meat Pie
    22. Oreo
    23. Knees
    24. Pumpkinhead
    25. Burnt Rice
    26. Panhead
    27. UFO
    28. Pizdaglaz
    29. Little Hiroshima
    30. Waverunner

    Nina got a bit upset towards the end...

    Thanks for watching! And if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE ^^

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kentobento2015
    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kento-Bento/1541570546113993

    Additional tags: asian stereotypes, racism, asian guys, bullying, amwf, discrimination, asian eyes, asian facial hair, asian accents

