

在 betterment產品中有201篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Monster 🦠 My son @isidoredanielikingazmi drew this today. He says it’s a monster COVID-19 virus. Note: “Not a Girl” LOL. So the virus is a boy? 😂 ...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅威宇 & 阿堯,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#記得打開cc字幕 很多人在剛開始投資的時候,都會想一套長期的策略。尤其是 ETF 投資人,應該大部分都是想著要長期持有。可是大多數人會發現,這個策略往往沒辦法長期遵守,最後往往交易頻率都比當時預期來得高,可能是開始做一些短期的交易,或是覺得未來經濟不樂觀,先降低投資部位。 這集的內容主要是聽到 ...

  • betterment 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-20 13:12:46
    有 49 人按讚

    Monster 🦠

    My son @isidoredanielikingazmi drew this today. He says it’s a monster COVID-19 virus.

    Note: “Not a Girl”

    LOL. So the virus is a boy? 😂

    Was chatting with my team yesterday listening to their woes, and while I’m pretty good at blocking negativity as I don’t have space for that, I noticed one pertinent issue :

    Most of their concerns include people management.

    I reread the book by Hamza Yusuf “Purification of the Heart”

    It shares the signs, symptoms and cures of the spiritual diseases of the heart.

    If we examine the trials and tribulations all over the earth, we’ll find they are rooted in human hearts.

    “Every criminal, miser, abuser, scoffed, emblezzer and hateful person does what he or she does because of a diseased heart”

    Someone told me not to look at all people with rose tinted glasses.

    “You are so trusting … beware of those with hidden agendas”

    What a sad world for Mami Pon to have to be more cautious with people. Can’t we all just be more loving and kind?

    The virus? If it had a gender, it could be a girl too Isidore.

    Women are strong and powerful.

    It’s how you use those strengths to your advantage - for the betterment of the community … or not.

    The choice is yours.

  • betterment 在 Victor Chau Yoga Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-19 10:56:00
    有 3 人按讚


    To me, teaching a #yogateachertraining is a very intimate coaching experience. As a yoga teacher training, it is my job to ensure my students to improve on their asana practice and learn how to teach authentically and confidently. But it is my calling and mission to see their growth and empowerment from the inside, to lead them the way to change - not because of me, but the desire for self betterment. This is how sacred a yoga teacher training is to me.

    That is why in #empoweredflow teacher training, I insist on a smaller class size (15-20), so I know your names individually.

    That is why I ask you to attend classes inside the training period, not in the existing schedule in @yogaroomhk .

    That is why I work with @reebiesw who teaches from the most honest of hearts.

    That is why I work with @tee.nan , who not only perfects his inversions but is also passionate and scientific with his teaching methods.

    That is why I work with @hema.mirpuri who tirelessly impart her knowledge in pre and #postnatalyoga to her students.

    You will be give a set sequence and a script to teach, with variations offered for various levels. You will learn how to use the power of social media to promote your classes, so you’re ready to teach right off the bat. You will finish the teacher training with clear sense of purpose and goal, instead being left with uncertainty of how, where and why you should teach yoga.

    It’s not an easy journey. If you want an easy ride and just want to deepen your asana practice and get a certificate, this training might not be for you. But if you want to embark on a journey that is worthy of your energy, time and focus that will truly empower you and the people you will encounter in the near future, then I’ll welcome you with open arms.

    Got any questions? Leave them in comments or DM me.

  • betterment 在 蔡至誠。PG財經筆記Simple Is The Best Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-25 10:52:08
    有 61 人按讚


    美國第一家機器人理財公司Betterment(管理資金:290億美元)的創辦人Jon Stein說:




    「John Bogle 影響我很多,他堅持對客戶做正確的事情,並且將他的一生奉獻給了這個使命 」





    Betterment由執行長喬恩·史坦(Jon Stein)與證券律師(Eli Broverman)聯合創辦,為了幫助客戶做出更好的財務決策,過更好的生活,喬恩決定將公司取名Betterment。


  • betterment 在 威宇 & 阿堯 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-10 18:22:43

    很多人在剛開始投資的時候,都會想一套長期的策略。尤其是 ETF 投資人,應該大部分都是想著要長期持有。可是大多數人會發現,這個策略往往沒辦法長期遵守,最後往往交易頻率都比當時預期來得高,可能是開始做一些短期的交易,或是覺得未來經濟不樂觀,先降低投資部位。

    這集的內容主要是聽到 Betterment 的行為科學總監 Dan Egan 的一個 podcast 訪談。Betterment 是一個理財機器人平台,目前是第三大。管理 220 億美金,超過 50 萬名用戶。在訪談中,他提到為什麼投資人會有這些行為,以及我們可以怎麼提高決策品質,幫助你更好達成長期的目標。

    00:46 投資人行為與動機
    02:14 可能導致錯誤決策的兩種常見心態
    04:27 德國券商研究發現
    06:05 理財機器人平台 Betterment 提供的解決方案

    📺 訂閱頻道看更多投資影片:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBeH-s9UqWnWMUyqBGNqdA?sub_confirmation=1




  • betterment 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-02-16 02:09:12


    In 2017, because of my video Mantra to Repay Parents' Gratitude, I gained many new subscribers to my Youtube channel, especially from Taiwan. I welcome everybody to join me, in learning how to be kinder and better person. I am even more thankful for the support you have given me. Here's a CNY video from me, sending happiness and prosperity your way! Happy Lunar New Year!

    To purchase my book, Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment:

    International delivery ~

    台灣 Taiwan delivery ~

    臉書專頁 My Facebook page:

  • betterment 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-03-01 22:16:17

    Campus TV, HKUSU Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hkucampustv



    於三月一日(星期二)下午十二時四十五分到二時正於香港大學中山廣場舉行論壇,論題為「香港未來抗爭方向」。嘉賓講者包括(排名不分前後)公民黨黨魁、立法會議員梁家傑先生、青年新政發言人黃俊傑先生 、電影《十年》-《自焚者》導演周冠威先生以及勇武前綫友好組織成員、UmbrA成員MJ先生。

    【Social Sciences Society Forum】

    Hong Kong is under great struggle and discontent in recent years. People are demanding for changes, but the spectrum of resistance is extending towards the two ends and heading to polarisation.

    From the Umbrella Movement to the battle of Mongkok, we witnessed resistance source from the rotten authority and the failed governance of the existing government. It provoked our reflection over the future direction and possible ways of resistance for the betterment of Hong Kong.

    Some claimed that we should accept the authority and express opinions with institutional means and there is not necessary for resistance. Some suggested that concerns should be raised in a peaceful, rational and non-violent manner while some proposed that such manner prohibited from the British colonial period has been outdated and more radical ways must be adopted from the past failed experience of Umbrella Movement and countless peaceful expressions. Where should Hong Kong station at the spectrum?

    The Social Sciences Society, HKUSU is held a forum on 1st March, 2016, from 12:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Happy Park in HKU. The title of the forum is “Future Resistance Path of Hong Kong”. The guest speakers are (listed in no particular order) Alan Leong Kah-kit, leader of the Civic Party and the Legislative Council Member; Kenny Wong Chun-kit, Spokesperson of Youngspiration; Chow Kwun-wai, director of “Self Immolator” in “Ten Years”; Mr Mj, member of the friendship organization of Valiant Frontier and member of UmbrA.

