

在 韭菜中醫功效產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【補腎養髮】脫髮是自然的老化過程 ⭐中醫調理可紓緩症狀嚴重性 ⭐不要放棄治療啊 #星期六隻眼閉 脫髮是遺傳宿命? 人到中年就要面對脫髮問題,很多人認為脫髮源自遺傳,男生望着爸爸的髮型,就可預視到自己將來的模樣。脫髮問題的確與基因遺傳有關,但後天生活習慣的影響也不少,現代人生活壓力大、用腦過度,所...

韭菜中醫功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【補腎養髮】脫髮是自然的老化過程 ⭐中醫調理可紓緩症狀嚴重性 ⭐不要放棄治療啊 #星期六隻眼閉 脫髮是遺傳宿命? 人到中年就要面對脫髮問題,很多人認為脫髮源自遺傳,男生望着爸爸的髮型,就可預視到自己將來的模樣。脫髮問題的確與基因遺傳有關,但後天生活習慣的影響也不少,現代人生活壓力大、用腦過度,所...

韭菜中醫功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-09 15:34:19

【過敏人生】皮膚痕發作必有原因 ⭐每人對發物反應不同 ⭐宜做個人飲食記錄 #星期四食材 慎防蔬菜類發物 但凡患有濕疹、瘡、疥、癬等皮膚病,長輩們都會苦口婆心叮囑不要吃牛、鵝、鴨、蝦、蟹、無鱗魚等食物,以免加重病情,這些食物中醫稱之為「發物」,發物有助邪的意思,是指能引起舊患復發、將新病加重的食物...

韭菜中醫功效 在 HK Food Media《飲食男女》 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-02 12:35:42

足本睇片👉🏼:https://bit.ly/3xkpfSp 腎虛人士可能平日因工作和生活壓力過大而容易過勞。另外,房事過多,或者生育後調理欠佳,容易影響腎陽。腎陽不足亦容易引起下肢水腫,這類型人士的面色比較灰暗,容易感覺疲倦和腰膝腿軟。 除了服用健脾利濕湯水或補腎利水焗茶之外,何醫師表示,脾虛型...

  • 韭菜中醫功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-11 11:52:09
    有 59 人按讚






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    Hereditary hair loss is inevitable?
    Hair loss seems to be a common problem for people in their middle age, and many people believe it is hereditary. It is common for men to look at their fathers and predict how their hair will look like in the future.

    No doubt hair loss is a hereditary problem, but our lifestyle have an impact on it too. People these days lead a stressful life and overtax their brains. A lot of them have actually experienced hair fall when they are still studying. The problem gets worse when we often stay up late, dye and perm our hair frequently, engage in excessive intercourse, and are not mindful of our diet. This is why many people experience severe hair loss problems when they hit the middle age.

    Early detection can help us tackle the problem before it aggravates further. Chinese Medicine theories believe that the blood is closely associated with the hair, as the kidneys govern the bones and bone marrow, and the hair reflects the essence of the organ. Individuals who are rich in the qi and blood and those with a strong qi in the kidneys would normally have darker, thicker, and lustrous hair.

    Start tackling the problem by adjusting our lifestyle. Get enough sleep, stop being a night owl, and learn to relieve stress. Eat foods that can nourish the yin and kidneys and replenish the qi and the blood. Consume ingredients such as black bean, black sesame seeds, black fungus, Chinese yam, chives, walnut, and wolfberry. If need be, go for acupuncture to improve the circulation of the qi and blood in the scalp.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improves hair quality and nourishes kidneys, relieves sore lower back
    Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com

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    #男 #女 #烏髮

  • 韭菜中醫功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-01 10:19:36
    有 295 人按讚




    茄子 — 為動風發物,性涼,有清熱活血,寬腸通便的功效,適合三高及有痔瘡人士食用。正因其性涼,脾胃虛寒易腹瀉,有皮膚病如濕疹或皮膚過敏、哮喘、癌症、紅斑狼瘡症患者不宜。

    竹筍 — 為動風發物,性涼,具清熱化痰、利二便功效,由於筍含豐富纖維,所以具通便效果。惟注意竹筍容易透發或加重皮膚瘡瘍腫毒症狀,皮膚敏感、濕疹患者或容易出風癩者不宜吃。

    菇菌 — 為動風食品,一般性平或偏涼,生長在潮濕陰暗處,屬於濕氣重的食物。

    南瓜 — 為生痰滯氣發物,性溫,有補中益氣、解毒消腫、潤肺益氣、平喘化痰的功效,對久病後氣虛、乏力、便溏及脾胃虛弱尤其適合。由於屬性溫熱,本身有胃熱、濕熱、氣滯,及易有胃脹的人就要少吃。

    芋頭 — 為生痰滯氣發物,性平,能健脾胃及化痰散結,適合淋巴腫大、婦女乳腺增生者服用。脾胃氣虛及有習慣性便秘等人士都適合。

    洋蔥 — 為助火發物,性溫,具祛風發汗、行氣化痰、降血壓、降血脂功效,特別適合風寒感冒患者食用。便秘、發熱口渴、皮膚瘡癢、濕疹患者等不宜進食。

    韭菜 — 為助火發物,性熱,具健胃暖中、溫腎助陽、散瘀活血功效,適合偏寒體質、陽虛怕冷、腰膝酸軟、男士陽事衰弱、尿頻人士;女士陽氣不足以致行經小腹冷痛食用。由於性熱,陰虛火旺者不宜食用。

    薑 — 為助火發物,薑性溫,有發汗散寒、溫中止嘔的功效,對於虛寒體質如陽虛的人士尤其適合,可紓緩因風寒感冒而引起的怕冷頭痛、胃寒引起的胃痛,以及虛寒型經痛等症狀。

    蔥 — 為助火發物,性溫,有發汗解表、健胃殺菌、通陽氣散陰寒的作用,能紓緩初起的風寒感冒、鼻敏感、頭痛、胃寒等症狀。體質偏熱、陰虛火旺人士不宜多吃。

    蒜 — 為助火發物,性溫,具暖脾胃、行滯氣、降血脂、殺菌功效,適合感冒病人食用,能舒緩初起的風寒感冒、食滯等症狀。由於屬性溫熱,陰虛火旺、身體有偏熱症狀如口瘡、暗瘡、喉嚨痛者不宜食用。

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    Beware of vegetables that are stimulating
    The elders will often advise young people not to eat beef, goose, duck, prawn, crab, and fish without scales if they suffer from skin diseases like eczema, scab, scabies, and ringworm. Eating these foods, they believe, can exacerbate the problems.

    According to Chinese physicians, these foods can trigger pathogenic factors to react, causing a relapse of a pre-existing condition and, to a certain extent, might worsen the problem. Individuals with acne, eczema, rubella, and sensitive skin or any skin diseases should avoid eating them.

    How about vegetables? In fact, there are certain vegetables that can also induce phlegm, stagnate the qi, and lead to heat accumulation in the body, triggering old wounds to relapse. To prevent skin diseases from occurring, we have to be extra mindful.

    Common stimulating vegetables:
    Eggplant – wind activated stimulant. Cool in nature, can clear heat and promote blood circulation, loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for those with hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, haemorrhoids. Because of its cold nature, those with asthenic and cold spleen and stomach, those prone to diarrhea, skin diseases such as eczema or skin allergies, and those with asthma, cancer, and lupus should not eat.

    Bamboo shoots - wind activated stimulant. Cool in nature, can clear heat and relieve phlegm and is healthy for urine and bowel movement. The high fibre content can relieve constipation. Please note bamboo shoot is a wind activated stimulant and can trigger skin sores issues so those skin allergy, eczema, and those prone to hives should avoid.

    Mushroom - wind activated stimulant. Generally mild or cool in nature. It grows in a humid and dark place, and it has heavy dampness.

    Pumpkin - food that induces phlegm and qi stagnation. Warm in nature, can replenish vital energy and strengthen qi, detoxify and relieve swelling, and moisten the lungs. It has healing effects to relieve asthma and decrease phlegm. It is especially suitable for those recovering from chronic illness with qi deficiency, those with loose stool and asthenic spleen and stomach. Although it is full of benefits and nutrients, pumpkins are warm in nature, so those with heat in stomach, damp heat, qi stagnation, or prone to abdominal bloating should avoid pumpkins.

    Taro - food that induces phlegm and qi stagnation. Mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and reduce phlegm. It is suitable for those with lymphatic swelling and eccyclomastoma. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach or chronic constipation can also have taro.

    Onion - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, can dispel wind and promote perspiration, promote qi circulation and relieve phlegm, lower blood pressure and blood Iipids. It is especially suitable for those with cold-wind flu. Those with constipation, heat and thirst, itchy skin, sores on skin and eczema should avoid.

    Chives - fire activated stimulant. Hot in nature, can warm the stomach, warm the kidneys and nourish yang, relieve bruising and promote blood circulation. Suitable for those with cold body types, yang deficiency, aversion to cold, weak and sore lower back and knees, men with frequent urination, insufficient yang qi that leads to abdominal pain. Due to its hot nature, those with asthenic yin should avoid.

    Ginger - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, has the effects to promote perspiration and dispel cold, warm the body and relieve vomiting. It is especially suitable for those with asthenic cold body types such as yang deficiency, as it can relieve aversion to cold and headache caused by cold wind flu, stomach pain caused by cold stomach, and asthenic cold type menstrual pain.

    Spring onion - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature. Induces sweating, activates yang qi to dispel yin chill. Relieves early symptoms of wind-chill flu, nasal allergies, headaches, and cold stomach. Not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms, with yin deficiency and excessive internal heat.

    Garlic - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, can warm both the spleen and the stomach, improve qi stagnation, and help relieve cold and flu at the initial stage. Nevertheless, individuals with heat related symptoms should not consume garlic, such as canker sores, acne and sore throat.

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    #男 #女 #濕疹 #暗瘡

  • 韭菜中醫功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-13 16:47:01
    有 109 人按讚




    ✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:夕米水


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    Combating a receding hairline

    Many middle-aged men experienced balding at the crown. This is an example of typical male balding, which is closely associated with genetics. People in this modern era are constantly under a lot of stress, tend to overtax our brain, have poor dietary habits, and dye and perm their hair frequently. All these will cause hair to drop prematurely.

    Male baldness will develop from the hairline as it slowly recedes. If you noticed your hairline is receding and the distance between hair strands widens and experience severe hair loss, it is time to take good care of yourself.

    Chinese Medicine theories believe men would experience the deterioration of the qi in the kidneys from around the age of 40, whereas the same goes with women when they hit 35.

    Start to nourish the yin and kidneys and replenish qi and blood. Consume an appropriate amount of black bean, black sesame, black fungus, Chinese yam, chives, walnut, and wolfberry. Avoid staying up late and make sure you get enough sleep. Learn to relieve stress regularly as it helps to reduce hair loss. If the condition is severe, consult a registered and licensed Chinese Medicine Practitioner and get the necessary Chinese medicine treatment or acupuncture to promote hair growth.

    ✔Recommendation: Dusk rice water
    Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Black Sesame, Black Soya Bean
    Effects: remedy to frequent late nights, improve hair quality and nourish kidneys, relieve sore lower back

    Welcome to order through our website:

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    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #我有壓力 #陰虛

