

在 couplet產品中有51篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Yilianboy,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, . 春聯和我的右腳丫的新春合照 Translation: @benkongenglish . 財似鳥語不絕響 福如花香常芬芳 巢林一枝心無疆 . 大年初一 祝大家平安 我也同前幾年 替家裡寫了一副春聯 將我的願望寄託其中 希望我自己 我家人 我朋友 讀著這篇文章的你 能有持續性的錢財可以使用 能被...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過643的網紅Dickson Chai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Campaign : Blissful Together Brand : Auntie Anne's Malaysia Marketer : Dickson Chai Agency : Nil PROBLEM Auntie Anne’s is a well-known International...

  • couplet 在 Yilianboy Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-12 16:44:40
    有 608 人按讚


    Translation: @benkongenglish
    大年初一 祝大家平安
    我也同前幾年 替家裡寫了一副春聯
    希望我自己 我家人 我朋友 讀著這篇文章的你
    只需要 也只能 挑一枝樹枝築巢
    願我們知足常樂 心境廣闊無疆
    Endless fortune like bird sound.
    Countless blessing like the fragrance of flower.
    One wren nests on one branch in the woods, so do we, we don’t need much to be content.
    I wish everyone safe and sound on this first day of lunar new year.
    I made a couplet at home like the past few years and entrust my wishes with it.
    I wish my family, friends, you (who are reading this), and myself endless fortune to spend; surrounded by countless blessings; and like wrens in the woods, picking and only needing one branch to build a nest and be satisfied with it.
    Happy is he who is content. Let our minds and visions be limitless.

  • couplet 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-12 08:00:01
    有 9 人按讚


    除夕 Lunar New Year’s Eve
    大掃除 spring cleaning
    春聯 spring couplet
    麻將 Mahjong



  • couplet 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-11 21:54:39
    有 26 人按讚

    🎉Chinese New Year 新年​
    👉Lunar New Year 農曆新年​
    👉lunar 農曆的、月亮的 (a.)​
    E.g. My family will gather together on Chinese New Year’s Eve.​

    🎉reunion dinner 團圓飯​
    👉Chinese / Lunar New Year's Eve 除夕​
    👉red envelope 紅包​
    👉give / recieve red envelope 領 / 發紅包​
    E.g. I will give my parents red envelopes on Chinese New Year’s Eve.​

    🎉spring couplet 春聯​
    👉put on / hang (up) spring couplet 貼春聯​
    E.g. Hanging new spring couplets is one of the traditions on Chinese New Year.​

    🎉firecrackers 鞭炮​
    👉fireworks 煙火​
    👉set off firecrackers / fireworks 施放鞭炮 / 煙火​
    E.g. They set off a lot of firecrackers last night.​

    #英文實用單字 ​
    May there be surpluses year after year!​

    ✍️ 大考英文作文各大題型說明
    ✍️ 提升大考詞彙量
    ✍️ 近三年學測指考範文賞析

    【 十小時快速搞定學測指考英文作文高分攻略 】

    方案1 👉 單人購買 2490 / 人
    方案2👉 三人團購 1990 / 人




  • couplet 在 Dickson Chai Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-22 13:05:27

    Campaign : Blissful Together
    Brand : Auntie Anne's Malaysia
    Marketer : Dickson Chai
    Agency : Nil

    Auntie Anne’s is a well-known International Brand from U.S.A specializing in baked soft pretzels. The first outlet arrived at Malaysian shores 25 years ago and has since experienced continuous growth in both outlets and customer base.

    Sales during the Chinese New Year festive period (January to February) are typically non-peak season with lower-than-average volumes.Malaysians from city areas (where the majority of Auntie Anne’s outlets are located) back to their respective hometowns in sub-urban or rural areas to spend time with the family, traditionally the week preceding and during Chinese New Year. This leads to lower footfall at shopping areas and malls during this window, generating lower transactions.

    Auntie Anne’s devised a breakthrough strategy to increase brand presence, awareness and drive customers’ visitation to outlets when doing shopping in malls.

    The campaign’s concept – “Blissful Together”, inspired by “福” (Blissful) – a word commonly used during Chinese New Year seasons which means good wishes and also represents the joy and festive mood associated with Chinese New Year. Creatively combined the brand logo with the word “福”, fusing a Western brand with iconic traditional Chinese element, to become the central art of the campaign, making all customers felt like enjoying a piece of Auntie Anne’s means receiving a “Blissful” wishes from the brand during Chinese New Year.

    Campaign’s target audience was Malaysians of all races, all ages, including new and repeat customers.

    Auntie Anne’s used an integrated approach to maximise reach and engagement of target audience via relevant touch-points.

    Packaging: All packaging were changed into a couplet-like design with Auntie Anne’s version of “福” (Blissful) word on it, spreading the “Blissful” experience to every customer who visited Auntie Anne’s throughout the period.

    In-store promotional items: Utilized all potential spaces and real estate within each outlet to display campaign-related in-store items. All collaterals strongly presented the Auntie Anne’s version of “福” (Blissful) word and functioned like couplets display at outlets.

    Promotion Scheme: 3 promotional sets and used different “Blissful” levels to represent different promotional sets: i. “So Blissful” – RM8.50 (Original Stix + Any Pretzel) , ii. “More Blissful” – RM9.50 (Cinnamon Stix + Any Pretzel) , iii. “Very Blissful” – RM10.50 (Choco Eclairs Stix + Any Pretzel).

    Social Media: Consistent postings highlighting the couplet-like design packaging to bring up the festive mode among audience as well as a reminder to loyal fans and potential customers throughout campaign period.

    On ground:
    All Auntie Anne’s outlets turn into “Blissful” outlets by displaying all “Blissful Together” theme promotion materials.

    All outlet staffs strongly promote “Blissful” promotion set items with use of “Blissful” name for promotion items: “So Blissful”, “More Blissful” and “Very Blissful” instead items’ original names during the campaign.

    Only “Blissful” design packaging was used during the period to pack every product sold.

    On line:
    The campaign was announced through Facebook and Instagram page by changing the profile photos to display Auntie Anne’s version of “福” (Blissful) word and followed immediately by promotion information post on 1st day of campaign. Facebook and Website landing page cover pictures were changed to “Blissful Together” campaign key visuals to be consistent with the “Blissful” decoration displayed at physical outlets.

    1 social media posting was made on Facebook and Instagram platforms on average, every 2.5 days, about “Blissful Together” campaign to maintain the campaign hype and momentum.

    Successfully spread “Blissful” wishes to more than 945,000 customers with more than 1,790,000 “Blissful” packaging handed out together with the products sold – exceeding the sales made last year for same period by more than 41,000 units.

    A growth in Revenue of 5.6% and growth in number of transactions by 2.7% during the Chinese New Year period compared to last year. Average spending per transaction increased by 2.8% showing the direct impact of the promotional set items sold which encouraged customer’s higher spending or more quantity purchase per transaction.

    “Blissful Together” postings gained total of 42,622 reached with in Facebook fan page and 20,438 reached in Instagram during campaign period with ZERO advertising budget. “Blissful Together” first day posting achieved 5% engagement rate which was higher than industry benchmark (3-4%).

    Campaign successfully created a new mindset of inclusivity, reminding that festive seasons such as the Chinese New Year can be celebrated by all races through the concept of blending a western international brand with traditional Chinese culture to symbolize joy and fortune during Chinese New Year.

  • couplet 在 碰果手作Ponggo DIY Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-14 18:00:01

    收到瀑布紅包應該還是會蠻爽的啦 (*´艸`*)
    #領紅包 #過年 #鼠年

    另外IG的濾鏡這邊來喔 ponggo.diy
    (得用手機開才會看到濾鏡) https://goo.gl/4Y2w9f
    如果能加個 hashtag #碰果馬鈴鼠 我會更開心的XD

    1. 瀑布卡片模板 card download: https://pse.is/NEWRED
    2. 鉛筆 pencil
    3. 膠水/雙面膠 glue/ double sided tape
    4. 剪刀 Scissors
    5. 尺 ruler
    6. 紅包紙/春聯紙 spring couplet couplet paper
    7. 厚紙板 cardboard
    8. 裝飾貼紙 Deco from @安妮,手作吧! Let's Craft by Anny !
    (無償推薦XD) 這邊可以購買唷: https://www.craftbarshop.tw/

    ✂碰果手作 人氣影片══════════════
    2種英文藝術字 新手快速上手~增加手帳、卡片色彩

    底片膠卷 相片卡片 製作教學

    5個 大創 開學文具用品 (手作+分享)

    情人節 掰掰啾啾 環保卡片盒

    舊衣改造#2 牛仔褲手搖杯提袋製作

    ✂More Ponggo═════════════════
    Facebook: https://goo.gl/gLMZFa
    Instagram: https://goo.gl/4Y2w9f
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ponggo.diy


    All from DOVA

    This video is NOT sponsored.

  • couplet 在 碰果手作Ponggo DIY Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-01-29 18:00:00

    #豬年行大運 #春聯 #2019

    1.方春聯紙 spring couplet
    2.Uniball 白筆/牛奶筆 太字
    5.松林 櫻花金蔥筆-金色

    ✂碰果手作 人氣影片══════════════
    2種英文藝術字 新手快速上手~增加手帳、卡片色彩

    底片膠卷 相片卡片 製作教學

    5個 大創 開學文具用品 (手作+分享)

    情人節 掰掰啾啾 環保卡片盒

    舊衣改造#2 牛仔褲手搖杯提袋製作

    ✂More Ponggo═════════════════
    Facebook: https://goo.gl/gLMZFa
    Instagram: https://goo.gl/4Y2w9f



    This video is NOT sponsored.

