雖然這篇Abbasid Caliphate鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Abbasid Caliphate這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章
在 abbasid產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,974的網紅公民聯盟,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 證明以色列真的是千年古都?一群考古志工在以色列中部發現一袋超過千年的金幣!這個寶藏於8月18日發現,以色列古物管理局週一(8/25)宣佈,發現者是一群協助挖掘古物的年輕人,「1,100年前藏錢的人為了確保把錢藏好,還在容器裡釘了釘子。如今只能瞎猜不知道是什麼原因沒有回來拿(金幣)。」考古總監Liat...
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2021-02-03 12:23:29
#Repost @qalbyapp ・・・ One of the main reasons why many of us lose time and end up not achieving our goals is because we fail to recognize what is usef...
abbasid 在 歷史|历史|中國歷史|古人生活|諺語新知|動漫知史 Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-06-17 17:34:33
唐朝與阿拉伯的怛羅斯戰役 | 知史現場 唐高宗時期,唐室派出使臣巡視昭武九姓以及吐火羅國(Tochari)地區,並且在蔥嶺以西,設置都督府、軍府,更在吐火羅斯坦(今阿富汗北部)立石碑記述此事,以顯示唐室威嚴遠播。(注:蔥嶺即今天的帕米爾高原,因山上生蔥而得名,是陸上絲綢之路必經之地,西域和中亞的分...
abbasid 在 Azrinaz Mazhar Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-03 05:33:06
You see that ➡? There is a piece of marble in one of the pillars in the 'Dome of The Rock' which is told to have an image that resembles a Muslim comm...
abbasid 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最讚貼文
證明以色列真的是千年古都?一群考古志工在以色列中部發現一袋超過千年的金幣!這個寶藏於8月18日發現,以色列古物管理局週一(8/25)宣佈,發現者是一群協助挖掘古物的年輕人,「1,100年前藏錢的人為了確保把錢藏好,還在容器裡釘了釘子。如今只能瞎猜不知道是什麼原因沒有回來拿(金幣)。」考古總監Liat Nadav-Ziv 說。
目前仍無法查出這筆財富屬於誰,「這太酷了」其中一位志願者Oz Cohen表示,「我在挖掘的時候看到非常像葉片,非常開心的得知是這麼特別的古代遺跡。」
大約是9世紀的Abbasid Caliphate時期,這425片 24-carat 的純金金幣在當年可以說是一筆龐大的財富。古物管理局的錢幣專家 Robert Kool 說明,「舉例來說,這筆錢可以買一套豪宅在福斯塔特 (Fustat) 最好的住宅區 (當年的首都埃及富豪住宅區)」https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-archaeology-gold-coins-idUSKBN25K0US
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唐朝與阿拉伯的怛羅斯戰役 | 知史現場
但中亞、西域地區畢竟距離中原甚遠,即使是唐朝的藩國也並不完全臣服。昭武九姓之一的石國(西域古國,波斯語Chaj、突厥語Tash、粟特語Cac,即今烏茲別克斯坦的首都塔什干Tashkent)就曾經無視唐室。751年,安西節度使高仙芝(Go Seonji, ?-756年,高句麗人)率兵攻打石國,並生擒了國王。
石國王子連夜出逃,向黑衣大食求救。而黑衣大食就是阿拉伯帝國的第二個世襲王朝——阿拔斯王朝(Abbasid Dynasty),首都巴格達。高仙芝得知石國王子逃往黑衣大食後,決定先發制人,主動進攻大食。當時大唐聯軍集結了三萬多人,當中就包括遊牧民族葛邏祿和拔汗那國(Ferghana,今吉爾吉斯坦的費爾幹納地區)的軍卒,由高仙芝領軍長途奔襲七百多里,最終在怛羅斯(Talas,今天哈薩克斯坦邊境塔拉茲地區)與大食軍隊遭遇,雙方在751年的7月至8月爆發了戰爭。
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IF you're in St Andrews and you're into this sort of thing, feel free to attend. My friend and wife of a former student Hiu Ki Chan is presenting on Aldhelm of Malmesbury’s Theology of Virginity and its “Dilemma” in De Virginitate...
The Centre for Late Antique Studies, the University of St Andrews, and the University of Tübingen are organising the first in a series of interdisciplinary graduate workshops. This year the topic is The First Millenium AD, and it will take place at St Andrews on 23-24 May 2019. See below for the programme.
St Andrews, 23-24 May 2019
An interdisciplinary workshop generously sponsored by St Leonard's Doctoral and Postgraduate College, St Andrews
Venue: Lecture room 2, The Gateway, North Haugh
Thursday, 23 May
09.00 - Arrival and welcome
09.15-10.45 - Panel 1 (20 minutes presentations + 30 minutes questions)
* Georgios Mouratidis (St Andrews): Grants of citizenship and boule-membership to successful performers during the Empire
* Theresia Raum (Tübingen): There and back again: Herakleios and the Survival of the Eastern Roman Empire, 610-630
* Carolyn La Rocco (St Andrews): Some material evidence for inter-religious interaction on the late antique Iberian Peninsula
10.45-11.15 - Coffee break
11.15-13.15 - Panel 2 (20 minutes presentations + 40 minutes questions)
* Gabriel Gabbardo (St Andrews): Pigs and Nuns - A Julianic Anti-Christian persecution?
* Maurits De Leeuw (Tübingen): Beyond the bold bishop and the angry empress: Opposition against John Chrysostom
* Federico Montinaro (Tübingen): Abbasid Syria in the Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869/870
* Ian D. Morris (St Andrews): A pillow of figs: Late Antique ‘sleeper’ legends in Early Muslim exegesis
13.15-14.30 - Lunch
14.30-15.00 - Research at Tübingen
15.00-16.30 - Panel 3 (20 minutes presentations + 30 minutes questions)
* Dennis Jussen (Radbout/St Andrews): The Collection and its Collective: Pliny, Pacatus, and the Panegyrici Latini
* Andreas Abele (Tübingen): Reading the ‚Dullest Epistles in the Latin Language’ by the Book. A Narratological Approach to the Letters of Symmachus
* Maria Merino (St Andrews): Riddles and Praise: A Poetic Epistle to Charlemagne
16.30-17.00: Coffee break
17.00-18.30: Plenary lecture
Prof. Mischa Meier (Tübingen): The Roman Context of Early Islam
Friday, 24 May
09.00-11.00 - Panel 4 (20 minutes presentations + 40 minutes questions)
* François Rouvinez (St Andrews): The Gospel of Mark in the Context of Ancient Biography
* Martina Vercesi (St Andrews): Quale regnum exinde iustorum! Qualis civitas nova Hierusalem!: Revelation 19 – 21 in the exegesis of the Christian communities of Roman Africa from the II to the V century.
* David De Marco (Tübingen): Augustine’s presentation of Porphyry in De ciuitate Dei 10
* Hiu Ki Chan (St Andrews): Aldhelm of Malmesbury’s Theology of Virginity and its “Dilemma” in De Virginitate
11.00-11.30 - Coffee Break
11.30-13.00 - Panel 5 (20 minutes presentations + 30 minutes questions)
* Marzia Fiorentini (St Andrews/Sapienza): Liberalitas in the 4th century: a rhetorical analysis
* Sarah Bühler (Tübingen): Ordo renascens: Coping strategies of the imperial élites in Italy, 395-493 CE
* Caroline Belanger (Tübingen/St Andrews): The Right to Roman Hegemony: Virtue and Empire in Avienus' Descriptio
13.00-14.30 - Lunch
14.30-15.00: Research at St Andrews
15.00-16.30 - Panel 6 (20 minutes presentations + 30 minutes questions)
* Paolo Tedesco (Tübingen): The Political Economy of the Late Roman Empire: An Essay in Speculation
* Cameron Houston (St Andrews): The Politics of Ethnic and Spatial Discourses Concerning Late- and Post-Carolingian Lotharingia
* Luise Nöllemeyer (Tübingen): Provence Around 900: Modern and Medieval Narratives
16.30-17.00 - Coffee Break
17.00-18.30 - Plenary Lecture
Prof. Jill Harries (St Andrews): Pliny's Private State