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在 adversely產品中有59篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỪ VỰNG CHỦ ĐỀ WORK [Kèm bài mẫu] 🎗PHẦN TỪ VỰNG CHUNG - work productivity: năng suất làm việc - a nine-to-five job: công việc giờ hành chính - poor wo...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,— 陪賓狗錄 podcast — 歡迎來訂閱我的節目《聽新聞學英文》 https://open.firstory.me/user/bingobilingual/platforms 【今天會學到的單字】 Fertility rate 生育率 fertility 生育的能力 Have an impa...

adversely 在 Malaysianparenting.com Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 09:02:24

Lately, we had been bombarded with lots of Covid news and Let's take a break, stay at home and indulge in some chocolates! Celebrating #MyCadburyFlav...

adversely 在 農 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-05 16:23:28

把頭髮剪短了,希望這個髮型能讓生活變得更簡單。讓我有更多心力,專注在想做的事情。這幾天,經歷了有點嚴重的疲憊感,我發現了一個很重要的原因: 現在有太多事情同時進行著,光是音樂:練吉他鋼琴、翻唱歌曲、創作錄音製作、學習後製、直播表演、想新歌的宣傳…等。此外,我目前還有線上一對一的英文課、口說課、吉他...

  • adversely 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-13 21:30:57
    有 1,121 人按讚

    TỪ VỰNG CHỦ ĐỀ WORK [Kèm bài mẫu]
    - work productivity: năng suất làm việc
    - a nine-to-five job: công việc giờ hành chính
    - poor work performance: hiệu suất làm việc kém
    - sick leave: nghỉ phép vì bệnh
    - professional work environment: môi trường làm việc chuyên nghiệp
    - to get a well-paid job: có được 1 công việc được trả lương tốt
    - to earn a high salary: có được mức lương cao
    - job satisfaction: sự hài lòng khi làm việc
    - to work long hours: làm việc nhiều giờ
    - to limit work hours: giới hạn giờ làm việc
    - to suffer from various health issues: mắc các vấn đề về sức khỏe
    - low productivity: năng suất thấp
    - a case in point: 1 ví dụ điển hình
    - to frequently feel exhausted: thường xuyên cảm thấy kiệt sức
    - to make more errors at work: sai sót nhiều hơn tại sở làm
    - to have serious consequences for …: gây ra hậu quả nặng nề cho…
    - busy work schedules: lịch trình công việc bận rộn
    - to be self-employed: tự làm chủ
    - to pursue a career: theo đuổi sự nghiệp
    - to learn various skills and experience: học được những kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm

    - to provide us with flexibility and convenience: cung cấp cho chúng ta sự linh hoạt và tiện lợi
    - do not need to go to the office on a daily basis: không cần tới công sở hàng ngày
    - to save a large amount of time commuting back and forth to work: tiết kiệm 1 lượng lớn thời gian đi lại
    - to have the freedom to choose where and when they want to work: có sự tự do lựa chọn nơi đâu và khi nào họ muốn làm việc
    - to require high levels of discipline and commitment: đòi hỏi mức độ kỷ luật và cam kết cao
    - to have no supervision and restrictions: không có sự giám sát hay hạn chế nào
    - might experience feelings of loneliness and isolation sometimes: thỉnh thoảng có thể trải qua cảm giác cô đơn và đơn độc
    - to easily get distracted by things like movies/ online games/…: dễ dàng bị sao nhãng bởi các thứ như phim, games online
    - cannot concentrate entirely on their work: không thể hoàn toàn tập trung vào công việc
    - to negatively affect their work performance and productivity: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới hiệu suất làm việc
    - to be difficult to develop social skills (communication, teamwork skills,…): khó phát triển các kỹ năng xã hội (kỹ năng giao tiếp, làm việc đội nhóm,…)
    - to have less chance to interact and communicate directly with their colleagues and clients: có ít cơ hội tương tác và giao tiếp trực tiếp với đồng nghiệp và khách hàng

    People tend to work longer hours nowadays. Working long hours has a negative effect on themselves their families and the society so working hours should be restricted. Do you agree or disagree?

    Working longer hours is getting more common in today’s society. I personally believe that this trend not only has a severe impact on the workers themselves, but also on their families and the community as a whole. Therefore, I totally agree with the idea of limiting working hours.

    A few decades ago, a person normally worked an average of eight hours per day. Average daily working hours in recent years, however, have significantly increased to ten or even fourteen. This, in my opinion, adversely affects employees’ health and productivity. For example, people who spend longer at work are more likely to suffer from various health issues, ranging from fatigue to more serious problems like anxiety disorders or even stroke . Failing health leads to more sick leave , poor work performance and low productivity. My cousin is a case in point. Working nearly twelve hours on a daily basis, he frequently feels exhausted and makes more errors at work than he used to.

    I also think that extended hours of work has serious consequences for families and communities . At the family level, busy work schedules prevent people from taking frequent family trips or even just having meals together. Relationships among members are greatly weakened if they cannot make time for each other. In terms of community life, overworked people do not devote time to voluntary activity that brings benefits for their society. My uncle, for example, hardly has time for local community service projects such as conservation work or working with a charity because he works more than sixty hours per week.

    In conclusion, I would argue that working time should be reduced since the frequency of long working hours exerts an adverse effect on employees, their family bonds and their community.
    (293 words, written by Nguyen Huyen)

    #ieltsnguyenhuyen #ieltsvocabulary #ieltswriting

  • adversely 在 TrendForce Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-03 00:00:22
    有 1 人按讚

    Being in the transition period between older and newer iPhone models, Apple fell to the fourth place in terms of market share for 2Q21, though its release of new iPhones, if priced aggressively enough, in September will likely help it recover some market share

  • adversely 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-14 18:31:01
    有 3,435 人按讚

    🇬🇧 不少朋友看過YouTube關於彭定康政改的分享,都希望多了解那個年代。純粹文學賞析:彭定康最後一份施政報告,字字勝似預言,結尾引用Jack London「寧化飛灰不作浮塵」,彷彿遇見了真香港的結局,這種修為,已成絕唱。


    Governors have lived for Hong Kong. One or two have literally died for Hong Kong. But all have found Hong Kong, in and out of office, an all-consuming interest. Retired to our grey and green island, past Governors have watched from afar with keen-eyed interest and, doubtless, occasional frustration as Hong Kong's history has unfolded. I shall do the same, carrying with me one frustration, gnawed by one anxiety, comforted by one certainty.

    For me the frustration, the greatest in this job, is that I have not been able to put my personal view of Hong Kong's best interests to the test which legitimizes leadership in most free societies, the test of the ballot box.

    But Hong Kong has been promised that its government will develop so that that can happen one day, a day I hope I shall see and a day that I shall be delighted to put down to China's credit and to the credit of those in this territory who have stood up bravely for the people of Hong Kong.

    My anxiety is this: not that this community's autonomy would be usurped by Peking, but that it could be given away bit by bit by some people in Hong Kong.

    We all know that over the last couple of years we have seen decisions, taken in good faith by the Government of Hong Kong, appealed surreptitiously to Peking - decisions taken in the interests of the whole community lobbied against behind closed doors by those whose personal interests may have been adversely affected.

    That is damaging to Hong Kong because it draws Chinese officials into matters which should fall squarely within the autonomy of Hong Kong. If we in Hong Kong want our autonomy, then it needs to be defended and asserted by everyone here - by businessmen, politicians, journalists, academics and other community leaders, as well as by public servants.

    And what of that truth which more than anything else gives me confidence in Hong Kong? The truth is this. The qualities, the beliefs, the ideals that have made Hong Kong's present will still be here to shape Hong Kong's future.

    Hong Kong, it seems to me, has always lived by the author, Jack London's credo:

    "I would rather be ashes than dust, I would rather my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze,
    Than it should be stifled in dry rot.
    I would rather be a superb meteor,
    With every atom of me in magnificent glow,
    Than a sleepy and permanent planet."

    Whatever the challenges ahead, nothing should bring this meteor crashing to earth, nothing should snuff out its glow. I hope that Hong Kong will take tomorrow by storm. And when it does, History will stand and cheer.

  • adversely 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-17 16:00:01

    — 陪賓狗錄 podcast —


    Fertility rate 生育率
    fertility 生育的能力
    Have an impact 有影響

    Do sth of one’s own free will 自願、非遭強迫的
    On the other hand 另一方面(副詞片語)

    infertile 不孕的
    fertile 有繁殖力的;土壤肥沃的

    Be faced with 面臨(常常可以接 crisis)
    infertility crisis 不孕危機

    sperm concentration 精子濃度
    decline 減少

    excessive 過度的
    drinking 常常指飲酒
    fall into a category 屬於什麼範圍

    in one’s control 由誰可以掌控的

    Adverse 不好的;不想要的
    adverse effect 不好的效果;不好的影響
    副詞 adversely affect,帶來負面影響
    reproductive health 生殖健康

    Pan 平底鍋
    Water-repellent jacket 防水外套
    cosmetics 化妝品
    testosterone 睪固酮
    interfere with 干涉;干預;(負面)影響




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  • adversely 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-31 23:44:32


    The motorcycle which Honda Motor produces Honda / FTR (an F tea are) and sells. There are sold 250cc model and 223cc model of an existing car model once. When I say FTR now, I point at 223cc model generally.

    It was exhibited as a reference exhibition car (I am to market it, car) by Tokyo mortor show of 2007. When a commercial car was announced at this time, there is not a large change, and it is it when simple as well as other street system motorcycles.

    Basic constitution is a lot common to with FTR which is brothers car. Frame an engine (MD33E) / a carburetor (VE3DA) and a part of decoration become FTR when common, but plan differentiation with FTR223 of the appearance that I change coloring / decoration, and was conscious of off-road system motorcycle so that CB223S is made as a retro system street motorcycle.

    Honda / CBR1000RR (the double are that I do not make sea B are) is four parallel cylinders, a motorcycle of 998cc cubic centimeter displacement of the CBR series done of release [1] as a succeeding car from March 31, 2004 of CBR954RR of Honda Motor. A pet name of Fireblade( fire blade) is given an export model.

    A CB1300 super forehand (CB1300 SUPER FOUR, CB1300SF) is the motorcycle which Honda Motor sells from 1998; (an export vehicle is sold by a name of CB1300 abroad).

    Honda / VTR1000 SP-1/2 is an article for export markets motorcycle of two four stroke V type cylinder 999cc engine deployment in one of the VTR series that Honda Motor releases. (Only a car for exclusive use of the competition that is impossible of public road registration sells it in Japan)In addition, I sell it by a name to call RC51 which imaged a model of a works racer with North America specifications, but an official car name is RVT1000R.

    By the way, a real model of this motorcycle is SC45.
    It is the model whom Honda Motor developed as a next participation vehicle for the super motorcycle world championship for RVF750(RC45).

    For the reason why I chose V twin as not V4 which I used so far,

    * (Of development those days)Displacement volume upper limit 4 of regulation was 750cc with a cylinder, but it is for the V twin to have been 1,000cc
    * In comparison with V4, plan simplification of lightweighting and structure of a vehicle in race regulation
    * A limit of development of the V4 engine which matured for a long time.
    * Influence of a rival (Ducati) adopting two 90 degrees V type cylinders. In ※ Ducati company, it is expressed with L twin.

    It is given が.

    I adopted an expensive frame of the hardness that let an aluminum frame link trass in SP-1, but I improve a frame in SP-2 and there is no proper degree and may give you it because I am too firm and in this situation was hard to treat it adversely.

    In addition, regulation of WSB is changed, and four cylinder cars play CBR1000RR from 2004 because the upper limit became 1,000cc.

  • adversely 在 隨我行FolloMe Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-12-20 10:09:07

    Long Valley Wetland is located in northern area in New Territories, near Ho Sheung Heung and Yin Kong. Many birds come to the wetland in winter because the farmlands are an ideal breeding site. Crop-growing is practiced in the area. Recently, agriculture went into recession in Hong Kong, the wetland is adversely affected by the abandonment of farmlands.


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