在 conductors產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Thank you Ettoday news for sharing my YouTube video “what conductors actually do on stage”😍 謝謝Ettoday 即新聞 的分享,大家有比較知道指揮的工作是什麼了嗎🙃CelloKoko 完整影片:https:/...
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,490的網紅CelloKoko 柯柯來了,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這次來跟大家分享拉大提琴二十幾年遇到的煩惱😆但即便如此我還是最愛大提琴,要我再選一次的話我還是會選大提琴的😆大家還有碰過其他的嗎🙋♀️ Here are the things I didn't expect before becoming a cellist 🤣 but if I were t...
- 關於conductors 在 erika asai 浅井恵梨佳 Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於conductors 在 柏霖 PoLin Instagram 的最佳貼文
- 關於conductors 在 柏霖 PoLin Instagram 的精選貼文
- 關於conductors 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於conductors 在 以身嗜法。法國迷航的瞬間 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於conductors 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於conductors 在 CelloKoko 柯柯來了 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於conductors 在 CelloKoko 柯柯來了 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於conductors 在 柏霖 PoLin Youtube 的精選貼文
conductors 在 erika asai 浅井恵梨佳 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-06-22 12:52:10
Today is International Theater Day.🎭#internationaltheaterday Our theater hasn't been able to open for the past year. But I hope dancers, actors, orch...
conductors 在 柏霖 PoLin Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-07-16 20:14:42
Tears 眼淚 眼淚和大海,爲什麼是鹹的? 我想因為它們是盡頭。 —————————————— Tears 眼淚,是多方合作的一支小品短片。六月,我和平台 @DANCE_WORK_SHOP_TW 合辦了許多舞蹈創意工作坊,這四位舞者是我在工作坊認識的舞者,我從未見過他們,但他們對舞蹈的熱情...
conductors 在 柏霖 PoLin Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-09-10 22:03:07
Tears 眼淚 眼淚和大海,爲什麼是鹹的? 我想因為它們是盡頭。 —————————————— Tears 眼淚,是多方合作的一支小品短片。 謝謝參與這個拍攝的所有人🙏🏼 ——————————— 影片搜尋🔍 YouTube PoLin柏霖 頻道 🔍 Tears 眼淚 往右滑掃QR c...
conductors 在 CelloKoko 柯柯來了 Youtube 的精選貼文
2021-08-21 15:33:38這次來跟大家分享拉大提琴二十幾年遇到的煩惱😆但即便如此我還是最愛大提琴,要我再選一次的話我還是會選大提琴的😆大家還有碰過其他的嗎🙋♀️
Here are the things I didn't expect before becoming a cellist 🤣 but if I were to choose again I would still choose the cello!
cellokoko Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/cellokoko/
cellokoko 臉書專頁:https://www.facebook.com/cellokoko/
What conductors actually do on stage 指揮到底在舞台上揮什麼?!
Learn violin and cello in 15 minutes 與樂團首席交換樂器大對決!
The ultimate prestigious music school battle 美國音樂院名校終極大亂鬥!
幕後直擊!音樂會的一天 表演前都在幹嘛?大提琴音樂家日常|on the day of my cello recital Vlog
一樓老師 https://www.instagram.com/1fpianoteacher/
雯琪音樂治療師 https://www.instagram.com/musictherapy_in_tw/
聶羽萱老師 https://www.instagram.com/yuhsuannieh_oboist/
小提琴家林品任 https://www.instagram.com/richardlinviolin/
#cellist #大提琴 #音樂家的日常 #celloproblems #大提琴家 #musician -
conductors 在 CelloKoko 柯柯來了 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2021-07-30 20:00:15今天請指揮家Jacob來告訴我們,指揮在台上的角色、如何用手勢跟音樂家溝通!
00:00 精彩預告、來賓簡介
00:58 指揮的角色
01:51 指揮在舞台上做什麼
02:56 練習當指揮遊戲
04:53 指揮示範-布拉姆斯正常版
05:39 布拉姆斯變化版
06:24 布拉姆斯誇張版
07:40 指揮示範-莫札特正常版
08:16 莫札特變化版
08:50 莫札特誇張版
09:27 指揮影片review
13:02 在台上發生最瘋狂的事
Learn violin and cello in 15 minutes 與樂團首席交換樂器大對決!
The ultimate prestigious music school battle 美國音樂院名校終極大亂鬥!
幕後直擊!音樂會的一天 表演前都在幹嘛?大提琴音樂家日常|on the day of my cello recital Vlog
揭開茱莉亞音樂院的秘辛! 學到什麼?影響一生! Four things I learned from The Juilliard School
Jacob's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjoyce1027/
Jacob's podcast: https://www.attentiontodetailpod.com
cellokoko Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/cellokoko/
cellokoko 臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cellokoko/
#指揮 #樂團 #音樂家 #大提琴 #生活 #conductor #cello #cellist #musician #musicianslife -
conductors 在 柏霖 PoLin Youtube 的精選貼文
2020-07-28 12:29:14Tears
Music: Lament- Balmorhea
Artistic director/ creative concept: PoLin
Film director: MGZHANG
Assistant director: Neo Lu
Co-dance conductors: I-Han Cheng|Chihhen Hsu
Choreography in collaboration with dancers:
PoLin| Chun-Hung Wang| Chia-Fen Yeh| Li-Heng Kuo| Jui-Ting Yu
Photographers: Hao-Ching Chang| Chin-Chieh Lee 
Stylist: Chun-chi Wang
Administrative Clerk: Tsun- Wei Chang
conductors 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
Thank you Ettoday news for sharing my YouTube video “what conductors actually do on stage”😍 謝謝Ettoday 即新聞 的分享,大家有比較知道指揮的工作是什麼了嗎🙃CelloKoko 完整影片:https://youtu.be/F1m6aZWKV7I
conductors 在 以身嗜法。法國迷航的瞬間 Facebook 的精選貼文
前幾天他突然問我:『台灣用半導體換疫苗嗎?』我說『你怎麼知道?』他說這一期的『外交世界』期刊(le monde diplomatique)有報導。
我昨天找來讀了一下,原來是在『Doit-on craindre une panne électronique』(我們該擔心電子荒嗎?)這一篇,主要討論全球自一年多的疫情以來,晶片及半導體供不應求,解釋了一下來龍去脈,結尾呼籲歐盟正視自己落後人家好幾年🤦。裡面有蠻多地方提到台積電。
📌台灣出現 une insolite diplomatique à base de 「vaccins contre puces」疫苗換取晶片的另類外交。冀望吸引台資的日本贈送台灣124萬劑AZ疫苗,美國則從原本允諾贈送的75萬劑modena增加為三倍。六月中,台灣政府委託(mandater)國內最大的半導體製造TSMC(台積電)以及另一家台灣科技廠Foxconn(富士康)直接向德國輝瑞藥廠協商購買一千萬劑疫苗。
1980年代,全球主要晶片製造商是Intel 、IBM 、德州儀器。台積電的創始人張忠謀(熱愛橋牌與莎士比亞)即曾任職德州儀器,他深刻了解晶片在未來的重要性,回台設廠之後,成功以優質晶片讓其他工業放棄自己製作晶片,轉而全心投入產品設計。
張忠謀也開創了modèle sans usine(無工廠模式)的時代。尤其iphone在2010年的委託更是經典。報導中也提及台積電屬於,stakhanoviste密集勞動採三班制的公司。
📌台積電目前是全球十大企業之一,約六千億美元資本額,技術領先群倫數年。2022將落成的新無塵室salle blanche佔地約22個足球場面積,2021-2024的生產線預計投入一千億美元的預算。(三星則預計在2030年前投入1510億美元)
📌至於中國,則有曾待過德州儀器與台積電的張汝京(Richard Chang,報導中特別說明他與Morris Chang沒有親戚關係😁)在1990年代創立了SMIC中芯,但於2009年離開該公司。
荷蘭NXP semi-conductors、德國infineon 與Bosch、法義STMicroekectronics,都有自己的生產線,但有時還是得求助台積電等同行。
歐盟數位政策委員長Thierry Breton認為若半導體需求並非來自歐洲,何苦付較貴的歐洲生產線人力?歐洲就專注孕育科技即可。
conductors 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Eva Gevorgyan Online Piano Recital
Program: Ravel: Miroirs;
Ginastera: Sonata no 1 op 22
Eva Gevorgyan was born on the 15th of April 2004. She is studying with Professor Natalia Trull at the Central Music School in Moscow.
Eva is a Discovery Award winner 2019 at the ICMA 2019 (International Classical Music Award)
Eva has received awards at more than 40 international competitions for piano and composition in USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Estonia, Malta, Kazakhstan, Poland, Czech Republic, Georgia, Russia, and Serbia. Among them are:
- Cliburn Junior International Piano Competition (USA, Texas, 2-nd Prize and a special prize - Press Award)
- Cleveland International Piano Competition for young artists (USA, Cleveland, 1-st prize, special prize for the best interpretation of Bach and Canton Symphony Orchestra Prize)
- Chicago International Music Competition (USA, Chicago, Grand Prix and special prize for best interpretation of Chopin)
- Jeune Chopin International Piano Competition (Switzerland, Martigny, 1-st prize)
- Grand Piano International Competition (Russia, Moscow, laureate and 5 special prizes)
- Robert Schumann piano competition (Germany, Düsseldorf, 1-st prize)
- Chopin International Piano Competition for young pianists (Poland, Szafarnia, 1st prize)
- International Piano Competition of Giuliano Pecar in Gorizia (Italy, Grand-Prix)
- St. Cecilia international piano competition (Portugal, 1st prize)
Eva performed in Dobbiaco at Alto Adige Festival in front of the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella.
During the live TV broadcast, Eva asked Russian President Vladimir Putin about possible reforms for the special music education in Russia.
Eva receives a scholarship from the International Academy of Music in Liechtenstein and participates regularly in the intensive music weeks and activities offered by the Academy.
She took part in many festivals such as Verbier festival (Switzerland), Mariinsky International Piano Festival (Russia), Duszniki International Chopin Piano Festival (Poland), Stars on Baikal lake festival by Denis Matsuev (Russia), VP Bank Classic Festival (Switzerland), "Stars of the White nights" (Russia), Eilat Chamber Music Festival (IsraeI), Perugia Piano Festival (Italy), Klassik vor Acht (Germany), Chopin Piano Fest (Serbia), Ferrara Piano Festival (Italy), Alto Adige Festival (Italy), ClaviCologne Festival (Germany), Alion Baltic Festival (Estonia), New Names Festival (Armenia), Elena Cobb Star Prize Festival (UK), Fraenkische Musiktage Alzenau Festival (Germany) and others.
Eva won Junior Prize (City Prize) of Eppan Junior Piano Academy (Italy).
In 2019 Eva had a solo recital in the Albert Hall (London, UK).
Eva has performed with Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, Russian National Orchestra, State Academic Symphony Orchestra "Evgeny Svetlanov", Canton Symphony Orchestra, Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan, Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, Malta Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Philharmonic orchestra of Bacau, Yaroslavl Academic Governor's Symphonic Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of Irkutsk Philharmony, Academic State Symphony Orchestra of Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic, Virtuosi Brunensis Orchestra, Chamber orchestra NRW, Astana Symphony Orchestra and others.
She collaborated with such conductors as Valery Gergiev, Alexander Sladkovsky, Vasily Petrenko, Lawrence Foster, Eduard Topchjan, Dimitris Botinis, Gerhardt Zimmermann, Piotr Gribanov, Tigran Hakhnazaryan, Ruth Reinhardt, Anatoly Levin, Ilmar Lapinsh, Azim Karimov, Ovidiu Balan, Gaddiel Dombrowner, Alexander Skulsky, Tigran Shiganyan, and others.
She receives scholarship from Denis Matsuev's New Names foundation, from YerazArt foundation, from Vladimir Spivakov's foundation and from the Armenian Assembly.
In January 2020 Eva performed in Yerevan in front of the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian and his spouse.
Eva was invited to the International Piano Academy Lake Como, where she participated in masterclasses with Dmitry Bashkirov, Stanislav Ioudenitch and William Nabore. She has also participated in masterclasses with Pavel Gililov, Grigory Gruzman, Piotr Paleczny, Andrea Bonatta and Klaus Hellwig.