[爆卦]Cartilaginous joint是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Cartilaginous joint鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Cartilaginous joint這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 cartilaginous產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,669的網紅運動物理治療師 蔡維鴻|Physiotherapist Victor Tsai,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #聊療bar 半月板撕裂是最常見的膝關節傷害之一。半月板呈現兩瓣C型分別在膝關節的內外兩側,以纖維軟骨結構(fibro-cartilaginous discs)像緩衝墊一樣做為下肢運動中的避震器。 造成半月板損傷的常見原因可分為創傷性(traumatic)以及退化性(degenerative)兩...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅Zermatt Neo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For this video, we headed down to Tsui Wah to complete a 4.5kg Braised Pork Instant Noodle Challenge! Tsui Wah is a Hong Kong “Cha Chaan Teng” (tea re...

cartilaginous 在 @nothingbutfoodies -hk foodies Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-10 22:40:22

{😻上環超人氣fusion居酒屋🏮🐔} Anyone missing dining out already? Throwback to our meal at Yardbird, our to-go when it comes to quality yakitori🍢 Here you’ll fin...

  • cartilaginous 在 運動物理治療師 蔡維鴻|Physiotherapist Victor Tsai Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-17 09:57:54
    有 25 人按讚

    半月板撕裂是最常見的膝關節傷害之一。半月板呈現兩瓣C型分別在膝關節的內外兩側,以纖維軟骨結構(fibro-cartilaginous discs)像緩衝墊一樣做為下肢運動中的避震器。

    1. 創傷性:
    發生在原本健康正常的半月板,多由扭傷(twisting injury)+在負重的情形下扭轉膝關節的角度,因而過度伸張(hyperextension)或形成巨大的內、外翻旋轉應力(valgus/ varus rotary stress) 而造成。常見於年輕人,尤其是從事美式足球、足球或籃球等,需要做出許多突然改變速度與前進方向動作的運動員。也常伴隨十字韌帶的損傷。
    2. 退化性:

    4.提籃式裂(bucket handle)



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  • cartilaginous 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-03 21:11:39

    For this video, we headed down to Tsui Wah to complete a 4.5kg Braised Pork Instant Noodle Challenge! Tsui Wah is a Hong Kong “Cha Chaan Teng” (tea restaurant) restaurant located scenically at Clarke Quay, offering a medley of Hong Kong and Western-inspired cuisine. It closely resembles a Western café in terms of price and food offerings for those unfamiliar with this concept.

    Ever-present in Hong Kong cafés, instant noodles dishes served in restaurants may come as a surprise to foreigners, but Hong Kong chefs have evolved and dressed up the humble instant noodles to a delicious yet affordable feast. Tsui Wah is an exemplary version of this trend, serving up their signature Kagoshima-style Braised Pork Noodles. It is plated simply with thick, meaty chunks of pork ribs covered in a brown sauce atop a standard portion of instant noodles, alongside a bowl of fish soup. The dish came from a Japanese chef sharing a recipe of how Kagoshima natives slow-cook their tougher bits of pork, but with a Hong Kong twist.

    For my challenge, I was served 12 portions of their Braised Pork Instant Noodles, coming up to around 4.5kg of pork and noodle goodness. The pork was slightly cartilaginous, but had a commendable meat ratio.

    It was superbly tender, reminiscent of perfectly cooked pork ribs, while the braising liquid used gave it a deep umami flavour that was undoubtedly compounded during the long cooking process. The noodles were flawlessly al dente, light and springy with a good bite. The sauce used on the noodles were the same as the pork’s, giving it a similar deep umami flavour. The sauce is a secret recipe but I was told Japanese soy sauce and miso are used in it.

    Finally, the soup was an unexpected treat, with a crisp and clean flavour of a good fish stock. It was slightly peppery and clear, and served as sublime palate cleanser after the heaviness of the braised pork.

    As is common for my challenges, as a single portion, the dish would be a perfect lunch treat for yourself. However, at 12 portions and the overwhelming richness of the pork, it became a struggle to complete towards the end. Regardless, I strongly recommend this dish if you have a hankering for some upgraded instant noodles and braised pork. Tsui Wah also serves many other Hong Kong dishes that might appeal to you.

    Do visit Tsui Wah for your Braised Pork Instant Noodles fix!

    Visit Tsui Wah at:

    Clarke Quay
    3 River Valley Rd #01-03
    Singapore 179020

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  • cartilaginous 在 TRÚC ZÚ Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-17 20:30:00

    Món nhậu dễ làm nè mấy chị vợ oiwiiiiiii :))))))

    #Truczu #Mukbang #Thichgiando
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  • cartilaginous[email protected] Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-03-10 10:52:51

    Hoarse Voice - Dr. Hung Che Wai Terry@FindDoc.com
    Source: https://www.finddoc.com/en

    Background: Rosita is a singing teacher. Besides teaching singing, she practices her voices and breathing for three hours everyday. Her voice is becoming hoarse these days. She is diagnosed with polyps in her vocal cord and she has to take Steroid for one week.

    (1) What causes Hoarse Voice? When should one seek medical advice should Hoarse Voice persists? 0:20

    (2) How would doctors inspect our vocal cord? 1:38

    (3) What treatments are available? Does it require surgery? 2:41

    (4) Would polyps in vocal cord become cancer? Will it happen again after treatments? 4:09

    (5) After recovery, can Rosita continue to sing the way she used to? 4:56

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