

在 aggravating產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【火燒後欄】你有辣到小菊花的經驗嗎? ⭐延續昨天麻辣火鍋的餘辣 ⭐有痔瘡的話情況更慘烈 #星期六隻眼閉 吃辣爽,菊花殘? 身邊有沒有無辣不歡的朋友?三不五時便吃麻辣火鍋,甚至外出都要隨身自備辣油,為每一餐加添「滋味」?吃過一頓超辣的麻辣火鍋過後,第二天上廁所時連肛門都有火辣辣的感覺,其實是因為辣...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過283萬的網紅bubzbeauty,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hey beautiful ones, You can check out my detailed post on this remedy below: http://www.bubzbeauty.com/bubbi-likes/126-oatmeal-cleanser.html I w...

aggravating 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-04 03:06:27

【火燒後欄】你有辣到小菊花的經驗嗎? ⭐延續昨天麻辣火鍋的餘辣 ⭐有痔瘡的話情況更慘烈 #星期六隻眼閉 吃辣爽,菊花殘? 身邊有沒有無辣不歡的朋友?三不五時便吃麻辣火鍋,甚至外出都要隨身自備辣油,為每一餐加添「滋味」?吃過一頓超辣的麻辣火鍋過後,第二天上廁所時連肛門都有火辣辣的感覺,其實是因為辣...

aggravating 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 07:21:42

【養生靚湯】風濕不是老人家的專利 ⭐不少年輕人都有風濕問題 ⭐一返風落雨就嗌救命 #星期五湯水 風濕發作? 粉葛湯紓緩腰痠骨痛 春天到了,朋友慨嘆他又可以報天氣,因為每逢陰雨天,他的腰痛就會加劇。為甚麼風濕患者有這項「特異功能」?「風濕」指風邪與濕邪,陰雨天風邪及濕邪之氣較盛,會使經絡氣血受阻,...

aggravating 在 Jying Chang Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 15:37:04

#purrreads 2020閱讀統計​ ​ 文學類與非文學類佔了大概各自一半左右,跟我想像中的差不多。​ ​ 2020是個不得了的一年,​ 面對所有理想的崩壞與衝擊,做出許多不得不的決定。​ 我沒有我想像中的自由,亦無期望中的成熟,​ 依然亂七八糟的活在這世界上,​ 祈禱自己在某一刻墜落的時候不至...

  • aggravating 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-01 08:33:42
    有 194 人按讚





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    Have a burning sensation in the rear after eating spicy food?
    Do you have friends who cannot live without spicy food? Would they regularly indulge in spicy hot pot and bring along a bottle of chili oil to spice up their meals?

    After a night of spicy hot pot, we can feel a burning sensation in the rectum when we visit the toilet. This is because the human body cannot completely absorb or neutralize capsaicin from the hot pot.. Bowel movements will then transport capsaicin down to the intestines, and this is why we can feel a burning sensation in the rectum when we excrete the waste.

    Though the burning sensation will not have a direct impact on the body, Chinese physicians believe spiciness can disperse stasis, improve circulation of the qi and blood, dispel cold, and induce sweating. Hence, it can exhaust the qi and the blood, further aggravating the heat condition of the body. Therefore, individuals with qi stagnation, blood stasis, damp heat, and yin-deficient body constitutions should avoid eating spicy food.

    Upon consuming spicy food, many people would develop two extreme reactions: diarrhea or constipation. This is because spiciness is oil-soluble, and this is also why a large amount of oil is always used to cook spicy food. As a result, individuals with a weak spleen and stomach will experience diarrhea because they cannot digest greasy food.

    Besides, eating spicy food can cause heat to accumulate, and this will exhaust the fluid in the body, causing stool to turn hard and lead to constipation. Therefore, it is important not to consume spicy food excessively.

    Tea remedy to clear heat, dispel dampness and relieve diarrhea: Stir-fried hyacinth bean tea with coix seed
    Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Clears heat and relieves diarrhea. Alleviates various symptoms caused by damp-heat-related diarrhea after eating, drinking, smoking or drinking, such as sticky stool, exceptionally bad odor, burning sensation in the anus following a bowel movement.
    Ingredients: 15g stir-fried hyacinth bean, 15g raw coix seeds,
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients. Combine all ingredients with 800ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos and tea can be re-brewed until flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.

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    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #濕熱 #腹瀉

  • aggravating 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-19 19:16:10
    有 391 人按讚





    1. 所有材料洗淨,粉葛去皮切塊;粟米去衣留鬚切段。
    2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮2小時,最後下鹽調味即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Drink arrowroot soup to relieve lower back pain and soreness

    Spring has arrived, and my friend complained that his body could literally ‘tell the weather of the day’. This is because on rainy days, he will experience backache. Why would individuals who suffer from arthritis possess this kind of ‘supernatural’ ability?

    Wind-dampness refers to both pathogenic factors of the wind and dampness. On rainy days, both pathogenic factors will become more abundant, stagnating the qi and the blood in the Meridians, hence aggravating the pain.

    Chinese Medicine theories opine that the qi during spring connects with the liver, and the liver guards the tendons. Therefore, the spring season can easily trigger our old injuries. If you feel restless, have pain and soreness on your lower back and bones, and experience appetite loss, most probably they are associated with spring fatigue.

    Try consuming an appropriate amount of arrowroot soup. Arrowroot can quench one’s thirst, induce saliva production, relieve the tendons, and invigorate the meridians. You can also add ingredients that can strengthen the spleen and eliminate dampness from the body. Rice beans and black-eyed pea are among the ingredients that can get rid of excess water from the body, hence keeping the body fresh and relaxed.

    Tip on the ingredients:
    Kudzu is cold in nature, can dispel heat, promote fluid production and relieve thirst, loosen tight tendons.

    Kudzu and Corn soup with Rice beans
    Effects: Clears heat and promotes diuresis. Relieves tired limbs, sore back and lack of appetite.
    Ingredients: 1 kudzu, 2 corn(with silk), 40g rice bean, 30g black-eyed pea, 1 dried citrus peel, 2 candied dates, 30g soya bean, 2 slices ginger
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Cut the peeled kudzu into pieces. Remove husks from corn and cut into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Add salt to taste.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #我狀態OK

  • aggravating 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-02 19:30:14
    有 3 人按讚

    #Opinion by Adrian Chow 周博賢|"Instead of dealing with the root causes, the authority resorted to take on ambush-style actions, taking people by surprise, and further aggravating the already fragile relationship with the people."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3tlRNJA
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  • aggravating 在 bubzbeauty Youtube 的精選貼文

    2011-06-17 22:45:03

    Hey beautiful ones,

    You can check out my detailed post on this remedy below: http://www.bubzbeauty.com/bubbi-likes/126-oatmeal-cleanser.html

    I want to share this daily remedy that has been working amazingly well for me. I am so thankful for it and I am so excited to share it with you guys. I am a little nervous about this video though because I show some pretty horrific pictures of a skin reaction that I had not long ago. But ahh well... sometimes, poo happens lol!

    During my skin reaction, I had to cleanse my face with oatmeal since the chemicals from my cleansers were aggravating my skin even more. Now that my skin has recovered, I STILL clean my face with oatmeal. Why? I have seen the benefits and I find that the more I use it, the better the condition of my skin has become. 

    Do you know that oatmeal is an incredible cleanser for the skin? It has the ability to relieve itchiness, redness, dryness and minor irritations. It absorbs and removes dirt & impurities whilst exfoliating the skin gently without all the harmful chemicals (found in a lot of our skincare products). It also helps the skin to fight against free radicals because it's so abundant in anti-oxidants. Result? Smoother, clearer and brighter skin without the $$$
Whilst rinsing the face, I can already feel my skin feeling silkier. My face looked glowy, radiant and smooth. I can't actually explain how much I love this remedy so hopefully you guys can see the results yourself through pictures. Both oatmeal AND yogurt has saved my skin many times. Unlike a lot of cleansers, this won't dry out your face or irritate your skin. It works wonders! My skin has thanked me visually. 

    I really hope you guys find this video helpful. I wish somebody told me this remedy earlier. I felt like I raved so much about natural yogurt that I kind of neglected how amazing the oatmeal cleanser was. I recommend everybody (who isn't allergic to oats) to try this for sure.

    PPS. Chubbi no likey my kisses.
    PPPS. She's like 'Talk in the paw, mum!'

    PPPS. To those who are asking, Chubbi has lost a lot of fur because she's 5 months old now. She's shedding her puppy coat and will grow her Pomeranian coat but it will take around 5 months. She will be fluffy again soon! Promise!

    Follow me on Twitter:

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    Connect with me at the Bubzbeauty Fanpage where I chill n catch up with you guys ^^

  • aggravating 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文

    2008-02-16 00:27:06

    The Philadelphia 76ers had no answer for the 7-footer, or for the rest of the Dallas Mavericks on Thursday night.

    Nowitzki had 30 points and 14 rebounds and Steve Nash added 21 points and 13 assists, leading Dallas to a 107-94 victory over Philadelphia.

    "They tried to go small on us," Nowitzki said. "I'm not where I should be. I have to punish smaller guys more."

    Michael Finley scored 19 and Nick Van Exel added 16 for the Mavericks, who improved the NBA's best record to 33-8 with their second straight win after a dismal West Coast trip on which they lost three in a row.

    At the halfway point of the season, Dallas is on pace for a franchise-best 66 wins.

    "Guys don't care if we win 60 games if we don't win a championship," Nash said.

    Allen Iverson and Keith Van Horn each scored 25 for the Sixers, who have lost 12 of 16.

    Philadelphia has alternated wins and losses in its last six games after losing nine of 10. The Sixers, who opened the season 10-0 at the First Union Center, are 1-7 in their last eight home games.

    "This is not the team we thought we were going to have," Sixers coach Larry Brown said, referring to injuries that have hampered the team.

    Philadelphia, which trailed by 18 in the second quarter, closed to 50-47 following a three-point play by Iverson early in the third. But the Mavericks answered with seven straight points and 11 of the next 13.

    Nowitzki had seven straight points during the stretch, displaying all the skills that have made him one of toughest players in the league to defend. His 3-pointer, 19-footer and layup gave the Mavericks a 61-49 lead.

    The Sixers didn't get closer than eight the rest of the way.

    Nowitzki, guarded by several different players at various points, finished 12-of-19 from the field.

    "Most power forwards I can defend, but they're not that big," Van Horn said. "He's so long and he shoots the ball so well, he's really tough."

    Brown started the fourth quarter with five guards on the floor _ Iverson, Eric Snow, Aaron McKie, Greg Buckner and John Salmons.

    It didn't work.

    Three-pointers by Van Exel and Finley made it 85-67. Another 3 by Van Exel increased the lead to 88-69, and Brown went back to a regular lineup, which also wasn't successful.

    "They're a great team, they have great players and they're well-coached," Brown said.

    Former Sixer Raja Bell, who played on Philadelphia's Eastern Conference championship team two years ago, was in the starting lineup to guard Iverson, whom he used to go against in practice.

    Bell scored just two points in 41 minutes but forced Iverson to miss four of his first five shots. Iverson finished 9-of-17.

    Dallas outscored the Sixers 15-6 over a six-minute stretch to take its biggest lead to that point, 48-30, on a fast-break dunk by Bell early in the second quarter.

    Game notes
    Sixers forward Derrick Coleman missed his second straight game with a finger injury. ... Dallas swept the season series. The Mavs beat the Sixers 102-83 at American Airlines Arena on Jan. 4. ... Philadelphia has trailed after the first quarter in 13 of the last 17 games, and is 1-12 in those games. ... Iverson was named a starter for the East in next month's All-Star game. It'll be his fourth consecutive appearance in the game. ... Sixers forward Brian Skinner didn't return after aggravating an ankle injury in the first half. ... The Mavericks are 16-2 against the East. ... Salmons, a first-round pick last June, had a career-high nine assists. ... Dallas, which was 27-of-28 from the foul line on Tuesday night, was 11-of-11 against Philadelphia. .. The Mavs were 12-of-22 from 3-point range. ... Sixers forward Monty Williams, who has been out with a knee injury, appears headed for more surgery.

