

在 黑桑椹桂圓杞子茶產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【男性健康】常說「好腰好腎好男人」 ⭐無論男女都要養好腎 ⭐腎好容顏不顯老 #星期三CheckCheckMail 男人腎虧怎麼辦? 李先生:「最近房事有點力不從心,我是否腎虧?」 CheckCheckCin:廣東話俗語「腎虧」,對應中醫用語應為「腎虛」,關於性功能障礙問題,很多人立即聯想是腎...

黑桑椹桂圓杞子茶 在 ℍ? ???? ??????ℝ ꒰◍ॢ•ᴗ•◍ॢ꒱ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-17 04:42:20

幾時都話健康最緊要,無論大人細路都應該注重健康😆第一步不如就由日常開始飲多啲養生既飲品啦💜早排小編嘅朋友就推介左呢間主打養生茶飲嘅品牌,佢哋提供多款花茶、養生茶,今次就揀咗黑桑椹桂圓杞子茶,特別適合睡眠質素欠佳嘅朋友仔👍🏻 _ 🧧黑桑椹桂圓杞子茶禮盒 $108 主要功用:防脫髮、補肝腎、改善睡眠、豐...

  • 黑桑椹桂圓杞子茶 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-14 18:35:06
    有 155 人按讚








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    Men with asthenic kidneys

    “Having sex wears me out recently. I wonder if it has to do with asthenic kidneys?”

    CheckCheckCin: Asthenic kidneys refer to weakness in the kidneys. People would generally associate sexual dysfunction with kidneys, and Chinese Medicine theories believe that the kidneys store the essence, promote growth and reproduction. Thus, sexual dysfunction is partially associated with the organ’s weakness. There are two types of weakness in the kidneys – yin-deficient and yang-deficient:

    1) Yang-deficient type asthenic kidney: Symptoms include aversion to cold, fatigue, soreness and weakness in the knees and waist, after-dribble, loose stools, or experience diarrhea at around 3-5am.

    Men would experience erectile dysfunction, nocturnal emission, or premature ejaculation, whereas women would experience pain during menstruation (warm compression can relieve this condition), amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and difficulties with conception. Hence, it is important to replenish yang in the kidneys.

    2) Yin-deficient type asthenic kidneys: Symptoms include the accumulation of heat in the body, soreness and weakness in the knees and waist, dizziness, tinnitus or hearing impairment, night sweats, gum pain, and sore throat.

    Men would experience nocturnal emission, or premature ejaculation, whereas woman might experience amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and difficulties with conception. Hence, it is important to replenish yin in the kidneys.

    We can improve the two types of asthenic kidneys by consuming the right herbal tea, but please note that there are also many other factors that would contribute to sexual dysfunction. Do consult a registered and licensed Chinese medicine practitioner to find out more.

    Tea for Yang-deficient type asthenic kidney:
    Dried longan tea with black sesame and walnuts

    Effects: Warms and nourishes the kidney yang. Relieves yang-deficient type asthenic kidney symptoms such as aversion to cold, cold limbs, fatigue, cold uterus caused menstrual pain.

    Ingredients: 10g black sesame, 20g walnut, 10g dried longan

    Preparation: Fry black sesame and walnuts on low heat until fragrance develops. Rinse dried longan and cut into small pieces. Combine all ingredients with 900ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour into thermos and steep for 5 minutes. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens.

    Note: this tea is warm in nature, those with heat-related and damp heat body types should avoid.

    Tea for Yin-deficient type asthenic kidney:
    Mulberries tea with wolfberries

    Effects: Nourishes yin and replenishes the kidneys and liver, promotes blood circulation. Relieves yin-deficient type asthenic kidneys symptoms such as dizziness, soreness and weakness in the knees and waist.

    Ingredients: 15 wolfberries, 3-4 mulberries, 2 jujube dates (chopped)

    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens.

    Note: This tea is heavy in nature. Those with dampness symptoms should not have this tea.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我畏冷

  • 黑桑椹桂圓杞子茶 在 Shely Wong 霜霜 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-28 21:15:15
    有 7 人按讚


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  • 黑桑椹桂圓杞子茶 在 Foodie_ck Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-22 14:26:35
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