在 defamatory產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11萬的網紅Vaune Phan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, It can be terrifying to know that a person whom you never knew existed could be so relentless in his acts of malice towards you, attacking your work a...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Jonathan Wong 王梓軒,也在其Youtube影片中提到,參加辦法 1) 請去Facebook "Like" http://www.facebook.com/jonathanwongcheehynn 2) 拍一段自己翻唱既片段 3) 在2012年5月29號前到 http://youtu.be/9S4BJz73j-I 作出影片回應並在"說明"內填...
- 關於defamatory 在 M A R I A ? Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於defamatory 在 It's Vaune Phan Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於defamatory 在 Jillliyana Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於defamatory 在 Vaune Phan Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於defamatory 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於defamatory 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於defamatory 在 Jonathan Wong 王梓軒 Youtube 的最讚貼文
defamatory 在 M A R I A ? Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-06-15 15:04:38
The LGBTQ+ community has always been subjected to stereotypes. It has always been unfounded and quite literally unhealthy as it puts us through negati...
defamatory 在 It's Vaune Phan Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-02-03 14:39:04
It can be terrifying to know that a person whom you never knew existed could be so relentless in his acts of malice towards you, attacking your work a...
defamatory 在 Jillliyana Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-09-21 14:08:30
3 criteria to be fulfilled before defamation can be established: 1. The statement must be defamatory 2. The statement must refer to or identify the pe...
defamatory 在 Jonathan Wong 王梓軒 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2012-05-23 19:07:34參加辦法
1) 請去Facebook "Like" http://www.facebook.com/jonathanwongcheehynn
2) 拍一段自己翻唱既片段
3) 在2012年5月29號前到 http://youtu.be/9S4BJz73j-I 作出影片回應並在"說明"內填寫您的Facebook用戶名稱(香港時間下午6時正截止)
大家發揮創意喇!觀看次數最多既參賽者,將會贏取 Jonathan 親筆簽名 Sennheiser HD429 耳筒一套
How to participate
1) Go to Facebook and "Like" http://www.facebook.com/jonathanwongcheehynn
2) Create your own rendition of the Your Song chorus
3) Upload the video as a video response to the MV http://youtu.be/9S4BJz73j-I and mention your Facebook user name under 'Description' by 29 May (Competition closes 6pm Hong Kong time)
Unleash your creativity - whether it be singing, dancing, rap, drawing...anything you can think of! The video with the most view counts at the end of the competition will win a Sennheiser HD429 Headphone signed by Jon himself!
- 所有年滿18歲或以上之香港市民、香港永久性居民及居港外籍人士均可參加比賽。
- 參賽錄像短片不可含任何穢褻、猥褻、穢褻露體或不當之內容,亦不可鼓吹宗教或種族偏見。如有違反,則該等短片將無權參賽,參賽者亦必須為於互聯網上載該等短片負上全部責任。
• 勝出者必須親自前往「香港中環皇后大道中99號中環中心42樓4202室」領取獎品。
- 本比賽並非由Facebook及Youtube贊助、認可或管理,亦與Facebook或Youtube無任何關係。
- 如有任何爭議,OMF Music 保留本條款及細則之最終詮釋權。
Terms and Conditions:
•The competition is open to all citizens, permanent residents and foreigners residing in Hong Kong aged 18 and above.
• Video content must not involve any obscene, defamatory, obscene exposure, or promote religious or racial bigotry, or other potentially objectionable aim and should not include content that is considered inappropriate. These videos will not be deemed eligible for the competition and participants will have full responsibility for posting videos on the Internet.
• Prize winner is required to personally redeem the prize at the following location: Unit 4202, 42/F, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central
•This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by or associated with Facebook and Youtube.
•In case of any dispute, OMF Music reserves the right to the final interpretation of these terms and conditions.
defamatory 在 Vaune Phan Facebook 的最佳解答
It can be terrifying to know that a person whom you never knew existed could be so relentless in his acts of malice towards you, attacking your work and personal life.
But finally on 15th Dec 2020, the State Court have ordered him to pay S$104,427.80 in damages and legal costs, and an Injunction for his past, present and future defamatory actions towards me. I hope he realises that there are other least expensive and foolish ways to get a girl's attention.
I am extremely thankful for all those who stood by me, and I'm grateful to be represented by Mr. Suresh Divyanathan and Ms Cherisse Foo from Oon & Bazul LLP who argued my case accurately and successfully in Court that ensured due justice was brought upon.
As quoted by Mr Suresh Divyanathan, “This judgment sets an important precedent in showing that social media personalities who are wrongfully defamed online can recover substantial damages from the perpetrators. Netizens should take this as a timely warning that their behaviour online should be no less civilized than their behaviour in person because Singapore Courts will not tolerate internet defamation."
Like I said, think twice before you slander someone because at the end of the day, you get served what you deserve.
You're officially #blackmarked.
defamatory 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文
Next Digital founder Jimmy Lai is taking newspaper Ta Kung Pao to court over its publication of an allegedly defamatory article in June that claims he intends to abscond from Hong Kong in breach of bail conditions.
Read more: https://bit.ly/2KGzHzT
壹傳媒創辦人黎智英入稟高等法院,控告《大公報》今年6月發表題為〈亂港頭目謀「著草」 路線曝光 收費100萬〉的頭版文章,指內容屬惡意誹謗。黎智英要求法院禁制《大公報》發佈同類內容,並下令其刊登道歉聲明,並作出賠償。
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defamatory 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
當時仍屬親英的譚惠珠領頭審議草案委員會,負責擬定《立法局(權力及特權)條例》草案,打算確立立法會日後地位,保障97後的香港自主性。然而,由於條文中有誹謗性藐視(Defamatory contempt)的罪行,尤其第19條第2節中有禁止侮辱 (insult) 議員等字眼,大律師公會、香港律師會及記協等組織都大力批評條例有侵犯言論及新聞自由的風險。由於輿情驚動倫敦,最終港英回應訴求,刪減相關誹謗性藐視的條文,英方也表明港英需要吸收更多自主的經驗教訓(there is a need for the Hong Kong Government and UMELCO to learn the wider lessons of growing autonomy)。故此特權法不單止為立法會本身充權,當年在立法過程中也為體現香港步向自主上了重要的一課。
英方與港英政府其後進行賽後檢討,除了分析民間強烈反對的原因,包括港英錯誤預計公眾反應及欠缺政治觸覺(political feel)外,更提出一個具前瞻性的憂慮,特權法有機會被表面地解讀。當年仍任職英國外交部政務官的衛奕信講明,指望中方「合理」地應用法律條文顯然是不足的(with the Chinese dimension, it is clearly not sufficient to rely on the "reasonable" application of the law),難保日後會出現條文被表面地(literally)解讀及僵化地(rigidly)執行的情況,提醒港英日後立法應多加注意。有見今日政府表面地闡釋條文中「干預」、「藐視」及「阻礙」等行為,令立會主席「煩躁不安,精神受挫」也成為干預議會運作的理據【註二】時,相信已經違反英方合理地應用的立法原意。
時任英國外交部香港司司長高德年(Anthony Galsworthy)早就預視97後中方一定會向立法會施壓,因此,特權法中誹謗性藐視的條文本為防止議員受左報的個人攻擊(personal attack)。英方立法原意雖好,但若當初條文沒有受民間壓力而「減辣」的話,現時何君堯或聲稱自己在議會被「侮辱」,指控林卓廷等人藐視立法會,將原告變被告,特權法成為更具威脅性的法律武器控告議員。
1985 FCO 40 1811 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
1985 FCO 40 1812 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
1985 FCO 40 1813 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
【註二】蘋果新聞:大搜捕|建制郭偉強施暴獲律政司介入放生 朱凱廸陳志全許智峯潑臭水被控「侵害罪」 「令梁君彥精神受損」https://bit.ly/3kGLlY1
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