

在 categorisation產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Ainie Haziqah,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Hate speech is comprises of abusive threatening speech or writing that expresses hate, prejudice or encourage violence against particular groups. With...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過92萬的網紅Kuma Films,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We were in London last summer filming for a show on Ovation TV and had the chance to hang out with Barely Methodical for a day. We picked up some clip...

categorisation 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-29 07:57:25

/ Paper 3 Final Reminders Part 1 [請立即 share 俾 friends] . 大家應該休息完一陣喇,要準備佔分最重 Paper 3,要打大佬!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 . ✅ 請先睇 Regular 07及08 Paper 3嘅筆記俾咗好多 Final Tips 大家,包...

  • categorisation 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-11 20:00:06
    有 18 人按讚

    Hate speech is comprises of abusive threatening speech or writing that expresses hate, prejudice or encourage violence against particular groups. With freedom of speech and social media channel, feelings and opinions fuel with hatred are being thrown liberally in the internet without taking sensitivity of the audience onto account. More often than not, this causes disharmony in society and worst, harm towads the victims.

    In this week #SundayNightWithAH, I am proud to bring our new guest, Dr Murni Wan Mohd Nor, an expert with approximately 10 years of experience researching the issue of hate speech. Dr Murni also has held several consultancies on human rights and hate-speech related projects , most recently for The Centre's research on Developing a Framework for Hate Speech Categorisation and Response, as well as for UNDP on the impact of hate speech and misrepresentation in relation to Covid-19 on social cohesion.

    Join me and Dr Murni as we both dive deeper to discuss about tackling hate speech on social media. Catch us LIVE on Instagram @ainiehaziqah & @murni.wanmohdnor at 8.30 p.m this Sunday, 13 Dec 2020.

    See you there!

  • categorisation 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-15 22:35:15
    有 212 人按讚

    [OKAPI column / 博客來OKAPI 專欄] 《看圖學甜點:烘焙技巧自學全書》/ Le grand manuel du pâtissier (for English, please click “see more”)

    🍰《Le grand manuel du pâtissier》是我的第一本法文甜點食譜書,當時一直對書中用可愛的「#infographics 資訊化圖表」呈現甜點元素、切面、重要手勢技巧的插畫和簡明的分類與解說風格愛不釋手。#用剖面圖完整呈現元素與結構,#是法式甜點人們搜集資料與創作時必備工具,更隱含了法式甜點與「建築」之間密不可分的關係。


    “Le grand manuel du pâtissier” is my very first French pastry recipe book written in French language. The cute infographics and illustrations of the ingredients, dimensions, gestures and techniques really amazed me. It was from then I have internalised the building blocks and logic of French pastries, thanks to the categorisation of components in the book and all the cross-dimension illustrations of those wonderful cakes. Reading it you’ll clearly get the idea why Marie-Antoine Carême claimed that “les beaux arts sont à nombre de cinq, à savoir: la peinture, la sculpture, la poésie, la musique et l’architecture, laquelle a pour branche principale la pâtisserie”. ("The fine arts are five in number: painting, sculpture, poetry, music, architecture — whose main branch is confectionery.”)

    Click on the following link to have a closer look into this wonderful book!

    #yingsbookreviews #legrandmanueldupatissier #yingc #booksokapi 積木生活實驗室

  • categorisation 在 地產小子 Propertykids Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-12-11 23:28:11
    有 5 人按讚

    引自 https://t.me/CivilAssemblyTeam

    12/12「齊上齊落」集會 - 612半週年紀念
    撤回暴動定性 撤銷義士控罪

    時間︰19:00 - 21:00
    12/12 “United We Stand” Rally: half-year commemoration of 12 June, the start of the anti-ELAB movement
    - Retract the “riots” categorisation of all protests
    - Drop all charges against arrested protestors

    Date: 12 December 2019 (Thursday)
    Time: 19:00-21:00
    Venue: Edinburgh Place
    Organiser: Hong Kong Civil Assembly Team #HKCATeam *Letter of No Objection Pending Issuance

    -\-\- 搜尋日程: #hk2019mmdd

    全港最齊日程 fb,ig,tg,twitter
    中文: @HKerSchedule
    Eng: @HKerScheduleEng



    活動注意事項: bit.ly/hkernote

    disclaimer: bit.ly/hkdisclaimer 本專頁反對任何暴力及破壞行為,包括反對任何極權破壞香港人核心價值 #香港日程表 #香港人日程表 #香港 #香港人 #日程表 #光復香港 #時代革命 #行動 #新聞 #文宣 #antiELAB #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #hkprotest #freehk #freehongkong #hknews #hk20191212

