

在 campuses產品中有112篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,535的網紅SkyREC,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Back to school amidst the new normal, our kids need to be protected from not just #viruses but the potential threats on campuses. Learn how #SkyREC #A...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 終於嘗試網路線上錄音,意外的品質......尚可接受! 大辛大學快畢業時決定休學,用全部的專注堅持走他想走的路─經營社群。不到一年時間,累積五千粉絲,並且受邀至各大企業、校園擔任專業簡報講師!最近他又集結一群優秀的創作者一起開了個很厲害的FB社團:BXTeam 職涯交流吧!...

campuses 在 ?? 良伴嗨苔|Ryo & Nori ?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 09:20:22

【校園美食大繪集】 13.09.2021 - 30.09.2021 #schoolyummyfood Hi all! Due to the pandemic, we believe that many food stalls and places are affected, and those ...

  • campuses 在 SkyREC Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-18 21:03:57
    有 2 人按讚

    Back to school amidst the new normal, our kids need to be protected from not just #viruses but the potential threats on campuses. Learn how #SkyREC #AiMS supports #schools to guard the young generation with video analytics powered by #AI: https://bit.ly/3Cgqsfo

    #VMS #IVA #security #protection #children

  • campuses 在 Hello.Seaweed Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-13 21:17:14
    有 1 人按讚

    13.09.2021 - 30.09.2021

    Hi all! Due to the pandemic, we believe that many food stalls and places are affected, and those in the vicinity of school campuses frequented by students are no exceptions. Hence we’d like to invite you to join us on #schoolyummyfood , so that we can share and help more people discover good food 🤤, while possibly boosting business for the food places at the same time! 💕

    Swipe left to see how to join ⬅️


    Tag us so that we know you’re joining!
    Looking forward to your participation~✨


    把更多好吃的美食地圖通過 #schoolyummyfood 分享給大家💕





    #illustrationartists #illustratorsoninstagram #foodillustration #foodillustrator #插畫家 #繪畫 #美食插畫 #台灣插畫 #好吃好吃 #校園美食

  • campuses 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-06 23:07:45
    有 199 人按讚

    【校園新聞】港大深圳建校園計劃敲定 今與深圳政府簽署合作備忘錄



    香港大學於本年5月出版的《香港大學通訊》中 [2],一篇文章為香港大學副校長(研究)申作軍的訪問,申於訪問中提及港大校方與深圳相關部門商討增設分校,並由申本人督導。申形容該計劃理念為「一所大學,兩個校園」(One University, Two Campuses),指師生可「自由往返」兩個校園。申又認為與「大灣區」合作可獲得更多資源及興建更多實驗室,有助港大研究發展,並吸引更多人才。

    [2]:HKU Bulletin May 2021

    【校園新聞】 港大消息否認申作軍為中共黨員 清華網頁證申2017年曾獲任命為黨委委員
    【校園突發】校委會通過任命 兩清華學者申作軍及宮鵬將出任副校長
    【校園新聞】校委會大比數通過任命兩名副校長 李國章 :「對二人的澄清表示滿意。」
    【校園新聞】張翔發信指資料洩密有損大學聲譽 並聯同兩候任副校長否認坊間指控

  • campuses 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-30 07:00:11



    大辛大學快畢業時決定休學,用全部的專注堅持走他想走的路─經營社群。不到一年時間,累積五千粉絲,並且受邀至各大企業、校園擔任專業簡報講師!最近他又集結一群優秀的創作者一起開了個很厲害的FB社團:BXTeam 職涯交流吧!

    某天推薦這個社團給新銳 Youtuber「哇喜珮珮」時,他很驚訝我認識大辛並表示他欣賞大辛富有美感與邏輯的創作有段時間了,一直很想認識大辛......看到他發光的眼神,我決定默默幫珮圓夢,找他一起採訪「大辛先生」,結束時珮一直對我說:「我的榮幸!好開心自己參與其中!大辛的分享實在太受用了!」




    Welcome to Sunlight~
    Finally I had tried to record online. Out of the blue, the quality was acceptable!
    Mr. Bigxin decided to quit school before he soon graduated, focusing on social media management. Owning over 5,000 fans within one year, he was invited to give a speech about slides to enterprises and campuses! Recently, he has brought a group of excellent creators together to start an impressive FB group: BXTeam!
    One day I recommended the group to Passion, a new youtuber, and then she was surprised that Mr. Bigxin and I were acquainted and said that she wanted to meet Mr. Bigxin because she admired his aesthetic and logical works. Seeing her glowing eyes, I decided to make her dream come true, so I invited her to interview Mr. Bigxin together. After the interview, Passion kept saying that it was her pleasure to take part in the interview because his experience was extremely helpful.
    I believe the episode is helpful to people who want to manage social media. Thank Mr. Bigxin for generously sharing his experience of managing social media and finding his way to turn defeat into inspirational stories!
    Few days ago, I asked Mr. Bigxin for some tips of making slides. He not only told me his tips but shared a toolkit, which has everything, to me! He’s definitely a creator willing to share~
    Still on the fence? Let’s go!

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨

    - - -


    - - -

    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

  • campuses 在 Rika Adrina Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-30 12:00:03

    i came to wales to complete my final semester for degree and here, in uwtsd i under went subjects in relation to film & media or in other words filmmaking. The university that i went to in Malaysia was called International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) & here I officially completed my bachelor's programme in professional communication alongside a dual award provided by University of Wales Trinity Saint David. There are various UWTSD campuses scattered around Wales and I was placed in Carmarthen based on the course that I took which aligned to mass communication. Fortunately, I did this semester free of charge in Wales due to the exchange programme deal that IUMW has for Professional Communication students like myself. The only thing we had to pay was accommodation, flight tickets and food. This exchange programme has without a doubt changed me into a better person academically as well as my personal growth as a human being especially in the midst of this pandemic. This may not be a "complete" tour due to unaccessible areas that you will see in this video, but I'm glad I get to share with you guys a place where I called home.

    You can say hi to me here:
    Twitter/Instagram - @rikaadrina

    Watch my previous video, a very cottagecore type of vlog:

    Song credits:
    1. Buckeye Bonzai - Vans in Japan
    2. Hedge Your Bets - TrackTribe
    3. Elder Dilemma - Freedom Trail Studios
    4. Si Senorita - Chris Haugen

  • campuses 在 高松傑高Sir正能量 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-12 11:01:24

    China Daily :


    Parents of school children staged a protest march in Hong Kong on Sunday to voice their opposition to campus politics. They urged teachers to uphold professional ethics and avoid bringing politics into classes.

    The parents also called for more efforts to protect children from the political turmoil and to create a peaceful and safe environment for children to study. They chanted “keep campuses away from politics” and “children are not teachers’ pawns”. #HongKong #HKSAR