#1Deindustrialization - Wikipedia
De-industrialization is a process of social and economic change caused by the removal or reduction of industrial capacity or activity in a country or region ...
#2Deindustrialization -- Its Causes and Implications
On the contrary, deindustrialization is simply the natural outcome of successful economic development and is generally associated with rising living standards.
#3Deindustrialization - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
At its most basic level, de-industrialization refers to the contraction and decline of the weight of manufacturing industry within an economy. This is usually ...
Deindustrialization in more economically and technologically developed regions has also been affected by increased industrial productivity. 來自. Wikipedia.
#5Premature deindustrialization: the new threat to global economic
Deindustrialization is especially severe in Latin America and Africa. Mexico is a case in point. As Americans are well aware, a number of large ...
#63 Causes of Deindustrialization - ThoughtCo
Deindustrialization is the process by which manufacturing declines in a society or region as a proportion of total economic activity.
#7Globalization, Failure, or Success? - jstor
EXPLAINING DEINDUSTRIALIZATION: GLOBALIZATION, FAILURE, OR SUCCESS? Arthur S. Alderson. Indiana University. Although sociologists have expressed growing ...
#8"After Industry" – The Economic and Social Consequences of ...
As pointed out by Walkerdine and Jimenez in 2012, deindustrialization has consequences beyond economic organization and workplaces themselves.
#9The Social Costs Of Deindustrialization | YSU
Deindustrialization is the direct result of corporate and governmental decisions that have not only displaced millions of American workers, but also done major ...
Premature deindustrialization in Latin America. 2. This document was prepared by Mario Castillo, Chief of the Unit of Innovation and New Technologies of the.
Four shades of deindustrialization. Keno Haverkamp. UNIDO Consultant. Michele Clara. UNIDO. UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION. Vienna, 2019 ...
#12Full article: Deindustrialization in cities of the Global South
由 S Schindler 著作 · 2020 · 被引用 17 次 — Recent research by economists has shown that deindustrialization is more severe in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America than it ever was in ...
#13The Half-Life of Deindustrialization - The University of ...
The Half-Life of Deindustrialization. Working-Class Writing about Economic Restructuring. Sherry Lee Linkon. Examines how contemporary American working- ...
#14Rethinking deindustrialization | Economic Policy
Summary. Manufacturing in high-income countries is on the decline and Denmark is no exception. Manufacturing employment and the number of ...
#15Manufacturing, Services and Premature Deindustrialization in ...
This paper uses a Kaldorian framework to examine the evidence of deindustrialization in developing countries at low levels of income, the jobless growth in ...
#16Manufactured Crisis: "Deindustrialization," Free Markets, and ...
Manufactured Crisis: “Deindustrialization,” Free Markets, and National Security. Expansive new security nationalism proposals warrant extreme ...
#17Deindustrialization and Industry Polarization | NBER
We find that sector-biased productivity growth is important for deindustrialization by reducing the relative price of manufacturing to services, ...
#18Deindustrialization – Opportunity or Threat?
According to them, positive deindustrialization “occurs because productivity growth in this sector is so rapid that, despite increasing output, employment in ...
#19Deindustrialization and the shift to services - Bureau of Labor ...
the deindustrialization of the United States and the need for a national industrial policy. t The well-reported growth in employment in the service sector ...
#20Premature deindustrialization - EconPapers
By Dani Rodrik; Abstract: Abstract I document a significant deindustrialization trend in recent decades that goes considerably beyond the.
#21The Work of Art in the Age of Deindustrialization | Jasper Bernes
A novel account of the relationship between postindustrial capitalism and postmodern culture, this book looks at American poetry and art of the last fifty ...
#22China is deindustrializing but has a way to go to match other ...
In 2012, China's industrial employment growth stopped. In subsequent years, the Chinese economy began deindustrializing.
#23What is Deindustrialization? - Definition & Examples - Study.com
Deindustrialization refers to the socioeconomic condition wherein a region's industrial activity or capacity is removed or reduced.
#24Deindustrialization in Africa
Deindustrialization in Africa. Richard Grabowski, Southern Illinois University. Abstract. Economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has been characterized by ...
#25Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in Romania
Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in Romania. Economic Strategy Challenges. Authors; (view affiliations). Luminița Chivu; Constantin Ciutacu ...
#26Deindustrialization: Its Causes and Implications - ResearchGate
PDF | All advanced economies have experienced a secular decline in the share of manufacturing employmenta phenomenon referred to as deindustrialization.
#27deindustrialization - Wiktionary
EnglishEdit. Alternative formsEdit · deindustrialisation. EtymologyEdit. From de- + industrialization or deindustrialize + -ation. PronunciationEdit.
#28concepts, causes, effects and the Brazilian case Regional ...
This paper aims to analyze the process of deindustrialization of the Brazilian economy from a regional perspective. Since the mid-2000s there has been an ...
#29Deindustrialization and Industrial Redevelopment in Chicago
Cornell University Press fosters a culture of broad and sustained inquiry through the publication of scholarship that is engaged, influential, ...
#30Deindustrialization, Distribution, and Development
The core focus of the book is the emergent processes of stalled industrialization and the spectre of premature deindustrialization in developing countries.
#31Beyond the Ruins: The Meanings of Deindustrialization (Ilr ...
Beyond the Ruins: The Meanings of Deindustrialization (Ilr Press Books) [Cowie, Jefferson, Heathcott, Joseph, Bluestone, Barry] on Amazon.com.
#32Chart of the Week: Brazil's Slide into Deindustrialization
Source: Trading Away Industrialization? Contexts and Prospects of the EU-MERCOSUR Agreement, Boston University Global Development Policy Center, ...
#33De-Industrialization | Encyclopedia.com
In the 1970s, many U.S. corporations began to shut down their plants in high wage areas and relocated them in the newly industrialized, cheap labor areas of ...
#34Deindustrialization in the Great Lakes - SAGE Journals
We then present findings that indicate the Great Lakes region is experiencing deindustrialization. The region is undergoing a structural decline in ...
#35Made in Somewhere Else: How Premature Deindustrialization ...
In general, countries do eventually deindustrialize and shift to services. However, for too many developing countries today, the tendency is to ...
#36Deindustrialization - Kollmeyer - - Major Reference Works
Deindustrialization generally refers to the slow and steady decline of manufacturing employment, which has occurred in nearly all highly ...
#37Premature deindustrialization - Dani Rodrik
Keywords Deindustrialization · Industrialization · Economic growth. JEL classification 014. 1 Introduction. Our modern world is in many ways ...
#38About: Deindustrialization - DBpedia
At a more fundamental level, Cairncross and Lever offer four possible definitions of deindustrialization: 1. * A straightforward long-term decline in the ...
#3938. Deindustrialization and premature ... - Free
Deindustrialization and premature deindustrialization. Fiona Tregenna*. INTRODUCTION. Classical development economics, especially structuralist approaches, ...
#40Deindustrialization and Casinos: A Winning Hand? - Routledge
As governments increasingly legalize and expand the availability of casinos, hoping to offset the impacts of manufacturing decline through the advancement ...
#41Deindustrialization - Oxford Reference
deindustrialization. Quick Reference. A substantial fall in the importance of the manufacturing sector in the economy of an industrialized nation as it ...
#42Documenting Deindustrialization | Ball State University
It has undertaken several projects as part of its Documenting Deindustrialization initiative: Organized Labor in Muncie: An Oral History ...
#43Does Premature Deindustrialization Matter? The Role of ...
The shares of manufacturing in value added and employment across a range of developing economies peaked at lower levels of per capita income compared with their ...
#44Deindustrialization - Economics Help
Deindustrialisation involves a decrease in the relative size and importance of the industrial sector in an economy. It may involve a decrease in ...
#45Deindustrialization and Deaths of Despair: Mapping the ...
A large literature on deaths of despair argues that workers' declining life expectancy in deindustrialized rustbelt areas in the U.S. ...
#46The Uneven Pace of Deindustrialization in the OECD *
of growth, the economic forces behind deindustrialization and the reasons why its pace varied so markedly across OECD countries are not well understood.
#47Regional Patterns of Deindustrialization and Prospects for ...
Results of investigation reveal spatial clustering of economic activity. Traits of deindustrialization are observed in metropolitan areas and in regions on ...
#48Op-Ed: Deindustrialization Isn't (Just) a White Working-Class ...
Deindustrialization has negatively impacted black and white workers alike, but white Americans have historically recovered more easily from ...
#49Deindustrialization of old industrial regions in Turkey
The deindustrialization of a region can be explained through agglomeration effects, regional and city planning policies or policies in urbanization.
#50The Perils of Premature Deindustrialization by Dani Rodrik
It is not clear why developing countries are deindustrializing so early in their growth trajectories. One obvious culprit may be globalization ...
#5117.5B: Disinvestment and Deindustrialization - Social Science ...
Deindustrialization refers to the process of social and economic change ignited by the removal or reduction of industrial activity/capacity in ...
#52Deindustrialization Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of DEINDUSTRIALIZATION is the reduction or destruction of a nation's or region's industrial capacity.
#53Structural transformation: how did today's rich countries ...
Most of the advanced economies of the world have been deindustrializing for decades and have moved into a new 'post-industrial' phase of ...
#54COVID-19 expedites deindustrialization in Indonesia - Economy
The COVID-19 pandemic may have expedited the deindustrialization of Indonesia's economy as businesses and workers have been pushed out of ...
#55Deindustrialization and the Postindustrial City, 1950–Present
The process of urban deindustrialization has been long and uneven. Even the terms “deindustrial” and “postindustrial” are contested; most cities continue to ...
#56Phases and Variables Linked to Deindustrialization - SciELO ...
According to studies on spatial and industrial economics, deindustrialization involves the loss of importance of the manufacturing industry in the labor ...
#57Deindustrialization - Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia |
Using the percentage of private nonagricultural jobs in manufacturing as an indicator, deindustrialization began in the nation, city, and region about 1920; ...
#58Deindustrialization as risk environment for overdose - PubMed
"There's nothing here": Deindustrialization as risk environment for overdose ... to drug overdose in a deindustrialized region of the United States.
#59Premature Deindustrialization - Global Social Theory
The 'premature deindustrialization' thesis advanced by economist Dani Rodrik (2016), de-centres former sites of Fordist manufacturing in the Global North in ...
#60Deindustrialization and the Polarization of Household Incomes
Deindustrialization and the. Polarization of Household Incomes: The Example of Urban Agglomerations in Germany. Jan Goebel and Martin Gornig. 7552015.
#61Globalization and Deindustrialization: Direct lnvestment and ...
Globalization and Deindustrialization: Direct lnvestment and the Decline of Manufacturing Employment in 17 OECD Nations. Journal of World-Systems Research, ...
#62Input-Output Analysis of Deindustrialization and Outsourcing
Abstract: The paper deals with the topic of deindustrialization as a process of a decreasing relative importance of manufacturing. While the decrease of ...
#63Robie Kholilurrahman Politics of Premature Deindustrialization
While deindustrialization in developed countries could mean a maturation of the economy as the bulk of industry shifted from shop floor factories to high-tech ...
#64Deindustrialization and the American City - The Consilience ...
The societal effects of deindustrialization are in principle similar everywhere, regardless of local conditions. In areas that rely on industry, ...
#65Deindustrialization: Causes and Implications - SSRN Papers
All advanced economies have experienced a secular decline in the share of manufacturing employment a phenomenon referred to as ...
#66The Aftermath of Deindustrialization - Digital Commons ...
The Aftermath of Deindustrialization: The Meaning of "Economic. Restructuring" in Buffalo, New York. David C. Perry.
#67Deindustrialization and the Dutch Disease - Centre for ...
... the essence of the Dutch Disease may be summarized as the tendency of natural resource discoveries to give rise to 'deindustrialization'.
#6810. Deindustrialization and the Global Imperative - De Gruyter
Deindustrialization and the Global Imperative. From the book The Industrialists. Jennifer A. Delton. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780691203324-012. Cite this.
#69Premature Deindustrialization and Stalled Development, the ...
Premature Deindustrialization and Stalled. Development, the Fate of Countries Failing. Structural Transformation? Helen Kirsch. Published: March 2018.
#70Deindustrialization, economic complexity and exchange rate ...
Deindustrialization, economic complexity and exchange rate overvaluation: the case of Brazil (1998-2017). Authors. José Luis Oreiro Universidade ...
#71A Study of the Process and Types of Deindustrialization in the ...
My goal in this article is to analyze the process of deindustrialization from the aspect of the labor market. Accepting the definition of the relevant ...
#72Deindustrialization in 18th and 19th Century India: - University ...
Globalization and the Great Divergence: Was Indian Deindustrialization after 1750 Different? Jeffrey G. Williamson. Harvard University. July ...
#75Explaining Deindustrialization: How Affluence, Productivity ...
This study analyzes why the world's most economically advanced countries have deindustrialized over the last few decades. Previous research focuses on three ...
#76Urban deindustrialization - GeographyCaseStudy.Com
What is urban deindustrialization? · A decline in the percentage share of manufacturing employment compared to the percentage in other economic sectors · A ...
#77WCP: Deindustrialization as a Template for COVID-19
No doubt, coronavirus is a natural disaster that is more contagious, widespread, and deadly than the economic disaster of deindustrialization. But the struggles ...
#78Are there Good and Bad Varieties of Deindustrialisation?
Deindustrialization has become the experience of many middle income developing countries. This week on the ESRC GPID blog we start a series ...
#79Why premature deindustrialization is really bad news for ...
Unfortunately, guru economist Dani Rodrik has also found something not so positive following the same pattern – premature deindustrialization.
#80Deindustrialization – and the Politics of Our Time
Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time (DePOT) examines the historical roots and lived experience of deindustrialization as well as the political ...
#81Issue 1: Deindustrialization and the New Cultures of Work
Introduction: The Spirit of Capital in an Age of Deindustrialization. Annie McClanahan. Character, Genre, Labor: The Office Novel after Deindustrialization.
#82Trade liberalization and premature deindustrialization in ...
This work analyzes the phenomenon of premature deindustrialization for Colombia and for other seven Latin American countries.
#83Nature of Indonesia’s Deindustrialization - UNNES ...
Descriptive analysis shows that deindustrialization in Indonesia prevails with downward trend of value-added, trade performance, and ...
#84SSHRC awards $2.5M to Concordia-led collaborative ...
Twenty-four researchers and dozens of partner organizations will collaborate on an investigation into deindustrialization and its political ...
#85Research Projects - Institute of Developing Economies
It has been pointed out, however, that employment by the sector has been rather stable in the world economy and that there is a trend toward deindustrialization ...
#86Premature deindustrialization in Spain | BBVA Research
The Spanish economy has been experiencing a trend toward deindustrialization and tertiarization since the 1980s. This has seemingly led to a pattern of ...
#87Deindustrialization & Its Aftermath: Class, Culture & Resistance
The study of deindustrialization thus emerged in response to the catastrophic decline of employment in manufacturing and basic industries. By ...
#88Globalization and Deindustrialization: The Political Economy ...
Globalization and Deindustrialization: The Political Economy of Domestic Institutions (or Lack Thereof) in the Post-New Order Indonesia.
#89Is Deindustrialization a Threat to Democracy? - Center for ...
Most rich countries followed the same historical path to economic development: a period of industrialization, followed by rising ...
#90Deindustrialization and regional economic transformation :
Deindustrialization and regional economic transformation : the experience of the United States / edited by Lloyd Rodwin, Hidehiko Sazanami.
#91Premature deindustrialization and inequality | Emerald Insight
The purpose of the paper is to determine why premature deindustrialization is occurring in many developing countries. Design/methodology/ ...
#92What is Premature Deindustrialization? - Tutor2u
The idea of premature deindustrialisation has been promoted by the development economist Dani Rodrik who wrote in 2015 that "countries are ...
Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries as a group have been deindustrializing for more than three decades. Logistic growth functions of the ...
#94Premature Deindustrialization Dani Rodrik - Institute for ...
I document a significant deindustrialization trend in recent decades, that goes considerably beyond the advanced, post-industrial economies.
#95Trade and Industry: Deindustrialization Lesson Developer : Dr.
Trade and Industry: Deindustrialization. 3. Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi. 5.1: Trade and industry: de-industrialization.
#96The Deindustrialized World - UBC Press
The Deindustrialized World interrogates the process of industrial ruination, from the first impact of layoffs in metropolitan cities, suburban areas, ...
#9719 Facts About the Deindustrialization of America That Will ...
It was the great American manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. But now we are witnessing the deindustrialization ...
#98The Emotional Fallout of Deindustrialization in Detroit | Labor
The study of deindustrialization in North America is very much bound up in this deepening crisis. In the late 1970s, US economists Barry ...
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