

在 馬卡龍內餡作法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅甜點日常 おいしい日々,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好久不見阿橘 好忙啊啊啊的阿橘😱😱😱 今天就在木瓜牛奶跟波蜜果菜汁還有胡蘿蔔🥕間徘徊🤣🤣 酸V酸V清爽胃口大開 檸檬🍋芒果百香果相互陪襯 馬卡龍內餡作法又學到了百搭不膩的新招 是不是超級值得呢💕💕💕 #今天又是個同樂會歡樂班...

 同時也有21部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Saturn Kitchen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中秋節快樂! 今天做了一個法式達克瓦茲 只要掌握技巧,做起來其實很簡單 是送禮的好選擇 👩‍🍳【食譜Equipment】👨‍🍳 ▣ 材料 - 焙茶內餡 ﹒焙茶粉_____________ 10g ﹒砂糖_______________ 30g ﹒玉米粉_____________ 8g ﹒鮮奶油1...

馬卡龍內餡作法 在 娜 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 16:25:01

今年中秋又快到了~ 這次要送朋友 男/女友家人 合作廠商 可不能又拖到當天才在找禮盒吧(? 搶先開箱 送禮最有面子的禮盒 📍法布甜 #金月禮盒 ㄧ打開 完全被絢麗的包裝所吸引 好像去精品店買包喔(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) 這麼質感的部分 真的只有法布甜才能辦到 內含馬卡龍鳳梨酥*4 頂級流心...

馬卡龍內餡作法 在 Chaleteating關於吃東西 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 10:21:28

2021.08.02法式馬卡龍 終於來嘗試失敗率極高的馬卡龍!!!查了好多資料,勉強看得出來吧!!!但表面不夠光滑細緻,形狀也沒有控制好,可可粉的用量沒拿捏好,導致呈色不夠飽和。 大家在做馬卡龍的時候每一個步驟都要到位,確保濕度跟溫度都合理,就有滿滿的成就感~~~(沒想像中困難的!) ✔︎材料 👉老...

馬卡龍內餡作法 在 亂跑大叔a吃喝玩樂人生|台中美食|台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 09:42:59

隱藏在台中舊市區的平價甜點馬卡龍專賣店#1533macaron小圓餅法式甜點店 馬卡龍一直都是大叔相當喜愛的甜點之一,喝咖啡時來上幾顆色彩繽紛的馬卡龍,心情都好了一大半😋 只是大部分的馬卡龍都非常甜膩,主要是因為兩種原因, 一種是因為馬卡龍製作時,外殼的部分需要足夠的糖才能夠成形,不良率比較不會...

  • 馬卡龍內餡作法 在 甜點日常 おいしい日々 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-06-09 21:06:47
    有 91 人按讚



  • 馬卡龍內餡作法 在 甜點日常 おいしい日々 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-06-09 08:00:00
    有 91 人按讚



  • 馬卡龍內餡作法 在 Saturn Kitchen Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-11 22:00:11



    ▣ 材料 - 焙茶內餡
    ﹒焙茶粉_____________ 10g
    ﹒砂糖_______________ 30g
    ﹒玉米粉_____________ 8g
    ﹒鮮奶油1____________ 60g
    ﹒奶油_______________ 30g
    ﹒鮮奶油2____________ 260g

    ▣ 材料 - 餅皮
    ﹒杏仁粉_____________ 30g
    ﹒中筋麵粉___________ 8g
    ﹒糖粉_______________ 10g
    ﹒蛋白_______________ 35g
    ﹒砂糖_______________ 20g

    ■Sony A7iii
    ■SIGMA 24-70
    ■RODE Video Mic Pro plus

    ES_Cessura - Ever So Blue(Epidemic Sound)

  • 馬卡龍內餡作法 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-03 20:15:04

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make classic meringue nuts dessert: French Dacquoise with coffee French buttercream.

    Dacquoise means “ of Dax” in french, which is a small town in southwestern France. Classic dacquoise is used as a layer of a cake or sandwiched for two layers with a variety of filling. But it can also be a cookie sandwich with buttercream. This French dessert is a light meringue with a sponge texture, it’s meringue-like crisp on the outside, and moist and soft texture like cake on the inside. The flavor is amazing and delicious. It’s a must try French dessert. Hope you like this video.

    This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
    How to make French Dacquoise Recipe
    French Dacquoise Recipe

    ☞ Dacquoise mold: 6 slots, 7x5x1cm for each slot, if you don’t have dacquoise mold, you can use baking rings.
    ☞ Yields: This recipe can make 3 sets of dacquoise sandwiches for one egg white, you can use two or three egg whites to make 6 or 9 sets as you wish.

    ✎ Ingredients
    ☞ For dacquoise
    powdered sugar 10g
    All purpose flour 8g
    almond flour 30g
    medium egg white 1, 35g
    granulated sugar 20g

    ☞ For French coffee buttercream (Cream au beurre cafe)
    instant coffee granules 1g
    hot water 4g
    medium egg yolk 2, 36g
    granulated sugar 45g
    water 20g
    unsalted butter 80g, softened and cubed

    ✎ Instrcutions
    ☞ For dacquoise
    1. Use a sieve to sift the almond flour, powdered sugar and all purpose flour.
    2. Place the egg whites and a bit of pinch of salt in a clean and dry bowl, beat the egg white with an hand electric mixer on medium speed for 1 minute. Then add the sugar one-third at a time, beat 30 seconds before adding the next.
    3. After adding the rest of sugar, continue beating for 2 more minutes, then switch to low speed to beat for 30 seconds or until stiff peaks.
    4. Add one half of dry ingredients into the meringue, making sure not to mix too much. Then add the rest of dry ingredients and gently fold the mixture until just combined.
    5. Attach a tip to a piping bag and transfer the dacquoise mixture to the piping bag.
    6. Pipe out the batter into the dacquoise slot. Use a scraper or offset spatula to smooth the surface and remove excess batter, and then use a toothpick to dip the water and to smooth out the shape.
    7. Remove the mold carefully. Lightly dust the powdered sugar over the dough for the first time, after the powdered sugar is just absorbed into the batter, dust more powdered sugar over it again. This will create a better crust on the surface.
    8. Preheat the oven to 230°C, reduce to 180°C and bake for 9-10 minutes, when time’s up, leave it in the oven for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, stay with the baking tray to cool completely.

    ☞ For French coffee buttercream
    1. Dissolve the 1g of  instant coffee in 4g of hot water. Set aside to cool.
    2. Add two egg yolks into the mixing bowl and beat until thick and pale.
    3. Combine 45g sugar and 20g water in a small saucepan, heat over on med-low heat, cook until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup reaches 117°C.
    4. Then immediately remove from heat and slowly drizzle the hot syrup into the bowl with the yolks, keep whisking on high speed  until all syrup is added. Switch to low speed to whisk until the mixture (pâte à bombe) is cooled down to room temperature.
    5. Add in 80g of softened butter one third at a time, allowing each batch to incorporate before adding the next. Mix to smooth.
    6. Add the dissolved coffee and mix well, then pipe in a piping bag.

    ☞ Assembly
    1. Sandwich the dacquoise with the buttercream, and refrigerate until ready to serve


  • 馬卡龍內餡作法 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-03 20:15:02

    哈囉!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』,我們要跟大家分享一款用料簡單、做起來也很容易快速的法式甜點:達克瓦茲佐法式咖啡奶油霜。(la Dacquoise, with French Coffee Buttercream)


    這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:
    法式達克瓦茲 怎麼作呢?
    下面是這款 法式達克瓦茲 的做法與食譜:

    ☞ 專用模尺寸:六格,可做出長7cm, 寬5cm, 高1cm的達克瓦茲,如果沒有專用模,也可以用高度1-1.5cm的烤環替代
    ☞ 份量:這份食譜使用 1 顆蛋白可做出 3 份達克瓦茲夾心法式奶油霜

    ✎ 食材 / Ingredients
    ☞ 達克瓦茲
    糖粉 10g
    杏仁粉 30g (馬卡龍專用粉)
    中型蛋的蛋白 1個,約 35g
    細砂糖 20g

    ☞ 法式咖啡奶油霜 (Cream au beurre cafe)
    即溶咖啡 1g
    熱水 4g
    中型蛋的蛋黃 2個,約36g
    細砂糖 45g
    冷水 20g
    無鹽奶油(butter) 80g, 切成小塊並室溫軟化

    ✎ 做法 / Instructions
    ☞ 達克瓦茲
    1. 將杏仁粉、糖粉、中筋麵粉過篩備用
    2. 料理盆裡加入35克的蛋白,並加入一小撮鹽,以中速攪打約1分鐘,分 3 次加入糖,每加一次打30秒直到加完
    3. 糖都加完後,繼續以中速打2分鐘,時間到轉以低速打30秒,要打到硬性發泡
    4. 在打好的蛋白霜裡分 2 次加入乾粉,以切拌法並從盆底刮起的方式來拌勻,儘可能不要過度攪拌,儘量保持蛋白霜的體積,拌到看不見乾粉,麵糊有小小光澤即可
    5. 把拌好的麵糊裝進擠花袋裡,我們是使用直徑1.2cm的擠花嘴
    6. 將麵糊均勻地填滿模型的空格,要確保麵糊有舖滿空格裡的平面,有隙細的話烤出來會有洞洞。接著用刮刀或刮板整平表面,並刮除多餘的麵糊,然後用一根牙籤沾水劃一圈幫助脫模
    7. 小心的移除模型,接著要撒兩次糖粉,第一次輕輕撒薄薄一層即可,待糖粉被麵糊吸收了,再撒第二次,這次可以稍微撒多一點,但千萬不要撒太厚
    8. 烤箱預熱 230°C, 改用 180°C 烤 9-10 分鐘,烤好後先放在烤箱裡靜置5分鐘,出爐後在烤盤上完全放涼

    ☞ 法式咖啡奶油霜(French Buttercream)
    1. 把 1 克的即溶咖啡跟 4 克的熱水混勻,放涼備用
    2. 打發盆裡加入兩顆蛋黃,以中速攪打到泛白濃稠
    3. 小鍋裡加入 45 克的砂糖跟 20克 的水,以中小火煮滾,煮到糖完全溶化且溫度到達117°C,就要關火移爐
    4. 把煮好的糖漿以涓流方式慢慢倒入蛋黃糊裡,同時間以高速攪打幫助蛋黃不會被燙熟,而且糖漿與蛋黃的混合會更均勻。糖漿倒完後改成低速攪拌至盆底摸起來接近室溫
    5. 分三次加入80克的室溫軟化(非融化)的奶油,每次都要拌到乳化完全才能再加入下一批奶油
    6. 奶油全部都乳化完成後,加入咖啡液後均勻混合,攪拌至柔滑有光澤,把做好的奶油霜裝進擠花袋

    ☞ 組合
    1. 在一片達克瓦茲上擠做好的奶油霜,可以擠任何喜歡的量和形狀,做好的達克瓦茲夾心要送進冰箱冷藏,這樣風味更佳

    更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:



    本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
    Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
    Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.

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