

在 councilor產品中有95篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Glad to welcome PRC State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to the Istana this morning. We reaffirmed the longstanding ties between our countri...

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councilor 在 許淑華 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 15:48:50

#關心阿富汗婦女處境 #我已寫信給聯合國請求給予協助 蔡英文總統說:「自己不作為,只依賴別人保護,不是我們的選項」,沒錯,台灣人的團結意識、對民主人權的堅定信念,是守護台灣不可或缺的力量,也是使台灣被國際認可的原因!但是國民黨部分親中份子正在挑撥台灣和盟友的互信、影響國際對台灣的信心,令人感到憤怒...

  • councilor 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-14 13:38:41
    有 7,466 人按讚

    Glad to welcome PRC State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to the Istana this morning.

    We reaffirmed the longstanding ties between our countries, and had a productive and candid discussion on international and regional developments. Despite challenging global circumstances in this pandemic, we have continued working closely, sharing resources and expertise to better manage the outbreak.

    Singapore welcomes China’s continued contribution in our part of the world, and will continue working with China to build a more harmonious and peaceful world. 🇸🇬🇨🇳 – LHL

    (MCI Photo by Ngau Kai Yan)

  • councilor 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-19 18:27:46
    有 2,442 人按讚





    “Don’t accept good things from bad people.”



    Dear Mr Guterres:

    After the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan, an Afghan girl cried to the camera in despair and fear: “We don't count because we're from Afghanistan... No one cares about us, We'll die slowly in history” This video makes me feel distressed as a woman, and I believe anyone can feel her helplessness! 

    At present, the international community, including Taiwan, is very worried about the situation of women in Afghanistan! Although the Taliban spokesperson announced at the press conference that women will be treated equally. Judging from the current situation after the transfer of the Afghan regime and the record of persecution of women during the Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, I have difficulties believing Afghanistan women will be treated equally according to their human rights.

    Therefore, as a global citizen and a woman, I sincerely request the United Nations to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghan women with substantive actions, such as providing shelters, so that Afghan women could have their due human rights, and live free from the shadow of violence and abuse all the time. I look forward to hearing from you!

    Hsu Shu-Hua,Taiwan, Taipei city Councilor

  • councilor 在 陳品安 苗栗縣議員 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-30 23:08:48
    有 231 人按讚

    (See the end of Chinese paragraphs for English translation.)

    今天(6/30)上午品安和 宋國鼎律師 苗栗縣議員 、邱顯智立委一起和代表菲律賓政府的馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處(MECO)留文克代理代表(Gilberto F. Lauengco)、高雄分處賴愛仁處長(Irene S. Ng)、台中分處勞工部比恩賽波主任(Bienvenido. A. Cerbo Jr.)及佳蕊副主任(Rosario C. Burayag)會面,並在下午陪同MECO的貴賓一起到縣府與陳斌山秘書長、勞工及青年發展處彭德俊處長及勞工服務科楊文東科長會談。





    In Wednesday (June 30) morning, I met with MECO's Acting Resident Representative Mr. Gilberto F. Lauengco, Kaoshiung Extenstion Office's Director Ms. Irene S. Ng, Philippine Overseas Labor Office's Director Mr. Bienvenido. A. Cerbo Jr. and Deputy Director Ms. Rosario C. Burayag along with my councilor colleague and a legislator. I also accompanied MECO's visit to Miaoli County Government the same afternoon, where we met with its Secretary General Chen, Director Peng of Youth and Labor Development Division and the Division's Section Chief Yang of Labor Services.

    There are close to 23,000 migrant workers in Miaoli (over 15,000 work as industry labors). Among all these migrant workers, about one third are from the Philippines. Mr. Lauengco had previously discussed this visit with representatives of Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand on Tuesday, and they all expressed concerns through MECO on the issues in relation to the recent capacity reduction and relocation of KYEC and Senhua dormitories, and on the County Government's controversial movement prohibitions against migrant workers. MECO also proposed a communications platform where the participation of workers, MECO, brokers/employers and the County Government could facilitate the workers' voice being heard, and relevant issues could be resolved with MECO and the County Government's joint mediation efforts with the brokers/employers.

    I was actually rather embarrassed during the meeting with MECO. Over the past few weeks I have publicly questioned the County Government's movement prohibitions against migrant workers, and have done my best in asking, through the County Government, that the brokers and employers correct the issues resulting from dormitory capacity reduction. Despite this, several incidents still occurred in which the workers' rights were compromised, and were even covered by international media.

    The movement prohibition is now cancelled and alert level 3 measures currently apply. However, the corrective actions required in relation to KYEC's Fullbee 1 dormitories, which violate government regulations, still require urgent attention. Sources indicate that KYEC and Senhua are currently looking for suitable replacement dormitories, and are expected to relocate close to 400 workers this weekend. I have received several messages from the workers, who do not wish to be moved, but while I understand that the workers may be shaken after the last chaotic relocation, we really cannot allow them to keep staying at dormitories which are against regulations and with safety concerns.

    Epidemic prevention in relation to migrant workers is the jurisdiction of Ministry of Labor in the central government, but the Ministry is placing all responsibilities on the employers and brokers. I understand that all these employers and brokers must have encountered many challenges for this reason, and the Ministry should really work on improvements in this regard. As for Miaoli's migrant workers, MECO will now provide assistance, and I hope that KYEC and Senhua could manage the upcoming relocation and the associated epidemic prevention work. Going forward, I will also continue to work, both with MECO and through the Country Government, on this issue with the workers' voice in mind.

