[爆卦]Constituent 中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Constituent 中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Constituent 中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 constituent產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,196的網紅可貓all cat,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 疫情嚴重,注意健康,加油 2019-2020相關資料文獻整理 #新型冠狀病毒和黑種草油的科學研究 2019-nCoV & Nigella Sativa Science Researches #林博士聲明: 2020.01.28 1.本文為本人整理編寫的原創文獻醫學文稿,重要內容均注明原文出處...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,230的網紅初心者鉄道探検隊,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2018年8月11日撮影 東京メトロ日比谷線の上野駅に潜ってみました 1961年(昭和36年)3月28日日比谷線の駅が開業 銀座線と日比谷線のホーム番号(番線表示)は、続き番号ではなく、両線ともに1・2番線 東京メトロの路線同士では大変珍しい例 I went down to Ueno station...

constituent 在 國際內世鏡|Insight Into Issues Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 15:29:23

突尼西亞總統薩伊德(Kais Saied)昨(25)日將總理麥奇齊(Hichem Mechichi)解職並凍結國會,此舉恐導致突尼西亞陷入自2014年民主改革以來最嚴重的憲政危機,反對派更稱之為「政變」。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 綜合外媒報導,薩伊德在官邸召開緊急會議,他表示憲法不允許解散國會,但可...

  • constituent 在 可貓all cat Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-30 04:43:48
    有 0 人按讚


    2019-nCoV & Nigella Sativa Science
    #林博士聲明: 2020.01.28

    Antiviral effect-positive and single stranded RNA virus
    - 2019新型冠狀病毒(Novelcoronavirus),世界衛生組織命名縮寫為2019-nCoV、武漢肺炎(Wuhanpneumonia)等。2019新型冠狀病毒與2003年4月在亞洲爆發SARS,SARS-CoV都是正義單鏈RNA病毒(positivesinglestrandedRNAvirus),這類病毒還包括人類的C型肝炎病毒(HepacivirusC)。

    埃及30名患有C型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染患者,未經甲型干擾素(α-Interferon)治療,每天餐後食用黑種草油,每日3次,連續服用3個月後,可顯著改善HCV病毒載量(380808.7±610937vs147028.2±475225.6,P=0.001)和提高體內總抗氧化能力TAC(1.35±0.5vs1.612±0.56, P=0.001),與下列實驗室參數得到改善:總氮蛋白、白蛋白、紅血球細胞數、血小板計數和下肢水腫等臨床狀況指數。

    1.Barakat, EmanMahmoud Fathy, Lamia Mohamed El Wakeel, and RadwaSamir Hagag. "Effects of Nigella sativa on outcome of hepatitis C in Egypt." World journal of gastroenterology: WJG 19.16 (2013): 2529.
    2.Oyero, OlufunmilayoG., et al. "Selective inhibition of hepatitis c virus replication by Alpha-zam, a Nigella sativa seed formulation." African journal of traditional, complementary and alternative medicines 13.6 (2016): 144-148.

    (二) #免疫調節-提高巨噬細胞和樹突狀細胞作用.
    *Immunomodulatory effects
    - 研究顯示:黑種草油或其活性成分百里醌(TQ,Thymoquinone)可以調節免疫力(Th1和Th2),提高巨噬細胞(macrophage)和樹突狀細胞(dendriti)作用,顯示出有效的抗發炎作用。


    1.Akrom, Akrom, and MustofaMustofa. "Black cumin seed oil increases phagocytic activity and secretion of IL-12 by macrophages." Biomedical Research 28.12 (2017): 5241-5246.
    2.Finlay, Trisha M., et al. "Thymoquinone-induced Neu4 sialidase activates NFκB in macrophage cells and pro-inflammatory cytokines in vivo." Glycoconjugate journal 27.6 (2010): 583-600.
    3.Salem, Mohamed Labib. "Immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties of the Nigella sativa L. seed." International immunopharmacology 5.13-14 (2005): 1749-1770.

    (三) #善肺部發炎症狀和損傷
    Improve lung inflammation and injury
    - 動物研究顯示:黑種草和其提取物或百里醌(TQ)對氣管反應和肺部炎症有預防作用,黑種草油可顯著降低因高氧吸入引起的肺損傷。
    ●黑種草治療可抑制炎症性肺反應,顯著降低(p<0.05)支氣管周炎性細胞浸潤、肺泡中隔浸潤、肺泡水腫 肺泡滲出液、肺泡巨噬細胞和間質纖維化,肉芽腫和壞死形成。
    ●在組織病理學和免疫化學評估中,高氧+ 黑種草組的肺損傷嚴重程度明顯降低(P <.05),GSH-Px(穀胱甘肽氧化物酶)和SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)水平得到顯著保留MDA(血清脂質過氧化物)和MPO(骨髓過氧化酶)水平顯著低(P <.05)。


    (四) #解呼吸道發炎症狀
    Relief the symptoms of respiratory tract infection
    - 多篇人體臨床研究:黑種草油可顯著緩解咽喉炎或扁桃腺炎的咽喉腫痛,補充黑種草油可改善哮喘和肺功能。黑種草的精油成分可抑制氣管收縮和增加黏膜纖毛的清除率。
    80名哮喘患者的隨機,雙盲,安慰劑對照試驗,每天食用黑種草油兩次,連續4週,NSO組的平均哮喘控制測試得分顯著提高了21.1(標準差= 2.6)和19.6(標準差= 3.7)(p = 0.044),血液中的嗜酸性粒細胞減少了-50 (-155至-1)對15(-60至87)個細胞/μL(p = 0.013)。
    值顯著改善(P <0.05到P <0.001),與對照組相比有顯著差異(P <0.01到P <0.001)。

    ●天然氣管擴張劑,抑制氣管收縮和增加黏膜纖毛的清除2010年歐洲藥用植物和天然產品研究雜誌《Planta Medica》研究:黑種草的精油活性成分-百里醌(TQ) 、黑種草酮(Nigellone)是優於哮喘的吸入性氣管擴張藥fluticasone(屬類固醇類),賦予哮喘和過敏症患者帶來希望。
    2008年歐洲藥用植物和天然產品研究雜誌《Planta Medica》研究表明:黑種草油的精油成分黑種草酮(Nigellone)和百里醌(TQ)可用於治療不同的呼吸系統疾病,可緩解氣管的痙攣和增加黏膜纖毛的清除率。

    1.Dirjomuljono, M., et al. "Symptomatic treatment of acute tonsillo-pharyngitis patients with a combination of Nigella sativa and Phyllanthus niruriextract." International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 46.6 (2008): 295-306.
    2.Koshak, Abdulrahman, et al. "Nigella sativa supplementation improves asthma control and biomarkers: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial." PhytotherapyResearch 31.3 (2017): 403-409.
    3.Boskabady, Mohammad Hossein, et al. "The possible prophylactic effect of Nigella sativa seed extract in asthmatic patients." Fundamental & clinical pharmacology 21.5 (2007): 559-566.
    4.Boskabady, M. H., N. Mohsenpoor, and L. Takaloo. "Antiasthmaticeffect of Nigella sativa in airways of asthmatic patients." Phytomedicine 17.10 (2010): 707-713.
    5.Keyhanmanesh, Rana, et al. "The effect of thymoquinone, the main constituent of Nigella sativa on tracheal responsiveness and white blood cell count in lung lavage of sensitized guinea pigs." Planta medica 76.03 (2010): 218-222.
    6.Wienkötter, N., et al. "The effect of nigelloneand thymoquinone on inhibiting trachea contraction and mucociliaryclearance." Planta medica 74.02 (2008): 105-108.

    Colpitts, Che C., et al. "Turmeric curcumin inhibits entry of all hepatitis C virusgenotypes into human liver cells." Gut 63.7 (2014): 1137-1149
    Avasarala, Sreedevi, et al. "Curcumin modulates the inflammatory response and inhibits subsequent fibrosis in a mouse model of viral-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome." PloSone 8.2 (2013).
    Han, Shuguang, et al. "Curcumin ameliorates severe influenza pneumonia via attenuating lung injury and regulating macrophage cytokines production." Clinical and Experimental. Pharmacology and Physiology 45.1 (2018): 84-93.

    KOTB, MAGD A., and AHMED K. ABDALLA. "Sustained Hepatitis C Virus Clearance was Achieved by Honey Based Conservative Management in 35% of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study." Interferon 8: 10.
    Samarghandian, Saeed, TaherehFarkhondeh, and FariborzSamini. "Honey and health: A review of recent clinical research." Pharmacognosy research 9.2 (2017): 121.)


    #黑種草油5ml + #蜂蜜10ml +#薑黃粉(#或薑黃素)適量


  • constituent 在 Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-15 12:30:00
    有 2,239 人按讚

    Tonight, I will start the first class of ThunderBOLD 2.0 all the way from Singapore! Can’t wait to see those who have registered in class.

    Many have asked me why do I have to do crowdfunding so often? Why can’t I just look for big funders to help me fund my constituent and my political journey? After all, this has been the age-old practice.

    Through Botak Challenge, my team and I have managed to provide 300~ laptops to underprivileged students. Through ThunderBOLD 1.0, we’ve raised RM200,000~ amounting to 400 tablets. Transparency in the way a constituent is funded by doing crowdfunding will drive politicians to be more responsible and accountable.

    Some have told me that this method is impossible in Malaysia. They told me that our people aren’t as mature and politically aware as the people of USA (where crowdfunding is a norm).

    But I said NO.

    If we keep on thinking that way, we will never be able to move forward. The only way to create change is to do it!

    Through Botak Challenge, my team and I have managed to provide 300~ laptops to the underprivileged students. Through ThunderBOLD 1.0, we’ve raised RM200,000~ amounting to 400 tablets.

    Crowdfunding is NOT impossible. And if we really want to make it impactful, it isn’t easy either. But nothing good comes easy. And we should always strive for all that is good!

    Thank you again to those who have supported all my causes. All proceeds from ThunderBOLD 2.0 will be used to buy school uniforms for the underprivileged students in Muar. Registration for the 19th March class is still open. Do register and support our cause at only RM100 for a 2-hour class.



  • constituent 在 Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-12 09:29:39
    有 3,570 人按讚

    Education has always been something personal and close to my heart. Having a teacher as a mother has taught me a lot.

    I grew up understanding how important equality in education is.

    I grew up understanding that while some things are considered as basic to many, they are actually privileges to some others.

    I grew up understanding that without equal access and equal means to education, we will never be able to break the cycle of poverty.

    After the schools reopening announcement was made, many parents in my constituent have contacted my team and myself, asking for help especially in purchasing school uniforms for their children.

    Due to the pandemic, many families have lost their source of income and struggled to make ends meet.

    While parents are struggling to provide basic needs such as food on the table and roof above the children’s heads, school uniform has become a privilege - secondary to means of survival.

    It is my duty to help them. My duty to ensure that no children is made to feel they are lesser than their peers just because they do not have the privilege to buy new school uniforms.

    My parliamentary allocation has been cut. But I will not give up and forget my duty to Muar.
    From ThunderBOLD 1.0, my team and I have managed to raise RM200,000~ to buy 400 tablets for underprivileged students. This is also to lessen the digital gap in education.

    I believe in the power of the people.

    ThunderBOLD 2.0 comes in a new format to focus on critical thinking skills. For RM100, I’ll be sharing all the tips to having good critical thinking skills in a 2-hours session. In return, all proceeds will be used to buy school uniforms for underprivileged students in Muar.

    Help me help the people of Muar ❤️

    See you in class!

    Join us.



    p/s: pictures are taken pre COVID-19

  • constituent 在 初心者鉄道探検隊 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-08-19 11:00:06

    I went down to Ueno station of Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
    March 28, 1961 Hibiya Line station opened
    The Ginza line and Hibiya line platform number (line number display) is not a continuation number, but both are line 1 and 2
    Usually it is a sequence of 1 to 4
    Very rare example at Tokyo Metro
    도쿄 메트로 히 비야 선 우에노 역에서 내려 보았습니다
    1961 년 3 월 28 일 히 비야 역이 개업
    긴자 선과 히 비야 선 플래트 홈 번호 (번선 표시) 자세히 번호가 아닌 모두가 1 · 2 호선
    일반적으로 1에서 4까지의 정렬된다
    도쿄 메트로에서는 매우 드문 예
    ฉันลงไปที่สถานี Ueno ของ Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
    28 มีนาคม 2504 เปิดสถานีสาย Hibiya
    สาย Ginza และหมายเลขแพลตฟอร์ม Hibiya (หมายเลขบรรทัด) ไม่ใช่จำนวนที่ต่อเนื่อง แต่ทั้งคู่เป็นบรรทัดที่ 1 และ 2
    โดยปกติแล้วจะเป็นลำดับที่ 1 ถึง 4
    ตัวอย่างที่หายากมากที่ Tokyo Metro
    Saya pergi ke stasiun Ueno Jalur Tokyo Metro Hibiya
    28 Maret 1961 Stasiun Jalur Hibiya dibuka
    Garis Ginza dan nomor platform baris Hibiya (tampilan nomor baris) bukan merupakan nomor lanjutan, tetapi keduanya adalah baris 1 dan 2
    Biasanya itu adalah urutan 1 hingga 4
    Contoh yang sangat langka di Tokyo Metro
    Bajé a la estación de Ueno de la línea Hibiya del metro de Tokio
    28 de marzo de 1961 Se abre la estación Hibiya Line
    La línea de Ginza y el número de la plataforma de línea Hibiya (visualización del número de línea) no es un número de continuación, pero ambos son la línea 1 y 2
    Usualmente es una secuencia de 1 a 4
    Ejemplo muy raro en el Metro de Tokio
    Ich ging nach Ueno Station von Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
    28. März 1961 Hibiya Line Station eröffnet
    Die Ginza-Linie und die Hibiya-Linienplattformnummer (Zeilennummernanzeige) ist keine Fortsetzungsnummer, aber beide sind Zeile 1 und 2
    Normalerweise ist es eine Sequenz von 1 bis 4
    Sehr seltenes Beispiel in der Tokyo Metro
    Je suis descendu à la gare d'Ueno de la ligne Tokyo Metro Hibiya
    28 mars 1961 Ouverture de la ligne Hibiya
    La ligne de Ginza et le numéro de plate-forme de ligne Hibiya (affichage du numéro de ligne) ne constituent pas un numéro de continuation, mais les deux sont les lignes 1 et 2.
    Il s’agit généralement d’une séquence de 1 à 4
    Très rare exemple au métro de Tokyo

  • constituent 在 DIY道楽 テツ Youtube 的最佳解答

    2013-01-29 05:21:43

    Matsumae pickles (まつまえづけ) are local cooking of Hokkaido.
    【シマいリス】 松前漬けが美味しくできたよ\(≧∀≦)/

    でも、そのぶん、しっかり漬かって 美味しい~♪

    Matsumae pickles
    Matsumae pickles (まつまえづけ) are local cooking of Hokkaido.
    According to the name of "Matsumae", the local cooking of the Matsumae feudal clan (the Masakicho, Matsumae-gun outskirts) originates.
    Put a dried cuttlefish and kombu together and pickled it with salt, but because numbers to be able to take herring roe later decreased, and it was with a rarity, a thing based on a dried cuttlefish, kombu became mainstream, and the things which pickled only a dried cuttlefish and kombu increased in it originally because herring roe was produced abundantly and remained. The seasoning moved to a thing with the seasoning liquid that there was the favorite change of the taste, and combined soy sauce and soy sauce with the main constituent.
    I do it for chopped with scissors after wiping the drying dried cuttlefish and surface of the kombu with a wet dishcloth and the herring roe is small and cuts it. A carrot, the ginger are thinner than a dried cuttlefish, kombu; shred. I pour liquor, soy sauce, sweet sake into the pan, and write the seasoning juice which I cooled since I can come to the boil once to the materials which I prepared in this way, and I put red peppers (what number) together, and mix it with and I save it in the cold place for one week and make it.

    うんちく ウィキペディアより


    元来は数の子が豊富にとれて余っていたのでそれにスルメと昆布をあわせ、塩で漬け込んだものであったが、 後に数の子がとれる数が減り、希少品となったため、スルメ、昆布を主体にした物が主流となり、 スルメと昆布のみを漬け込んだ物も増えて来た。 味付けも、味覚の好みの変化もあって醤油や醤油を主体に配合した調味液によるものへと移っていった。






      シマいリスのブログ♪ >『楽しく節約生活♪』

    2013年 早春
    (The list of the movie is this one ↑↑)


    メインのホームページ 『DIY道楽』 はコチラ♪↓↓


    qwt11050 こと、DIY道楽/テツは ・・・ いろんな想いを、動画に込めてます。

    その何かを感じ取ってもらえれば ・・・
    ちょっとしたスキマ時間に、パソコンなりスマホで覗いていただければ ・・・ 嬉しいですヾ(゜∀゜ゞ)

    最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました!! 感謝!

