

在 bureaucracy產品中有62篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅百工裡的人類學家,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 伴隨著社會發展,人跟人地位的差別也形成。不過,社會地位看不到也摸不著,所以各個社會往往都會產生出各種「象徵」來暗示某些人高人一等。 這篇來自【CUP】上的文章,帶我們看到在印度表現社會地位比較高的各種方式,這也讓我們進一步想去觀察在台灣有哪些方式暗示著某些人「高人一等」? ———————————...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅AKaMiKz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Blade of Kingdoms (English) Android Gameplay Asia Server Published by Game Dreamer Ltd Size: 2.65 GB Links: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details...

bureaucracy 在 Amanda Nguyễn Instagram 的最讚貼文

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[Eulogy] Grieving is a difficult process. Grieving in a pandemic is excruciating. I grieve not as a niece, but as a daughter. My mama treated my s...

bureaucracy 在 Irene Yu | Biz Coach For Expat Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 20:41:06

🌈 Imagine having a career that supported your interests, mental health, finances, and confidence. We can help you get there. ⚡️ If you are unemploy...

  • bureaucracy 在 百工裡的人類學家 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-14 04:25:07
    有 24 人按讚




    Basu 更發現:「若坐在一張相對較高的椅子,俯視他人,就能在會議佔優。」他有個簡單方法坐擁制高點:「印度大部分的辦公椅,右邊都有個小手柄。別引起注意,伸手輕輕一拉 —— 也不要太用力拉,否則你會被突然抛起,場面會變滑稽。」他補充:「唯一的風險是,若其他與會者也這樣做,你就失去相對優勢,變成所有參與者齊齊坐高翹腳。」

    毛巾同樣是權力象徵。Basu 加入財政部後,下屬們曾為他爭取部門一樓那個司長專用、所謂「菁英洗手間」的使用權。「裡面有 3 個毛巾架,各放了 1 條清洗乾淨的毛巾,分別標有財政司長、稅務司長和預算司長。」當時 Basu 出任首席經濟顧問(CEA),部下仍堅持他亦有權享用這個洗手間。「他們自覺被羞辱了。」雖然認為並無必要,但他不違言:「當我看到第 4 個架上有條標示 CEA 的新毛巾時,感到很驚喜。」

    雖然距離 Basu 在職已經過了 10 年,但印度政府至今仍充斥儀式主義。Basu 認為,這種官僚文化乃從英國統治演變而來。「它是一種殖民殘留物,由一批長期在位且喜歡上它的官僚持續下來,好比某種斯德哥爾摩綜合症。」



  • bureaucracy 在 拿督雷智雄博士 Dato' Tony Looi Chee Hong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-18 01:33:21
    有 245 人按讚

    🔥🔥 10 Points in Response to the Prime Minister's "Recovery Plan". Window Dressing Is Not Going To Cut It This Time | Industries Unite

    (1) The fact that we have a one-pager after enduring the pandemic for 15months, speaks volumes of the perceived indecisiveness, inefficiency and lack of a cohesive idea on the part of the Government on how and when we are going to come out of this. Contain the pandemic and have a structured economic recovery.. There are too many if's and variables in play for the plan to actually spur the confidence of the #Rakyat.

    (2) Weren't we at these levels last year? Unless we have a clear and defined path forward the idea that we will come out of this in September or October 2021, is not convincing; amongst others as the whole plan is entirely based on the accuracy of purported numbers of infected persons and the availability of vaccinations on time. Many analysts have openly stated serious doubts on this.

    (3) There are serious doubts about the absolute numbers that the government is resting the substratum of the 'Recovery Plan' on. Limited and variable testing numbers and testings may mean that there are flaws in the absolute numbers being relied upon here. This appears to be supported by the Code-Blue stats.

    (4) Where is the tracking data on clusters and contact tracing?
    Without this, we are fighting with eyes closed. In any case, most of the cases appear to be asymptomatic, so are the numbers correct?

    (5) What if this doesn't work? We simply cannot afford to get it wrong now, the fear is that the projection put forward by you, is not based on any data that has been made available to be scrutinised and verified. Just a blanket wish-list. With the current numbers of new cases and the projection of average positivity rate. With the data, We will be able to see the real numbers (projected forecast) and tabulate a much more concrete plan. However, is the government not doing this because as the numbers are bad? These are serious questions that we have.

    (6) Increasing the capacity to vaccinate should be the priority moving forward. Delay and bureaucracy are issues ignored here. Private practitioners who have been inoculating children and adults for decades are not being fully mobilised , these private practitioners, who are by law allowed to vaccinate the public are frustrated by the process of having to register and by trained by a private company #ProtectHealth. The Government's refusal to fully utilise the existing infrastructure of the many #Klinik #Kesihatan and government hospital out-patient facilities, preferring them to mega #PPVs is not optimising the capacity to vaccinate. They have not taken into account that many people especially in the rural areas do not have smart phones or connectivity, yet we insist on deployment of a RM70 million application that has shown itself to crash twice! A manual system was used to great effect in the USA and UK to great effect in simplifying the process and increasing capacity.

    (7) The idea of employers being allowed to pay to vaccinate raises the question of allocation of vaccines and a two class system of vaccination process.

    (8 ) There is no indication of how and when the vaccination are going to be distributed to the states. Why are we not involving the individual state health apparatus. Surely, they are already set up and are better positioned to roll it out .

    (9) Where are the dollars and cents in numbers, in-terms of assistance and Aid to the #public and #businesses to stabilise their economic position for the duration that there are restrictions on movement (#FMCO). Where is the Plan B, in case the targets as stated are not met? What is the plan? Can the government be sure?

    (10) Surely a recovery plan should include a plan for Economic Recovery over at least 3 years. If there is One, Where is it?

    (11) Do we have an adequate safety net for the public? There is no indication of when people will get back jobs and when, businesses will get back to normal. One cannot assume economically everything will be ok, once we reach October 2021.
    It will take many months thereafter to get back to employability and profitability. So whats the plan for that? What are the projections? What are the solutions? What is the plan ?


    Dato' David Gurupatham
    Datuk Irwin SW Cheong
    On-behalf of #IndustriesUnite.

    #OneVoice #kitajagakita #ManaPelan #JabatanPerdanaMenteri #RecoveryPlan #MOFMalaysia #KementerianKewanganMalaysia #KKM #covid19 #PKP3 #MCO3 #RintihanRakyat

  • bureaucracy 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-10 17:00:24
    有 9 人按讚

    A veteran pro-democracy barrister has questioned a government proposal to appoint rising stars in the bureaucracy as senior counsel, saying those who aspire to wear silk must also have good reputations and a sense of justice. The doubts were dismissed by Hong Kong's justice minister...

    Read more: https://bit.ly/2RHEi8Y

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  • bureaucracy 在 AKaMiKz Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-02-15 12:04:34

    Blade of Kingdoms (English) Android Gameplay
    Asia Server Published by Game Dreamer Ltd
    Size: 2.65 GB


    [Blade of kingdoms] South Korea's efforts to develop game masterpieces! Powered by the UE4 engine, the dynamic and delicate picture quality is perfect, super smooth and striking rhythm and dynamic, officially surpassing all the legends in the past game history, gorgeous confrontation will shake the earth! The king is on the horizon!

    [Happy COMBO, high-end operation dripping experience]
    Created by Korean game makers 4:33 and ActionSquare, the emphasis is on the rhythm of the rhythm and the sensation of COMBO. The super-high-quality shocking picture makes you love it.

    [Image quality peak, UE4 casting]
    With the powerful expressive power of the Unreal Engine 4 engine, the details of the military commander and the scene effects are quite gorgeous. A super-quality picture that goes directly beyond the highest-end game specifications of the current generation.

    [The chaos of the world, the heroes and the world want to swallow the world]
    During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the seemingly eternal dynasty began to decline because of the faint emperor and corrupt bureaucracy. At this time, people who grasp the chaos of the world and intend to swallow the world have appeared...
    The diversified combination of interactive and exploratory functional elements and different team gain effects make every legendary famous player's ability to the fullest. At this time, you will lead the historical wheel, and in this troubled world, you will create your own dynasty.

    [Imperial City Construction, Rewriting History to Create Classics]
    With the high level of quality of the extraordinary ARPG games, it also adds strategic elements such as expansion of architecture and resource production based on the collection of the three famous players, so that your military commanders and imperial cities are gradually stronger at all times.

  • bureaucracy 在 昆蟲InsectAngTV Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-08-28 19:35:00

    冲100k订阅 看到的 麻烦留下脚印订阅T^T

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