

在 17英文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過32萬的網紅蘋果星沙,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 蘋果星沙🥰🥰 06/03隱藏新品LIVE 熱銷連結 https://bit.ly/3ig1Z38 粉絲社團 http://bit.ly/2GjOE7P 療癒心靈看直播✨小安+編編 陪妳宅在家不寂寞 🎵小安160公分45公斤-S號 🎵編編160公分50公斤-M號 🎵官網:http://www.appl...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,0:00 Intro 0:04 千祈唔可以犯嘅英文錯誤 0:19 呢個錯誤嘅經典示範 1:17 英文有幾多種Tenses? 1:59 點解講 I am very thanks them有問題? 4:19 有啲句子同 I am very thanks them 好似樣,又有冇問題呢? 5:06 「3號...

  • 17英文 在 蘋果星沙 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-03 19:30:49
    有 477 人按讚

    蘋果星沙🥰🥰 06/03隱藏新品LIVE
    熱銷連結 https://bit.ly/3ig1Z38
    粉絲社團 http://bit.ly/2GjOE7P
    療癒心靈看直播✨小安+編編 陪妳宅在家不寂寞
    🎵小安160公分45公斤-S號 🎵編編160公分50公斤-M號

    📣📣 線上+1規則~ 例如:01+1


    填單專區 http://bit.ly/38lzM5r

    01-襯衫式腰帶棉麻開岔長洋裝-杏/咖-680 (長101肩42胸54手臂24袖長29袖口17腰54)
    02-圓波點打摺棉麻長裙-白/杏/綠/藍-350 (長76腰32-42臀60內裡長53)
    03燙金英文色塊棉質上衣-白/綠/棕卡其-240 (長64肩45胸52手臂22袖長16袖口18)
    04-斜撞色百摺雪紡長洋裝-黃/藍-550 (長114肩39胸55手臂27袖長22袖口17腰52)
    05-時尚V領剪裁雪紡上衣-杏/粉/黃-280 (長62/69肩39胸51手臂25袖長24袖口26)
    06-炫彩花漾雪紡長裙-杏綠/黃藍/桔紫-420 (長86腰31-54臀55內裡長48)
    07-水玉點點領巾雪紡上衣-米/粉/藍-430 (長59胸52下擺53)
    08-梭編球球花紋蛋糕棉麻長裙-白/黃/藍-530 (長80腰30-55臀55內裡長48)
    09-漂浮布蕾絲花朵上衣外套-白/藍/杏-380 (長48肩41胸50手臂23秀長25袖口15)
    10-側開岔剪裁口袋短褲-黑/格子-430 (長37腰33-44臀52檔35褲管35)
    11-DIRECTION滾邊撞色棉質上衣-白/杏/粉/綠/藍/黑-250 (長52肩40胸42手臂21袖長18袖口15)
    12-格紋下拼接燒花雪紡長裙-藍/黑-380 (長81腰32-50臀76內裡長60)
    13-透膚襯衫領綁結罩衫-黑/白-350 (長37肩34胸48手臂23袖長60袖口10-14)
    14-樹葉圖案吊帶蛋糕雪紡洋裝-綠/黑-450 (長123-128胸47手臂29-34腰46)
    15-橫線細針織背心-白/黑-240 (長50肩33胸45手臂20)
    16-雛菊V領傘袖後綁結雪紡上衣-桔/咖-450 (長64肩44胸52手臂24)
    17-英文下抽繩落肩棉質上衣-白/粉/紫/卡其灰-300 (長50胸52手臂23從領口袖長21袖口20)
    18-假兩件格紋蛋糕棉麻長洋裝-白/黑-499 (長112肩39胸48手臂24袖長22袖口19腰49)
    19-套裝草寫反袖上衣+口袋棉質長裙-杏/粉/藍/墨黑-550 (上衣:長46胸64手臂30從領口袖長36袖口21;裙:長85腰30-51臀62)
    20-斜肩綁帶寬鬆感開岔棉質洋裝-杏/藍/黑-480 (長120胸59手臂24袖長23袖口18)

  • 17英文 在 蘋果星沙 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-06 20:57:35
    有 487 人按讚

    蘋果星沙☘☘08/06 夏日新品LIVE-2
    填單連結 http://bit.ly/2GDOTug
    粉絲社團 http://bit.ly/2GjOE7P
    隱藏新品魅力💝💝 #像極了愛情 🌈小安+闆娘 雙聲帶來囉👏
    📌小安160公分45公斤-S號 📌編編160公分50公斤-M號


    填單專區 http://bit.ly/2GDOTug

    26-限量福袋-韓國連線棉花糖3件組-666 (27包)
    25-限量福袋-韓國連線3件組-666 (111包)
    24-韓-一大袋120包韓國超好喝ICE TEA-一大袋-950
    21-輕薄排釦連帽雪紡襯衫外套-白/米杏/可可/灰藍-350 (長68肩49胸64手臂29袖口12)
    20-夏日感自然潑彩口袋滑料長裙-杏/黃/藍-380 (長81腰32-43內裡長53)
    19-乾燥花束英文圖棉質上衣-杏/粉/紫-230 (長62肩44胸51手臂22)
    18-波希米亞風蓬袖棉麻洋裝(附方腰帶)-白/卡其-699 (長122肩34胸47手臂26袖口14-23腰30-48內裡長47)
    17-英文筆劃撞色傘狀洋裝-駝/綠/紫-430 (長123肩54胸56手臂21腰47)
    16-兩件式背心+細肩帶層次棉麻吊帶洋裝(附綁帶)-紫-550 (洋長108胸49腰65;背心長34胸40)


  • 17英文 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-08-09 09:31:06
    有 9 人按讚

    Love my best friend's page, gotta share...

    Teachings from Red Hat Lama Shamar Rinpoche
    ( PLEASE SHARE 請分享)

    'Wherever there are world systems and beings,
    May I be like the lotus, not clung to by water,
    And the sun and the moon, unhindered in the sky.'
    ‘諸惑業及魔境, 世間道中得解脫, 猶如蓮花不著水, 亦如日月不住空’

    The lotus flower is used as a metaphor to illustrate the bodhisattva's conduct along the path. Bodhisattvas are not far removed from sentient beings. They don't live in mountain caves, but are very close to all beings and always have the desire to help and liberate them. Lotuses have their roots in dirty mud, but yet, their pure white blossoms remain pristine and untouched by the mud. In the same way bodhisattva practitioners along the path are not contaminated by the habitual tendencies and karma of the sentient beings that they are trying to liberate.

    If we harbor no hatred, no anger toward another sentient being, and the motivation for our actions is rooted in bodhicitta, then even in times of aggression we can still attain enlightenment, because our activities are uncontaminated by any affliction. With genuine bodhicitta in our mind, we do not hope for any return for our deeds, such as wanting to gain any wealth or fame in return as a reward for practicing generosity. Just as the sun and the moon benefit the world spontaneously and have no concept of "What would be good for me?" in the same way, our genuine bodhicitta is not tainted by the hope for any return. Rather, our mind is imbued with pure wishes to spontaneously benefit all sentient beings.

    “The King of Prayers, a commentary on The Noble King of Prayers of Excellent Conduct”, pg. 28. (英文版『普賢行願王論著』第28頁。)

    When we are fully awake, mind is free of the object with which it connects to through thoughts, perceptions and feelings. Mind is unobstructed. You neither have a single thought nor many thoughts. Mind does not exist substantially. Mind is no longer ignorant or stupid in the deepest sense. But we should understand that self-realization is not like being in a coma. Instead, there is clarity and power. Self-realized mind is free from the influence of phenomena. It is mind free from all need to occupy itself; it is now an independent mind.

    “From Calming Our Minds is the First Step, teaching given at Bodhi Path Washington, DC Metro Area in Spring 2004.”

    As long as we perceive and experience the various sense objects, but are not self-aware at the same time, we react in a kind of autopilot mode. Such a preoccupied state of mind is actually a kind of stupor or drowsiness, and is based on the ignorance of dense mental states in which self-awareness is lacking. It is an automatically occurring ongoing series of cognitive acts and reactions that take place without our being in touch with the self-reflective, self-aware aspect of our mind. In short, the reflective capacity of the mind that is the basis of wisdom remains inactive. Mental activity that proceeds without our being connected with mind's pervasive self-aware capacity is simply ignorant mental activity. It is a kind of noise that serves to distract mind from its actual nature.
    只要我們感知和體驗各種感覺對象,但同時不自覺,我們會以一種自動駕駛模式進行反應。 這種心識狀態其實就是一種昏睡或嗜睡,是基於缺乏自我認知的遲鈍精神狀態的無知。 這是一連串的自發性認知行為和反應,並沒有經心識自我反思和自我認知。 簡而言之,作為智慧基礎的心靈的反思能力沒有啟動。 簡單地說,沒有跟我們心識的完全自知能力所聯繫起來的都是無知的心識活動。這是一種噪音,會讓心識對自己實際的性質分心。

    Once training in mindful calm abiding has tamed and pacified the cascade of thoughts, inner images, and emotions, mind's awareness that is aware of itself can emerge on its own accord. In this sense, moments of clarity arise naturally.

    "Boundless Awakening", pg 16-17. (英文版『無量覺』第16-17頁)
