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雖然這篇Contradict synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Contradict synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 contradict產品中有77篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Excited to announce that Give Me This Mountain is now available in eBook and audiobook on Amazon! Give Me This Mountain is based on the life of a man...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集節目由 WORD UP 贊助播出 《字根字首魔法學院》 · 用字根字首,幫助你背單字,甚至輕鬆看懂沒學過的單字 · 開課老師:楊智民 — 字根字首研究權威、高中職教科書編著,以及語言學習榜暢銷作家 · 可愛美麗的動畫、親切人聲教學 · 現正優惠中 !!! 你的專屬連結:https://lih...

contradict 在 D I A N A A M I R Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 09:46:39

#BismillahiMashaAllah بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ 1. وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ 2. وَطُورِ سِينِينَ 3. وَهَٰذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ 4. لَق...

  • contradict 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-06 18:01:00
    有 2,755 人按讚

    Excited to announce that Give Me This Mountain is now available in eBook and audiobook on Amazon!

    Give Me This Mountain is based on the life of a man of faith in the Bible called Caleb. At 85 years old, he stood at the foot of a literal mountain that everyone said was impossible to conquer, a mountain crawling with enemy giants, and uttered those very words: “GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN!”

    I wrote this book because there is so much for us to learn from Caleb’s story when it comes to real, raw, and authentic faith. Faith that doesn’t disappear the moment life seems to contradict God’s promises. But faith that confronts fear, hopelessness, and every mountain standing in our way.

    Find out more about Give Me This Mountain here: https://amzn.to/3gXD2rY #GiveMeThisMountainBook

  • contradict 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-19 22:30:24
    有 87 人按讚

    立馬錄了銜接課第一堂的part 1給國三升高一的寶貝們,
    明天(5/20 四)晚上邀請大家上線觀賞喔!

    俐媽介紹了電影Click 「命運好好玩」,



    🌟 俐媽英文教室—星座篇part 1:
    ♈️ Aries 牡羊座
    🆗 confidence 自信/ self-awareness 自覺/ strength 力量/ fearlessness 無懼
    🆖 competitiveness 好競爭/ anger 憤怒/ tunnel vision 目光短淺/ obsessiveness 執著/ vanity 虛榮/ self-centeredness 自我中心
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:warrior mama 戰士媽咪

    ♉️ Taurus 金牛座
    🆗 stability 穩定/ good taste 好品味/ common sense 常識;有判斷力/ hard worker 努力工作
    🆖 indulgence 沈溺;縱容/ materialism 實利主義/ mood swings 喜怒無常/ vanity 虛榮
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:mullet mama 烏魚媽咪

    ♊️ Gemini 雙子座
    🆗 versatility 多才多藝/ youthfulness 年輕/ curiosity 好奇心/ open-mindedness 開明/ originality 原創力/ creativity 創意
    🆖 inconsistency 不一致/ lack of boundaries 沒有界限/ tendency to contradict self 自我矛盾/ impatience 沒耐心/ talking or lecturing instead of listening 只說不傾聽
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:a mom of many personalities 多重人格媽咪

    ♋️ Cancer 巨蟹座
    🆗 sensitivity 敏感/ comfort 安逸舒服/ good taste 好品味/ devotion 奉獻/ sentimentality 多愁善感
    🆖 overprotectiveness 過度保護/ mood swings 喜怒無常/ fearfulness 無懼/ jealousy 嫉妒
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:mother superior 上司媽咪

    ♌️ Leo 獅子座
    🆗 playfulness 放鬆玩笑/ leadership 領導特質/ creativity 創造力/ confidence 自信
    🆖 self-centeredness 自我中心/ drama 戲劇化/ too much energy 活力滿滿/ Pollyanna tendencies 盲目樂觀
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:hands-on mother 事必躬親媽咪

    ♍️ Virgo 處女座
    🆗 organization and structure 有組織有系統/ common sense 常識;有判斷力/ healthy habits 養成健康好習慣/ intellect 聰明
    🆖 judgmental 批判的/ worry and neuroses 愛操煩/ self-righteousness 自以爲/ tendency to overanalyze 喜分析
    ㊙️ 育兒特色:upright/free-spirited mommy 正直又自由的媽咪


  • contradict 在 PTT Gossiping 批踢踢八卦板 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-01 11:48:21
    有 207 人按讚

    蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen:『最新一期經濟學人的封面報導,提到台灣是「地球上最危險的地方」,引起許多對於台灣安全議題的討論。





    The cover of this week’s issue of The Economist
    , which calls Taiwan “the most dangerous place on earth,” prompted a great deal of discussion on our national security.
    The article highlights the threat that China’s military expansion poses to the Taiwan Strait and surrounding areas. I hope the Beijing authorities come to realize that the PLA’s actions in this regard contradict their own proclamations of China’s “peaceful rise” and are only driving greater international concern.
    But though Taiwan does face a real threat from China, I want to assure everyone that our government is fully capable of managing all potential risks and protecting our country from danger.
    Over the past few years, we have stayed on top of shifts in international supply chains and developed closer economic and security ties with our global partners. We have also actively worked to strengthen our national defense, especially our asymmetric capabilities. Taiwan is fulfilling our responsibility to uphold regional peace and stability. Our position remains consistent—we will neither bow to pressure nor act rashly when we have support. This approach has earned us international recognition as a responsible force for good in the Indo-Pacific region.
    Taiwan stands on the front lines of democracy worldwide. As long as the people of Taiwan remain united and uphold our core values while responding prudently to regional developments, we can overcome the challenges posed by authoritarian expansion. I trust that our like-minded partners, having seen the risks involved, will rise to this challenge and work together to maintain peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.

