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在 damsel產品中有40篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, See a Mighty Jesus “In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple. Abov...

 同時也有28部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#日本ファルコムが発売した、98用ARPG'('91年)からのSFC移植版。光栄 が開発・発売を行った。 主な変更点としては、カジノがサウンドテストルームに差し替えられ、金稼ぎは不可、ミニマップやアイテムメニューが個別画面になり、アイテムメニュー以外は時間が停止、ミニマップは、移動した場所が記録され...

  • damsel 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-31 10:21:06
    有 78 人按讚

    See a Mighty Jesus

    “In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each one had six wings. With two he covered his face. With two he covered his feet. With two he flew. One called to another, and said, “Holy, holy, holy, is Yahweh of Armies! The whole earth is full of his glory!” The foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke.” (Isaiah‬ ‭6:1-4‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Picture this majestic vision. The mortal king of Israel had just died, and the Lord Christ revealed Himself, seated on His throne of glory which was high and lifted up, and the train of His robes filled the whole temple. The longer the train, the more honorable the king is—it was a picture of the supreme ruler. The King of kings and Lord of lords!

    No mortal king rules forever, so regardless of who rules in Israel, Christ is the ultimate king who is watching over the nation, protecting it from all her enemies.

    We can benefit from seeing Jesus in His love and Grace, and also from seeing Him in His power and authority. However, the former is more important to be established in first because without having a sense of being loved by Him, you will be afraid of Him due to the latter.

    Behold Jesus in His power. Can any enemy stand against a God like that? He is Yahweh of Armies, who commands the seraphim, the cherubim, the four living creatures, the chariots of fire, and all the heavenly armies. The natural elements of this world like the wind and waves obey His word, and nothing can resist His command.

    When we magnify the Lord in our hearts, we won’t fear the enemies because the greatness of our God overshadows the problems we face in life.

    What does the passage mean when it says that “the house was filled with smoke”? This smoke is the smoke from the altar of incense, which is a picture of the prayers being offered up by the nation of Israel. The people were crying out for God to help them, and that is why the temple was filled with smoke—the many prayers of the people.

    “The Lord said, “Listen to what the unrighteous judge says. Won’t God avenge his chosen ones, who are crying out to him day and night, and yet he exercises patience with them? I tell you that he will avenge them quickly. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”” (Luke‬ ‭18:6-8‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    God is being patient, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance in Christ Jesus. There is a day of vengeance coming, which is the period of time called the Tribulation and the Day of Christ, and it will be horrible for the inhabitants of this earth who have not received Jesus Christ as Lord. We won’t be going through the Tribulation, but we will be returning to earth with Jesus on the Day of Christ (popularly known as the Second Coming).

    Our Lord is not coming back as a meek Lamb, but as the mighty Lion of the tribe of Judah.

    “I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it is called Faithful and True. In righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has names written and a name written which no one knows but he himself. He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood. His name is called “The Word of God.” The armies which are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in white, pure, fine linen. Out of his mouth proceeds a sharp, double-edged sword, that with it he should strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He treads the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty. He has on his garment and on his thigh a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND Lord OF LORDS.”” (Revelation‬ ‭19:11-16‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    We have to change the picture of the ascended Jesus we have in our minds. He is no longer the bleeding and suffering man of sorrows who was so injured that He fell from the weigh of the cross that He was carrying.

    He is now high and lifted up, back on His throne of glory, with all the heavenly armies at His command. In fairy tales, there is often a handsome prince on a white horse that whisks the damsel in distress away to a happy ending where they ride away together into the sunset. Where did humans get this picture from?

    “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in their hearts, yet so that man can’t find out the work that God has done from the beginning even to the end.” (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    God has set eternity into the hearts of men. Jesus is the prince who will save Israel from her oppressors. When you think of Jesus today, see a mighty King who commands the heavenly armies to fight your battles for you. He does this because He loves you!

    My vision drawings was one of the Bible Study series shared for GEM patrons on Patreon. Join our Patreon community to receive fresh rhema words from the Holy Spirit to help you in every season of life: http://patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • damsel 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-25 12:00:07
    有 8,409 人按讚

    面臨片荒的羅伯.派汀森(Robert Pattinson)在走投無路之際,獲得了與大導諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)面談的一次良機。但在過程中,他卻偷偷覬覦諾蘭手邊的一塊巧克力。在面試時要東西吃,究竟會不會讓自己顯得不專業?

    「我為參加這部片的試鏡感到很尷尬,因為我根本不知道怎麼演這個角色。試鏡本身也是無意義的,因為他們要的根本只是一個模特兒。」回到《暮光之城 Twilight》(2008)當時的試鏡經驗,羅伯.派汀森(Robert Pattinson)如是說。

    羅伯.派汀森可不是吃了誠實豆沙包,而是他出道以來的「人設」似乎就是如此。或許可以讓他如此放得開,想說什麼就說什麼,很大原因是他起先根本沒打算要成為一個職業演員,所以根本毫無包袱可言。即便已經以《哈利波特:火盃的考驗 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire》(2005)成名,他還是考慮轉而去讀大學、走上從政之路。


    但在13歲那年,一部《飛越杜鵑窩 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest》(1975)改變了他的命運。傑克.尼克遜(Jack Nicholson)的精彩詮釋成為派汀森的楷模,他花了很多時間嘗試模仿他的口音。後來在爸爸鼓勵之下,派汀森開始參加劇團,逐漸走上表演之路。而且極其幸運的是,他第一部擔綱主演的電影就是《哈利波特:火盃的考驗》,在劇中飾演要角西追.迪哥里。



    直到《暮光之城》完結之後,派汀森有感自己終於得以卸下重擔,能去演一些自己真正想演的作品。不過天不從人願,他有機會參演的作品以獨立製片為主。許多媒體盛傳,羅伯.派汀森之所以去接觸像《夢遊大都會 Cosmopolis》(2012)、《燈塔 The Lighthouse》(2019)這樣奇特的獨立電影、藝術電影,是因為他錢已經賺夠多了,因此想要刻意向好萊塢唱反調,卸下自己的名人光環。

    但在2019年接受《衛報》專訪時,羅伯.派汀森親口破除了這項關於他的神話。他不諱言地說,自己從來沒有想要刻意「躲」進某個類型的作品之中,而單純只是沒有大片要用他。他自爆自己曾參與馬丁.史柯西斯(Martin Scorsese)和柯恩兄弟(Coen brothers)等導演的作品試鏡,卻全沒被選中。


    2018年是羅伯.派汀森演藝生涯最低潮的一年,當年他有兩部主演作品問世,分別是《Damsel》與《黑洞迷情 High Life》,反響卻皆不如預期。小眾電影專業戶演員的標籤一時也難以撕下,而且也沒有新的工作機會找上門。就在此時,諾蘭找上了他,兩人暢聊了三小時之久。




    派汀森曾經埋怨自己之前拍的作品沒人看見,殊不知諾蘭其實都看見了。諾蘭後來承認自己找上他來主演的關鍵原因,就是因為看了他主演的《失落之城 The Lost City of Z》(2016)與《失速夜狂奔 Good Time》(2017),對他的轉變印象深刻。

    在劇中,羅伯.派汀森飾演「主角」約翰.大衛.華盛頓(John David Washington)的神秘幫手尼爾。他對足以逆向時間狀態能使物體的熵反轉的原理相當清楚,與主角發動一連攻勢,試圖阻止一起足以毀滅文明的陰謀。雖然不是第一主角,但派汀森的演出為角色添上了極富魅力的神秘感,為電影增色不少,在片末戲份亦令人難忘。

    在《TENET天能》之中,順行的時間與逆行的時間共同存在,是一個典型由諾蘭打造出來的國際諜報時空,原創性構想延續《全面啟動 Inception》(2010)、《星際效應 Interstellar》(2014)等作。上映之後雖然受到好評,但與諾蘭過去作品相似,觀眾如果不二刷、三刷,很難理解究竟自己看了什麼,燒腦到了極點。




    《TENET天能》已於 CATCHPLAY+上架:https://bit.ly/3wSwuRb
    文中提到的《失落之城》、《失速夜狂奔》及其他羅伯派汀森的作品皆可於CATCHPLAY+ 觀看,你也和諾蘭一樣賞識 #羅伯派汀森 的演出嗎?

  • damsel 在 Online Station Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-14 04:00:28
    有 46 人按讚

    ปักหมุดกันไว้เลย เป็นสาวววแล้วววววว!


  • damsel 在 translation Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-28 16:00:04

    #日本ファルコムが発売した、98用ARPG'('91年)からのSFC移植版。光栄 が開発・発売を行った。


    Manufacture: 1994.06.25 koei
    computer: super famicom
    Hardware: spc700
    00:00:00 01.Brandish (Japanese) (オープニング)
    00:04:15 02.Brandish (American) (オープニング/USA版)
    00:10:03 03.Eternal Prison (RUINSステージ)
    00:15:53 04.Lively Shop / shop 2 (お店)
    00:18:23 05.Discouraging View (古代の彫像イベント)
    00:22:55 06.Driven By Revenge (ドーラ関連イベント)
    00:25:22 07.Quiet Shop / shop 1 (カジノ,一部の店)
    00:33:46 08.Magic Duel (ディンク戦)
    00:42:10 09.Death Claw (クラブデビル戦)
    00:50:33 10.Synchronicity (ステージクリア)
    00:58:56 11.Up the Endless Labyrinth (TOWERステージ)
    01:07:20 12.Brutal Beating (ヘッドレス戦)
    01:15:44 13.Storm of Swords (ラクシャーサ戦)
    01:24:07 14.Game Over (ゲームオーバー)
    01:32:31 15.Bleak Horizon (CAVEステージ)
    01:40:55 16.Deceitful Damsel (ダースウィドウ(蜘蛛女)戦)
    01:49:18 17.Assassination (忍者マスター(忍者)戦)
    01:57:42 18.Maze of Darkness (DARK ZONEステージ)
    02:06:05 19.Within the Mighty Dragon (FORTRESSステージ)
    02:14:29 20.Pincer Attack (ロブスター戦)
    02:22:53 21.Three-Headed Firebreather (アジタカーハ戦)
    02:31:16 22.The Cursed King (ガドビスタル戦)
    02:39:40 23.Epilogue (エンディング 1)
    02:48:04 24.Warrior Report (エンディング 2 *Traditionのアレンジ)

  • damsel 在 七王 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-08-03 19:35:13

    Donkey Kong is an arcade game released by Nintendo in 1981. An early example of the platform game genre, the gameplay focuses on maneuvering the main character across a series of platforms while dodging and jumping over obstacles. In the game, Mario (originally named Mr. Video and then Jumpman) must rescue a damsel in distress named Pauline (originally named Lady), from a giant ape named Donkey Kong. The hero and ape later became two of Nintendo's most popular and recognizable characters. Donkey Kong is one of the most important games from the golden age of arcade video games as well as one of the most popular arcade games of all time.

    The game was the latest in a series of efforts by Nintendo to break into the North American market. Hiroshi Yamauchi, Nintendo's president at the time, assigned the project to a first-time video game designer named Shigeru Miyamoto. Drawing from a wide range of inspirations, including Popeye, Beauty and the Beast, and King Kong, Miyamoto developed the scenario and designed the game alongside Nintendo's chief engineer, Gunpei Yokoi. The two men broke new ground by using graphics as a means of characterization, including cutscenes to advance the game's plot, and integrating multiple stages into the gameplay.

    Although Nintendo's American staff was initially apprehensive, Donkey Kong succeeded commercially and critically in North America and Japan. Nintendo licensed the game to Coleco, who developed home console versions for numerous platforms. Other companies cloned Nintendo's hit and avoided royalties altogether. Miyamoto's characters appeared on cereal boxes, television cartoons, and dozens of other places. A lawsuit brought on by Universal City Studios (later Universal Studios), alleging Donkey Kong violated its trademark of King Kong, ultimately failed. The success of Donkey Kong and Nintendo's victory in the courtroom helped to position the company for video game market dominance from its release in 1981 until the late 1990s.


  • damsel 在 Elizabeth Yeung Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-04-05 19:01:22

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    INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/elizabethyeung
    FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/eli.yty

    DISCLAIMER: This is a collaboration video with Bloomingdale’s. All the items are picked by myself, all opinions are 100% honest and mine.

