

在 assimilate產品中有51篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Daily advice for HK immigrants to the West: Regarding parenting, you’ll want to exercise judgment regarding putting your kids in Chinese school on we...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過196萬的網紅主頻道【谷阿莫】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我是谷阿莫的主頻道,影片主要會在這邊更新,若是主頻道出問題,可以去其他頻道觀看。 |副 頻 道:https://reurl.cc/6ROXb |備用頻道:https://reurl.cc/Oo36y |休閒頻道:https://bit.ly/2UhcK5y |小 頻 道:https://bit.ly...

assimilate 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-17 12:51:55

《紐約時報》:台灣原住民狩獵文化—在千年傳統與現代法律之間? 「狩獵文化無罪、法律規定違憲!」 多個原住民團體在司法院 (Judicial Yuan) 前施放狼煙、高喊口號。主角是布農族男子王光祿以及卑南族男子潘志強,2人都因為用獵槍獵捕了山羌等保育類動物 (protected species)...

assimilate 在 Agnes Chee謝嫣薇 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 09:48:41

My new book : 《World-Changing Flavours: Insight into 18 forward thinkers in the contemporary culinary world 》—— story 17: Danny Ip from @thechairmanre...

  • assimilate 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-30 09:09:25
    有 47 人按讚

    Daily advice for HK immigrants to the West:

    Regarding parenting, you’ll want to exercise judgment regarding putting your kids in Chinese school on weekends. If they enjoy Chinese school and if the school teaches well, by all means let them enjoy the ride. You also need to balance their needs to socialize in sports while getting educated in Chinese school. A lot of sports events happen on weekends too. When my son was wrestling from junior high to high school (i.e. throughout secondary school), I was his taxi driver all over the state for all competitions not only on most weekends but often on weekdays. Even during off-season, we would look for tournaments to go to in order to get him to the state-ranked level of excellence. None of that includes endless hours in wrestling gyms to train with top coaches. Let me be frank. I’m in favor of being multilingual, but not all Chinese schools are run well. If bad teachers teach them, they’ll learn to hate Chinese school and maybe even their own culture. You’ll have to ask yourself whether that’s worth it. For me, sports (or other after school activities) and grades would take priority to help my kids assimilate. As long as you speak your mother tongue to your kids, that may be good enough. They’re smart. They’ll retain more than you can imagine. One day, they’ll remember all the stuff you taught them at home and explore their culture and language further on their own. Let your kids own their own culture, not YOUR culture.

  • assimilate 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-22 07:35:06
    有 57 人按讚

    Daily advice for HK immigrants to the West:

    Regarding race, there’re right ways and wrong ways to assimilate. Many Asians, especially Chinese, try to assimilate by imitating the dominant white culture. No matter how you try to be like the “them”, people still see you as Asian. That’s evident in recent surge in the US with anti-Asian hate crimes. The right way of course is to appreciate all cultures while holding on the best of your own culture. You must still maintain your identity without feeling superior to all cultures. Refrain from judgment other people’s cultures and put aside your stereotypes. Don't think in terms of stereotypes (e.g. black people being criminals, Latinos being lower labor class, and Pakistanis being taxi drivers). Leave your (Hollywood induced) prejudices behind, meet real people and learn from them instead of categorizing them in harmful stereotypes.

  • assimilate 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-21 17:23:07
    有 38 人按讚



    多個原住民團體在司法院 (Judicial Yuan) 前施放狼煙、高喊口號。主角是布農族男子王光祿以及卑南族男子潘志強,2人都因為用獵槍獵捕了山羌等保育類動物 (protected species) 帶回部落(tribe) 被判刑(sentence)。

    原住民的狩獵行為和野生動物保育 (wildlife animal conservation)、槍枝使用安全 (gun safety) 等議題在司法院進行釋憲案 (interpretation)的言詞辯論庭(debate court);對於原住民主張的「傳統文化價值」,你覺得應該和現代法律之間如何共存?
    📰 俐媽新聞英文—狩獵文化篇:

    * Bunun 布農族
    * Puyuma 卑南族
    * contend (v.) 為了...鬥爭
    * taboo (n.) 禁忌
    * trial (n.) 審判
    * indigenous (a.) = aboriginal 原住民的
    * circumscribe (v.) 在周圍畫線;限制
    —> circum-: around/ -scrib: write
    * damp (a.) 潮濕的
    * weave (v.) 迂迴行進,穿行
    * thicket (n.) 灌林叢;雜木林
    * clutch (v.) 抓住
    * rifle (n.) 來福槍,步槍
    * headlamp (n.) 礦工頭上所戴的小型燈
    * prey (n.) = game 獵物
    —> fall prey to N 成為⋯的獵物
    * skin (v.) 剝...的皮
    * boar (n.) 野山豬
    * antler (n.) 鹿角
    * skull (n.) 頭蓋骨
    * coarse (a.) 粗糙的
    * bristle (n.) 短而硬的毛
    * cradle (v.) 把...擱在支架上
    * colonial (a.) 殖民的
    * settler (n.) 移居者;殖民者;開拓者
    * curtail (v.) 縮減
    * assimilate (v.) 使民族、語言等同化
    —> sin/sim/syn/sym-: the same
    * social marginalization 社會邊緣化
    * carve out (ph.) 開拓
    * tribe (n.) 部落;種族
    c.f. troop (n.) 部隊
    * ailing (a.) 生病的
    * appeal (v.) 上訴
    * constitutional interpretation 釋憲文
    * nestle (v.) 舒適地安頓下來
    * omen (n.) 徵兆
    * Seediq 賽德克族
    * Truku 太魯閣族
    * destine (v.) 命定,注定
    * bar (v.) 在...上飾以條紋
    * absurd (a.) 不合理的
    * ruinous (a.) 毀滅性的
    * curb (n.)(v.) 約束,控制
    * stride (v.) 邁大步走
    * feast (n.) 盛宴,筵席
    * chant (v.) 歌頌,吟詠

    🗞 新聞來源:https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/13/world/asia/taiwan-Indigenous-hunters.html
    這篇分享紐約時報駐台記者 (dispatch) 的專題報導,探討的議題很有趣,有些用字較深,同學們當作課外讀物輕鬆閱讀即可。


  • assimilate 在 主頻道【谷阿莫】 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-11 18:36:20

    |副 頻 道:https://reurl.cc/6ROXb
    |小 頻 道:https://bit.ly/2VGQIyR


    我是谷阿莫,very good的阿莫,科科,來這邊只是聽我說一個我喜歡的故事,我不評論原始故事背後的含意或導演拍攝的用意,因為那些東西每個人都有不同的看法,有空還是要自己去看原創故事喔,謝謝。



