[爆卦]Clenched fist是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Clenched fist鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Clenched fist這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 clenched產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,833的網紅A Happy Mum,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Our latest family handprint tree. 🌳 Nice mah? Love the tiny handprint of our newest member, so cute! Oh well, he wasn't very keen about the idea and ...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Una Who,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#愛滋病 #AIDS #後天免疫缺乏症候群 ► 如果你喜歡這部影片的話,可以來給我一點點的贊助與鼓勵噢(*´▽`*)♥! | https://p.ecpay.com.tw/53F5FB4 ►來來訂閱 Una Who 吧 | http://www.youtube.com/c/WhoUna ► Un...

clenched 在 DAISY 林恬恬 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-21 00:25:49

Long hair or short hair? I used to not know who I was without my long hair (chopped in three shaggy layers). No matter what, my hair always had to be ...

  • clenched 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-29 15:04:38
    有 169 人按讚

    Our latest family handprint tree. 🌳 Nice mah?

    Love the tiny handprint of our newest member, so cute! Oh well, he wasn't very keen about the idea and clenched his fist tightly so it took a group effort to carry him, lower him, paint his hand, open his fingers, press them down and film the process. Haha. Thankfully we have a bunch of older kids who were very willing to help.

    This also makes me realise how big they have grown too, like the the big girl who exclaimed " Mama, my hand is almost bigger than yours!" Awwww. Now I think we should do this every few years for keepsake.

    I wrote a meaningful quote at the bottom right and drew the house on the left to remind us on the importance of love and family. This is going up in our living room and replacing the old one, which will still be kept for as long as possible.

    Hope this will be a lovely surprise for the hubby when he sees it. Happy, happy birthday! ❤

    #ahappymum #familytree #handprint #diy #art #preciousmemory #creativity521

  • clenched 在 Daisy Brown 林恬恬 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-18 00:06:53
    有 18 人按讚

    Long hair or short hair?

    I used to not know who I was without my long hair (chopped in three shaggy layers). No matter what, my hair always had to be cut this exact way, left down…or else!

    While dealing with some life confusion in December of 2019, I decided to go to the salon for a trim—a random salon instead of my usual hairdresser. Misunderstanding my instructions and/or vibes, the woman chopped off my entire bottom layer, leaving me with chunky shoulder-length crop. I was furious, but could she put it back? I thought about it. I mean, she could have glued it, but there were just too many strands! I clenched my butthole. I was already late for the party I was supposed to be at. Staring at the brown whirlpool beneath my feet, I sucked it up and took it like a man. I didn’t even cry. Was it the end of the world? No. Or...maybe. Some would argue the world already ended in 2012.

    I started only tying my hair up in a bun (something I never did before) until it grew to an acceptable length. After awhile, I came to really like the look of my hair up. I was a brunette Cinderella at the ball! I think pulling hair out of my face also helped me open up more and become more vulnerable, as previously I always had hair covering my face.

    Months later I thought I would like my hair better with a straight perm. I liked it on myself for only one day, but I didn’t regret it. It’s just hair! I’m glad I’ve learned to detach myself from a specific image of how things *have* to be. I even cut my hair to neck length on purpose.

    This post is not really about hair, it’s about letting go. My past need to control certain things while blatantly disregarding others has been softened up and balanced immensely. In truth, there are many options for how things can be, and black-and-white, all-or nothing thinking is not always helpful or fun. Until experiencing more options for yourself, you don’t know what you’re missing. You can embrace everything. I already knew 0 and 500, this was about learning numbers 1-499.

    But at the end of the day, I still like what I like, which is my wavy hair chopped in layers. Flexible about length now.

  • clenched 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-15 12:27:18
    有 1 人按讚

    HIIT - High Impact Idiot Training
    This tweet from the last Lockdown in June holds true.
    For the untrained, non-athletic individual, jumpsquats and burpees in their living room, following some app or live workout is... unwise.
    “If you had an overweight dog, how would you get it to lose weight?” I guarantee it wouldn’t be a keto diet and repetitive plyometrics. You’d take it for more walks and/or feed it less food.
    Do you no longer have a commute because you're back to working from home? Great! Use that 20/30mins for a walk before your morning shower. Then do so again before your evening meal/workout/whatever. If you can fit one it at lunch too then even better. Low stress, good for back health, sunshine on your skin... it’s pretty hard to fuck yourself up walking.
    Then spend the next couple of weeks making yourself high quality, plant-heavy food, not ordering indulgent restaurant deliveries.
    Nutrient density, calorie scarcity.
    How many pushups can you do? Oh yeah?
    Try making sure your hands are directly beneath your shoulders, your butt is clenched and flat to your back, and think about slowly pulling yourself towards the floor on the way down, with a smooth transition out of the bottom position. Guarantee that number of pushups has dropped in half.
    If you’ve gotten “worse” at pushups, then you’ve increased the load on the pressing levers - provided you’re not doing something really fucking weird this is usually a good thing.
    Whatever that new max number of pushups is, minus 4 and do 4 EASY sets of it every day and add one rep to your sets every day. I'll also guarantee in two weeks you see a noticeable difference in strength and physique... If you've eaten well.
    If you're going to do online workouts please, PLEASE, don't let the instuctor's enthusiam get to you. Knowing a fancy name for a movement is useless if they can’t see you, or you’re one of 30 on a screen, and they have no idea what technical movements or volume tolerance you're capable of. Use them as someone fun to have giving you ideas for what to do and keep you moving, but just move at your own pace. The goal is to move, not to sweat.
    (Continued in comments)(oh god, I’m that guy)

