[爆卦]Condescend 意思是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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在 condescend產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,325的網紅Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, You know what's amazing and so incredibly rewarding doing what I do? Random text messages like this after your workshop that make your heart want ...


  • condescend 在 Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-04-16 14:28:42
    有 7 人按讚

    You know what's amazing and so incredibly rewarding doing what I do?

    Random text messages like this after your workshop that make your heart want to explode!!!!

    Thank you Miss L, for taking what you learned and making it your own. She and her husband sat down after our session and really discussed what they discovered, what they really liked, what resonated, what needed to change and came out with an action plan on their own for their newborn and a toddler!!!


    The first thing I always tell parents when I meet them esp if they're in the middle of a difficult time is that my job isn't to judge or dictate or condescend. My job is to give you a safe space to learn, to empower you w tools and solutions, to understand the why and to help you take charge respectfully, kindly, confidently.

    It's hard heart work but oh my heart, to watch these kids thrive, to watch the parents get it and love it, to know that this family is going to dream big dreams together. To know this mama feels less alone and overwhelmed but is now calm and confident?

    This. This is why I do what I do!!!!


    To learn more about respectful parenting or to enquire about our workshops, check out the Events page and like us on FB (Rachel Kwacz Workshops) and Instagram (@rachealkwacz) ❤️

  • condescend 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-07-29 10:19:25
    有 454 人按讚

    <3 俐媽英文教室:紫斑蝶簡介

    <3 yield to N (ph.) 讓步
    原:yield (v.) 讓步;讓座;結(果實);產生(結果)
    <3 characteristic (n.) 特色;(a.) 特色的
    cf. character (n.) 個性;角色
    <3 forewing (n.) 前翼
    字首:fore-: before (e.g. forecast, foretell, foresee, forefather, foremost, foreshadow, foresight, forward...)
    <3 flap (v.) 拍動
    <3 scale (n.) 鱗片;天秤;規模;音階;刻度
    衍:large-scale (a.) 大規模的
    <3 depend on (ph.) 取決於;依賴
    衍:dependence (n.) 依賴/ dependable (a.) 可信賴的/ dependent (a.) 依賴的/ independent (a.) 獨立的
    字根:-pend: hang (e.g. appendage, appendix, expend, impending, perpendicular, suspend, pension...)
    <3 major (a.) 主要的;(v.) 主修(+ in + 科目);(n.) 主修
    衍:majority (n.) 大多數
    字根:-maj-: big (e.g. majestic, maxim, maximum..)
    <3 gathering (n.) 聚集;聚會
    <3 valley (n.) 山谷
    <3 transit (n.) 運輸;通行
    MRT = Mass Rapid Transit
    字首:trans-: across (e.g. transport, transfer, translate, transaction, transcend, transgress, transfusion, transmit, transcribe...)
    字根:-it: go (e.g. ambition, circuit, initiate, itinerary, perish, transitory...)
    <3 damage (n.)(v.) 損害
    片:do damage to N 對...造成損害
    <3 conduct (v.) 進行;指揮;(n.) 行為
    衍:conductor (n.) 列車長;指揮家/ misconduct (n.) 不良行為
    字首:con-: together (e.g. conclude, concord, condemn, condense, condescend, confiscate, confront, consent, contaminate, contemplate...)
    字根:-duct-: lead (e.g. abduct, deduct, induct, product...)
    <3 construction (n.) 建設;建築物
    原:construct (v.) 建造/ constructive (a.) 有建設性的
    片:be under construction 建造中/ construction site 工地
    字根:-struct-: build (e.g. destruction, instruct, obstruct, structure, infrastructure...)
    <3 sustainable (a.) 永續的
    原:sustain (v.) 支撐/ sustainability (n.) 永續性
    字根:-tain-: keep (e.g. attain, abstain, contain, detain, entertain, maintain, retain, obtain, pertain..)
    <3 beware of (ph.) 留意
    <3 ecological (a.) 生態的
    原:ecology (n.) 生態/ ecosystem (n.) 生態系統/ eco-friendly (a.) 環保的
    <3 interchange (n.) 交流道
    字首:inter-: between, among (e.g. intersection, intercourse, intercept, interfere, intermingle, interpose, interrupt, interval, intellectual...)
    <3 lane (n.) 車道;小巷弄
    <3 peak (n.) 高峰;頂峰(= summit)
    <3 annual (a.) 年度的
    字根:-ann-: year (e.g. anniversary, centennial, perennial...)
    <3 ramp (n.) 斜坡;坡道
    <3 loop (n.) 環;圈
    <3 trim (v.) 修剪
    <3 multifunctional (a.) 多功能的
    原:function (n.) 功能
    字首:multi-: many (e.g. multilingual, multicultural, multimedia, multiply, multitude...)
    <3 corridor (n.) 走廊;前廊
    <3 complete (v.) 完成;(a.) 完整的
    衍:completion (n.) 完成;完整
    字根:-plet-: fill (e.g. deplete, implement, replenish, replete, supple, supplement...)
    <3 extend (n.) 延伸;延長
    衍:extension (n.) 延伸;分機/ extensive (a.) 廣泛的
    字根:-tend-: stretch (e.g. attend, contend, distend, intend, intensify, pretend, superintendent, tend...)
    <3 instead of (ph.) 而不是

  • condescend 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • condescend 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • condescend 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

